Make a submission against this nasty piece of legislation. The closing date for submissions is 11.59pm Tuesday, 07 January 2025 and you can make your submission here.
Here is the submission of myself and Bronwen Summers:
The bill aims to split New Zealanders
- We are strongly opposed to the Treaty Principles Bill. It is a divisive, anti-democratic piece of legislation which is designed to split New Zealanders by pandering to resentful, lazy, red-neck racism.
The bill promotes a “grievance culture” among Pākeha
- The Treaty Principles Bill is designed to build a permanent hard-right constituency for the ACT Party by promoting a grievance culture amongst Pākeha based on the “big lie” that Māori enjoy greater rights and freedoms that other New Zealanders. The famous Nazi propagandist Joseph Goebbels would have been proud of such a deceitful, divide and rule campaign against New Zealanders.
The bill is anti-democratic
- Sponsor Promotion -
- The Treaty Principles Bill promotes a degraded democracy where “one-person, one-vote” is used to subject Māori to the “tyranny of the majority” where Māori representation is decided at the whim of Pākeha voters rather than as of right by Māori voters.
- Democracy means government of the people, by the people and for the people. The Treaty Principles Bill promotes the idea of government of the majority culture, by the majority culture for the majority culture. A mature, developed democracy brings groups in a numerical minority to the decision-making table. Te Tiriti itself demands this for the indigenous people of Aotearoa New Zealand.
The bill aims to protect the unequal rights of the rich and powerful
- The ACT Party claim everyone should have equal rights in Aotearoa New Zealand but the Party actively advocates for greater rights and greater political influence for mega landlords, big business owners and the super-wealthy who gain wealth and influence at the expense of the rest of us. For example ACT continually advocates for these groups to pay less tax than the rest of us and then demonises those who struggle under the weight of deliberately managed unemployment, addictions, and mental health issues as the victims of an unregulated capitalist economy.
- The Treaty Principles Bill is designed to take public attention away from the fact that working class New Zealanders pay higher tax rates, receive poorer healthcare, education and housing and have less choices and less opportunities that the “hereditary rights” of the children of the rich.
The bill undermines the promise of a decolonised Aotearoa New Zealand
- The Treaty Principles Bill would end two generations of progress towards a decolonised Aotearoa New Zealand where Te Tiriti is honoured, participatory democracy flourishes, Māori culture and values are a source of national pride and kotahitanga based on common values benefits us all.
Request to be heard by the Select Committee
- We would like to be heard by the select committee to give an oral submission
Bronwen Summers and John Minto
Well done John and Bronwen. Agreed 100%
After point one it ceases to be a submission.
What rubbish John Minto, the treaty is not in question it’s the added on treaty principles, added on a mere 40 years ago.
Like dust on a book, the principles, are not actually part of the book but an addition that needs to be dusted off and leave the book as it was, untouched as written.
Yeah, but the book was trampled and and torn up and ignored for 100 years. Which took society away from the direction the book prescribed. So you need the principles to address how the treaty can be honoured given the irrevocable colonial transformation.
@ im right. There you are… The little flea nipping away with a slack bag of cliches slung over his round little shoulders. You’re truly boring and that’s about the only thing you truly are. Your flea-bite commentaries are better found on toilet walls where while people shit, they must read something to take their minds off things.
Moving on. And no, not the bowels.
The treaty principles bill is designed to do one thing only. To create division. Many stupid farmers love to hate Maori and farmers are our primary industry largely dependent upon Maori labour hence divide to conquor.
Shoving *stupid farmers up against Maori will, in the long term, build a control mechanism for politicians to supply -chain money to their lobbyist masters.
* Not all farmers are stupid of course and it’s they must join with Maori, to save all of us. Even the stupid ones.
Thymus full of over used cliches, meaningless word combinations intermingled with gutter language.
Nothing useful to add.
So. You want to dump 183 years of negotiation and discussion on the treaty and how to work together, for a clown who wants to remove an obstacle 6seloing of New Zealand.
I like people like you, Im right. You are obviously a Treaty purist. The Treaty is the legal document, the legally binding contract if you will. The other interpretations and principles have no legal standing.
Clause 2 clearly states that Maori should retain ownership of their land unless the wish to sell. It follows, that all land taken by the Government either by conquest, or confiscation or by purchase from other than the legal owners has been illegally gained. Any subsequent sales of such land must also be illegal and the only suitable redress is for ownership of such land to be returned to the hapu from which it was taken.
Im right – Correct…Labour put this in during the 1980s to clear up Government obligations towards the Treaty, Iwi, and NZ society.
@ nathan- . Has the lips for every dark, dodgy anus.
@ nathan- You’re pro Israeli correct? No wonder then you have your little penis out at the thought of Maori being subjugated then ripped off – .
Killer white T-Cell: Put the bottle down while you are posting…
But that’s a fallacy. This is a direct attack on Te Tiriti. Seymour mentions a document that after nearly 200 years is irrelevant
Why ditch one set of principles which at least vaguely relate to the actual text of the treaty in favour of another set of contrived principles which have nothing to do with the Treaty and effectively nullify it? I can answer that question for you: Because David Seymour and the ACT party think that they can impose colonialist rule for once and for all time through a fatuous piece of legislation. Sooner or later (I suspect sooner rather than later) he will learn how very wrong he is.
The treaty was written by a white man Maori were illiterate,as such there is no Maori equivalent.
The treaty was written by a white man Maori were illiterate,as such there is no Maori equivalent.
It would be a lot easier for the government to slowly change the members of the Tribunal so that there was more community buy in. Perception (even if wrong) is the the Tribunal comprises leftist activists.
I rather think that John’s submission will have the opposite effect to what he may have intended. References to “resentful, lazy, red-neck racism”, “a grievance culture amongst Pākeha”, and “Nazi propagandist Joseph Goebbels” will put a lot of backs up.
John’s submission does not really explain itself, and has no positive alternative to offer. We need to do better than that.
Binders full of women: The existing judge-defined “principles of the Treaty” are well-intentioned and politically rational, yet they are still a construct built around the Treaty rather than an interpretation of it.
On the other hand David Seymour’s proposed principles are not well-intentioned, they are not rational, and they are not well constructed.
Therefore I agree, along with some eminent legal opinion, that the focus of our discussion should revert to the actual articles of te Tiriti, and we should give little credence to those who fantasize about its “principles”.
How can the government draft a Bill on the treaty without consulting Maori? It’s like David flying off for an Atlas meeting without telling his partner.
here are the facts towards all the treaty breeches.
The principals bills sole purpose is to override any Maori rights and to minimize any substantial redress of those breeches and allow the corporate takeover of New Zealand with minimal opposition.
By the seat of their pants.
Why is Winston wearing a medieval Turkish helmet?
It seems blatantly obvious many have been so captured by tribal politics they can’t or refuse to actually understand what the Bill is about. It’s sad so many are so far down their holes there will ever be the adult conversation around any aspect of the Bill there needs to be. It could be the ideal opportunity to tidy shit up and all move on in harmony without the constant racial bullshit being pushed by a minority that will continue along with all the hate it generates.
Sounds good Peter B, no doubt you are suggesting that all lands stolen or land still under Perpetual Leases are gleefully given back to those who it was stolen or leased from. REMEMBER STOLEN GOODS ARE ALWAYS STOLEN GOODS. I can see some happy farmers agreeing with you on this BS. Have you purchased Stolen Land? Are. you happy to walk away with a smile. IS IT REALLY ALL ABOUT HARMONY?
You are talking about a different subject, not the treaty bill. But thank you for proving my point.
The treaty is a surrender document that the maori tribes signed, knowing they were going to be defeated by one of the European powers. It was a hurried document drafted for the times as an easy way out of mass slaughter of maori. The British Empire was on a resource grab competing with other European nations around the new world , and was looking for an easy way out of a conflict a long way from home. A conflict that they would undoubtedly win through modern technology and numerical strength….Maori should be grateful that they were given the chance to surrender, as many people over history unfortunately did not receive such fair treatment..
The bill has split New Zealanders and now they’re too upset and exhausted to look at the real bill proposing to open the floodgates to unregulated genetic research and mandated rNA “therapy” which is currently slithering through parliament.