Political Caption Competition


What ACT thinks woke food at woke schools looks like


  1. Gotta watch that woke stuff. Jeepers, when you close the fridge door that bloody sushi is holding anti government protests with the turkey sandwiches. And that hummus, it’s trying to beat up the msakhan over space !

    • That thing about hummus sounds like a ‘hum’ from 19th century North England.
      noun An imposition or hoax. or To trick or delude; impose on; cajole; https://www.wordnik.com/words/hum Gotta look up antiquated words to describe today’s doings; a sign of how far back neoliberalism is taking us without hope of improvement unless we slow it soon!

      • Greywarbler. Interestingly, the far right ‘s neolib policies and agendas are designed to plunge society back into pre-Industrial Revolution conditions, so perhaps that’s why you’re searching history for language…

        Hey, the humming chorus from “ Madame Butterfly “ is a hauntingly beautiful piece of music from an opera in which white cisgender males ( golly golly golly) are an unedifying bunch… there’s nothing new under the sun really…

  2. Deserted Reefton after fast tracking antimony mining for Siren. Water, air , soils, the food chain… run Reeftonites , RUN !!!!

  3. Is that our version of Oz Luna Park? Perhaps the Beehive could take the place of that tower with spiral steps leading to a jump-off point. We have many heads that would look similar if stuck on pikes, like in the Good Old Days in UK. Read about gibbets, word from gibbering I guess? We could call it Loony Park eh!

    • Greywarbler You’ll be on an SIS watch list for advocating beheading politicians. I bet you’ve triggered a few algorithms you naughty old thing. You’re the reason Jacinda wants censorship of free speech, and Prof J Kidman from Victoria University’s Centre for Excellent Extremism, shoots her mouth off like a kiddie with projectile vomiting.

      If they come to search your property, make sure that they leave it in the condition in which they found it, and if you play your cards right, you might be able to get your garden dug over, and get a few spuds in. Good luck.

      • Thanks for the warning SW. I have wondered. After all they were watching one young protester I believe from when he was only 11 e&oe. Read the below – before they surprisingly vanish just like stuff records, no longer available on google.

        2019 Judith Collins on climate (very bright, happy, positive) – https://www.newshub.co.nz/home/politics/2019/09/kids-will-grow-out-of-climate-change-activism-when-the-world-doesn-t-end-judith-collins.html
        2024 NZ Centre for Political Research Dr Muriel Newman (like J Collins above) https://www.nzcpr.com/activist-capture/
        2007 Interesting – https://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/ibarry-wilson-and-ian-mcintoshi-activists-soft-target-for-police-exercises/YXCZREWF4GA6R2SHLTATHKHIEI/

        I think you may be remembering the bit from tv series Porridge. The lead character in jail sends letter to wife (censored by authorities) warning her not to dig the front garden where the geraniums are. Later he hears his stratagem worked; the police have dug the garden looking for suspected loot, and it’s ready for planting the summer veges.

        • Got it from a similar themed Mafia joke way back, but I am still digging my own garden myself. In fact an immigrant property developer, one of whose rentals abuts my place, has jabbed his finger at me, and shouted that he wants me to go over and rid his property of transgressing greenery too.

          A former colleague, Ildiko Matskassy, was murdered and dumped in Wellington Harbour, 1991. Her husband ran a failing restaurant in Courtney Place, Wgtn, and was allegedly a fence for stolen goods. It was when he involved their young son son Rocky in shoplifting to order, that she decided to quit a marriage, which I didn’t then know was violent. I thought her bruises were due to her martial arts class. So she got garrotted and tossed in the harbour, her husband was represented by a QC and acquitted of murder, and Rocky has since been murdered himself in Australia.

          I had a fat file on Ildiko’s case and knew other people on the periphery, including from her Hungarian community, and I lent that file to a journalist who went overseas and is now incommunicado. Discussed it at the time with a senior law prof at VU, who knew more of the case from another channel, and one piece of his cautious advice was to butt out, and I did. He also addressed the value of having victims represented at criminal trials, as I gather that a good concerned mother’s reputation got trashed at trial, which I didn’t follow. If such a mother has gang connections, then her situation could be a living nightmare.

      • I never said anything about politicians being treated badly occifer!
        Note actual words “We have many heads that would look similar if stuck on pikes, “. So be careful SW, stick entirely to the facts and not suppositions. I could even be referring to Hydras there.

        Look at this link and image of this beast, which was imagined in ancient times. Heracles is giving it all he has got as the sculptor has done a great male figure in natural state and he has to deal to many fangs that will emasculate him. It’s like a lesson for us today if all in NZ/AO want to keep our innate strength and life force.

        In modern English, hydra or hydra-headed can describe a difficult or multifarious situation.
        The name hydra has been assigned to a genus of invertebrate freshwater animals having a circlet of 4 to 25 tentacles on one end of its tubelike body.11 Apr 2024
        Hydra | Description & Mythology | Britannica
        https://www.britannica.com › topic › Hydra-Greek-myth..

  4. I understand your point but hope not really SW. Because I advocate kindliness and practicality and am sorry that we are stuck in what I consider unsatisfactory sanguine behaviour of the wrong thinking and action. The situation is declining to best expressed by historic language.
    What is the Latin origin of the word sanguine?
    It comes from sanguineus—Latin for “of or relating to blood” or “bloody”—and over centuries has had meanings ranging from “bloodthirsty” and “bloodred” to “confidently optimistic.”
    27 Apr 2024 Sanguine Definition & Meaning – Merriam-Webster
    Merriam-Webster https://www.merriam-webster.com › dictionary › sangui…


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