Attacks on David Seymour highlight the front line is everywhere


A teenager impacted by the Rights desire to take free food from his school spitting during a haka is a free speech issue.

Watching the Right Wing Hate Bots scream while ignoring this is beautiful.

This Government’s 100 day extremist plan rammed through Parliament misusing Urgency has created a backlash of protest.

From Haka, to abusing David after he fell off his bike to students spitting at him, the front line is everywhere.

This hard right racist climate denying beneficiary bashing Government seems to be under the belief that they can ram through culture war revenge fantasies, give the richest landlords a $2.9billion tax break while using Māori as a political punching bag.

The backlash this hard right racist climate denying beneficiary bashing Government faces will only get more extreme as the reality of what they will give their donors in terms of regulatory exemptions enrage Kiwis.

Taking from the mouths of hungry children to stuff the pockets of the rich is deeply against Kiwi Egalitarianism and as more voters wake to what has been elected, that backlash will only get more fierce.

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The front line is everywhere.

Thankfully for the Students who protested and who have been threatened with punishment, Unite Union has stepped up and offered support…

Unite Union offers support to Freyberg students facing disciplinary action over protest

Unite Union has offered professional advice and assistance to any Freyberg student facing disciplinary action over the recent protest at the school.
“A school strike and protest in 2006  over youth rates drew very similar criticism at the time. In reality that protest was crucial in both bringing youth rates to an end and establishing Unite’s first McDonalds collective union agreement ” said Assistant National Secretary Gerard Hehir (who is based in the Manawatū and has had three children attend Freyberg High School).
“Students should be encouraged to speak truth to power. In 2006 it was youth rates and union rights for young workers, in March 2024 it’s about prioritising school lunches over tax cuts for landlords and trying to re-write Te Tiriti o Waitangi. These are important issues and, as is often the case, it is young people leading the fight.”
Unite already represents students who work at local fast food restaurants but is offering to assist any student who may be disadvantaged over participating in the protest.
“A big part of our work is defending young workers’ rights at work, including those facing disciplinary processes. When young people stand up for what they believe and what is right they should be supported and encouraged – not punished”
Any student or their whānau needing support or advice can contact Unite Union on Free Phone 0800 286 483 (0800 2 UNITE) or email


…I love this quote

“A big part of our work is defending young workers’ rights at work, including those facing disciplinary processes. When young people stand up for what they believe and what is right they should be supported and encouraged – not punished”

…these school children aer being directly threatened culturally by ACTs agenda and they are having the food in their school risked by ACT as well.

Their protest was legitimate and we should support them having the courage to face down David Seymour.

I love hearing Right Wing Hate Trolls scream to have the student who spat destroyed because they are the same Right Wing Hate Trolls who defended Sam Uffindell.

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  1. David and the arseholes need to remember respect is earned .Why would these kids respect anyone who is stealing their culture and food .
    These young people show more courage than their teachers who no doubt agree with their actions and feelings .

    • Yes indeed. And what Seymour needs to think about is that these young 16 and 17 year olds will be eligible to vote at the next election.
      Given that he struggles to get 10% most of the time these young people could be very influential.

    • I think the food is culture and gender neutral – I could be wrong and if so there might be more going on here, as you imply.

    • How did David steal “their” culture? Everyone has freedom topractice their culture, as long as not hurting anyone or illegal.
      Stopping free lunch is also not stealing as tax payers are paying for the privilege. The students could have made a case for free lunch, and they lost that opportunity by throwing tantrums.

      Next they will spit and yell at their teachers if they disagree with them. Society should not be encouraging this sad behavior.

  2. Let’s not be too hasty to condone these actions. Yes, obviously the Fryberg students were justified, but think about how this could escalate if ACT party MPs start spitting back at or even onto those criticizing them. Spit, when inoculated with the byproducts of your standard ACT party official’s mongering trips to Thailand, can be quite dangerous.

    • Unfortunately the Act party is metaphorically spitting on all of us. We are their neoliberal experiment and will they do the most harm in the time they are in government. This little percentage of a party is out to ruin the workers with their false ideologies. This from people who have NEVER done a decent days work in their life. Next time you see Seymour remember where their donations come from . They come from the “screw you brigade “

    • Brother. David Seymour being spat at by adolescent school children is something that he is going to have to deal with internally. He could try breathing exercises, meditation or just shut the fuck up. Those kids have every right to act out at him. No one believes in tax cuts. Chippie can get the same.

  3. I wonder if Seymour is thinking, “Why can’t these people hide behind parliamentary privilege, like a REAL man?”.

    • Seymour is perfectly happy to harass the press to stop them reporting on the immense wave of child abuse in top ACT Party leadership, however- even when they would just be reporting on comments made by Rawiri Waititi under parliamentary privilege. Funny how ‘free speech’ works when the boot is on the other foot.

  4. Lets hope he gets it in spades everywhere he goes.
    With this Haka protest it is easy to see why Act dont want 16 year olds having the vote either local or National.
    16 year olds are more with it that they were 10 years ago even.


  5. How delicious that the slimey Atlas Network, Neoliberal Rat, King Canuck, David Seymour received this wonderful reception from these Students who have set a great example for all of us to follow, maybe Seymour should have put on his fake Canadian accent to address the students & pretend he was a Canuck again like he did on Canadian TV in a trainwreck interview he did when he worked for a Rightwing Think tank in Canada, Aaaa? If I was at that School I’d be doing more than spitting at him, I’d be heaving pink dildos, rotten eggs & even worse projectiles at this smirking, arrogant little weasel, this is what Seymour & this despicable Tone deaf Luxon Govt of Right Wing arsonists deserve, all these NACTZI Traitors should be treated with utter contempt, revulsion & shown no respect, they should be disrupted, harassed, spat on & called out for their vicious destruction of this Nation! Luxon has been rushing through Legislation at breakneck speed under urgency which shouldn’t be allowed, urgency should only be used in emergencies, not to be abused & used to ram through Legislation without scrutiny & consultation, that’s what you call running a Country like a BANANA REPUBLIC & a Dictatorship, Luxon thinks he’s a NZ Mussolini, both El Duce & Luxon share common traits, both are arrogant bullshitters, Tyrants, Liars & bald headed fuckwits who defy the will of the people? Hopefully Luxon ends up like Mussolini one day, reviled & hated & worse? Luxon, Seymour, Peters, Bishop, Willis & everyone else of these Coalition scumbags & treasonous quisling selloffs deserve zero respect, they should be treated with revulsion everywhere they go, kiwis were deceived into voting for these liars & flip floppers who talked up a big game pre-Election about helping out the “poor squeezed middle” during a cost of living crisis & vowing to put more money in their pockets, remember that bullshit, only to discover that post Election, all their promises came to nought as is always the case with the Natz, they promise the World but are full of shit & never live up to their worthless promises? NZers lives aren’t improving under National but are getting alot worse & now the realisation is sinking in that things were much better under a Labour Govt than this motley Coalition Govt as people are seeing huge cost of living increases in everything, Food, Rents, rate rises, Vehicle Rego rises & other costs, most of these extra costs which National never campaigned on but implemented once they got into Govt & massive cuts to Social services, including kids lunches etc, all to provide the elite NZ Feudal Landlord class of rentier parasites like Mr Entitlement himself, the 7 x properties Mr Luxon who tried to steal from NZ Taxpayers a $52k Rent allowance on his own Freehold Apartment claiming he was entitled to it, what a scumbag who bashes Beneficiaries but he’s the biggest Bludger of all! Like the Israel lobby AIPAC pay off the US Govt to bypass Democracy, this Coalition Luxon Govt have been bought & paid off by Corporate interests like the Atlas Network & other shady Think tank right wing organisations, NZ is now becoming a corrupt Nation bought & paid for by Big business? And the poor, struggling & greedy Neofeudal Landlord trash are being given a $3 billion dollar Tax cut with massive cuts to NZ Infrastructure & Social services to enable this thievery, it’s just sick depravity! Landlords are Tapeworms, they are worthless, non productive bunch of bastards who provide no added value or jobs that produce actual products, all they do is feast off the Lifeblood & cash of human beings to sustain themselves, they are cannibals, taking advantage of the misfortune of others who can’t afford to buy their own House, no one should be allowed to own more than two properties in NZ & the Private sector shouldn’t be responsible for providing Housing to people who can’t afford to buy a House, that’s the Govts job not the Free market! We need massive Civil Disobedience to remove this Govt from power, a Regime change Operation, a Color Revolution, these Rightwing bastards need to be booted from Office by any means possible?

  6. I don’t see all those people who defended right wing free-speech jumping to the defence of these kids right? Where is Chris Trotter when you need him?

    • The NZ Bill of Rights (1990)is ” freedom of expression ”

      “Everyone has the right to freedom of expression, including the freedom to seek, receive, and impart information and opinions of any kind in any form.”

      Key words too are
      ” Everyone ” and ” in any form” so that includes students.

      The student did not spit ON SeeMoreofMyself.

  7. There’s a FALLACY being created about  NACTZI CUTS not affecting the “frontline” of State services.

    I call it a BS# snow job !

    Have we ever had a Government in so few weeks have so many voices in protest in many forms ? And the public haven’t even seen the mass harm to come yet.

    I’m so RILED. Working at the coalface, bear with me as I explain misconceptions of WHO actually is ‘frontline ‘  today and who really is to be spat and shit on.

    In the last month the grassroots organisations who actually DO the government’s work for thousands and thousands of people in need, are now having the hard discussions about future funding.
    lt was not unexpected either from past experiences inside the social care sector under the ‘ social investment ‘ rort but  now it’s a new RW government issuing orders for CUTs.

    The likes of MSD and ACC in their operations, in the main do NOT have their “frontline” solely inside the building of their organisation and has not been the frontline for particular client for years.

    The frontline IS IN the community, the NGOs and Charities that were ‘contracted’ to be the “Suppliers” to the government .

    An example is, while we see over the years ACC has been announcing staff cuts, that is not the whole picture … the workload burden is instead just shifted onto others whereby community, localised NGOs/charities were sort out and became approved ” Suppliers “. These grassroots agencies then employed or had to contract in “Providers  .
    ” Suppliers ” have since been the government’s administrative workers instead  – database,  accounting and paying wages type work as well as being the frontline reception for client contact and from there referrals to counselling etc from that ” Suppliers” vetted and approved “providers” lists. Tasks such as case management too were passed out of ACC – keeping time and progress records, maintaining and tracking client etc, were siphoned off to community care agencies.

    AND then ” suppliers”  also faced ongoing multiple regular, official  lengthy, rigorous AUDITS from sometimes 4 or more State agents.

    The expensive and human time consuming process of 1 audit from each agent, even in one year, fell on these agencies because between say ACC, MSD, OT and the Registered NZ govt Charities Com, or even referals from Police ISR,  each want their own info   ..???  But these audits are extra time and cost demanding to comply with on already over stretched staff resources.

    ( Explanation of definitions : –
    ” Providers” are the various individual specialists eg. social workers, counsellors, peer workers addiction rehab agents etc who once worked independently interfacing directly with Govt. Agents.
    During the Nats last term , (from the 2014 review) , new models evolved for service/savings.
    To qualify to be a “Provider” for say, ACC funded services for the injured, the individual practitioner then had to join in under an official newly created “Supplier “. These individuals such as therapists then had to also meet criteria to be approved and these professionals were then renamed as ” providers ” .

    Hence, ACC as an example , on their own books slimmed THEIR costs. BUT the cost and time burden of client processing, administration and growing numbers of client never went away ! Just shifted.

    That complex workload had been put on the new frontline, outside ACC, MSD, POLICE, JUSTICE etc – The NGO’s, such as not for profit charities, then doing the work.

    * Btw,  note that these are those same community ” suppliers ” whom Bill English recently said were MUCH cheaper than government agencies.

    ((  — No shit Sherlock ??? –  because Govt. used free professionals volunteering on BOARDS OF TRUSTEES,  and used charity raised donation/funds and volunteers and maraes etc to supplement what should be the government’s duty at a cheaper price  !! Eg. The very effective Police intervention IRS model of 7 years is successful thanks to these kind hearted NGOs –,and%20wh%C4%81nau%20at%20the%20centre. ))

    #*# Prediction,  although a successful, effective, longterm  violence prevention model,  the ISR still and will not be rolled out nationwide. Bets on it will be canned for cuts by the NACTZI .

    BUT WAIT.. there was more and more required from the kind hearted NGOs from government directed – ‘now we want you to feed 500 from 5 fish’ – !!!!
    All the massive database requirements , records , tracking , writing job contracts etc costs of advertising and hiring client support workers , have since been carried out by these NGO and Charities ” Suppliers” becoming umbrella agencies doing what was in prior times the Government’s work.
    AND more and more POLICY writing demands came too because the traumatised, poor and hungry really need these !

    These community agencies have had to carry the burden of then having to increase Admin staff and paying them for all the government’s increasing paperwork demands.

    THE CRUEL IRONY# These further staff then hired for meeting increasing requirements and increasing client services in community agencies may now have to be sacked !

    In addition, as client burgeoned, siphoned off from the State onto grassroots agents, so too came the burden on the charity sector of the astronomical cost of the leasing of larger buildings, paying power, vehicles for social workers etc to tend to and accomodate client.

    Meanwhile,  what the public largely saw was a rosy picture of State agents closing down their lofty buildings and firing staff and hello ..
    seemingly, the problem looked solved on the surface and the State looked fiscally efficient.

    The smoke and mirrors tactic is still re- define and use soft terms like ‘ social investment’ or Ruthless Willis’ goobldegook for AUSTERITY CUTS,
    ” ..spending reprioritisations and targeted new revenue measures”
    A magic trick, an ILLUSION … nek minit

    Headline – “TV presenter’s foodbank cuts 500 families as times get tough”.  .


    Further, recent changes have again been made to this type of model of  ” Supplier and Provider ” . The public in the main are not aware yet of the clandestine Cuts v.2024 and it’s hidden impacts. And if you speak out…. chop chop.


    Picture this…Perhaps the Conversation at top level with Ministers ( masquerading as carrying out Consultation ) went something like this…

    Minister. Govt –  ” Can we get some cuts and cheaper ways still for the pesky, needy people’s wants ?  Sshhh…albeit without it looking like it’s frontline cuts ? ”

    Mate A – ” We had  the fiasco with Nick Smith in 2010 ‘ redefining ‘ injury , and that didn’t work so well did it ?.. so what can we do now ? ”

    ( Headline 2010 –  # DENIED HELP , WOMAN DIES !  )

    Mate A: – ” Well we can insult the NGOs whom we’ve underfunded for decades, and make ourselves look good by instantly throwing $8M to our friend for just one agency in just one sector, so the public think we’re great.”

    Minister :- ” That’s good ! Paula foxed them with this one last time and we solved all the Nation’s ills by giving big bucks to ‘ The Parenting Toolbox’ , because hungry kids just have bad parents you know … ”

    Advisor Mate B : ” Hmmmmm… OH YES, WE CAN MAKE EVEN MORE CUTS, MINISTER !!!! ”
    …. We can get these Charities who have been helping the afflicted for many decades doing the government’s  work for free , and instead NOW HAVE them put in a TENDER to the GOVERNMENT ???? ” .

    Minister : – ” Hmmm … Perhaps we can throw in some extra tasks YEAH…like gathering regalia jackets, teach kids military marching and monitoring that the hungry don’t get TOO much food.. and and… cheapest tender per economic unit -ooops sorry-  per needy person wins . ”

    A round of applause for the new
    Government’s ” HIDDEN IN FRONT OF US ” strategy.


    Now, here’s where you, the public, have been thinking for example , that there’s a legal obligation for say the likes of ACC to HAVE to automatically and directly rehabilitate the injured and traumatised. After all, the scheme is funded with YOUR MONEY, from YOUR earnings all these years ?

    But NOT QUITE…  the community/ chairity sector agents  and volunteers doing billions of dollars of social care for years with little or no government assistance , NOW HAVE TO COMPETE IN A COMPLEX TENDER on behalf of AND in order to continue to serve the client; WITH MANDATORY RULES and  EXTRA SERVICES REQUIRED – ?
      ( timely that the new tenders are out just now with the new government in what becomes a ‘modern day begging’ process to prove you’re the deserving one )

      Make no mistake, the frontline IS affected as will be the likes of those with trauma or severe need eg. Longer waiting times for client , longer response time to referred families, caseload files mounting up  …. all because community agencies work under diminished funds to enable government savings. And when these NGOs are overloaded and exhausted, just like Butterbean’s tangata whaiora , they will have to cut staff , rely on love to operate and close the door on the growing Needy while the NACTZI don’t look like they have blood on their hands.

    It’s that RW ideology pervading again that the yawning gaps in social safety nets for society’s Needy, including the new working poor,  are NOT the domain of the State’s duty of care. The duck- shoving and exploiting altruism has begun again but turbo-charged and it’s where Voluntarism is again left to fix it.

    An immoral new low in NZ has been reached; the Finance minister ate seared salmon at her business lunch, she spoke again those dirty words ” social investment ” , while  WINZ is leaching off charities run by the poor for the poor . The NACTZI are spitting on the poor !

    * Headline- “Charity emptied after repeated Work and Income referrals”.

    By surreptitious means, just to protect the wealthy, and Ruthless Witless’ goal of The Books looking good, this RW government paints the NEEDY’s demise as being their own fault.

    The Vulnerable are still here, numbers will grow and won’t be silenced… Go you, you switched on students and rugby players !

  8. All Landlords Are Parasites: The UK Feudalism Edition

    2 years ago
    And what is even more disturbing, most people don’t see anything wrong with 21st Century Feudalism, because they enjoy servitude.

    3 years ago
    The big problem is that owning property has become too expensive for normal people so leachlords only can own them and milk their tenants dry.

    2 years ago
    I pay £700 a month ($961 in Yank money) for a BEDROOM in London. You’d expect this to have an en suite bathroom, double glazing, air conditioning and beautiful decoration. Nope. It’s a dilapidated property with pretty poor transport connections.

    If I wanted to buy a (pretty average) house here I’d need close to £1 million. For millions of people, home ownership just isn’t an option. Shelter is a basic human need, and we are being extorted for it.

    Financial pressures aside, landlordism decimates communities. Nobody in rental communities has a stake in where they live. You get transient inhabitants, there’s no incentive to keep the place nice or build a community and the rot sets in quickly. The fact that landlordism has commodified homes has exploded their value. It’s also exploded the corresponding business rents, so nothing but soulless chain coffee shops, pubs and stores can survive in the area.

    Landlordism hasn’t just left a generation of people with no housing security, it’s destroyed the souls of the communities where it takes place. It needs to die.

    3 years ago
    I’m happy if people who own a second property rent this second property. However, they should be taxed very heavily. This is because people who own 2 or more homes are greedy. Hence they should pay higher taxes, and the tax revenue used to help fund homeless charities and the like.

  9. There’s clearly a concerted attempt to not just critique the government but to actually usurp the democratic process. Seymour’s response was gold.


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