The PSA is urging the Government to heed new analysis by the Council of Trade Unions (CTU) that shows government investment in public services risks falling short of population growth over the next four years .
“The failure to invest enough, consistently enough as our population has grown and changed is well established,” said Duane Leo National Secretary for the Public Service Association Te Pūkenga Here Tikanga Mahi.
“Each government dollar is being stretched further every day to cater for the rising demands of record population growth and yet we are now embarking on a reckless cost cutting drive that will aggravate the deficit in spending.
“The stark analysis laid out by the CTU should be a warning to the Government at its 100-day mark that the deep and wide cuts demanded of every government ministry and agency will impact services for years to come.
“This is all about the Government desperately trying to find money in every corner to pay for tax cuts for landlords and higher income workers.
“It makes no sense – and New Zealanders will pay a high price in losing services they depend on and not getting the upgraded schools and hospitals and other infrastructure they need.
“We need a new approach, not the same, tried and failed austerity recipe this Government is adopting. The Government calls it being fiscally responsible. The responsible thing to do is actually to abandon its expensive tax cuts and invest in what New Zealanders need.
“Now more than ever as we face big challenges, such as a growing and aging population, climate change, protecting our environment, and tackling the infrastructure deficit, we need a well-resourced public service.
“We urge Finance Minister Nicola Willis to read the report and carefully weigh decisions on spending as she prepares for May’s Budget,” said Duane Leo.