The whiff of Todd Muller – is anyone going to say anything about Luxon’s Glass Jaw?



Is anyone going to say anything about Luxon’s bizarre meltdown on camera this week…


…that level of self pity as unemployment hits a 3 year high, as 55% of mortgage holders walk off low rates onto high rates, as debt arrears and liquidations leap, as economic confidence and consumer confidence plunges, as this Government takes out of the mouths of hungry children at school to stuff into the pockets off the richest, he’s bitching and whining and complaining about how tough it all is for him?

He’s whining about the emotional toll of damaging the public service when it is his Government who is damaging them!

Remember, this is all so he can give the richest Landlords a tax break!

Remember how he reacted to the negative criticism of him taking the accomodation payment he didn’t need?

He is more emotionally brittle than the CEO tough guy schtick suggests

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He is starting to have the whiff of Todd Muller about him, maybe Humpty Dumpty is too fragile for the job?

How is all that Action Man tough guy narrative going that the Right Wing Media Trolls and The Democracy Project were claiming just one week ago?

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  1. Was this an attempt to get the public to feel sorry for him. The country has got 2 other leaders running around with less than 15% of the vote and Luxon thinks its business as usual. The country can see what an absolute dangerous cluster f**k this is , democracy is going out the window. Brownlee can’t or won’t control either Seymour or Peters in parliament it’s almost as if he’s had the hands off signal. There will be more meltdowns mark my words the longer this nasty vindictive awful government carries on the nastier things will get.

    • Agree…yes …he’s certainly no Mr. Cool…and that anti -stress deep breathing coach that he employs is not working for him.

      Let’s take 2 steps back here….( a Keyism)…He worked for a company for a long time that sold Ben & Jerry’s Ice cream, deodorant, soap, dishwashing liquid, baby food and breakfast cereals…no direct correlation there to running a country.

      He then worked for an airline that has a government owned majority and is also a monopoly ….no direct correlation there to running a country either.

      And … as we found out today, he was massively financed by big money to help get him over the line and form a coalition with a couple of very suspect partners.

      No decades of doing the hard yards behind the scenes, working for various political departments and offices garnering understanding and knowledge to develop a pedigree like the Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese did.

      Oh no…none of that!…just put a sword in his hand on the election trail, get him slapping people’s backs and patting them on the head, put him in a big new shiny blue bus , throw masses of money at him, lose all the debates and chicken out of another… but before you know it,…he’s in.

      Only thing is that, whilst he’s found himself in the shark pool, he’s performing like a fish out of water.

      Helicoptered in… on a learner’s license….oh dear…..what’s the saying about fools rushing in…

      Well, the helicopter is starting to vibrate a bit, the flight manual is nowhere to be found, he has zero experience of turbulent head winds, the oscillations are no longer regular and the ground is looming large.

      Will there be a happy ending for Clusterfuxon?… in short no!!… but for the country, well, Aotearoa could still end up with a silver lining to it’s cloud!

      Hope springs eternal.

    • More seasoned or more ruthless ?
      Oh the pain of picking casualities.

      A house has many windows. From each window is a different view.

      A week day in suburbia.

      Question: Which of these people deserve help and why ?

      Out one window, down the back by shrubs and the sagging fence, a waft of dope smoke drifts up. ( A )

      Out one side window, the buckled, old person next door struggles in the garden with a full wheelbarrow . ( B )

      To another window looking downwards, a bored, large dog trapped all day on a pint sized section is chewing on a shoe. ( C )

      On an angle to this view, are two young kids in a yard screeching while scrapping over a toy.(D )

      Out the front window, on a potholed, coned street some youths wearing Megadeath hoodies strut past ? ( E )

      • Nothing wrong with a good honest house wife. Being like lucky enough to have one parent around, either the husband or wife, is becoming utopian.

        Unfortunately there’s nothing honest about Nicola. She is a pant suit full of unconvincing smoke and mirrors

        • That why I think she’s a house wife and a very good one. A finance minister, not a shit show in hell.

    • ” Nicola Willis as leader would see the Nats climb in the polls most likely as more seasoned politician.”

      After seeing her in the debates last year Robertson ran rings around her. It was embarrassing to watch.

      The nasty medicine that is being given out and theirs and the Atlas party’s agenda which will become clear on May 30th will have a huge impact.

      Only the donors who bought policy before the election and contributed to each of the coalition support parties want a return on their investment. The bottom feeders are just in the way.

      The fact we are in a serious recession and many people are being bled dry to provide tax relief to individuals who don’t need it is not going down well either given the severe destitution being experienced out in the real world that is being made even worse.

      Luxon has made some serious errors and it would seem that he is missing the one thing some former Prime ministers had and that was an acute political antenna , the ability to read the public mood and knowing how to manage to put out the fires before they start.

      On this Luxon is seriously compromised. And Willis would be a disaster.

    • Yes, but this could weave tricky Bill English further into le noeud de viperes which constitutes the Nats.

    • Really Nathan? Who is unfriendly in the media towards Luxon? Ok apart from Martyn. His cop out sacking of Lee, after he had just said she was all good, was painted as strength by the MSM. As for Hosking, he wants to have Luxon’s babys

  2. Yes, but Todd seemed a nicer person. Luxon’s initial foray up Bowen Street in shiny black Mercedes, with a separate car for his 2IC, suggested that he saw himself as some sort of celeb, and that could be part of his problem. Peters and Jones are smarter and more experienced politicians and Seymour as upcoming deputy PM is a horrendous prospect.

  3. Nah, no way.
    Too much whinging and whining in a very school ma’am-ish way.
    She certainly is no Jacinda when on her way up. More like a Maggie Thatcher when on her way down.

  4. I can’t take luxon seriously so consequently he doesn’t matter.
    Chloe Swarbrick however, is another matter altogether. Unless she drops dead or is busted for shop lifting she’ll become a force to be loved by the righteous and feared by the scum.
    I’d love to see Jeremy Clarkson come here and weld the gaps up between the commonsense The Green Party values and farmers still haunted by the smell of generations of pro Natzo’s and their urban Klingon privateer brothel buddies . Aye boys?
    The only way to fix AO/NZ short of a civil war is to take our entire politic and its lobbyists and drop the lot in the bin and fuck luxon. Again, I don’t care.
    The Guardian.
    Clarkson’s Farm review – Jeremy’s heartbreak at Diddly Squat will make you weep

  5. It’s a topsy turvy world now where the oppressor is actually the oppressed. He should introduce legislation to outlaw this horrific anti-Luxon hate and clamp down on any unemployment protests.

  6. He is just appealing to the voting Millennials and Gen Zzzs…. everything else is outdated.
    TikTok rules and a modern Prime Minister has to do the commercial salesperson pitch.

  7. With almost indecent haste, Key swiftly offered to console him by gently stroking his hair but alas………..
    Oh well, at least he has his trusted friends Winnie & Rimmer for support 🙂

  8. He is running the country like a CEO, sacking people from public sector should have been the last option, he’s taken food away from these families. Its a communist leader

  9. What we have here is one ANGRY man.
    A whiff of Todd but much more unpleasant and tantrummy. He’s out of his depth, something which he and Todd have in common.

  10. Baldrick “Luxury Luxon” is on a one way trajectory outta here, it is just the timeline really to be determined.

    SirKey was not hanging around Parliament recently because he had nothing better to do.

    The challenge is how to unseat the sitting CoC Govt. The obvious fracture point is when Winston has to handover the Deputy PrimeMinistership to Atlas Dave.

    It goes way further though, union and community action are needed to make it happen.

  11. I suspect Luxon like many CEOs suffers from imposter syndrome. His macho bravado is so fake its cringeworthy, especially when his lower lip trembles.

    • You don’t get attacks unless you’re a complete buffoon, which is why you get them daily. You are a complete moron. Preferred PM numbers tanking aren’t an attack you fool, they simply tell the facts.


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