Qanon antivaxxers push new hard racist Government into extending Covid inquiry into a grievance carnival

ACT need to be very clear about what they are manufacturing here. 

Right Wing Settler Cracker Kiwi - I listen to The Platform when I'm mad, Reality Check Radio when I'm angry and ZB Plus when I'm furious

Government expands scope of inquiry into Covid-19 response

The economic impact of lockdowns and vaccine effectiveness are set to be considered by a beefed up inquiry into the Covid-19 response.

Internal Affairs Minister Brooke van Velden said the government had committed to the expanded scope as part of the National Party’s coalition agreements with both ACT and New Zealand First and wanted the public to have its say.

“The current terms of reference were decided by the same government responsible for the Covid-19 response and they place significant limits on what the inquiry can consider,” she said.

“New Zealanders deserve a frank assessment of what occurred and how we can learn from it.”

The Royal Commission of Inquiry into the pandemic response last year delayed hearing public submissions until 2024 while the National-led coalition government reviewed its scope.

Public consultation will begin this month on expanding the inquiry’s scope to include:

    • Use of multiple lockdowns
    • Vaccine procurement and efficacy
    • The social and economic impacts on both regional and national levels
    • Whether the decisions made, and steps taken, were justified
    • The cost-effectiveness of the government’s policies, and whether the rules set by the government appropriately balanced Covid-19 elimination with other goals
    • The government’s utilisation of partnerships with business and professional groups
    • The extent of disruption to New Zealanders’ health, education, and business as a result of the government’s policies
    • If the government’s response was consistent with the rule of law
    • How New Zealand’s pandemic preparedness compared to other countries

The Royal Commission will shortly announce details on how people can have their say on the consultation and share their experiences of the pandemic.

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“This is a forward-thinking piece of work. It is not simply about learning what went wrong, but working out what we need to do right in the future,” van Velden said.

“This government is ensuring all New Zealanders’ concerns are heard.”

This is dangerous territory here.

Just like they have unleashed a toxic vomit of culture war racism with their Treaty Principles Referendum jamboree, here ACT go unleashing another Genie, this time for the antiVaxx grievance movement.

Who will these kangaroo courts be stacked with? Political flunkies, anti mandate fanatics and Interested Corporate parties?

There has to be a means for pulling 10% of the population out of Qanon conspiracy land but social media algorithms are driving polarisation and conflict, not easing them.

Economic pressures will drive extremism.

Anger and resentment are political currency and the Right have International Think Tanks that know how to emotionally target and manipulate Culture War dynamics for political ends.

Of course we need a critical analysis of the Covid lockdown so that we know how to do better when the next pandemic hits.

What is being fed is a grievance carnival for the Qanon fear grifter, antivaxx influencers and Conspiracy Swamp Kingdom devotees.

This is a weaponised process for the grievance fringes to wallow in.

We are already becoming a laughing stock internationally over our stance against the W.H.O.

ACT need to be very clear about what they are manufacturing here.


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  1. Act is reasonably clear–they are a would be MAGA NZ edition. They want to rark things up and get people focused on anything but the local ruling class and international capital. They want to subvert legitimate anger and mental stress as means of dividing the working class people that should be uniting.

    In early and peak COVID MkI and MkII it was uncharted territory to a large extent–although historical look backs at 1918 Influenza show anti mask hysteria etc. Lockdowns were to physically isolate people to reduce transmission. It was not known whether a vaccine would be developed, or if it could be, when it would be delivered. It is easy to be a know it all in 2024.

    Natzos would have opened borders and let it rip like Boris Johnson and many other Govt.s. Thousands of people still have a gran, or friends and family that may not have been here now if not for Jacinda’s Labour Govt.

      • I think the inquiry should also focus on the inconsistent suggestions of the then opposition parties. The general unhelpful attitude displayed by Chris Bishop should be a subject in itself. How the opposition parties kept changing their stance was at the very least unhelpful.
        I guess National is now starting to build the mega quarantine facility at Ohakea that they argued so vehemently for.

    • It’ll be tweedle dee. Tweedle dum’s busy with the myth that’s climate change. seymour’s still got his tongue stuck up roger so he’s out also. Also Pfizer.

    • The scope is more important Peter, scope was very narrow when Labour wished it, but scope should be widened then a true full enquiry will be conducted and we can all see the outcome.

      Let’s face it, if one is to be had, make it a wide ranging one.

      • I agree I’m Right, that’s why I believe the scope should be extended as I suggested. It will be interesting who gets appointed to chair the inquiry. The outcome I want is ‘lessons for the next pandemic’.

  2. The previous enquiry was so limited as to be useless and all the evidence was held in private.
    The whole idea of an enquiry is to do better next time. so we have to examine all the relevant facts and decisions in public and decide if we would do the same thing again or something different

  3. Well, the UK is doing the same thing – holding an inquiry. Its probably common place or will become common place, all over the world. Guess, Act put its hand up to front NZ’s inquiry…gotta be seen like they’re doing something I guess. Anyway, ain’t nothing going to come of it so, no worries.

  4. it’s just the ignorant trying to appear not ignorant…like sov citizens fuck ’em don’t encourage mental illness treat it

  5. Follow the money.

    Who funds the W.H.O?

    And the top two funders?
    Both have deep interests in that most rapacious of Corporates…Big Pharma.

    You will of course be aware that Pfizer…Savior of us all…has copped billions in fines for lying about the safety and efficacy of its products over the years?

    I bet you’re the guy, Bomber, who did buy a used car from that man.

  6. Have you ever felt that you have woken up in a mirror world where close friends start spouting conspiracy theories about about covid or the war in Ukraine.

    If you are on the Left no doubt you would have experienced people you considered left, even close friends, people you identified with, or even admired, going down the far right conspiracy path. This experience can be quite disconcerting and troubling and confusing all at the same time.
    And so it was for Naomi Kleine.
    Naomi Kleine has written a new book of her personal experience of this disconcerting phenomenon, and generalised it, to identify it as a wider societal trend, so that we can understand it.

    Democracy Now SEPTEMBER 14, 2023

    Naomi Klein on Her New Book “Doppelganger” & How Conspiracy Culture Benefits Ruling Elite

  7. If the inquiry needs to be broadened and be of real value, then a detailed analysis of why so much anti Vax and anti science disinformation was promoted and allowed to run rampant, It should include a probe into connections that the anti vax and anti mask and sovereign citizen affiliated “freedom” movements had to covert political activity and foreign organisations, movements and their agents,

    • Totally agree Richard. The GCSB and SIS should be called to testify to the inquiry. They must know the sources of foreign and local players in this, and if they don’t, why are we funding them?


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