Political Caption Competition


Dictators in Love:

PUTIN: And then I said to the Barman, ‘Not if I throw you out a window first”

KIM: “Hahahahaha”


  1. ‘Rubbin’ sticks and stones together makes the sparks ingite
    And the thought of making arms for you is getting so exciting
    Sky rockets in flight….afternoon delight’

  2. You should see the crazy dance they do after the nerve agent. Op, op, op, op, oppa Gangnam style.

  3. Since both of us a too powerful to require seatbelts, let’s test the airbags by driving at speed into a wall.

  4. ‘Not even a Russian will swallow this, the self-indictment is too much, but I’m desperate. I’m relying on them being as thick, and cowered, as shag carpet.’

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