Understanding Bloke Down Pub Politics : What NZ First Antivaxxers and ACT Treaty haters have in common


There are two foundation stones shared between the NZ First Antivaxxers and ACT Treaty haters, the first is revenge.

Both NZ First Antivaxxers and ACT Treaty haters want revenge, revenge for being called unhinged ferals and banjo twanging cross burning redneck racists. Turns out when you advocate for race baiting nonsense and antivaxx garbage, you get very sensitive to getting called out.

This isn’t social policy getting implemented, it’s culture war revenge fantasies masquerading as democracy.

The second foundation stone shared between the NZ First Antivaxxers and ACT Treaty haters is Bloke Down Pub Politics where the reckons of the terminally bitter are somehow better than the Constitutional Experts and actual medical scientists.

This whole argument that “we the people didn’t have a say in Lord Cooke’s 1987 ruling” utterly misunderstands the nature of our democracy and is the intellectual equivalent of being a book burner demanding to run the library!

We have a representative democracy, not a participatory democracy.

We elect people and pay them well and resource them with the best advice to make the best decisions, if you don’t like them you kick them out of office once every 3 years.

Demanding a say in issues requiring deep wisdom, experience and technical skill like Constitutional Law and vaccines is like letting children design airplanes FFS!

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You are all honestly smarter than Lord fucking Cooke and the vast majority of medical experts promoting the vaccine are you?

The arrogance of so many of you is just jaw dropping in its level of self delusion!

I want a fucking expert making decisions as important as this, not slack jawed yokels who are frightened every time there’s an eclipse that the moon dragon is eating the Sun God!

In fields that demand intelligence, why the Christ would you ask morons for their fucking opinion?

It’s like getting them in to have a say over brain surgery FFS!

Why would you listen to a fucking redneck on advice for brain surgery, or vaccine science, or building a legislative constructional framework that allows indigenous people to access promises made by a Treaty the conquering culture never wants to acknowledge?

This hate of the expert because apparently the experts advice hurts your fucking feelings is woke snowflake trigger level pathetic.

Right wing feelings from the Anitvaxx perma-grievance movement and the anti-Māori settler klan are what is deciding fucking policy here, not expert analysis!

Ill informed, stupid, ignorant, right wing ‘feelings’.

Fuck your feelings.


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    • What Bomber seems to be getting at here is the question of why workers and small farmers are voting for bourgeois parties, instead of for people who represent their own interests.

      They were herded in that direction by a highly propagandistic press corps, which is dominated by a tiny number of monopolistic press barons. The de facto system of censorship is so extreme that the most important stories are not covered at all. Serious broadsheet newspapers are reduced to a room-temperature I.Q.

      The next problem is finding an actual alternative. The genuine social democrats that supported Jeremy Corbyn and Bernie Sanders were driven out of the Labour Party by the mega-donor-controlled Clintonites, organised around Chris Hipkins. The nationalists — who are at least interested in taking back some basic sovereignty, and returning to some kind of economic self sufficiency — are similarly suppressed by the political donors that control N.Z.F. and A.C.T.

      The third problem is that any motivated person is trying to get the hell out of the country. The best people to lead some kind of mass movement are gone, and are never coming back.

      • “What Bomber seems to be getting at here is the question of why workers and small farmers are voting for bourgeois parties, instead of for people who represent their own interests.”

        Which party is it that actually represents their own issues? The best we get is parties that are happy to pretend to represent citizens issues, while just doing what their financial backers want. No one rocks the boat in good, old NZ.

  1. The problem with your argument being that, all too often, our elected representatives (and law makers) are UNrepresentative.

  2. Nah, resentment is good and should be weaponized. We, the 99%, have been getting shafted by the likes of John Key since the destruction of the last remaining remnants of New Zealand’s command economy in the 80s. It’s time to turn the clock back.

    I heard Siouxsie Willies speak for the first time on a podcast I listen to the other day, and while I was pleasantly surprised by how she wasn’t really annoying like her writing, it’s not surprising that Bloomfield and Willies rubbed some people the wrong way. If Ardern had been serious about actually eliminating COVID in NZ (which she obviously wasn’t since people were allowed in from the American septic tank breeding ground during the ‘lockdowns’), there would have been relatable blokes involved in the messaging.

    A diversity of tactics is good.

  3. Are we talking about advice or authority? Are we talking about the experts or the decision makers?

    “No one gets a say unless they’re an expert” is nonsense, it’s all about informed consent. Experts are the inform, and proles get to consent – or not.

    And proles don’t even get informed by experts, we get govt PR that doesn’t even get the whiff of expert advice it has correct.

  4. Heaven preserve us from people who have “done their own research.” AFAIK people who “do their own research” simply seek out sources that support their point of view. That’s a big excuse of the people on Trotters blog that he now lets spew their anti-vax bullshit.

    • His commentators are also historic revisionist making up their own history. And their seem to be many claiming Maori heritage (Ben Waimate) than start doing the Seymour/Winston tiptoe dance employing coarsen narrative to the culture they claim they’re apart of.

    • “AFAIK people who “do their own research” simply seek out sources that support their point of view”

      Ain’t that the truth!. They even get it “peer reviewed” by those of like mind or within their “bubble” (electronic or physical). ‘Evidence’ for the so-called research often comes from places like Quora which has now gone down the rabbit hole by resorting AI generated questions – which are often designed to stir the shit (such as over blowing the Khalistani movement).
      And you can’t challenge them either for fear of hurting their feelings or getting a shouty boy reaction.
      You’d be wasting your time.

  5. All the supposid experts on the Te Tiriti o Waitangi are redneck pakeha bigots that voted for ACT who get their historic lessons from their venerated idol claiming paaaart Maaaari Seymour. The word “WOKE” used by NZFirst leader Winny da Pooo vociferously is an attack on academics legal experts Climate scientist etc..

  6. “We have a representative democracy, not a participatory democracy.”

    Yeah, well, we are both being out represented (by, big money and NGO interests, not to mention US govt interests) and out participated, whom do our pollies listen to more, the interests of their voters or the aforementioned interests? Yeah, we get to vote them in/out every three years but in and out of what – the same bloody captured political structure, that’s what! As such, nothing changes for the better for most of us, just more tinkering around the edges that helps alleviate the consequences of the special interest polices they invoke. More of the same, that’s why neoliberal economic policy still soldiers on.

    You would think that neoliberalism would have wised us up by now, but no, we still believe we have a functioning democracy. As if….

  7. We all start with being selfish little morons who shit where we eat once we’ve been dragged kicking and squealing into [this]. What ever [this] is. Some call it life, others call it purgatory while I call it a wild fucking ride man.
    I mean, where else could you find this shit? All of it. Where? Heaven? Hell? Is this in fact Heaven AND Hell thus perhaps [life’s] presenting itself to us as a choice? We can chose our [journey] and I hate that term, not being a hippy nor none of that there. Although, I must admit, if I had to choose, and perhaps I do, ( !?) then perhaps I am, then I’d go with Hippy-Kind in the heart beat of a sub atomic particle.
    Hippies are all about dope and pot plants and Sitar music and sunsets and sex, peace, love and sharing. What’s not to like? I’ve known many a hippy in my journey from a rough, arrogant, nasty fucking countryboy to the nearest glorious female human vagina with arms at the ends of which were hands upon which were fingers pinching rolled up plant material which, when ignited then inhaled saw my now past speeding into my history in the rear vision mirror of my mind. But I digress. I don’t want to, because I was enjoying a brief recap of happier days.
    But oh no. Not no mo’.
    We have a troupe of psychopaths who have forsaken a stake in a glorious lottery where really, no one loses bye and bye to a vicious, ugly, savage, dull, boring, feeble little nylon life where, if you’re godless enough, you too can have an opportunity to exploit the very ground you’ve just shat on. And, despite the compelling evidence to urgently suggest otherwise, will continue to shit on. ” But hey! Okay. Sure. I have a 3 inch cock but I can pay to put it anywhere I fucking like and how about that Range Rover I just bought the Missus? Hope my fuck buddy doesn’t find out ! Yuk! Yuk! Yuk!”
    The only thing we trainee hippies can do is to stand where we stand. And we must stand with others also standing, if you get my drift.
    The Daily Blog is a unifying force. The National Party, The ACT party and NZ First are not. Their script is to divide to enable exploitation. Giving Fonterra to the Australians is a good example of that.
    What does that mean? It means that The Daily Blog can allow commonsense and Love to prevail. By common sense I mean TDB MUST attract those whom earn our money, over to TDB and those whom earn our money are farmers and their down stream service industry. So stop bashing farmers! You’re fanning the flames Martyn. Love our farmers without prejudice. Despite how embarrassingly behind the hedge many farmers might seem to be, equally, many farmers are like me. Keen to evolve Mate. ( Get in behind ya mongrel! No, not you Bruce. Sorry mate. Later. x )
    Rural AO/NZ people and urban people must coalesce. Nothing else is as urgent. Forget the lies that are spun about earnings, employment, survival , etc. That’s all bullshit. That tired narrative is a lie. It’s been a lie for 88 years now. And I personally dare any fucker to argue that out with me in any car park behind any pub you like. We’re currently supporting the wealth creation of 14 multi-billionaires, 3118 multi-millionaires with a reported $50 million net each and four now foreign owned ( funny that.) banks reportedly stealing $180.00 a second 24/7/365 from our only industry earning foreign exchange which happens to be agriculture and there are only 52 thousand farmers. Mate. Wos that say t ya?
    It sez to me we’re being fucked without the kissing Mate.
    The National Party, ACT and NZ First are really a cheap vaudeville act, a farce without the music. Got a Twerker though!
    Farmers. You’re all right. Don’t be shy. The towns people whom you think are your enemy are not your enemy. Your enemy are the ones who try to sell you the lie that they’re your friends.
    Fonterra to merge New Zealand and Australian businesses
    P.S. Where the fuck’s The Green Party? Chloe? Where are you? You need to urgently make a fucking fuss. This is getting scary! Come here? To The TDB? Speak your mind!

  8. You shouldn’t be surprised that NZ at large hates experts – we’ve had self-styled economic experts running the show for decades now, and their predictions have proven less reliable than chance – we’d get better outcomes by replacing them with a flipped coin.

    The antivaxxer crap comes from overseas however – just another blight wished on the world by the benignant Mr P’s disinformation project, and amplified by self-serving wankers like Counterspin and Winston.

  9. Farmers!
    One more thing. Nothing much really.
    Why do we need Hon Todd McClay Minister of Agriculture? Why do we need a fucking Ministry of Primary Industries?
    Why? What, other than to head-fuck farmers in order to steal our product, do we need them for?
    Minister of Primary Industries? What other primary industries do we have other than agriculture? What else do we export other than farmer farmed stuff and things? Ever wondered what the last Minister of Agriculture did? Other than wander about looking gobsmacked? Damien O’conner was great at gathering dust but what else did he actually and literally do? Todd McClay looks less like a fellow who might represent our farmer’s best interests and more like a fucking Mafia member doubling as a casino owner. Ask him? Does he know what a sheep looks like? If he says large, brown and spotty and shits a lot he might mean a cow.
    The simpler I make [it] seem to me the more unnecessary a Ministry of Agriculture seems to be. So why do we have one then?
    Why? Could it be that a ministry is an easy way of controlling farmers by manipulating the markets we’d otherwise have easy access to, to protect the parasites here who rely on the free and easy money they swindle of us cockies? Could that be it? Boys? What do you think?
    Here’s what I think happens. Farmers make ready that which they farm for export. When the product is sold it disappears forever from our farmers control. What happens then is anyone’s guess but we should know by now that the price of that farmer made produce makes multiple of billions for others who never need to take their boots off to go inside. Ever. Aye Boys?
    What does that say to you farmers? That our Ministry of primary industries are working tirelessly for you? Or not?
    To this farmer it tells me we’re getting fucked over. And have done for more than *88 years now.
    The Ministry of Primary Industries is a logical fallacy to leverage farmer product out of the farmers paddocks and sheds to feed the rapacious greed of a few unimaginably rich Kiwi-As crooks.
    So, fuck the Ministry of Primary Industries. They’re not on our side. That’s the end of that story. But we’ll get back to that later. Bring torches and pitchforks?
    Farmers should collectively engage marketing professionals to approach starving off-shore customers to supply them with our product whether it be wool, meat, milk, fruit, fish or Pot. ( I’m serious. Pot is a vast market to which we can supply the worlds best, as we do with legal edibles and wearables )
    The Ministry of Primary Industries is a choke point through which we farmers get squeezed through. MPI is a dangerous entity entirely about feeding free money to local and off-shore millionaires and billionaires.
    The Ministry of Primary Industries needs to be shut down of forced to do its job, which, of course it will never do, so shut it down. Go elsewhere. Famers should employ professionals with contacts who should understand that they must do their job or they’re fucking gone.
    But with a ministry of primary industries as systemically corrupt as ours, they ain’t going nowhere. No matter who we vote for, there they are, hand in underwear with the billionaires and the millionaires who hover around the lobby like big fat sickly blow flies.
    Did you get that? Farmers? Unite. That’s the first and most important thing. Get together. Hang out. Chill. Then employ your own marketing professionals to present your produce to the desperate foreign markets our Ministry of Primary Industries makes sure you can never have free access to unless your money passes through the digestive tracts of the Urban Riche who have MPI lobbied into a miasma of greed.
    * Formation of National Party.

  10. Two things here: first is the antivaxxer people forget that 97% of NZ opted for the vaccine. They are a teeny tiny minority of less than 3% who got media coverage out of all proportion to their numbers. Nobody, but nobody, had the courage to call them out, other than Martyn and a few on this blog. Christ, there should have been a converted and coordinated campaign to shut those pricks down. It didn’t happen, so their poison helped dump the best government we’ve had in the last 40 years.
    Second, for 92% of NZ, the Treaty is a settled issue. We all know the intent of it, the history of its betrayal and the subsequent theft. We all know the Waitangi Tribunal is attempting to peacefully right those wrongs. Deep down Kiwis accept that necessity and have done for two generations. The redneck bullshit that ACT latched onto and stirred up, with, yet again, our piss poor media connivance, created an issue where there really wasn’t one before. And why? Because we fucking let them. Instead of a concerted and coordinated rebuttal, there was just a few who spoke up. When things finally did get a bit organised, it was too little, too late. So the sheeple, dumb as they are, voted the way the media told them to. As for the “ordinary man in the pub”, that figment hasn’t existed except in nostalgia, for three decades. That person today, actually resides in a bank owned house having boozy BBQs, only drained to vent after his 10th beer. Even then, it’s out of hearing of “she who must be obeyed”. Mr Average these days is hanging onto his job like grim death cos he knows if he even appears to buck the consensus, he and his family are dog tucker. So Mr Average votes as TVNZ tells/suggests he doesn’t, through their rigged polls. Until we wake the sheeple up, and better educate him as to the reality of the way he’s being manipulated, things ain’t gonna change. Maybe his kids will – I hope so.

    • It takes courage to take on the powerful. It does not take courage to take on the powerless. You’re a shepherd, mate, helping lead the sheeple up the garden path.

  11. Fuck me ,those pub experts have invaded this column today .What a load of shit .Almost as bad as I encounted on MSN during the pandemic .Might be time to turn the TV AND LAPTOP OFF IF THATS THE BEST YOU ALL CAN CONTRIBUTE

  12. I am no lawyer, but from what I understand, Lord Cooke’s ruling essentially required the return of surplus Crown land to iwi. One would see that as quite a reasonable ruling.


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