TDB-Waatea Live Coverage of TPPA Protests
Stuff use Dirty Politics drenched far right blogger for news source?
NewsHub – review
January 2016 Political Blog Rankings
This weeks Waatea news column – Labour’s State of the Nation reclaims Party’s soul
Herald & Stuff have story about cafe not serving trim milk above Labour’s free tertiary education policy – this is why we need new...
UPDATE: Is there something weird about the NewsHub twitter account?
BLOGWATCH: Cameron Slater has prepared a list of alleged Communists – I kid you not
New Asia Pacific Report website takes off
Whaleoil throws wobbly on Social Media over Police decision to back down over illegal Hager raids
TPPA Live stream exclusive to TDB from Auckland Town Hall at 7pm tonight
This weeks Waatea news column – Why the Government’s ‘Fact sheet’ on how TPPA impacts Maori is ridiculous
Does the NZ Herald have penis envy?
This weeks Waatea news column – The problem with Grant Robertson’s vision for workers in NZ
The death of TV3 News and why Rachel Smalley is wrong
Mike Hosking’s racist rant against Waitangi Day
This weeks Waatea news column – Largest Union in world supports Maori workers & attacks Talleys/AFFCO
Dick pic artist’s fame a sad commentary on the state of modern media
TPPA Town Hall, climate change conference, Table Talk 2016 live streams & a new current affairs show – Summer TDB Contribution Drive
Lizzie Marvelly highlights why we need a Ministry of Youth Affairs and why we need to lower the voting age
Vulture funds – Will Dick Smith meltdown be replicated at MediaWorks?
Most treasonous Vichy Herald editorial ever?