Climate School Strike on April 5th – School Strike 4 Climate Otautahi


School Strike for Climate Ōtautahi is holding our biggest strike yet to bring about action on intersectional climate and social justice issues in Aotearoa. Students and adults alike will unite and take to the streets on April the 5th. As the current government proposes climate-butchering policies like the repeal of the ban on offshore oil and gas drilling, as well as a possible treaty referendum, and in the wake of racist policies such as the recent abolishment of Te Aka Whai Ora, this is an especially important time to make our voices heard. We plan to see the biggest strike mobilisation to date!

“This government’s anti-democratic, racist, ecocidal conduct makes me sick. Aotearoa is better than that, and this strike aims to send that message of kotahitanga in a way they can’t ignore,” says Aurora Garner-Randolph (SS4C Ōtautahi).

On this day, several other protests will be held across the country in Poneke, Tāmaki Makaurau, Ōtepoti, Kirikiriroa, and more. Previous strikes have mobilised over 38,000 people combined.

This strike aims to drive council/government action on climate and social justice issues. Our central demands are:

For the Christchurch City Council and national government to count international transport emissions.

  • Keep the oil and gas exploration ban
  • Toitū te Tiriti
  • Free Palestine- withdraw NZ forces in Yemen and expel the Israeli ambassador.
  • Keep the ban on live exports.

Through this strike, SS4C hopes to remind young people that even though we aren’t able to vote, there are other ways for them to get our voices out and be involved in the democratic process.

“Our climate situation is only getting worse, and we need the government to be taking urgent and drastic action to move us forward. For them to be planning policies that actively take us backwards should be out of the question,” says Bugs Sullivan (SS4C Ōtautahi).

School Strike 4 Climate will take to the streets on April 5th.

TDB Recommends


  1. Is it immature to care about our environment. Our rivers and waterways are polluted many are uswimmable. Your the one that’s immature bob.


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