RIP Nelvany – 2 years of war in the Ukraine and how Trump will end it


Navalny’s mother shown body and ‘blackmailed by authorities’ over funeral

Alexei Navalny’s mother has said she has been shown the body of her son but that the authorities were “blackmailing” her into burying him in a secret ceremony without mourners.

In a video message on Thursday, Lyudmila Navalnaya said she was driven to a morgue on Wednesday evening where authorities showed her the body.

Navalnaya said she recorded the video because she was being threatened into agreeing to a secret funeral for her son and that the authorities refused to give her his body unless she agreed to their terms.

“They want it to be done secretly, without a goodbye. They want to bring me to the edge of the cemetery, to a fresh grave and say: here lies your son. I don’t agree to that,” she said.

I am Socialist Left as fuck and despise the American Military Industrial Complex, but I have never understood the spineless devotion of Putin apologists!

Putin is a fucking authoritarian thug whose unspeakable brutal violence marks him as a brutal dictator. His needless war with Ukraine is an abomination and he has assassinated anyone he likes, with Alexei Navalny but one of many Putin has had killed.

Fuck Putin and fuck anyone defending him.

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I don’t give a shit about the Donbas provocations, that doesn’t justify a war where he is minced up 370 000 of his own fucking men for a totally preventable war!

Don’t forget his naked contempt for the Gay community and his cruelty towards them either!

What possible redemption is there for Putin other than an immediate heart attack?

When Putin invaded the Ukraine, we all told ourselves in the West that the great Chessmaster had blundered and had grossly underestimated the power of sovereignty to the Ukrainian people.

I wrote at the time that I hoped we were right, and that he had blundered, but I feared it was we who were blundering.

I argued Putin would invade because of his strong Orthodox Christian faith and that he had come to view his leadership in comparison to the great Russian Leaders of the past and after the attempted coup in Kazakhstan, Putin decided that true greatness for Mother Russia would reside outside of America’s Rules based Order regime and that Russia could be great again in a destabilised world.

I fear Putin forced his country into war and sees the 370 000+ casualties and dead as a great price to pay for Russia to seed chaos and build power from that chaos.

His only regret is that he didn’t start sooner!

The blackbelt Judo in him knows winning can be the one prepared to take the most pain and that submission is as good as a knock out.

It is absolutely in Putin’s interests to seed more disruption. Russian Intelligence finger prints are all over the Hamas plans of October 7th and Russia’s new friendship with Iran sets up the Middle East as a new front in Putins war.

Already Western appetite for Ukrainian support is waning as money is taken to Israel.

Russia’s ability to throw their own men into slaughter to literally blunt Ukrainian forces is staggering and has gridlocked any gains. The new Western heavy armour and jets will be ready for early this year and if the Ukraine can’t force an advance, all Putin has to do is wait for Trump to win and cut a peace deal with Trump.

The reality of how little time the Ukraine has to make advances could lead some to a desperate cross border escapade into Russia triggering a far more extreme response from Russia…

Kyiv has right to strike Russian targets ‘outside Ukraine’, says Nato chief

…You can see the impact of these new weapons already with the downing of a half billion dollar Russian spy plane and Black Sea fleet.

Expect more problems in Serbia as Russian backed interests start destabilisation tactics to keep the Europeans worried.

Putin knows he just has to hold on till Trump is re-elected and Trump will freeze Ukrainian funding and force Zelensky to the negotiating table.

Zelensky knows this too.

All eyes are now on Trump. His possible re-election is the momentum for every other power to try it on and take as much as they can before he is elected and then ‘negotiate’ a symbolic peace while keeping what they want.

If Trump wins, he will bring a level of isolation and internal fascism never seen before. His militarisation of ICE with massive detainment camps is the effective creation of an internal secret police with vast unchecked powers.

It’ll be the worst bits of the Handmaids Tale mixed with Toxic White Christian Nationalism.

Expect a spike in escalation for world attention as Israel’s ethnic cleansing war crime continues and worsens and Putin is tempted to do the most extreme thing he can which is give Iran the technology and material to successfully test a nuclear bomb.

Boss of Japan crime syndicate conspired to traffic nuclear material, say US prosecutors

Takeshi Ebisawa is being charged over a conspiracy to traffic uranium and plutonium from Myanmar, believing Iran would use it to make weapons


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  1. I’m not sure that Trump will be quite the friend to Putin that people are assuming, especially when Putin said he’d rather deal with Biden because he was more stable. The Don’s ego doesn’t like be challenged. Plus the bulk of that spending on “Ukraine” is spent in the USA which the military complex is pretty fond of.

    Trump also achieved his aims with NATO by getting the other countries to spend more. He may be a moron but he isn’t quite the pacifist that people seem to portray him as.

  2. There seems to be a view that Trump is a shoo in for president but don’t be so sure. It is very possible perhaps even likely that Trump will be criminally convicted by the time of the next election. This will raise two questions. Will the once Grand Old Party continue to prostrate itself at the feet of a convicted criminal and continue to support Trump’s candidature? I’m sure the MAGA crowd will continue to back it’s candidate regardless but the most important question is will the swing vote back a convicted criminal over the geriatric?

    I suspect Biden will sneak back in under this scenario.

  3. You seem to be missing some usual Putin defenders from this thread. I’m not sure where Nick J etc are and why they aren’t commenting, they seem pretty prolific in their thoughts in anything that Ben Morgan posts.

    Come on guys – tell Bomber that he’s wrong. Surely the comments about Putin made here are all slanderous and just the lies from the MSM, or spies as one of you recently said.

    Or are you too scared to take him on?


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