The Daily Blog Open Mic – 23rd March 2024


Announce protest actions, general chit chat or give your opinion on issues we haven’t covered for the day.

The Editor doesn’t moderate this blog,  3 volunteers do, they are very lenient to provide you a free speech space but if it’s just deranged abuse or putting words in bloggers mouths to have a pointless argument, we don’t bother publishing.

All in all, TDB gives punters a very, very, very wide space to comment in but we won’t bother with out right lies or gleeful malice. We leave that to the Herald comment section.

EDITORS NOTE: – By the way, here’s a list of shit that will get your comment dumped. Sexist abuse, homophobic abuse, racist abuse, anti-muslim abuse, transphobic abuse, Chemtrails, 9/11 truthers, Qanon lunacy, climate deniers, anti-fluoride fanatics, anti-vaxxer lunatics, 5G conspiracy theories, the virus is a bioweapon, some weird bullshit about the UN taking over the world  and ANYONE that links to fucking infowar.


    • One minute after the attack the Americans were saying it was definitely not Ukraine but very definitely IS. I blame the Americans, the British, the Europeans, and their brainwashed followers. Day after day they hate on Russia, week after week they steal from and sanction the Russians, month on month they arm their proxies to harm the Russian people.

    • I must have missed it. Where does it say that is some type of CIA/Mossad/Ukraine operation?

      Or just another unsubstantiated figment of your over active imagination.

      Plus you forgot to blame the ACT party.

  1. Is this the poverty that National and right wing Labour have in mind for NZ/AO.

    This is 1990s Britain – bet you it’s much the same now.

    Listen and think that likely Brexit was to embed what they already had and were not meeting EU requirements. How democracy cannot be maintained without attention to detail and kindly and practicality. Set criteria needs to be kept on consideration of implementation of policies – what will be the outcomes of whatever? Will the outcomes meet the standards and objectives??

    • How do we go forward then? This comparing orcas organising themselves and humans fragmenting.
      What is the remedy to man’s fragmentation of the earth, and in direct proportion, humanity?
      Obviously not more knowledge. No matter how scientifically advanced we humans become, beneficial, fitting and harmonious use of knowledge is still a function of wisdom…

      We cannot return to the wild, anymore than domesticated orcas can be returned to the oceans. The way ahead is through awakening insight within us. Then we’ll act in concert together and in harmony with the earth.

      Can we do better than the UK? Which sounds like what we see here. If our pollies have been interns in the UK, then it explains why they are constipated. No wonder they talk of freedom but don’t seem to know what it is.

  2. Rod Oram in last writings before death on his concern about our environment of land and climate and also our environment of political and citizen absence from adopting all measures that would lead to us coping with our conditions and probable disasters using our known systems and making good choices before the situation hardens.

    From Newsroom:
    “The first step is to own up to the crises we’re creating; the second is to admit the failure of our current ways of trying to fix them; and the third is to find ways to discuss, conceive, commit to and achieve rapid and deep systemic change that will give us a future.”


  3. Interesting image.
    Fire again in poverty stricken Far Northland.

    This brings to mind of a happening overseas many decades ago. There was development money for poverty stricken countries, from Europe. Especially there was work in tree planting. So the inhabitants of one area found work by burning down standing forests and earned by fighting the fire and then again earned by replanting. As I have said we humans are quite devious, and that applies to poor who really need to act to help them to live, and the wealthy who are addicted to making money and then needing another shot of profit, like drug addicts.

  4. Training program for troubled youth ends in a man being stabbed five times and dying.
    Start Taranaki provides an eight-week programme to troubled youth involving time spent in the bush, the beach, a marae, and in a residential space learning skills such as barbering….

    Oranga Tamariki, the programme partner of Start Taranaki, has also acknowledged the “horrific event” and said it has beefed up its vetting process when considering future candidates for the course.

    Perhaps the offender misheard the type of training thinking it was butchering not barbering.
    That’s me in bad taste. So is the casual way that supposedly good-thinking responsible entities view the criminally inclined and those lacking a moral compass. Of course starting at toddlerhood would be best.

    I was amazed decades ago at the casual way a mother reacted to her little girl going up to my little boy and pushing him over. He shrank back but if brought up in an aggressive, uncontrolled household he would have had to learn to fight back. Role modelling and encouraging some empathy and courtesy would be good in all households, wealthy families can have bad ‘uns too, lacking in parental guidance and moral attitudes.

  5. Sounds like – a book with insight to keep in sight. Haha. Request from library and if they haven’t got it then ask them to buy it.
    Technofeudalism What Killed Capitalism by Yanis Varoufakis
    In his boldest and most far-reaching book, the visionary economist and number-one bestselling author Yanis Varoufakis shows how the owners of big tech became the world’s feudal overlords –replacing capitalism with a fundamentally new system that enslaves our minds, defies democracy and rewrite the rules of global power.

    But as Varoufakis also reveals, technofeudalism contains new opportunities to thwart and overturn it, bringing into focus more clearly than ever the revolution we need to escape our digital prison.

  6. Have you seen Trotter’s refutation he’s left the Left? Just made a response myself on Bowalley. Won’t occur there since he thinks I’m too personal. He wears silk underwear, despite the people’s cause, which is as coarse as the hessian sacks we brought our potatoes in in the day.

    I understand he’s your mate, sassenach, but you could drive a tank on a straight line through his case. And it’s necessary for the people’s cause. He’s gone off, lost his way, his bearings. The truth is our direct north.

  7. While we all throw blame around I pick on you Guy W for today’s winner for best goal. It is important to know what is going on for sure. But fixing the blame for the latest outrage is nothing.

    When the oldies were young and stuck in smelly foul water with rats and bits of decaying human in trenches in WW1 and getting mustard gas killing their lungs, and trench fever poisoning whatever, they knew who and what enemy was doing it. But their own country was responsible for them being there.
    Goodreads › … Whakamāoritia tēnei whārangi
    Voltaire —
    ‘It is forbidden to kill; therefore all murderers are punished unless they kill in large numbers and to the sound of trumpets.’

    I suggest put your efforts into watching, being ready with defence and doing something about trying to get our leaders to learn some responsibility for protection of the people’s good – perhaps get the army to take on roles in firefighting when no-one is attacking NZ/AO which has been the case for a long time. Of course, the French came here and blew up a peaceful ship moored in our waters!

    Work out your anger, sorrows and fears on helping at prisons and ensuring that ACT and all the other pollies look after prisoners who can turn around to do better. Armchair exhortations are so traditional and have proved to be useless old platitudes going nowhere.

  8. Julian Assange – This acerbic comment speaks clearly – Binoy Kampmark.
    Julian Assange And The Plea Nibble
    Saturday, 23 March 2024, 8:34 pm | Binoy Kampmark
    The current process is one of gradual judicial & penal assassination, conducted through prolonged proceedings that continue to assail the publisher’s health even as he is confined to Belmarsh Prison…


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