How does the Political Left respond to rising extremism in NZ?


The Ipsos Populism Survey, spanning 28 countries, found that 60% of Kiwis feel the country is in decline, with 58% stating that our society is broken – figures that align with the global average.

The recent Ipsos survey highlighting the deepening cynicism of the NZ electorate should be seen for what it is.


The study, conducted in February 2024, also shows a significant consensus among New Zealanders that the system is rigged in favour of the rich and powerful, with 65% agreeing to this statement.

That’s because it’s the fucking truth!

In 2010, the 388 richest individuals owned more wealth than half of the entire human population on Earth

By 2015, this number was reduced to only 62 individuals

In 2018, it was 42

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In 2019, it was down to only 26 individuals who own more wealth than 3.8 billion people.

And in 2021, 20 people owned more than 50% of the entire planet.

We need a new taxation and regulation model to stop the neoliberal rot. We need to remove the yoke of taxation from the 90% and reset it to the 10% richest.

The Big Tech Tzars have manipulated our collective fear, ego, anger and insecurities through social media in a way that has led to the largest psychological civil war ever launched against one another.

Meanwhile, the planet burns and every aspect of our existence is monetarised for big data to sell us more stuff we can’t afford. We are alienated and anesthetized by a consumer culture that keeps us neurotic and disconnected. Our work, our existence, every move we make are all built to suck money to a minority class that sits above us while under neoliberalism, globalization, financialization, and automation, our existence as individuals has only become more disposable.

This isn’t progress.

Unfortunately the Left are culturally too busy micro aggression policing everyone under the rules of the new woke dogma while the Right are silently harvesting that alienation for more neoliberal exploitation.

The Political Left respond to rising extremism in NZ by leaning into the populism!

The true demarcation of power in a capitalist democracy is the 1% richest + their 9% enablers vs the 90% rest of us!

Taxes targeting the richest while fully funding universal services WHILE lowering the tax rate on the middle classes, working classes and beneficiaries.

The political left have to champion a larger capacity State that acts in peoples interests, not against them for donor interests!

The Political Left have to articulate a different set of political values based on economic solidarity and material well being of people’s existences as citizens and as human beings.

It is working together on these Shaky Isles that is our strength and future, not against each other.

We need an articulation of vision from the Political Left that builds rather than throw society to the vagaries of the Free Market!

I’m not looking for socialism here folks, just basic regulated capitalism mixed with social democratic policies!

We have run out of time to stop climate change, we are in an age of consequences and the longer the denial, the harsher the adjustment.

The Left not only need to win 2026, they also need to have an agenda ready to immediately begin or the change that occurs after that is unforgiving.



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  1. The political left IS the extremism.
    Maybe all the Maori radicals and trans activists could cancel each other.

        • I’m ashamed although looking at Bob’s posts, when he slips on the keyboard it’s a mistake although I am pleased to announce that I’m not the only one on this site that thinks Bob a complete fucking moron, the fact Erik the Viking/Sour Kraut supports Bob says more about his intellectual disability than it does anything else.

  2. Untill we deal with poverty NZ is going backwards for ever .Sure the rich will horde more money but soon they will have it all so the other 90% will not be spending to make the 10% more money .The capitalist system is starting to show serious flaws and till we start to realise a country is made up of its TOTAL POPULATION and stop bashing the 90% its all down hill from here .

  3. There’s this guy Charlie Kirk on YouTube going to colleges and debating with students. It’s frightening how brain dead and brainwashed the leftie students are. Here in NZ it’ll be the same.

    • I think it frightening how brain dead the college and uni students are in total! The right are still attached to power and wealth above all; the left are not chained to that, but in their attempts to break free they have shot up like helium balloons and just a few have got caught in trees etc and are pretending to us they have reached some stable resting place.

    • I think it frightening how brain dead the college and uni students are in total! The right are still attached to power and wealth above all; the left are not chained to that, but in their attempts to break free they have shot up like helium balloons and just a few have got caught in trees etc and are pretending to us they have reached some stable resting place.

  4. Well I’m no expert, but here are a few musings about how the Left might respond to “rising extremism”.
    – Drop the identity politics
    – Invest in more mirrors (for some much-needed self reflection)
    – Stop ENGAGING in political extremism (e.g. appointing an unhinged extremist like Joanna Kidman to head the bombastically named “Centre of Research Excellence for Preventing and Countering Violent Extremism”)
    – Develop policy based on evidence, rather than on ideology and emotion
    – Choose candidates on the basis of their competence and integrity, rather than their “intersectionality”.
    – Next time you get into power, don’t politicize education or racialize heath care like you did last time
    – Stop gaslighting us about “systemic racism”, “misogyny”, “white supremacism”, “transphobia” etc.
    – Drop the identity politics

    • So much irony…

      “Drop the identity politics”, the right wing fuel culture war “crisis’s” every day before eating breakfast, do we need “penis police” outside every public toilet? The last time I checked the vast majority of public toilets are unisex.

      “Stop ENGAGING in political extremism”, the fact that Seymour is trying to rewrite the Treaty of Waitangi is the most politically extreme act in parliament right now.

      “Develop policy based on evidence, rather than on ideology and emotion”, this pack of disingenuous arseholes have not used ANY evidence for any policy changes, its all “business owners have said”, or “I’ve talked to many people…”, and when confronted on this, they can’t or won’t produce findings, research or expert opinions.

      “Choose candidates on the basis of their competence and integrity”, all those lobbyists play acting as politicians are really showing their moral fiber, aye?

      “Next time you get into power, don’t politicize education or racialize heath care like you did last time”, Heather Du Pliess allen just got in trouble for making false allegations for this exact claim, however you haven’t caught up to the news cycle just yet. Every time Seymour opens his mouth he politicises education.

      “Stop gaslighting us about “systemic racism”, “misogyny”, “white supremacism”, “transphobia” etc”, by this i assume that you think that this doesn’t exist, or that you think that that it is acceptable. Either way, it just shows how many talking points of bull shit you have swallowed from incel alt right talking heads, hope it tasted good, cause it makes you look like a brain dead zombie devoid of any personal thoughts.

      “Drop the identity politics”, oh i see what you did there, you repeated this one for comical effect. Ha fucking Ha dickhead.

  5. In 2017 Labour came to power with no plan of action as they did not expect to win and then proceed Ed to make wild promises that they could not keep. If it had not been for covid and a opposition in disarray thay would have been gone in 2021.
    You may not like what is happening but at least National is trying to fulfill its election promises and attempting to work with the other parties in their aims

    • @ Erik Nordmeyer. You’re correct and that’s not just because I agree with you. It’s because it’s the facts.
      Personally writing; I’ve gone a bit of a nudge ahead of the whole concept of Right versus Left thing anyway.
      I see politics as being more of a humane humanity thing. Something of an evolution in concepts perhaps.
      I see our politics are needing to urgently become more a humanitarian thing and to be able to achieve that we must dissect the onerous interpretation of rogers beloved term ” Neo-Liberalism” the awful affliction that’s bedeviled us since 1984 but
      Neo liberalism
      noun: liberalism
      willingness to respect or accept behaviour or opinions different from one’s own; openness to new ideas.
      the holding of political views that are socially progressive and promote social welfare.
      “the borough prides itself on being a great bastion of liberalism and diversity”
      the belief that many traditional beliefs are dispensable, invalidated by modern thought, or liable to change.
      a political and social philosophy that promotes individual rights, civil liberties, democracy, and free enterprise.
      So how’s roger douglas’s interpretation of political liberalism working out for you, you homeless, hungry and recently mortgagee-sale victims after the banksters used their new found individual rights, civil liberties, democracy, and free enterprise to fuck you on the deal?

      • CB I like your posts often but this one comes from the rural right – eh? don’t always agree but that is the nature of a democracy – sometimes we agree to disagree. But don’t confine your analysis of neoliberalism to a break down of dictionary definitions FFS. Neoliberalism is a political movement that masquerades as “common sense” from a right wing perspective – it is NOT to be confused with liberalism which is what is happening here.
        Liberalism is a very relaxed view of the universe whereas neoliberalism is far from it.

  6. Martyn – The Left needs to admit, and apology for its role in this…and then come up with policies to help people from all walks of life, not just the looney left…

      • It’s not about winning anymore. It’s about tipping the board over, refusing to play and inventing a new game.

        The ‘system’ that is broken has a name. It’s called Westminster and it has well and truly been gamed such that it is no longer fit for purpose.

        In the words of Prince – R.I.P for yesterday…

        Reproduction of a new breed of leaders. Stand up. Organize.

      • Erik Nordmeyer. But if they are part of the global elite harnessing people in their own interests, their surprise will be neither here nor there.

      • The damage done in just 8 months by this atrocious government means Labour and it’s left wing parties cold sleepwalking into Government in 2026.

  7. Rather than waiting for the traditionally-percieved-as-left parties to fully articulate the class struggle and move away from the Right Wing Identity politics of the individual (for which they’ve had plenty of time to do so), this all points to the increasing need for a Workers/Renters type Party to enter our political spectrum.
    There is plenty of space on the true left of NZ politics for such a political movement.

    Otherwise, with no voice in Parliament fiercely focused on representing workers/renters, we appear firmly on the path to massive civil unrest as inequality skyrockets.

    • Well you’re absolutely right about the makeup of our House of Unrepresentatives. How many working class MP’s are there?

  8. Labour won’t be up for the challenge.

    Most know their MO (modus operandi) and don’t trust them.

    It’s hard to win votes when voters no longer have faith in you.

  9. Lots of people are politically homeless. Likely more than half the protesters on the parliament lawn were formerly ‘economic’ labour voters.

    There is no unifying narrative because the internet provides so much additional truth which was never allowed by the legacy media (2tv channels 3main newspapers 1radio network)

    I reckon the only people fully happy with the party they vote for would be Actites.

  10. Half the problem is we’re voting for oppositions just to get rid of unpopular government’s of whatever political stripe. Regardless of what is being promoted or what they capable of actually doing.
    And it’s showing.

  11. The only really populist ,strong man, tear the system down party is TPM and they couldn’t run a piss up in a brewery
    Guess it’s back to competence!

  12. there is no left extremism in nz if you think there is please post real examples not rhetoric
    there is woke extremism but as ‘the woke’ ARE NOT LEFT WING that is irrelivant

    I’m heartyly sick of woke being referred to as ‘left wing’ they are a distraction from class differences promoted by the entitled middles class

  13. Is there a real political left in New Zealand or just a bunch of people going on and on about nothing and constantly living in the past referring to Michael Joseph Savage?
    I think we need to save the left from themselves.


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