The Daily Blog Open Mic – 8th March 2024


Announce protest actions, general chit chat or give your opinion on issues we haven’t covered for the day.

The Editor doesn’t moderate this blog,  3 volunteers do, they are very lenient to provide you a free speech space but if it’s just deranged abuse or putting words in bloggers mouths to have a pointless argument, we don’t bother publishing.

All in all, TDB gives punters a very, very, very wide space to comment in but we won’t bother with out right lies or gleeful malice. We leave that to the Herald comment section.

EDITORS NOTE: – By the way, here’s a list of shit that will get your comment dumped. Sexist abuse, homophobic abuse, racist abuse, anti-muslim abuse, transphobic abuse, Chemtrails, 9/11 truthers, Qanon lunacy, climate deniers, anti-fluoride fanatics, anti-vaxxer lunatics, 5G conspiracy theories, the virus is a bioweapon, some weird bullshit about the UN taking over the world  and ANYONE that links to fucking infowar.


  1. So has the Coalition of Cuts set off a political bomb by cancelling the media darlings of the boomers?…Fair Go and Sunday. Will David Seymour now have to avoid Tauranga forever? Or the Bay of Plenty in general…? These and other questions.

  2. Not much mention in MSM about the resignation of the architect of the Ukraine conflict . Are things not going well ?

    • Oh is there an architectural business waiting in the shadows to get a contract to rebuild after the war is over? That ‘s what war is good for, making profitable business in armaments and new tech and now I guess architects are up there with them. Also is one of the medical insurance companies offering to do a private Florence Nightingale too? Our own Mark Mitchell ha done mercenary fighting organisation for big bucks I hear. All ready to set up a police force here that demolishes crime.

  3. An advisory to let you know about this:
    Upcoming Events: Graham Lineham’s book tour –

    Graham Linehan is an award winning Irish comedy writer, comedian and author. He captured the comedy zeitgeist not just as the co-creator of Father Ted but also with The IT Crowd and Black Books, winning five Baftas and a lifetime achievement award.

    Graham is coming to New Zealand to promote his book “Tough crowd” – Part comedy-writing masterclass, part diary of a gender wars ‘cancellation’. Graham has first hand experience with epidemic of cancellation and censorship facing many in todays society. He has become a staunch advocate for free speech, using his to speak for those who he believes aren’t often able to speak for themselves.
    Graham will be speaking in Auckland, Wellington and Christchurch next week. You can find out more about these events organised by the Free Speech Union here. —
    Auckland and Wellington sold out.
    Available at present – Christchurch Tuesday 19 March 6.30 pm Hagley Oval Pavilion $15
    e.g. 3m Father Ted

    My suggestion in these dire housing times – is that the government help out with a low-interest mortgage for a house of limited size and opulence for people whose homes are in danger of slipping away, and the home if livable provide temporary accommodation for the homeless especially if near their workplace or support people. Props can be put up to prevent further slipping, basic sanitary services and cook area, a system for retreating safely set up. An open 24 hour phone line and gathering places in halls available, when there is further slipping and people need to leave while safe.

    Just make up your mind to do something you usually useless pollies. No use looking at your wealthy backers you pollies – here is your chance to get a nz medal of merit for actually making a decision to aid an ordinary NZr and carrying it through successfully. The word is ‘us’ and we want you to rejoin us in the human race – NZ/AO style and be a rare hero/heroine/other.

  5. Please look at Trotter’s criticism of Galloway’s election on Bowalley Road. I gave him my full blast — it was personal(?) in parts I admit — but of course he didn’t print it. Another proof of his wanderings away from reality for psychological reasons. The ‘art of the possible’ above the necessity of reality. He doesn’t think anything can be done about climate change — fair comment — but so he won’t? Kills 57-year-old me early and his chdn and grandchdn very early.

    The old Left was brought up on fight above all, never Chris’s strength personally — he complains as so this is a game of draughts. Lprent retains the delightful voracious fight but not the Left bit.

  6. Mothers can’t stay home and look after their children, and do some volunteer work when they can fit it in. No they are lazy awful people for not having their children in a nice little cupboard which the door can be closed on so they can get on with their own business which is likely to be a nurturing role of new people in our human society. They need more than isolation, and hello they don’t even get a chance to do much mothering. They must be out at work to stop them being lazy at home. So they need child care but …

  7. For goodness sake, Linehan’s success with Father Ted was almost twenty eight years ago and Ireland is a very different country now. I suspect that what really happened is that tastes and audience composition changed and his routines and subject matter became dated. As for the transphobia, he’s a loose canon on those issues and seems to have little tolerance for anyone expressing the heretical ideas that (i) gender dysphoria is a medical reality (ii) remedial surgery is a solution to that (iii) trans people have the right to social equality and human dignity and (iv) transphobes often have dealings with shadier customers to their extreme right (ie Kellie Jean Keen Minshull aka Posie Parker).

    The man’s turned into a dreary intolerant ideologue and frankly, if people want good, edgy Irish comedy these days, may I recommend the Rubberbandits instead?

  8. Here’s the problem I have with Linehan and Parker both. The issue is not free speech, it is the ability to hold neutrally adjudicated civil and rational debates about issues with the touchstone being replicable, cumulative and verifiable medical and other scientific evidence. I got a mate to get a copy of Linehan’s book, gritted my teeth and dived in. “Rough Crowd” consists of a series of tabloid media comments as “proof”, in other words secondary source material. That is not ‘proof’, it is subjective opinion.

    Now, don’t get me wrong. Linehan should have the right to express his views, but he really shouldn’t keep reacting so badly when people point out that they are not based on replicable, cumulative and verifiable medical and other scientific evidence. I’d far rather prefer to pay heed to the research and evidence available in peer reviewed professional journals, whether it serves as verification or rebuttal for given social issues. Unfortunately for Linehan, Parker and their ilk, that doesn’t substantiate transphobia.


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