Final donations show you this was a class war yet we refuse to acknowledge that in a country clinging to its egalitarian pretensions


Election donations: National Party raises $10.4 million for election

The National Party has disclosed a massive $10.4 million in donations in its election-year haul for 2023, more than double the amount declared by any other party and believed to be the most taken in one year.

The Electoral Commission has released the political parties’ annual donations returns today, including donors of more than $5000 and the sum of smaller donations. Parties only have to disclose donations of more than $20,000 immediately.

National’s war chest totalled $10.4m, while Labour raised less than half of that with $4.8m. The Act Party declared $4.3m, the Green Party $3.3m and NZ First $1.8m.

Te Pāti Māori disclosed $161,000

The last election wasn’t won, it was bought and the final donations tally highlights it was a class war election yet we refuse to acknowledge that in a country clinging to its egalitarian pretensions.


Bernard Hickey calls it the ‘Dark Heart of NZ’s Political Economy‘, and it’s the Real Estate Pimps protecting their golden goose while Governments simply import fake growth from exploiting migrant workers but not taxing the rich to pay for the infrastructure…

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The failure of yet another pre-fabricated house builder1 and a legal threat2 against our biggest council to force more greenfields development are two more signs, if we needed them, that our economy and society are now just a residential land market with bits tacked on.

These two latest events again demonstrate the massive skew in our tax settings in favour of housing land ownership has so changed the DNA of our political economy that nothing really changes without the removal of that skew. They also show the election debate we’re having has yet again failed to address the three elephants in our societal room:

    • residential land will have to be taxed and business investment incentivised to change the land-seeking, inequality-widening and low-capital-investment biases now embedded throughout our economy, politics and society;
    • our infrastructure financing and taxation systems are totally broken and inadequate at both central and governmental level, yet no politicians want to have honest conversations with each other or voters about how to fix it by increasing taxes and/or user-pays charges; and,
    • the bipartisan and accidentally-on-purpose Government policy settings enabling and encouraging population growth of 1.5-2% per annum through migration of guest workers dominates our economic and societal outlook, and remains undebated and unacknowledged.

…none of this is being acknowledged or debated…

The dominant way that house builders, land owners, land bankers and households make outsized profits and capital gains in Aotearoa-NZ is to buy more land, preferably with a big mortgage, and wait. They don’t need to build a house efficiently, or any house at all. They don’t need to build a profitable business or invest in shares in someone else’s business. It’s always, always about the business of driving up land values and using mortgage debt to increase the leveraged returns, which aren’t available from other investments.

Home owners and land bankers just need that land zoned residential, and can then wait for the leverage, time and the failure of central and local Government to build the infrastructure to cope with regular 1.5-2% population growth to deliver the rents and untaxed capital gains to make the owner far richer than they ever be from saving wages or profits.

Working in a job or profession or investing in a business or managed fund is a mug’s game, compared to the leveraged, spectacular, government-guaranteed, ongoing and tax-free capital gains on residential land. The differences in incentives between investing equity in leveraged-up land and investing equity in unable to be leveraged stocks or business investments are so vast. In other countries, capital gains on land and other asset value increases are taxed, while savings in funds that invest in businesses receive tax incentives, either on the way into the fund or in the fund itself. Savings in our investment funds are taxed throughout.

This royally skewed set of incentives is why our housing market is worth NZ$1.6 trillion, which is four times our GDP (NZ$400 billion), 10 times the value of our listed companies (NZX total market value of $160 billion), eight times larger than our total managed funds sector ($200 billion including NZ Super Fund and ACC) and 16 times larger than our only-very-marginally-incentivised household pension funds (Kiwisaverat $100 billion). For comparison, Australia’s housing market is worth the same four times GDP, but is worth four times stocks, three times and funds under management. In the United States, its housing market is worth twice GDP, once the stock market, twice funds under management and 7.5 times its comparable ‘subsidised’ household pensions market, which is known as 401k in America, rather than KiwiSaver.

This dark heart of our political economy shows up regularly in all sorts of ways, in particular the focus of investors, developers, politicians and equity-rich home owners on greenfields development of clearly-titled and mortgageable plots of land. An actual occupied house on the land is a bonus, but not necessary to be exposed to these gains.

…I told you the Real Estate Pimps were buying this election!

Analysis: Property industry tops political donations

An RNZ analysis of political donations since 2021 shows people involved in the property industry are giving the most – and almost all of it is going to National, ACT and NZ First.
Since 2021, people aligned with the property industry have donated more than $2.5 million to political parties.

More than half of the cash from the property industry went to the National Party (53 percent), followed by ACT (32 percent) and New Zealand First (12 percent). Labour received 2 percent.

Real Estate Pimps have donated millions to National and in return National have given landlords the right to kick tenants out with no notice while reopening Landlord tax loop holes.

This Government is literally taking from the mouths of hungry children to fill the pockets of the richest landlords!

This is a class war on renters but we don’t have the political vocabulary to articulate it.

Let’s remind ourselves just how vested the Landlord class is..

…there is an unspoken promise between the neoliberal State and the untaxed capital gains private landlord class that the neoliberal State never builds enough State Houses to alleviate housing desperation so that the untaxed capital gains private landlord class can exploit that housing desperation ON TOP OF getting a $1.5Billion annual subsidy in the form of the Accommodation Allowance EVERY SINGLE YEAR!

The neoliberal State work hand in glove with the interests of the untaxed capital gains private landlord class to constantly keep desperation in the Housing market by never building enough State Houses WHILE handing taxpayer funded subsidies to the untaxed capital gains private landlord class!


The rich have bought themselves a Government that is only bound by their universal contempt for the poor and beneficiaries.

We are a better people than these donors interests have shaped us into being.


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  1. The only party worth voting for is TPM. They’re not compromised by elite lobby groups and are for all NZers not just Maori. Why do I say that? Because this is the Maori way working for the collective not the individual which is also important.

    Remember european colonization in NZ is founded on Maori willingness to engage with pakeha, to welcome them to this country, and to look after them that lasted into the 19th century until pakeha grew stronger and their numbers became ever larger.

    • so ste we just gloss over the incessent attempts at genocidal of tribal warfare….?
      ‘magical thinking[ about the sanctity about any group helps nobody

  2. The Westminster system has always been about land grabs, legislating against collective ownership by Pasifikan peoples, inclusive of Maori, and protecting the vested interests of the landed gentry.

    Ain’t nothing new about it so let’s not pretend the leftist underclass supporting governments have done anything to change that or will.

    Labour had a mandate to change it as the previous government and couldn’t or wouldn’t.

    It’s the fucking system that’s been gamed and broken but reality is, it’s working exactly as it was designed.

    The whole class war thing is more tired old 19th century whiteman bullshit that no one is buying anymore because it doesnt make a difference whether one buys into it or not.

    Changing governments does fuck all. Change the system and then we’re talking!

    • Labour had a mandate to change it as the previous government and couldn’t or wouldn’t.

      I think they wouldn’t – and this was the main reason they lost. I understand they were trying to appease the scrooges from the opposition, but this was their chance and they blew it. This is especially relevant to changing the tax system to improve fairness and ensure the wealthy paid their fair share (which they never have and never will under the Tories).

  3. My refrain here is…don’t just be a critic or moaner–it is pretty obvious what is going on here and the rest of the OECD countries. Get politically active, join a union if you are in paid work, participate in local issues, contribute to you local food pantry–

    Doing–not whinging is the only way out of the situation this CoC Govt. has put so many NZers in.

  4. ” We are a better people than these donors interests have shaped us into being. ”

    But Bomber you also stated the following.

    ” This is a class war on renters but we don’t have the political vocabulary to articulate it. ”

    Its marvellous that we are seen as good and pretend to think we are egalitarian but that has led us to where we are now.

    Simply changing governments is never going to address the current subservience to the property class or their authority.

    We had a fucken Labour majority government in power who refused to make the reforms necessary on a number of areas that would have gone some way to address what has now become a deep rooted , intractable problem in the decades ahead.

    That spoke volumes and confirmed that they are simply slightly less worse than the Natz but have no intention of leaving their warm safe world as the representatives of the Free market and the property barons big and small who come into government to maintain the status quo when the Natz get kicked out.

    Bomber the current left that you think you see is invisible to many of us and LINO and the do nothing nice Greens will never provide the alternative, policiesand more importantly the ” will ” we need to change it. Neo liberals have reframed the rules in most western countries with the destruction of the parties that represented the labour movement.

    As your correspondent pointed out correctly ,

    Changing governments does fuck all. Change the system and then we’re talking!

  5. Yeah, yeah, yeah…
    All talk, no action. Same as it ever was.
    Talking Heads
    Same as it ever was.
    Rage Against The Machine.
    Killing in the name…
    Your choice.
    The time is rapidly approaching where we will have to stand up with our farming people and Maori and defend our place, the place we stand, or we whine into oblivion because we can’t save ourselves against what’s coming.
    Also. Mandate voting for fucks sake.

  6. It’s a war between the “ haves” and the “ have-nots” and the former are winning because they have the wherewithal to do so. Luxon told SKye TV that his parents left school aged 15and 16, and every inch of the way, his nouveau riche mentality has prevailed, starting with his absurd black Mercedes’ drive up Bowen Street, rejection of Premier House except to show off to whanau over Christmas, dopey pyjama posturing like a Hallmark card designed for colder climes. The politics of greed initiated by Labour and grabbed by the Nats rules neoliberalism and ensures that little trickles down which jeopardises the status quo.It has to go.

  7. Not so long ago Martyn, you were saying that Labours loss was because of the woke driving the lefts agenda, not because of idiots voting them out & the election being bought. What gives?


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