Trump’s Super Tuesday success a terrible warning for the Left


Nicky Haley has finally run out of road, despite the huge money interest backing her, Trump’s appeal to the working classes who have been left behind by 40 year of neoliberalism is too great.

Those resentful working classes love that the elites who despise them hate him, because  that is what modern politics has mutated into thanks to social media hate algorithms, personally offended voting blocks seeking vengeance upon those they hate.

All eyes are now on Trump.

His possible re-election is the momentum for every other power to try it on and take as much as they can before he is elected and then ‘negotiate’ a symbolic peace while keeping what they want.

If Trump wins, he will bring a level of isolation and internal fascism never seen before. His militarisation of ICE with massive detainment camps is the effective creation of an internal secret police with vast unchecked powers.

It’ll be the worst bits of the Handmaids Tale mixed with Toxic White Christian Nationalism.

He will refuse to leave office if he is elected.

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This is who we have allied ourselves with in the Red Sea War.

This shows just how much culture war polarisation has played into our political systems.

Trump voters hate the Left with a visceral passion.

They finally have the power and they get to live out their favourite revenge fantasy against people who have looked down upon them.

Bruised egos and brittle identity feelings are the only currency.

Reason, argument, logic and reason are no longer respected.

Into a United States of Neurosis comes the Nightmare President, an Orange Fascism that will begin the end of Late Stage Capitalism Democracy.


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  1. Maybe you should stop putting down the working class as thick racist Neanderthals that don’t have the ability to make important decisions about their own lives
    They do, they can, and they will leaving you to deal with the consequences

    • So you think lynching and segregation should be brought back in the USA then? If Trump gets back in, every single civil rights gain will be rolled back. Period. Cops will be able to gun down blacks willy nilly, LGBT’s will be put in concentration camps, abortion and birth control will be banned, sex outside of marriage will be banned, gay marriage will be wiped, evolution will be banned from school, atheists will be purged from the public service. Its going to be a theocratic police state.

    • You are a right wing canceling fuckwit Jonzie.
      If only you made sense, The right believe they’re bigger than the law, even in America.

  2. Well that’s one way to put it Martyn. Trump had his rat loaded SCOTUS in his pocket, and they delivered–hours before Super Tuesday! to ensure his eligibility to stand–never mind Mango Mussolini’s 90 court cases and a huge multi million dollar payment for being a pathetic rapist.

    It is up to the Americans to sort this out. The demographics and numbers are there to defeat the comb over king, but…but…there is a huge alienated non vote. Joe Biden has fudged his chances by supporting the Israeli butchers as was illustrated in the Michigan primary.

    The first past the post system relegates third partys, massive district gerrymandering, virtually a line drawn around Republican supporters houses. There is the undemocratic Electoral Collage where California and Montana both get two reps despite a 39 million population difference! And…voter suppression via all sorts of snakey laws that vary by state, typically no votes for ex prisoners, complicated enrolment requiring travel and money, reduced numbers of polling booths along with bans on supplying queuing voters with water!

    So all in all, fatso is in with a very good chance. Americans as per New Zealanders are their own worst enemy. A Maga Presidency will see an authoritarian USA.

    • I believe you are confusing the electoral college with congress
      Califorinia has 54 votes whilst Montana has 4

      • Technically correct but almost totally irrelevant since there is no proportionality in how the Electoral College votes are used. Given that Trump lost the popular vote in 2016 and the other issues around the ability to vote it seems that the system at it currently favours the Republican party.

  3. Nah, King Con’s “success” was in a same-team competition between Sauron and the Empress of the Skeksis. In many respects the Empress was the more dangerous.

    USA is intractably tribal, For every gain they’ve made in their orange saviour’s grip on the party, the Lord of the Lies and his MAGA Republican lunatics have steadily eroded the Republican share of the national voter base
    Trump lost the popular vote in 2016. He lost it again in 2020 by even greater margin as well as the presidency. He oversaw loss after loss whenever it counted. He’s a loser, and soon to be bankrupted and jailed.

    The Republicans have lost the Senate since 2016 and can’t currently manage the slender advantage they tenuously hold in Congress to to anything constructive. Watch as Boebert, Mad Madge -“Barney Rubble”-Taylor Greene, Gaetz, Jordan et al run out of places to hide.

    Respect for SCOTUS is at an all time low in USA. For good reason.

    Given the level of irrational religiosity and bigotry in the USA I’m aware of of the danger of crediting US public with too greater ability to think rationally, but surely they aren’t stupid enough to put him back in office.

    • Actually I read an article on CNN news site not long ago the average intelligence of American population is what is now called year 7 or a 11 to 12 year old.
      When you see how some of these trump-tards speak it is easy to see why.

  4. If it’s between Biden and Trump, you’d want Biden then???

    What happened to all those wars Trump started in his first term? Oh that’s right, there were none.

    • He started the internal war with his insurrection, the worst war imaginable.
      Trump is a ticking time bomb.

      How many insurrections and impeachments happened under Biden? Oh that’s right, there were none.

      • Why would we care about problems ammurica has? The more problems these psycho killers have internally, the less they can create for human beings.

      • Been cleared of everything. The only reason they’re after him is because he’s not part of the swamp (both Rep. and Dem.)

        Want to talk about Hunters laptop?

  5. Yeti is correct, all the things Trump is accused of merely mirror the reality, the US is already a fascist corporatist state the way Mussolini envisaged. The military financial industrial pharmaceutical health government nexus, all designed to line the pockets of the few exists today. It is the “swamp” and Trump has no intention or ability to drain it. Absolutely nothing will change.

    After Trump comes the next schmuck making promises to the voters that will change nothing.

    • Yes, you’d think that a country with a population the size of the USA could find two better candidates. It is questionable however how much influence Presidents alone have, given the dynamics of the Swamp, so perhaps its all rather immaterial.

  6. A Trump victory would encourage despots worldwide.

    It would also hasten the degradation of NZ local politics as unscrupulous individuals leap on bandwagons like gun nutjobbery, vax denial, and sovereign citizen nonsense.

    I hope America finds itself again. It will go badly for us if it doesn’t.

    • A Trump victory would encourage despots worldwide? Whereas Biden’s election kept Putin in check, right?

  7. Like here, the U$A is all about money, that can’t be argued against. So, who ever has the most of it will win what ever race you care to name. In my opinion, humble as it is, capitalism should be renamed. We could call it fascism.
    After all, that’s what we have in what was Aotearoa / New Zealand after our forty years of the rogernomes particular and sadistically peculiar version of fascism. 14 multi-billionaires, 3118 multi-millionaires and four now foreign owned banks being mindlessly fed $180.00 a second net 24/7/365 by we schmucks and we’re led to believe, by they, the fascists, that’s the darkly laughable thing, that we have choices. We now have fuck all other than debt and choices ain’t one of them. Our primary industry is in ruins, our rich are absurdly and unreachably wealthy and we normal old fuckers eat each other while they watch on at the show as they eat grapes.
    Trump is neither worse than, nor better than, the rest. He’s a symptom. The pus under the scab. We’re witnessing the end-times of humanity. Good people are failing to act so evil is prevailing.
    To Farmers? Unite with @ Maori and shut down the caverns infested by the manipulative, well educated psychopaths between yourselves and your markets.
    To The broader populace. Mandate voting. You must vote. 3 million voting able people versus 3132 rich sociopaths is good odds and that’s why, if you don’t vote you enable everything everywhere to be fucked by a handful of *egomaniacal sociopaths. Vast amounts of money in the hands of a tiny minority is a cancer.
    * Meaning of egomaniacal in English
    relating to someone who considers themselves to be very important and able to do anything that they want: The office is filled with egomaniacal workaholics. In his new movie – a comedy – he plays an egomaniacal media mogul. See. egomaniac.
    Sound familiar?

  8. I’ve been following this since Jan 6, and what you say just isn’t true. On fact, Super Tuesday was a dismal failure for Daipher Don Loser Leader. He’s been lampooned and lambasted by left wing and right wing media alike, even from Fox News who mercilessly mocked him. In every poll for that day, Daipher Don got less votes than the “uncommitted”. With “victories” like that, Daipher Don won’t get the nomination.
    Even if he does, the polling shows that two thirds of registered Republicans will either not vote or will vote democrat. Even among MAGAnuts, Daipher Don’s support has halved, with a further half saying they’ll vote against him upon his first criminal conviction.
    Sorry, Martyn, but you’ve misread this one.

    • Not quite the full picture. The deplorables are a mixed bunch, many sick to death of liberals who have sold them down the road. Sick to death of the wokeness. The irony is Trump is a phony, a popularist, simply in it for his own ego, and downright dangerous because of his own incapability. And like Biden simply a puppet.

      • wokeness simply means social progress, unfortunately the deplorables are a bunch of racist, homophobic prudes who want to tell people how to live. No sex before marriage, no being gay, no wearing bikinis, no sex stuff anywhere, police should kill who they like, etc and so on.

  9. Genocide Joe has got to go.

    Nobody should ever vote for someone who supports genocide.
    It’s just common decency.
    Genocide is the crime that cannot be overlooked, that cannot be forgiven.

    A defeat for Biden will be a defeat for Trump.

    If Biden loses the presidency, it will solely be for his support for the war in Gaza.

    By the same token if Biden wins the election, it will be an endorsement of his support for genocide.

    ‘But Trump supports the geocide in Gaza too!’
    Of course he does, the whole American political establishment does, they know that US political domination of the Middle East relies on Israel. But a defeat for Biden will be a shot over their bows that support for genocide is unacceptable.

    • Sorry Pat, but it’s time to take the blinkers off. The vast majority of Americans couldn’t give two stuffs about Israel/Palestine. In this presidential race, they’re far more concerned about the clear and present danger to their own democracy, fragile as it is. However much YOU may wish to decry Biden’s policy towards that conflict, Daipher Don’s would be 1000 times worse. What you fail to realise is that Jan 6 was a strike at the heart of Americans and their perception of who and what they are, almost as significant and important as 9/11. That’s why the political climate there is inward focused, not external. Yes, there are pressure groups on both sides of that conflict, but these are largely ignored in the current political climate, because the extreme right in America is perceived as an ongoing threat to their cornerstones. This American election will be won or lost on the acceptance or rejection of Daipher Don.

      • Who is really wearing the blinkers here Richard? Your analysis neglects a couple of things.
        First of all, according to all polls conducted so far the presidential race between Biden and Trump has been called neck and neck. Within the margin of error, the polls show Trump slightly ahead of Biden.
        (So much for your claim that Americans are far more concerned about the danger to their democracy, At least 50% of them aren’t.)
        If Biden was well ahead you could have a point, but he isn’t and you don’t.

        Considering the slim margin between Biden and Trump, – opposition to Biden’s support for the genocidal war in Gaza could very well be the issue that could tip the result one way or the other.
        To give himself a bit more of a margin ahead of Trump, why doesn’t Biden ditch his support for this war in Gaz?
        There is one other thing your analysis neglects;
        ‘imperialism’. Ever since the Monroe doctrine, and even before that, the US administration (both houses) have been committed to imperialism. Even if it means losing an election, LBJ despite his “Great Society” domestic program lost the election over his support for the war in Vietnam.

        Imperialism is first and foremost an economic system. A pro US settler state in the heart of the oil rich Middle East is a guarantees of US dominance in the region. .
        Biden would rather lose the election to Trump, than give up his support for Israel. The Democratic party would rather cut off their Left hand, than end their support for US imperialism.

  10. A defeat for Biden will be a defeat for Trump.
    The Liberal Left keep telling us, a Biden administration Is good for the US economy, is good for the climate. is good for social justice. Or at least better than a Trump administration.
    Which is true.
    Because of this truth, if Biden loses the presidency it will be for one reason and one reason only, Biden’s support for the genocide in Gaza that his administration aids and abets .
    Biden supports the genocide in Gaza,Trump supports the genocide in Gaza, in fact the whole US political establishment except for a very few notable exceptions support the genocide in Gaza, and for good reason. Israel is US imperialism’s unsinkable aircraft carrier that ensures US domination of the oil rich Middle East and the Mediterranean. Palestinian independence threatens that domination and control.
    A defeat for Biden will be a defeat and a warning to Donald Trump, indeed for the whole US establishment class, that support for genocide is the one issue we will not tolerate, nor forgive.
    Genocide must become the third rail of politics that no US president can touch.

    The same goes for Keir Starmer in the UK. On all polling Keir Starmer and the British Labour Party are set to become the next government of the UK, only one issue can keep Keir Starmer and Labour from victory, Keir Starmer’s and Labour’s unforgivable support for the genocide in Gaza.

    • Totally agree, and would go even further by adding that the biggest change has to, absolutely must, come from within Israel itself. If what’s being reported outside MSM is true, then between 50% & 60% of Israelis are vehemently opposed to this action by their fragile right wing coalition that could blow apart any minute. This opposition takes many forms from quiet and unobtrusive discouragement, to vocal and risky street protest, to outright refusal to report for duty. It includes most of the surviving concentration and death camp survivors, most of the Sabra, many of the business people who have intimate links with the Palestinian community. In our haste to voice our justified opposition, we MUST always be extremely careful to differentiate between our Israeli allies and the Israeli criminals in charge.

  11. Who is really wearing the blinkers here Richard? Your analysis neglects a couple of things.
    First of all, according to all polls conducted so far, the presidential race between Biden and Trump has been called neck and neck. Within the margin of error, polls show Trump slightly ahead of Biden.
    (So much for your claim that Americans are concerned about the danger to their democracy posed by Trump, At least 50% of them aren’t.)
    If Biden was well ahead you could have a point, but he isn’t and you don’t.

    Considering the slim margin or error difference between Biden and Trump, – opposition to Biden’s support for the genocidal war in Gaza could very well be the issue that could tip the result one way or the other.
    To give himself a bit more of a margin ahead of Trump, why doesn’t Biden ditch his support for this war in Gaz?
    That is the other thing your analysis neglects;
    Mark Twain the founding chairman of the American Anti-imperialism League wrote that the stars on the US flag needed to be replaced with skulls.

    Formally in 1823 with the Monroe doctrine, and informally before that, the whole of the US establishment became welded to US to imperialism. US mainstream political parties the Democrats and Republicans to this day are both committed to US imperialism, even at the cost of losing an election. LBJ despite his progressive “Great Society” domestic program lost the election over his support for US imperialism in Vietnam.

    Imperialism is first and foremost an economic system. A pro US settler state in the heart of the oil rich Middle East is a guarantee of US dominance in the region. .
    Biden would rather lose the election to Trump, than give up his support for Israel. The Democratic party would sacrifice all their progressive domestic policies, to continue their support for US imperialism in the Middle East.
    You might argue that a Trump administration will be even predatory and imperialist than a Biden administration. But to the people of Gaza and the majority of nations in the UN, you can’t get worse than genocide.


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