BREAKING: First Political Poll 2025 – Labour overtakes National


The political Right have utterly misread the room on race relations and have misinterpreted Covid bitterness as a mandate to implement an anti-Treaty, anti-Māori, anti-beneficiary, anti-renter, anti-worker and anti-environment agenda that is simply too extreme for middle New Zealand.

In the first poll of 2025, the Taxpayers’ Union Poll has Labour over taking national for the first time!

Labour – 30.9%

National – 29.6%

ACT – 10.8%

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Greens – 9.5%

NZF – 8.1%

Māori Party – 5.3%

Luxon’s inane weakness is killing National now.

The hard right agenda looking after their rich donor mates at the cost of the common good is NOT what Egalitarian NZ believes.

NZFs strength is a reminder to the Māori Party that Labour has options if the new Māori Party leadership team remain as extreme as they are.

This is a disastrous first Poll for 2025 and the reality is that the looming economic meltdown will be made worse by the ideological extremism of this Government.

Increasingly having independent opinion in a mainstream media environment which mostly echo one another has become more important than ever, so if you value having an independent voice – please donate here.


  1. Interestingly in the Curia poll, only 8% were concerned about Māori issues. The main concerns were cost of living, economy and health. National not ACT seems to get the blame for the current woes.

    • ACT is the worst but Luxon quite obviously cannot control this rabble-rousing partner he took on. They will suffer as a result. Their loss will be ACT’s gain.

      For all his self-proclaimed brilliance, Luxon is not up to the job, not even working on a portfolio of his own.
      So, what does he do all day. No wonder he has time for family pyjama shopping trips.

      As you say, health is a huge concern. Boomers aren’t getting any younger and not all have private health insurance. From experience they know, that not all health problems can be handled in the private system so that leaves them out in the cold if they turn up with one of those complaints.

      We all know what ACT’s ‘secret’ agenda is and most fair-minded people cannot stomach it. Good for us!
      The common good is more important than foreigners having open slather to exploit us and our resources.

      • You’re like diarrhea bob. Out you come when least expected then you make an embarrassing fucking mess of things.
        The natzo’s and their desperadoes are trying to distance themselves from the crimes they’ve committed against our farmers and our urban innocent and as usual, they’ll fuck things up. Or. They’ll sell us like cattle to riche climate refugees and try to escape that way. Either way, the 88 year old natzo con job’s about to come unstuck. Hark back to bob and the shits. There’s going to be a lot of moaning and groaning and one horrible fucking mess.
        “…has been and still is the economy,from which they will win favour….” What economy is that bob?
        Where do we get our literal and actual spending money from bob? Pastoral views? Fresh air? Thistles? A few scraggy old B&Whites eating their own shit? There’s too many parasites and not enough hosts bob and you know that.

      • “The concentration of their efforts, the Coalition,has been and still is the economy,from which they will win favour.”


    • Ennius. Yes. It’s not so much policies, as Chris Luxon being a smart alec and a gloater, both being immature and classless character traits more commonly seen in schoolboy bullies.

      Furthermore, his gloats in the House usually pertain to matters for which he personally IMO deserves no credit. He makes Justin Trudeau look a humble man, and Prince Harry, reasonable. Only a simpleton would think that Chris cares about the cost of living squeeze, or other people’s health issues, and he is manifestly incompetent to comment about education, IMO.

  2. As sure as night follows day that was always going to happen.

    I doubt very much if Act is polling over 10% though…there cannot be that much insanity going on out there in voter land surely.

    Such is the naivety, arrogance and stupidity of The Coalition of Chaos’s policies i fully expect them to be fully tanked come August…

    Luxon and Seymour are all ignorance bullshit and bravado …but we already knew that…both have bad mouthed Winston in the past too…as did Key.
    With way more political mileage on the clock than all of them put together, i don’t think Peters will forget being rubbished by them, when it is they who will be taking him down and out of power when the Coalition inevitably tanks….

    As Abraham Lincoln quoted…

    You can full some of the people some of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you cannot full all of the people all of the time…

    Popcorn anyone?

    • Sadly, there are a few bloggers about extolling the virtues of ACT and we really ought to read the comments they get. It shows that there is a LOT of insanity about.
      There are people claiming to be life-long Nat voters who are going to vote ACT next time.
      Not only have they been dumb all their lives and voted for anything blue, they are ready to be more dumb, next time.
      I deliberately haven’t mentioned the names of the blogs.

  3. Given a Government does not lose its support during a Christmas recess, this just demonstrates what a woefully inexperienced and completely financially illiterate this coalition of chaos is.

  4. National will be ruing the day they gave any support to ACT. Voters may have finally woken up to the smokescreen that the TPB is and the real threat is the ACT RSB along with Luxons weak leadership and total lack of any financial expertise and care for social issues in the National Party. Hopefully Winston forces an early election before more damage is done.

    • I think that it so obvious, to all but the deluded, that National and ACT are an extremely dumb parties….there’s room for dancing upstairs there.

      Just look at the performance of some of their supposed top MPs.

      Nicky No Boats , No fucking Idea Whatsoever Willis…O.M.G….What a clusterfuck…You could not script this mess and you can’t even say that she has been a disappointment, because the alarm bells were ringing loud and clear well before the election with her terrible ignorant performance in the Queenstown Finance Debate.

      Drunk with new found power, her knee jerk, spiteful, clueless, poorly researched decision to cancel the bargain price, state- of- the- art, Hyundai ferry deal and then mumble some inane comparison about getting some 2nd hand Toyotas, (which don’t actually exist), is reprehensible and a sackable offence.

      This mind numbing idiocy will cost the hardworking taxpayer’s of N.Z. the thick end of one billion dollars just in contract cancellation penalties and the almost doubling of cost to get new ferries built now as opposed to when Labour signed up to buy them, not to mention the associated drop in productivity due to the unreliability of our old stock.

      She then stopped the reconstruction of the new wharves and terminals at both Picton and Wellington.
      Now way way way behind schedule expect more delays , and of course the inevitable inflationary costs.

      After a year of nothingness, dissing rail enabled ferries, and with still no solution in sight, she now has the temerity to state that she has “delivered” by throwing Winston a ‘hospital pass’. …Winston …who believes in rail enabled ferries…WTF!!

      Chris, i don’t have a fucking clue about the construction industry, Penk…yet another no nothing Lawyer who has found his way into power….what the fuck is he smoking….and what does he know about construction…clearly nothing.

      Wants to put less insulation into houses to supposedly bring the cost down….WTF!!…you couldn’t make this stuff up…and, according to this font of knowledge in today’s Herald, having less insulation will help the overheating townhouses around the country that have no soffits and big non opening glass windows by not holding the heat in….O.MG…does he not know how a chilly bin works!!!

      But the dumbness doesn’t stop there…Simeon Brown…speeding cars up around schools will increase productivity…really!!!!..apart from being utter utter bullshit this is mindboggling stupidity at it’s most mind boggling…where’s the media on this stupidity ..why have they gone all floppy on it…this is dangerous stuff for our most vulnerable.

      The list goes on and on… Bishop…yet another fucking lawyer …an ex Tobacco employee to boot, (of course), and an absolute goofball idiot if ever there was one…an ideal guy to be omnipotent when it come to granting large scale permits around the country.

      Shane Reti …just put him in the town square and rename him Shame Reti because he is an absolute disgrace.

      The list goes on …and of the course then there’s the head guy… Luxon…talked up a very very very big game…said many times that he wasn’t going to be lectured to by Grant Robertson on how to run the finances of the country…..and yet… 12 months later…. he has not only absolutely tanked the economy and put unemployment through the roof, but gave tax cuts, when all economists said…’ highly not recommended,’ thus placing the country in huge debt till at least 2030/31…

      As opposed to Grant Robertson’s treasury verified forecast of having us back in surplus by mid 2027 had Labour stayed in power. whilst retaining a full educated workforce instead of having 80,000 leave for Australia in jus 12 months.

      The there’s Seymour… Mr. Atlas, with his vomit inducing $3 shop school lunches, who can’t even say how, or who, is going to heat them and what now has happened to all the local people who were making decent nutritious proper food to feed the brains and bodies of their local schools children. …no quid pro quo analysis done there on the downside of his stupid ill thought through reckons
      not to mention his ridiculous Treaty thingy bill ..whatever he’s calling it.

      Clipping the ticket for $250,000 a year to do 5/8ths of sweet fuck all except trying to stir up animosity…what a waste of the taxpayer’s money and a disgrace to New Zealand he is!!

      Why are ‘the right’ absolutely tanking in the polls after just one year ?…that’s just a small sample of why!!

  5. Stuff reports that:
    ‘Based on these results, seats in the House would see National down six seats to 38, with Labour gaining five seats to 39. The Greens would gain one seat to 12, while ACT would drop three to 14 seats. New Zealand First would pick up 3 seats to 10, and Te Pati Maori would remain on seven seats.
    ‘This means the centre-right coalition would be down six seats to 62, still enough to govern, while the combined seats for the centre-left bloc would be up by six to 58.’
    But hey, Winston’s about to surrender his deputy PM job to Seymour and his continued enthusiasm for the present coalition can be doubted. And maybe Labour might be more comfortable with NZ First as a partner than Te Paati Māori, after statements by various TPM leaders over the past year.
    A Labour-Greens-NZFirst coalition (39+12+10=61) could form a government with TPM (7) raging on the very-cross benches, leaving a diminished capitalist opposition of National and Act (38+14=52).
    Here’s Kiri Tamihere-Waititi, Te Paati Māori chief of staff, wife of TPM co-leader MP Rawiri Waititi, and daughter of TPM president John Tamihere, working hard at alienating 90% of New Zealand:

  6. When family, friends and associates

    – are unemployed for the first time ever
    – have had their car stolen
    – are professional graduates with no placement
    – have experienced violent crime around them
    – have giant corporates ditch compliance rules and harm your homes
    – have exorbitant rises in ‘ bills ‘ for utilities
    – are waiting a year plus for medical needs
    – wait and wait for police to fight crime
    – desperately need housing but not on the new criteria jiggery pokery data
    – watch your landlord arrive in an Audi SUV while rent rose $100….
    Realise it’s permanent, not an hiatus…


  7. It has been a lousy summer and people are in a bad mood . I support the Right but if I was still in the workforce I admit there is not much happening to make you feel positive and I hope we can get some positivity into the equation as soon as possible .It will be interesting to see how the government reacts.

    • At last Trevor a bit of common sense let’s hope the general voting public see this government for what it really is. The alarm bells should have been ringing when both Willis and Luxon refused to release the details of their tax cuts and Willis flashed a piece of A4 with her supposed tax policy on it. What government says they have the biggest investment in health then cut a billion dollars out of their budget. We all know the school lunches will be an absolute waste of money and local community jobs. We all know we are facing a year of racial disharmony the list goes on and on and on.

  8. No wake up and vote, how long, why the lies of corporate control is allowed our humanity to let them exploit, our age old, humanity.

  9. People are not happy with how things are going, no light at the end of any tunnel that ordinary people can see. They suspect various crises have been purposely inflicted on the country.
    So, they aren’t only unhappy with their situation and the threats implicit in everything the govt. does, they are also cross that they were had, that they believed electioneering lies. They feel fools.

    They are furious that Luxury Luxon decided to call ordinary people bottom feeders and thinks it’s clever to trot out the same tired and meaningless phrases in every encounter with media. He never sounds as if he understands the issue or offers any insight into future developments.
    He never sounds genuine, just a distant, pompous, know-all handing down proclamations to the great unwashed. Often seems annoyed that someone has asked a question and isn’t being fobbed off with his usual blather and still wanting a proper answer.
    He isn’t a leader. He’s discovered he really doesn’t want to lead. He’s handed that job over to his keen young partner, dastardly dave. DD is now getting ready to eat Luxon alive.

      • The Goons were great. I remember my husband imitating ‘He’s fallen in the wah-tah!’
        At least in those by-gone days, GW, we were able to tune in, or not, to hear that nonsense. Now, it’s coming at us every day and it’s real, and it’s from our so-called govt.

        That’s the answer, by walking backwards they never see how stupid they all are.
        Looked up a few funny Goon lines and Seagoon explains Luxon and his approach to life.
        Someone complains that he has to be careful, there’s a lot of work about and he’s only 2 days away from being unemployed for 50 years.
        Seagoon replies, ‘Fifty years unemployed! Good heavens. Fill in this form for your OBE!’

    • Joy. “ Furious that … Luxon decided to call…people bottom feeders.” Agree. This was as appalling as English’s calling a whole generation of young New Zealand males work-shy drug addicts and your comment re crises being purposefully inflicted on the country, isn’t surprising. The whole neolib modus operandi is divide and conquer.

  10. Don’t tell Labour or they will get swollen heads and think they have won already causing numerous vote losing problems within the next 1 and 5/6 years.

  11. It looks to me like people gave National the benefit of doubt about the ferries and when they kicked the can down the road they realised there is no plan except avoiding (self induced) big problems as long as they can. No-one is fooled about the cost now being higher for inferior boats. Basically we swapped 2 Rolls Royce boats for 2 Toyota starlets but are now going to pay the price for lamborghini’s

  12. The interesting thing is this poll actually makes Winston King Maker again. Basically labour would have to drop their ruling out New Zealand first out Coalition with labour & greens.

  13. The real reason behind labour’s sudden leap forward is that they, like the natzo’s, are lost in the same privateer swamp the rest are lost in and we have no idea what to do about anything except hope, pray, vote by stabbing on the dark every three years then buy Lotto tickets.
    We are quite fucked, you know that right? Most people think our economy’s wheel barrowed out of a dead end ally somewhere along Queen Street while others still borrow money against their artificially inflated horribly average houses while the teeny, tiny few 50 thousand farmers actually, literally make the stuff and things that crooks sell so’s they can get to bathe in all the free money, with just a little bit of trickle to make sure we, the masses, don’t figure shit out and go off and start hanging motherfuckers. ( Just a hint of Samuel L. Jackson there. )
    Look. ( Sigh…) If Labour was the Messiah we’d already not be here. We’d have no need for weak tea mumsy snuggler Chipkins. We’d have never had Baldylocks the faker till he makes-her. We’d a spotted that dick a fucking mile off. The real reason why you and me and them over there are here is because we really have no idea what the fuck’s going on other than what’s going on is fucking scary.

  14. Just to confirm how absolutely terrible this government is Dr Reti is about to get the sack from health such as how this government has f***** health up.


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