National/ACT/NZ First First 100 days – Winners, Losers & Conclusions


Welcome to 100 days of social carnage!

TDB warned you that this would be a hard right racist climate denying beneficiary bashing Government and lo and fucking behold we have some of the greatest abuses of political power seen in modern times and weird culture war revenge fantasies being rammed through by misusing Parliamentary Urgency.

It’s like Caligula became a libertarian and we’ve all been forced to attend a very selfish orgy where only Corporate Lobbyists get to orgasm.

On the good news, the ban on phones in schools has actually been really good, so one good thing amongst 99 fucking obscenities seems like a pretty good hit rate for a Government so right wing they make Milton Friedman look like a soy boy socialist cuck.

There are of course political winners and losers.


Megalandlords and Real Estate Pimps

Sweet Zombie Jesus what a handjob these rich pricks have been given! 346 Megalandlords who own at least 200 properties will get a tax cut of $1.3m each over five years – the total going to that group: $464m! The total cost for the whole lot, $3 billion less in tax collected over 4 years! The Real Estate Pimps have all self-asphyxiated, died and gone to heaven! There is a class war erupting between the Landlord Class and the Renter Class and this Government who they donate to are on the Landlord’s side.

War on Crime, Boot Camps & Bullshit Gang Patch Bans

TDB Recommends

This is the true danger of this Government, they are so ideologically driven they don’t care their foaming mouthed promises of revenge during the election make things worse…

Government ignores official advice gang crackdown could backfire, increase membership

The government’s gang crackdown could backfire, driving up rates of gang membership, increasing domestic violence and making it harder to exit gangs, according to expert advice from justice officials.

The government is expected to today introduce legislation banning gang patches in public, limiting freedom of association and imposing harsher sentences for crimes, regardless of whether the crime is linked to being in a gang.

…when even Judith Collins tells you the Gang Patch Ban goes against Bill of Rights you know we are in trouble…

Gang patch ban inconsistent with rights — Attorney-General

The Government’s move to prohibit gang patches in public places would be inconsistent with the rights to expression, association and peaceful assembly, a report by the Attorney-General Judith Collins has found.

The Government’s proposed anti-gang laws would ban gang patches in public places and give police extra powers to stop gang members congregating.

Just after 3pm today, parliamentary urgency was accorded for the introduction and select committee referral of the Bill, along with two others. It is now being debated in the House.

In a report also tabled in Parliament this afternoon, Collins’ report on the Gangs Legislation Amendment Bill said it had tested the bill against the Bill of Rights.

“I conclude the proposed prohibition on the display of gang insignia in public places is inconsistent with the rights to freedom of expression, association and peaceful assembly in the Bill of Rights Act.”

…when even Damien Grant can see Gang Patch Bans won’t work…

‘The state should not tell anyone what to wear,’ writes Damien Grant

My position is more fundamental; the state should not be telling some of the worst members of our society what to wear because the state should not tell anyone what to wear.

..when two right wing idealogical vultures like Damien and Judith agree on State over reach, you fucking know the State has over reached!

Here’s my fear with National’s crackdown on Gangs.

The first is that they won’t work.

Banning Patches in public, using dispersion powers, implementing non association orders and increased powers for warrantless searches all sound tough to a public who are frightened and tired and resentful of feeling intimidated but won’t do a bloody thing in terms of curtailing Gangs because it fundamentally misses why there has been a jump in gangs  and gang violence in the first place.

More of that in a moment.

The second thing I fear is that it starts feeling like persecution.

I know.

You are laughing. You don’t care if Gangs feel persecuted by the Police.

“Great”, you will scream, and all laugh at how I’ve managed to sound woker than woke.

“Bomber fears the Gangs will feel persecuted’ you laugh.

Hear me out.

When you start abusing the power of the State in the manner we are all cheering for against the Gangs you risk radicalising criminals and that is the last fucking thing you want to do in any country!

Look at how the radicalisation of the Parliament Lawn Protestors has metastasized into the dangerous cocktail of resentment that has become.

Imagine putting those pressures on violent organised criminals.

Of course organised crime needs to be challenged at all times by the Police, but what we are doing here is implementing bumper sticker policy that will only cause counter productive outcomes as opposed to smarter Policing.

Hand on heart I don’t think National MPs could tell you what is the difference between the Mongrel Mob, Mongols, Head Hunters, Black Power or Comancheros and that’s deeply concerning because they all have completely different reasons for existence and attempting to tackle the most glaringly apparent elements of gangs with laws that breach human rights will only radicalize those communities.

The problem we have right now with gangs is the unprecedented forced deportation of the 501 criminal elements from Australia who have unleashed a tsunami of violent gang take overs because they are prepared to use a level of violence and sophistication far in advance  of the domestic gangs.

These 501 syndicates are using their contacts with South American Cartels to import a purer, cheaper Meth and it is this turf war for the Meth trade that is shaping the current violence.

Police gaining powers to harass and intimidate the poorest members of this crime pyramid with powers that breach human rights will only radicalise that community.

Look at this.

…what that arsehole Simeon Brown never points out is that the $2.75million given to the Mongrel Mob came from the proceeds of crime fund! It wasn’t taxpayer money, it was the proceeds of crime that was paying for drug rehabilitation programmes because that is how you move the community Gangs like Black Power and Mongrel Mob away from crime.

This is the exact type of programmes you want to run.

Where the Gang Intelligence should be focused is on the 501 syndicates because their connection to South American Cartels is legitimately destabilising and dangerous.

Nothing National are suggesting has any connection to reality beyond ZB talking points.

Back to the Gang Patches ban in public.

Patched members are never allowed to hand over their patch so Police will need to beat the gang member unconscious to remove the patch.

When the next Gang tangi occurs after the patch ban, Luxon will have to demand the Police go in and take the patches which will require a heavily armed Police response that will immediately deteriorate into a shoot out.

Can Luxon demand that? Of course he can’t!

The Police Commissioner will tell Mark Mitchell and the PM to go fuck themselves when they demand that they move in because this is a liberal progressive democracy and the Police don’t do the bidding of the politicians!

No Police Commissioner in their right mind would risk that many Police Officers to take patches off gang members at a bloody funeral!

As the impotency of National’s gang patch ban gets highlighted and as their increased Police powers start to get challenged in Court as a breach of human rights, an increasingly frustrated National will start seeking more and more extreme measures in a never ending pissing competition led by hard men like Mark Mitchell and Simeon Brown against da gangs.

If NZ First get to designate gangs as domestic terrorists we are just in uncharted crazy land.

We don’t need harder policing, we need smarter policing because this cavalcade of tough on crime short on facts crap is going to cause far more damaging blowback.

Q Zealand and Grievance Antivaxxers

Q Zealand under the NZ First Conspiracy Theory Kingdom

The danger that Winston always faced by seducing the Conspiracy Swamp Kingdom Antivaxx Cookers is that they are so bat shit crazy, so radicalised by social media hate algorithms that short of resurrecting Jesus, Elvis and Frank Sinatra, Winston can’t pacify them.

Here are the antivaxxers who Winston has seduced and empowered on social media wanting to go way further than Winston has led them on with…

Bat. Shit. Crazy.

ACT want in on the antivaxx electorate as well and are demanding a wider scope of Covid inquiry by turning it into a grievance carnival with suggestions Brooke Van Veldon doesn’t have confidence in the existing appointed expert. 

There has to be a means for pulling 10% of the population out of Qanon conspiracy land but social media algorithms are driving polarisation and conflict, not easing them.

Economic pressures will drive extremism.

Anger and resentment are political currency and the Right have International Think Tanks that know how to emotionally target and manipulate Culture War dynamics for political ends.

Of course we need a critical analysis of the Covid lockdown so that we know how to do better when the next pandemic hits.

What is being fed is a grievance carnival for the Qanon fear grifter, antivaxx influencers and Conspiracy Swamp Kingdom devotees.

This is a weaponised process for the grievance fringes to wallow in and the danger is that this virtue signal by ACT and NZ First will arouse the craziest fringes of the antivaxx movement and they will see this Inquiry as the worst kind of sell out making it a target for their insane rage.

Winston’s seduction of Conspiracy Swamp Kingdom Antivaxx Cookers could make Covid Inquiry a domestic terror target.

New Zealand has mutated into Q Zealand.

Trans National Mining Interests

Ummmm, now this is one bad idea…

Lobbyists are back at Parliament – with a new privacy measure hiding their identities

Gerry Brownlee says the privacy of people with ‘lobbying roles’ should be protected, while officials have drawn up a new code of conduct. 

…Trans National Mining Interests line up offshore waiting for law change that will open up conservation land for mining alongside fast track powers for Dr Pork Shane Jones, shouldn’t we be very aware who is influencing NZ Policy, especially when you consider the damage mining can cause the environment?

Especially with climate change?

Abolishing the Treaty Principles would remove obligation to engage with Māori at a critical juncture when Trans National Mining Interests are ready to exploit conservation land.

Chris Bishop and Shane Jones have never met a corporate donor they didn’t slavishly worship.

It’s like the Mining Company in Avatar has taken over the Government.


Alt-Right Folk Rock Star Chris Trotter

Chris Trotter’s reoccurring nightmare of Māori revolution

Alt Right Folk Rockstar Chris Trotter has walked away from any credibility he had with the Left to party with a whole new alt-right online audience at The Platform and ZB Plus. He’s generating 10 000 views on Youtube with his new album, ‘Cracker sings the Blues‘, with it’s Rock single, ‘Da Maaaaaaaoris is stealing da water‘, and his Country and Western smash hit, ‘One man, one vote, one noose‘. There is no political crime that NZ First commits that Chris won’t defend and no action by Israel that can’t be justified. He’s like a poor Mike Hosking.

Big Tobacco

This spin line that Tobacco is the same as caffeine is total bullshit!

Smoking kills 67% of users, coffee doesn’t and no product that addictive should be allowed to have that hold over the market!

We want people off ciggies and onto vapes without addicting a new generation of vapers while respecting individuals right to choose after 18.

We need to deal with our vices in ways that are different to other industries because of the social harm making them illegal would cause. That’s why we need a Vice Tax on business activity whose social damage doesn’t get covered by the taxation they pay!

Gambling, Tobacco & Booze, all of them need the heavy jack boot of the State on their throats at all time!

The Vice tax would be special super tax on top of the total profits made on products that are a blight upon society.

Why should the Gambling Booze Tobacco Barons peddle their harmful products with the barest of responsibility?

Rather than constantly making it a tax the consumer pays, hit the booze barons, Tobacco Pimps and Gambling dealers with a ring-fenced super tax on their profits margins.

To allow 8000 to die because National want tax cuts for their rich mates is outrageous.

Thankfully the Tobacco industry have the best agents and supporters for their cause, Costello came from the Taxpayers’ Union and they have links to Atlas, which is a point made by Public Health Communication Centre this week…

Tobacco Company Political connections Evidence of industry links
British American Tobacco Casey Costello (NZ First Party) formerly Chair and member of Tax Payers’ Union Board. Now Minister with responsibility for the Smokefree Environments and Regulated Products Act 1990; vaping; smokeless tobacco; oral nicotine.1 Guardian investigation reported TPU received funding from British American Tobacco

TPU has links with the Atlas Network, which has received tobacco industry funding.


In 2023, a TPU staff member received an Atlas Network competition prize. TPU was described as an Atlas Network partner.

…it also notes that Nicola Willis is a former Nazgul at the NZ Initiative…

British American TobaccoImperial Brands Australasia Nicola Willis, Deputy leader National Party, formerly Board Director New Zealand Initiative NZI list tobacco companies British American Tobacco and Imperial Brands Australasia as members.


…so Tobacco interests are fostered and loved by this Government because this Government is being influenced by the Atlas Network!

Claiming that no one has had any donations from the Tobacco Industry is ludicrous when it’s been done openly in the first place!

Here’s Big Tobacco watering down any regulation of tobacco while stoking Dairy crime fear while ignoring that it’s their addictive product fuelling that Dairy crime…

The ‘corner dairy campaign’ quietly backed by big tobacco

A campaign to “save our stores” from a smokefree initiative looks like a grassroots effort. The truth is more complicated.

Since 1 August, ads have started showing up on Facebook urging people to support a petition to “save our stores”.

The ads, which lead to a website called Save Our Stores, ask users to sign a petition to repeal the Smokefree 2025 Act. The act includes a measure to reduce the number of stores selling full strength tobacco from 6000 nationwide to 600 by July 2024.

At first glance, the campaign appears to be an initiative from dairy owners. Under a headline of “who we are” on the website’s “about us” page, a dairy owner said to be from Lower Hutt is featured: “My name is Bhavesh. I’m a dairy owner in Lower Hutt. I’ve been serving customers for 17 years.”

However, smaller type at the bottom of the page says the website is “proudly supported” by tobacco companies BAT (British American Tobacco) New Zealand and Imperial Brands. The website’s privacy policy says the website is “provided” by the tobacco companies.

The website encourages dairy owners to get involved by printing out posters to display in their stores. These include messages in bold type warning: “This dairy is under threat of closure” with a QR code which leads to the website.


The Tobacco Industry has already made its ‘donation’ to this Government, so pretending the Rights hands are clean over Tobacco donations is a fucking joke!

If only this Government loved the environment and lowering poverty as much as they love the Tobacco Industry.

Submachine Gun Fetishists 

TDB warned you that the Gun Fetish Glee Club inside the ACT Party was going to try and bring back every sociopaths favourite machine gun fantasy and lo and behold it comes to pass…

Semi-automatics on the table in gun laws shake-up

Semi-automatics could make a return to gun ranges with New Zealand’s firearms laws in for a major shake-up this term.

National and ACT agreed to rewrite the Arms Act – in place since the early 1980s – as part of its coalition arrangement.

Everything is on the table, including changing the existing licensing regime and re-introducing the military-style weapons used in the 15 March terror attacks.

…as TDB warned you, the Gun Fetish Glee Club inside the ACT Party has an enormous amount of power now and they intend to bring back their favourite sub machine guns.

Farmers and hunters need guns and use them like tools.

I have zero time for ‘collectors’ or people who need sub machine guns for ‘defence’.

The Gun fetishists scream every time you use the word ‘sub machine gun’ and pull some nonsense technical garbage to claim you can’t call them that.

Let me be clear.

If it looks like a sub machine gun, sounds like a sub machine gun and kills human beings like s sub machine gun, it’s a fucking sub machine gun!



This Government’s refusal to actually throw the Israeli Ambassador out for a real time ethnic cleansing war crime means one of the biggest winners over 100 days is Israel. Surely if Israel actually invades Rafah we will kick him out of the country then?


David Seymour 

He can’t believe his luck at having Luxon to manipulate and screw over. His anti-Māori pro Cracker Treaty Principles Bill is a master stroke of screwing over National and his attack on TVNZ to privatise TV2 has started with gusto. The Woke always underestimated David and spent 5 years providing him with the culture war ammunition that he has used against us.

Imagine if the woke middle class activists hadn’t done that.

Just imagine.

American Military Industrial Complex 

They rally around the family, with a pocket full of shells! Warmongers on parade!

Well I don’t think anyone had ‘Join US war in first 100 days’ on their bingo card!

Israel’s Ethnic Cleansing War Crimes we are fine with, shipping lanes is where we make a moral stand???


Let me be very clear to our more sleepy hobbits.

Yes, as a trading nation it is essential for our interests to see shipping lanes free and open.

No issue with that.


The solution we have jumped to by signing up to bombing one of the poorest countries on the planet is a fucking disgrace and moral abomination!

Let’s be very clear what we’ve signed up to. In the words of one of the best analysts in NZ, Dr Paul Buchanan…

…that’s right.

We are in the “kill chain” now. That’s what our NZDF deployment will be doing.

We are helping select targets for America to bomb.

We may as well be pulling the fucking trigger ourselves, so don’t you dare flinch when hear ‘kill chain’, don’t you dare pretend we won’t be killing people and destroying shit.

Again – want to keep sea lanes open, but bombing the Houthis isn’t the fucking solution!

REMEMBER: We claim we are doing this to support the Rules based Order, yet Israel is committing an active ethnic cleansing war crime and we aren’t doing jack shit about that!

REMEMBER: The Houthis are attacking Red Sea shipping lanes BECAUSE Israel is committing a current ethnic cleansing war crime! If we want the shipping lanes open, we should be demanding an immediate Israeli ceasefire!

REMEMBER: Bombing the poorest country in the Middle East is not a fucking solution, it’s an act of war!

Aside from the moral crime, the whole strategy is counter productive bullshit!

The Washington fucking Post isn’t a card carrying member of the Communist Party, and their assessment is that the current bombing campaign we have just enabled and signed up to will actually only strengthen the Houthi…

Analysts contend that this new phase of hostilities may strengthen the Houthis, rather than weaken them. The aftermath of the Oct. 7 terrorist attack on southern Israel by Palestinian militant group Hamas has seen Israel conduct an operation unprecedented in its scale and ferocity, reducing much of Gaza to rubble, killing more than 23,000 people and immiserating Gaza’s population. The Houthis are part of the so-called “axis of resistance,” a network of Iran-aligned militant groups around the Middle East. While militias like Lebanon’s Hezbollah seem to want to avoid a direct escalation with Israel, the Houthis thrust themselves into the spotlight by taking up the mantle of the Palestinian cause. They insist their actions in the Red Sea will stop when Israel ceases its bombardments.

…so we are bombing a poor country and using tactics that will only strengthen the group we are attacking?

Well that’s all splendid isn’t folks?

This entire adventure is an escalation in a region that desperately needs de-escalation and because Luxon is so weak, we have war dogs like Judith Collins and bloody Winston Peters (who loves America almost as much as he loves himself!), signing us up to a conflict where we are on the side of evil!

You heard me!


This expose by the BBC hilariously came out at the same time as our decision to sign up to it. The special investigation shows how our side in this conflict have conducted illegal political assassinations FFS…

UAE has funded political assassinations in Yemen, BBC finds

The United Arab Emirates (UAE) has funded politically motivated assassinations in Yemen, a BBC investigation has found.

Training provided by American mercenaries – hired by the UAE in 2015 – has then been used by Emiratis to instruct locals, sparking a surge in targeted killings, a whistleblower says.

The findings come as conflict in Yemen has returned to the international spotlight following attacks on ships in the Red Sea.

The UAE government has denied the allegations in our investigation – that it had assassinated those without links to terrorism – saying they were “false and without merit”.

The killing spree in Yemen – more than 100 assassinations in a three-year period – is just one element of an ongoing bitter internecine conflict pitting several international powers against each other in the Middle East’s poorest country.

The deadly atmosphere has discouraged the permanent return of Yemen’s internationally recognised government. This, it could be argued, has indirectly helped to embolden the Iran-backed Houthis. Washington has announced that it will now re-designate the group as “global terrorists”.

…that’s right!

Just when you couldn’t start feeling more sick about what this new hard right racist Government has signed us up to, ‘our side’ has been conducting a wave of political assassinations that hilariously have only made the Houthis more powerful.

What the fuck are we doing getting involved in this orgy of malice?

Obscenely the NZ mainstream media have done sweet fuck all in holding these war numpties to fucking account here!

It’s more important to shame Golriz for shoplifting than hold this Government to account over why the fuck they have signed us up to a new American war!

I get everyone still feels like they are on holiday and the C Teams are running the newsrooms, but sweet fuck everyone, Judith and Winston just led us into a fucking war and no one seems to be paying any attention.

What happens if we wrongly target something?

What happens if us targeting something escalates this conflict?

What happens if we kill civilians?

See we all need answers now because Judith and Winston signed us up and we need to know what the hell the exit strategy looks like.

I love you all, I really do, but sweet Jesus we are an easily led and easily distracted people!

Winston Peters

Spot the Prime Minister

The sly silver Fox is having a field day smearing the entire media as bribed and passing Qanon Conspiracy Theories as social policy. He plays Luxon as well as Seymour does and Shane Jones is lining up the Crony Capitalism Pork ensuring Winston will gets his favourite slice. Expect Winston to spark a snap election 1 month after he stands down as Deputy.

The question is will Shane and Casey betray him then.

Small business meth cooks and Pharmaceutical Industry

David Seymour

On top of allowing sub machine guns back, ACT have decided to back the local meth production industry by bewilderingly wanting the banned meth pre-curser Pseudoephedrine back on the shelves!!!

Fear that setting up your own Meth Cooking company might attract unwanted attention from other criminal organisations?

Don’t worry!

ACT has you covered by allowing the sociopaths favourite toy machine gun back on the market while dumping the Gun registry so you willl be able to keep you Meth Cooking company under the radar from the police.

For too long meth has been produced offshore by Triad and South American cartels, ACT demands to know why should all that meth money be made by foreign criminal organisations when there are so many desperate kiwis trying to make ends meet here in NZ and what better way to help the domestic Meth Cooking market than allowing Pseudoephedrine back into the country and over the counter while providing the machine guns to protect your turf!

ACT – the Party that knows the price of everything and the value of nothing!

Just to be crystal meth clear here, ACT’s solutions are MORE machine guns and MORE meth precursor ingredients?

The market will work out the rest will it?

The only winners here are domestic meth cooks and the Military Industrial Complex.


Taxpayers Union, Free Speech Union, NZ Initiative and Atlas Network 

The Democracy Project and the mainstream media refuse to acknowledge the influence of the Atlas Network while overseas journalists keep publishing damning insights into Atlas and its influence on NZ and global politics…

A grim atlas guides NZ’s right-wing politics

The coalition that took power in New Zealand late in 2023, after a campaign centred on attacking the country’s founding Waitangi Treaty, has been exposed as hosting considerable Atlas Network infiltration.

One of the key researchers into the Atlas Network, Lee Fang, observed that it has “reshaped political power in country after country.” In America, every Republican president since Ronald Reagan has begun office with a Roadmap provided by the Heritage Foundation, primary Atlas Network partner. The “Mandate” for 2025 puts America on a hard path to fascism should a Republican win in November. Britain’s economy and standing have been savaged by Atlas partners’ impacts on the Tories. In New Zealand, the recently-elected rightwing coalition government is aping the new “Atlas president” of Argentina, aiming to privatise national assets, but is increasingly also imitating Atlas strategies recently seen in Australia, inflaming racial tensions and harming the wellbeing of Māori people.

Dr Jeremy Walker called Australia’s attention to the local Atlas partner organisations’ impact on the Voice to Parliament referendum and is now helping draw together the focus on the New Zealand partners’ very similar distortion of their national debate. There is a deep racism at the heart of this ultra-free market ideology that has licensed the international right to exploit resources and people around the globe untrammelled, largely in American corporate interest, but more broadly for any corporation or allied sector big enough to be a contender. (They do not, by contrast, fight for the renewable energy sector’s interests, as a competitor to their dominant fossil fuel donors; this shapes their climate crisis denial and delay, and colours their loathing of First People’s capacity to interfere with their profits by environment-driven protest. A sense of Western Civilisation as the apex of human existence and deep disdain for non-Western cultures also pervade the network.)

The coalition that took power in NZ late in 2023, after a campaign centred on attacking the country’s founding Waitangi Treaty, has considerable Atlas infiltration. There is concern about Atlas fossil fuel and associated tobacco interestsperverting policy in parliament. The government has promised to repeal Jacinda Ardern’s ban on offshore gas and fuel exploration, plans to sell water to private interests, not to mention planning to enable the selling off of “sensitive” NZ land and assets to foreign corporations, just as Argentinian Milei is intending.

One of the government members, the Act Party, began its existence as an Atlas partner thinktank and continues that close connection. It was founded by former parliamentarian Denis Quigley with two members of the Mont Pelerin Society, the Atlas Network’s inner sanctum. One, Roger Douglas, was responsible for Rogernomics in NZ which has been described as a “right wing coup” that worked to “dismantle the welfare state.” The other, Alan Gibbs, who has been characterised as the godfather of the party, and a major funder, argued Act ought to campaign for government to privatise “all the schools, all the hospitals and all the roads.” This may not be surprising since he made much of his fortune out of the privatisation of NZ’s telecommunications.

The Act Party is currently led by David Seymour who functions as a co-deputy prime minister in the government. He has worked almost his entire adult life within Atlas partner bodies in Canada and boasts a (micro) MBA dispensed by the Network. In Seymour’s 2021 Waitangi Day speech, he acknowledged his “old friends at the Atlas Network.” In light of that, his recent disdainful and absolute dismissal of the party’s connection to Atlas in an interview was telling: he clearly felt the association was damaging enough to lie outright.

Seymour is also deeply antagonistic to policies dedicated to repairing the disadvantage suffered by Māori people, disingenuously describing provisions that work cooperatively with Māori people as the “dismantling of democracy.” He appears antagonistic to Māori culture.

Another Atlas partner that has been key to distorting debate in NZ is the Taxpayer Union (TPU) which is emblematic of the production of metastasising bodies central to the Atlas strategy. Its co-founder and executive director is anothergraduate of the Atlas (micro) MBA program. Jordan Williams (currently “capo di tutti capi” of the Atlas global alliance of anti-tax junktanks) laughably depicts Atlas as a benign “club of like-minded think tanks.” He created, however, a body called the Campaign Company which helped radicalise the established farmer power base in NZ politics, planting sponsored material in the media. Williams claimed to grant the farmers “world-class campaign tools and digital strategies.” He also co-founded the Free Speech Union (FSU), which is unsurprisingly fighting regulation of the damaging impact of internet disinformation as well as fostering culture war battles.

A further spin-off of the bodies illustrates the increasing ugliness of the populist strategies. A former Act Party MP has founded the New Zealand Centre for Political Research which is fomenting civic division against Māori interests, including placing hate-mongering advertisements in the media.

The Act Party (alongside the populist New Zealand First party) is at the heart of the coalition government’s intention to destroy NZ’s admirable efforts to promote Māori interests for the betterment of the commonwealth, including the co-governance innovation. Efforts to undo disadvantage and programs that have promoted the distinctive NZ democratic experiment are set to be dismantled. A “massive unravelling” of Māori rights is at stake.

Lord Hannan (one of Boris Johnson’s elevations to the peerage, and a junktank creature) recently spoke in NZ, welcoming “all the coalition partners around this table” to hear his oration. There he celebrated the small percentage of GDP that NZ’s government spends on its people, cheering on the TPU’s power. He also disdained the “tribalism” that has dictated recognition of First Peoples’ suffering. There is grand (but unsurprising) irony in a graduate of three of Britain’s preeminent educational institutions dictating that humanity’s essential equality is all that can be considered when devising policy, particularly in settler-colonial nations.

Amusingly the weightier debunking of the Atlas connections has come from: Chris Trotter, formerly centre left, now a council member of Williams’ FSU; Eric Crampton, chief economist of the New Zealand Initiative, NZ’s leading Atlas partner and Sean Plunkett whose “anti-woke” vanity media platform, Platform, is plutocrat funded and regularly platforms the NZI talking heads.

While Atlas’s system largely functions to connect and train operatives, as well as acting as an extension of American foreign policy, this modest-seeming program must not be ignored. We have a handful of years to achieve a monumental shift from fossil fuel towards renewable energy: Atlas partners aim to ensure this does not take place.

And Atlas partners will push us at each other’s throats while we procrastinate.

…THIS is where you see the true influence and power of the Atlas Network…

$2m surge in election campaign spending by third-party groups

Third-party groups poured $2 million into the election campaign, new data reveals.

Most of the record spend went on campaigners pushing for policies favoured by the centre right, and is 13 times more than was spent on the 2020 general election.

Figures released by the Electoral Commission show that of the 31 registered third-party promoters, seven spent more than $100,000 in the lead-up to voting. Only groups that spend more than $100,000 are required to share their expenses.

…it’s funny that The Democracy Project are concerned with 3rd Party influence but not the dark money from the Atlas Network that is influencing so many of those 3rd Party Donors.

According to The Democracy Project’ this new hard right racist climate denying beneficiary bashing government is actually moderate and The Atlas Networks radical billionaire and dark corporate money has no influence in NZ politics.

The truth is that this Dark Money has influence washed 3rd Party Groups and is providing each other insights as to what culture war buttons to push and use to inspire angry right voter turn out.

There is a fucking difference between a Left Wing Think Tank getting funding from Unions that wants to make workers rights stronger and Right Wing Think tanks funded by far right Billionaires, Tobacco, Oil and Coal using spite politics to ensure their interests and profit margins are expanded at the cost of the climate, the people and the entire fucking planet!

Monbiot makes this point…

And who, in turn, are the junktanks? Many refuse to divulge who funds them, but as information has trickled out we have discovered that the Atlas Network itself and many of its members have taken money from funding networks set up by the Koch brothers and other rightwing billionaires, and from oil, coal and tobacco companiesand other life-defying interests. The junktanks are merely the intermediaries. They go into battle on behalf of their donors, in the class war waged by the rich against the poor. When a government responds to the demands of the network, it responds, in reality, to the money that funds it.

…Oil, coal, tobacco, right wing billionaires, the fucking Koch brothers, dark money influencing our political system so much so that we see the exact same agenda being rolled out here!

The Atlas (shrugged) Network is funded by petrol oligarchs and climate change polluters who find the social media pressure points the way the old Cambridge Analytics did. They can micro target and mine resentment better than anyone else in the game, and they pass those findings along allowing for local think tanks to plot legislative change welded to the culture war pressure points and allow hate algorithms to do the rest.

This is happening right as Gerry Brownlee cloaks these lobbyists in secrecy, right when legislation allowing mining on conservation land is being cooked up alongside fast track powers to push them through alongside an attempt to dismantle the Treaty Principles so that Māori don’t need to be consutled when these Trans National’s start up.

As the push for more privatisation, steeper austerity and race baiting policy collides with extreme weather events, destabilising geopolitics and increasingly desperate first time home buyers bled out from rising mortgage rates and beneficiaries and state tenants kicked off welfare and out of homes, the only winner will be private prisons and the bloody Atlas Network!

The Right Wing Hate Bots in NZ seem to have multiplied recently and are everywhere spreading lies and falsehoods.


…gosh wouldn’t an army of Hate Bots help twist perception for Atlas?



The Democracy Project 

No one has changed quicker to the new Government quite like Victoria University’s The Democracy Project. If we could harness the energy that Dr Bryce Edwards fastidiously puts into ignoring The Daily Blog these days, we could solve climate change tomorrow! The daily NZ Politics reading list was once one of the most important public broadcasting services in NZ, but now it’s behind a paywall, it’s nothing more than a corporate intelligence gathering service for mainstream media which is dying. I’m glad The Daily Blog has been blacklisted, we don’t want the corporates monitoring us with such ease. We’ve set up our own daily reading list of NZ blogs and overseas media worth reading that goes up overnight each weekday from 5pm. Because The Democracy Project projects Alt-Right Folk Rock Star Chris Trotter as a Left wing voice, the mid point of NZ politics gets dragged all the way to Caligula level right wing mid point so the narrative becomes increasingly hard right rather than remotely Left. The Democracy Project has simply become one more leash of Wellington control. That’s a win for them, but an enormous loss for the rest of us.


Is anyone awake in the Union movement? They seem to have become increasingly alienated from any media influence whatsoever with their latest CTU report on the economy lost within 3 hours of being launched. The Public Service has been so focused on benefitting their long serving members before the actual quality of the service for so long now that when the tide turns and the Government come for public services, they’ve been so run down the public won’t rally for them. There needs to be an urgent summit of resistance that the Unions put on and an overseeing committee of putting together a collective platform. None of that is happening and so the Unions will keep doing what the Unions have done since the passing of Helen Kelly which is push for legal action and limit themselves to an ever decreasing social media clique.

Middle Class Woke Activists 

The amount of culture war ammunition that the Woke have handed to the Right and the enormous damage this has caused the Left should now be abundantly clear to even the dumbest Left Wing Political General. As I have argued many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, 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Woke Middle Class activists have alienated an enormous chunk of the electorate with fringe identity issues that demand dogma. The fear being expressed that Marama and Chloe being two women co leaders will push away male voters is ridiculous because most male voters were alienated away from the Greens way before Chloe took over, there literally isn’t that many males left to alienate inside the Greens now. The woke’s pronouns are ‘I’ and ‘Me’ where as the Class Left’s pronouns are ‘Us’ and ‘We’. As the reality of what a hard right Government looks like, the Woke’s increasingly weird cul-de-sac issues look brittle and farcical. Poor people are not sitting around the kitchen table cancelling each other for mispronouncing Te Re or suggesting women comedians aren’t funny, they are trying to pay the fucking bills! The demarcation of power in a liberal progressive capitalist democracy is between the 1% richest and their 9% enablers vs the 90% rest of us. We need 51% to win back power, Woke Politics can’t do that.

Christopher Luxon

Good enough for Jacinda and her baby, good enough for Luxon’s family, but not good enough for Luxon and he won’t allow media in to film it so they can judge for themselves!

When Entitlement becomes Narcissism. Press Gallery Journalists and commentators keep saying Luxon ‘misread’ the room over his $52000 allowance, which is utter bullshit!

The Press Gallery Journalists all misread Luxon!

Luxon sees his privilege through his prosperity theology paradigm where he has 7 properties because Jesus loves him!

His accomodation allowance is a prosperity given to him by Jesus – that’s why he took so long to u-turn!

What’s interesting about his refusal to immediately admit mistake and change is that he did it with the EV subsidy as well. While he was damning Labour for the EV Subsidy, he was intending to use it for himself and apparently the rumour is they really had to argue internally against him taking it because it was such a bad look.

He clearly used it for his wife’s car, but his intent to get it for himself and the amount of time it took to convince him was astonishing.

His National Party Mandarins must have felt the same panic back then that they did last week when he said ‘I’m entitled’ almost 150 seperate times in the space of only 5 minutes.

The reason he refused to back down is because of his evangelical prosperity theology privilege. In Luxon’s branch dividend, Prosperity Theology preaches that the ordained and blessed by God are afforded huge wealth and prosperity.

It’s like Abraham’s blessings but on meth.

It’s what Bishop Brian Tamaki believes in.

The Bish has a huge gold watch, beautiful houses and expensive motorcycles because God loves Brian ever so much he is publicly blessing him with prosperity to bring more souls to Christ.

Hiding your prosperity when Jesus has given you the wifi password to heaven is considered terrible form.

For Luxon, him having 7 properties is proof positive that Jesus loves him, and hiding any of the prosperity and privilege that comes with being loved ever so much by Jesus is sinful.

Chris dug his heels in over his EV subsidy and paying himself $1000 per week to hire his own apartment while demanding brutal austerity for everyone else because Jesus loves him dammit!

If Jesus wants to give Chris all these privileges and benefits, then Christopher fucking Luxon deserves everything God wants to give him!

Premier House isn’t good enough for someone God loves so much.

Hilariously Chris said he was taken aback by the fury he received which really shows how disconnected from reality he is…

‘Quite full on’: Luxon on public’s $52k allowance backlash

Christopher Luxon has responded to the public backlash against him claiming a $52,000 tax-free bonus to pay for his mortgage-free Wellington apartment, saying it was “quite full on”.

…he’s demanding austerity for us and blessings he is entitled to because Baby Jesus loves him so fiercely!

Luxon didn’t misread the room, the room misread him.

He is the weakest Prime Minister in NZ History and Seymour and Winston play him like a fiddle.

The quick yellow fox and the sly silver fox jump over the lazy blue log.


With the fast tracking of Trans National Mining Interests to Dr Pork Shane Jones, the environment is fucked. Chris Bishop gloated over how extreme and radical he intends to be by promising environmental damage and you can vote for him later. This as climate change is destroying the environment and threatening global disruption with us now beyond tipping points we can’t come back from. The polluters are the only winners here


They became the political punching nag last election and are so angry at the way they have been abused, have started the resistance against this Government’s racist agenda. By attacking the Treaty Principles Bill, this Government will destroy the framework in which this Government works with Māori.

Seymour has manipulated a weak Luxon into undertaking this attack on the Treaty Principles while pretending this isn’t an attack on the Treaty.

By removing the framework for the State’s obligation to work with Māori, which is what Seymour wants, it would end any obligation to work with Māori.

This isn’t about one person one vote democracy or overblown fears of an ethnostate, this is a calculated attempt to attack the Treaty and kill it off.

The political backlash to this by māori can not be underestimated.


The first thing this Government rammed through was killing off Fair Pay Agreements and allowing corporations to use 90 day right to sack powers. Exploitation of migrant workers is at an all time high.


Second thing this Government did was give rich landlords their tax loopholes, plus a tax cut plus the right to evict as Renters continue to get crushed.

Beneficiaries and the Disabled

Beneficiary bashing is back with vengeance. Sanctions, penalties, obtuse spitefulness, it’s all coming back because the Right love to bash the bennies. Poor families lose $555million and the disabled will lose $2300 per year. We have become an ugly and mean people.

Children in poverty 

New ACT Party school lunch policy

Tax cuts for the rich will push between 7000 to 13 000 children into poverty while taking $555million from the poorest families. By slashing food in schools, we are literally taking out of the mouths of hungry children to fill the pockets of the rich. We deserve to be hit by an astroid and smote from the face of the Earth. There needs to be a special place in Hell for countries that do this.

Chippy and Labour

Time is ticking on Chippy’s Leadership

Labour won’t budge in the Polls until voters some actual policy that meets their realities.

When Labour dumped the wealth tax that would have seen everyone get $10 000 tax free, voters intellectually saw no reason to vote Labour.

When Labour dumped the Capital Gains Tax and locked into place the privilege of the mega landlords, voters intellectually saw no reason to vote Labour.

When all Labour had to offer was GST off your bananas, voters intellectually saw no reason to vote Labour.

Labour either reset the agenda by holding a ‘Rebuilding Aotearoa New Zealand’ weekend overseen by Labour that brings forward the best minds in NZ to give their ideas on how to move forward or Labour don’t look like they have learnt anything.

Chippy needs to meet and hear some of the best progressive visionaries NZ has.

Māori Legal Expert Annette Sykes – No one can give insight into the righteous anger of Māoridom like Annette can.

Documentary Film Maker Bryan Bruce – knows more about free market capitalism and poverty than the Reserve Bank Governor.

Economics Professor Tim Hazeldean – Has actual economic solutions.

Visionary Revolutionary Max Harris – His vision for a Ministry of Green Works is ahead of its time.

Greenpeace director Russel Norman – His insight and oversight on how we move to a sustainable economy is essential.

Child Poverty Action Group and Auckland Action Against Poverty – They are at the coal face of child poverty and their advice are the only ones that matter.

CTUs Craig Renney – His leadership from the CTU on economic issues has been unparalleled.

If Chippy can’t organise a reset and present Labour policy that pushes for Left Universalism and Economic Justice, then all eyes turn to Kieran McAnulty to step up as a challenger to his Leadership.

It’s as naked and as obvious as that.

Chippy either generates a reset or he gets crushed in the gravity of Labour”s failures.

What does NZ Labour stand for because we have a Party that is more right wing than the British Tory Party!

Public Broadcasting

Public Health

Public Housing

Public Education

New Zealand, Free Speech and our Democracy

“Now this is classy! I wish they did up Premier House like this, but these days you plate everything in gold & they call you ‘entitled’ as if it’s a bad thing! When’s your boss coming? Can I get a Shirley Temple please? No ice cubes, I know you people use local water for them”


As much as we are collectively shocked and horrified at the brutal right wing draconian madness that is being rammed through Parliament with bugger all over sight, can I assure you all, it’s about to get waaaaaaaaay worse once the lobbyists have fleshed their election talking points into actual policy.

I do not think we are ready for this jelly.

New Zealand, Free Speech and our Democracy all suffer under this hard right racist climate denying beneficiary bashing Government. Democracy demands more than majoritarianism and the cavalcade of culture war revenge fantasies masquerading as social policy demeans us all.

We are a better people, a better country and a better society than National, ACT and NZ First are mutating us into!




Nothing sums up where we are as a people and a country right now quite like the manner in which Christ Bishop rewarded his staff for these 100 days of social carnage.

After slashing budgets and taking from the poor to give to the rich, Chris Bishop rewarded his staff with Crayfish…

…Crayfish for them.

Austerity for the rest of us.

There needs to be an urgent political summit of the Left to work out how we are going to collectively resist this.

We are seeing a new hard right racist Government who are politically assaulting the most vulnerable amongst us so they can give policy wins to their rich mates.

They are implementing an anti-Māori, anti-renter, anti-environment, anti-worker, anti-beneficiary agenda and to challenge them will demand a united front.

Pushing 13000 children into poverty, 8000 tobacco deaths and taking thousands from disabled beneficiaries just so National can afford their tax cuts for rich landlords is an obscenity we should all be ashamed of.

This Government isn’t even 4 months old and the level of protest at the extreme nature of their agenda actually offends many peoples egalitarian sensibilities.

We are a fair people, what National, ACT and NZFirst have all agreed to is extreme and nasty.

Kiwis aren’t extreme or nasty. Some are, they vote ACT and NZ First, but National voters will be aghast at what they’ve seen so far.

This is the time for the political Left to walk away from woke pure temple politics and embrace Broadchurch class solidarity.

Our under funded social infrastructure, our ‘me first’ consumerism, our 30 years of neoliberal mythology, our disconnection from one another, our untreated pain, our lack of hope from grinding poverty in a first world country, our damaged masculinity, the intergenerational consequences of colonialism, our unspoken rage culture, our inability to express emotion beyond anger – all of this demands questions we don’t want to hear as a society.

The Right look for recruits, the Left look for traitors.

If we don’t provide people with Hope that there is a better way of being for us all, if we don’t provide vision that actually addresses the material well being of our voters, if we aren’t prepared to debate the expansion of State Capacity by taxing the megawealthy and funding the climate change adaptation,  if we don’t do all that, this hard right racist Government will win again.


Increasingly having independent opinion in a mainstream media environment which mostly echo one another has become more important than ever, so if you value having an independent voice – please donate here.

If you can’t contribute but want to help, please always feel free to share our blogs on social media.


  1. It’s all dwarfed by the unforgivable damage to the progress toward climate change mitigation that Simeon Brown, Shane Jones and Brownlee are engineering.

      • The Daily Blog isn’t prescribing climate mitigation policy it’s way way way to late for that now. National, Winston and David Seymour are leading New Zealand head first into disaster. It’s pure suicide. What we have to do now is adapt. Adapt, adapt, adapt.

  2. Nothing much has changed in forty years. We’re still fucked on a resource rich country with a tiny population while our abusers get clean away with it.
    I’m unashamedly placing all my bets on Chloe Swarbrick because from the above I clearly have nothing to lose. It’ll be the young idealists who will save our dirty, lazy old souls.

  3. You can get people out of conspiracy theories. There was article British newspaper the Express about it. It’s lengthy and expensive. Particularly when they leave and realize all their friends and support/family have disappeared because they regard them as traitors to the cause.


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