The Democracy Project’s new Luxon Action Man Narrative


NZ First apologist site, The Democracy Project, have gone all in on their new Luxon Action Man narrative where Chris Luxon is the mightiest leader ever for sacking two pathetic Ministers.

It’s the latest attempt by The Democracy Project and other right wing apologists to try and build a new narrative for Luxon.

I like to call it the Amazing Technicolor dream skin-suit  that every Government apologist attempts to wrap Luxon in.

Every month there’s a new narrative coat wrapped around the Emperor which quickly gets dumped the moment it gets seen through.

The right wing apologists for Luxon first claimed he wasn’t a politician so that’s why he was so useless and had to keep u-turning on things he’d said 24 hours earlier.

Then the apologists attempted to sell him as the great deal maker, which looked farcical after ACT and NZ First screwed National over.

Then they tried to pretend he was moderate and not extreme despite:

TDB Recommends
  • Attacking Worker Rights
  • Attacking Renter Rights
  • Taking $555million form the poorest families
  • Vandalising Public transport
  • Starting a race baiting war on Māori while attempting to legislate away the Treaty.
  • Stopping cameras on fishing fleets.
  • Robbing Climate Change funds and road safety funds for tax cuts to rich people.
  • Allowing 8000 tobacco deaths for tax cuts WHILE GETTING US INTO A COUNTER PRODUCTIVE AMERICAN WAR!!!!

Then as the shear lie of National not being extremist sinks beneath the surface, it was Luxon the super strategist chess player Svengali who is playing us all into thinking he’s a weak willed moron when really he is super clever and tricking us.


Now after sacking two poor Ministers (because their internal polling was showing they are tanking), it’s Chris Luxon, Action Man!

The right Wing are so in shock at how feckless Luxon is, the apologists are manufacturing him into a Machiavellian mastermind and strong leader.

The truth is Luxon is a virgin at an orgy.

Luxon was a middle manager CEO who ran a deodorant company and then ran the cushy State owned Air NZ. He has zero political values beyond loving God and his CEO skill set has given him no experience in dealing with people like David Seymour and Winston Peters.

The reality is Luxon is the weakest PM we have ever had.

The Right refuse to accept this and so we get this never ending wardrobe change of a narrative structure trying to explain Luxon to voters.

Let’s see how ling the tough man narrative lasts shall we?



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  1. Martyn is spot on about Luxon ,,,,,, who just like his NAct predecessor, John Key,,,, has myths built about his past, his actions, and his motivations,,, all pushed by a dirty media which gaslights us instead of objectively informing….

    They have to do this myth making and dis-informing, for what motivates the NActs and Luxon benefits the few (who they either work for, or are part of as in Luon & Key’s instances), and done at the expense and detriment of the many/majority.

    An example of this is the ‘deodorant company’ Unilever, where Luxon was one of the branch/country managers …. ,,,.

    When hugely profitable international corporations dodge and skip paying taxes ,,, then the average and poor people in the countries where the corporations extract their un-taxed or unde-rtaxed profits have to pay more taxes and receive less in Govt services, or less money spent building, upgrading and maintaining infrastructure,,,, or both

    “Runaway corporate and monopoly power is an inequality-generating machine: through squeezing workers, dodging tax, privatizing the state, and spurring climate breakdown, corporations are funneling endless wealth to their ultra-rich owners. But they’re also funneling power, undermining our democracies and our rights. No corporation or individual should have this much power over our economies and our lives —to be clear, nobody should have a billion dollars”.

    Luxon has the christian values of the spanish inquisition ,,,, He works for the few ( greedy rich pricks ) ,,,, because his god, which is actually money, tells him to.

  2. Prime Minister Luxon a man of action to be admired and respected,despite the negative left attempting to paint him otherwise.Makes such a welcome change from the previous Government who practiced hand sitting.

      • Derek old chap you obviously go by many names your choice of words and word combinations reveal you.But never mind keep trying please I’m loving it.

    • Not what the majority of the public are saying despite only a handful of biased right supporters, like yourself thinking otherwise Bob the idiot. 77% of NZ think he’s crap. Only the very naive, yes you admit to be one, would think this dictatorship government netter than the previous one. In 5 short months Luxons tanking and his divisive policies are more evidence NZ made a massive mistake in taking on a novice and unskilled PM.

  3. Bryce Edwards just gets worse. Today calling Tory Whanau the most “right wing mayor in the country”. I can’t believe he gets paid anything for his muck.

  4. And just like that the F# Evidence- Action Man assured of his prowess pops up again today to be a dick and wave a stick !

    On just day ONE of the cellphone ban in schools, Spin it – ERICA announces her empirical evidence that the ban works.

    ” She said schools would have different ways to enforce it and was confident the ban was working, claiming she’d received reports from librarians that more students were taking out books.”

    The CoC’s surveillance system, Librarians contacting Erica directly ????

    And in jumps tough on crime Action man -Luxie who misuses an agency to threaten, an ERO Audit as punishment ?

    Onto another laugh with Luxie … one school’s policy …

    1st time…
    2nd time..

    “Third time caught with cell phone
    The phone will be taken to the office as per the first and second time. (NB. The offenders personal file will also have their offences recorded each time.)

    The ( Offender) student will then collect their phone at the end of the day and will be required to complete a reflection session on the Friday after school that week.
    Reflection meme here…lol

    This “will involve the student ( Offender ) reflecting on the harm that has been done by their continual defiance of the cell phone rule.”

    They will also have to write an apology letter to someone affected by their actions.

    Dear Nobody
    Between classes on my lunch break…. with the school breaching Privacy and Property Acts , I was apprehended while ….

    And the fourth time because teachers have nothing better to do we’ll hold a whanau conference (for the Offender).

    Now here’s a fine mess from Community Laws files
    ” My school has a policy that says students and their property can be searched at any time by school staff – is this legal?

    No. Teachers and authorised staff can only search you if they follow the laws in the Education and Training Act. See “Can my teacher make me hand over something that belongs to me, like my phone?”

    You can’t be asked to give your consent to something that’s outside those powers (like a strip search).

    However, if you freely volunteer to empty your bag (for example, because you’re keen to prove you’re innocent), then that’s fine.

    The school might say that by being enrolled at the school, you and your parents or guardians have agreed to this policy. This is incorrect because schools can’t adopt policies that go against New Zealand law. ”

    ” Your bag can only be searched if a teacher reasonably believes it contains a harmful item.”

    IE: An item is considered “harmful” if it is an immediate threat to anyone’s safety.”

    Now chew on that one Democracy Project!


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