Can we just all pause and appreciate how petty and easily led we are as a people over Golriz?


Nothing seems to sum up all that is wrong with us as a media landscape and culture than the last week of news cycle around Golriz.

It absolutely astounds me that it was more important for a collective media lynching of Golriz than demanding accountability from the Government for green lighting a military strike against the Houthi!

It was more important to shame Golriz for shoplifting than demand accountability for why the fuck we are bombing the poorest country on earth!


We apparently enabled this military strike because of the ‘Rules based order bro’, AT THE EXACT SAME TIME AS Israel commits their ethnic cleansing war crime!

Houthi strikes are a threat to the ‘rules based order’ but ethnic cleansing war crimes are fine are they?


And why, I say why are the Hothi threatening commercial shipping lanes?

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Because Israel is committing an ethnic cleansing war crime.

Demanding an immediate ceasefire will do more to opening the Read Sea shipping lanes than starting a fucking regional war!

And yet Golriz shoplifting was the most important thing???

Jesus wept we are a petty and easily led nation of sleepy hobbits at times.

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  1. The NZ Herald Tabloid “doorstepped” Ms Gharhraman’s home 24/7 going by their reports. 5 male coppers visited Golriz’ home, plus unmarked cars parked up–maybe there were undisclosed threats against her…or…maybe the Natzos wanted to enjoy and savour a talented woman being smashed by their dirty politics…

    Golriz is not a serial killer, or a bed leg basher, or a dick pic sender, or a young girl ponytail puller and fondler, or a privacy breaching harridan, or owes $6mill for being a bent company director as per J. Shipley…

    Meanwhile…as Martyn alluded to…NZ via 5 Eyes and the air strikes on Yemen is now implicated further in supporting the most brutal genocide seen in many years in Gaza.

    Plus there is a major hui called by the Kingitanga in response to the Natzo/Act/NZ First attacks on Māoridom, plus the vandalising of a whole bunch of Labour‘s useful reforms from EVs to union busting. A distressed MP who has resigned should not be the main story this week people!

    • Golriz is suffering cause people love it when the elite get taken down a peg in the media. But yes compare the treatment of Golriz taking the $1000 dress from the over priced couture shop with Shipley and the pensioner investors $6million. How much has Shipley paid back?

      Golriz is from the Green party. No one expects them to look flash – they can get away with muslin and sandals and still catch ethical votes.

  2. I’ve had a few conversations with conservatives about this. I mentioned that when Uffindell was found to have beaten some kid with a chair leg, they were making excuses hand over fist. “Innocent until proven guilty”, “he was only sixteen”, “it’s just kids roughhousing”. And yet as I pointed out to them – they are the people who were demanding that young kids who commit ram raids be hung drawn and quartered. That went over like a lead balloon I might say.

    • Clutching at straws to say a teenager having a fight and overstepping the mark is the same as ram raiding. No wonder the left lost if that is the best reveal you can find .

  3. “Nothing seems to sum up all that is wrong with us as a media landscape and culture than the last week of news cycle around Golriz.”

    Hard to disagree with that @ MB. Capturing eyeballs and tallying clicks has been the strategy of msm for some time so it comes as no surprise. What is of real importance is more often than not relegated to the margins. And left to independent media. Golriz’s error of judgment could have been anyone’s in the public eye. And there we have it. Not far removed from the Middle Ages. The villagers still like a good stoning.

  4. Go you @ MB.
    Was Green Golriz Ghahraman momentarily departs from sanity and pinches shit from a shit shop and the world as we know it collapses. The wailing, the moaning! The “But what about the children! ” -ing.
    Corporate Chrome Head luxon, traitor and liar peters and the oily, weird, greedy and likely psychopathic roger douglas plaything, little seymour, group together to steal what’s left of our country and we cheer, whoop and hooray. The neo-natzos are a thieving blight on our beautiful AO/NZ. They KNOWINGLY AND IN FULL AWARENESS FUCK US DAILY and what do they get. Solemn contemplating by a smelly little crew of 5.2 million Tweedles in the middle of fucking nowhere.
    I no longer wonder what the fuck’s wrong with most AO/NZ people because I know what the fuck’s wrong with most AO/NZ people. Most AO/NZ people are fucked in the head.
    What the collective [we] should have done is to have sent Golriz Ghahraman to Portugal for an E baked holiday then over to Andros in Greece for a wee stroll about. ( You got to check out the town of Andros on the Island of Andros, Greece.)

      • Makes sense to everyone else. Have you sort the mental health support you need Bob, seriously? You see things no one else sees. Either that or you are a thick fuck.

    • Haha, yes that’s the conclusion fuckwits reign supreme in NZ..those terrorized American couple in their RV holiday reinforces that view. Too bad we used to be so nice and friendly. Apparently.

  5. I agree Martyn.A couple of years ago I was shown some of the social media messages sent to the Green party . I cannot relate to their policies but I try to not make my displeasure into a personnal attack. I hope she gets the help she needs and eventually can continue to use her skills to help others .

    • Yes, agreed Trevor. Even if we can’t agree on policies, we certainly need more morally driven MP’s rather than those with feathering their own nests and party hacks.

  6. Nats’ talk-fest in Chch and all they can think of talking about is Golriz.
    You’d be forgiven for thinking climate catastrophe, cost of living, impending fuel shock, financial inability in form of Willis, and all the rest of our problems, didn’t exist. Everything’s lovely.
    Their weak leader can’t set the agenda apparently.

    • If there is indeed a climate catastrophe, why are Green MPs flying around the world?

      Maybe they don’t even believe it themselves?

  7. And the media frenzy continues unabated, now using National’s retreat to extend the media exposure; so much for a caring environment. I can only hope Golriz is surrounded by true friends and work mates, not those who offer platitudes which really equate to twisting the knife further.
    The world burns and all the media do is run stories about someone who maybe is suffering mental illness brought on by all sorts of obscene threats. I hope the court system deals with the situation better than the media, Police, and politicians have.
    Question: If Scooties apparently wanted this to be handled ‘low key’, who released the CCTV footage?

  8. I talk with a staffer of a national retail chain who tells me of the brazen shoplifting that goes on there daily, sometimes hourly. The staff cannot do anything about it, so cunning and bullying are the thieves. They phone police but nary a cop in sight -ever!
    But the boys in blue can afford to send, quick-smart, at least five of them to ‘question’ and and confront a single 43 year old woman who allegedly stole some clothing when under mental duress.
    Oh so brave of the boys in blue. And clearly, when confronting a harmless woman whose known to them, they know there’s safety in numbers.
    Is this an example the Nats/ACT ‘tough on crime’ policy in action?

  9. I was appalled to see that someone had given TVNZ footage of the stealing. This is filthy stuff.

    I bet, I bet we will see what she ‘stole’ eventually.

    • Yes we probably will, in the meantime National are stealing public transport options in Auckland and across the Cooks straight, all just to pay off the wealthy transport donors. That’s corruption.

    • Totally agree. That footage could be evidence for the police but what is the use of it in the public domain, except to further shame a not well person. So wrong. I don’t want to see that shit.

    • Yes how did they get these tapes. There needs to be questions asked in parliament who knew what about someone having access to these tapes. This lady is now a private citizen and surely this now becomes a police matter all by itself. The questions should asked who gave what to who and how much did they pay for them and are there anymore. Also the time for hiding hideous threats should be over, let the public know what is actually being said to people and by who lets name and shame the dicks who are faceless cowards. Lets lobby the social networks to block and ban people for posting this horrible rhetoric .

    • I saw one today that had someone who looked like Chloe Swarbrick accompanying Golriz at the scene.
      Not sure whether or not it is a construct.

  10. People should remember that politicians seek power over us – the power of the state – on the basis of explicit or implicit claims that they are of superior character and more competent in dealing with complex issues. It is they who set themselves up to be judged. At every election they actually ask us to judge them, and yet when we are able to do so on the basis of information which is more comprehensive than they have chosen to provide themselves, they start implying that we should judge them as we might judge Mother of Five on Middle Street who has had a tough life after a rough start.
    No, if you want to claim the power of life and death over me without my consent, then you cannot expect me to overlook your own moral failings or to disregard your weakness of character.

  11. Yes it’s the ongoing stuff that is just ridiculous and f’ing sadistic. She has resigned and is no longer an elected representative. But do we move on in the news? It would appear not. Apparently losing your job, and probably political career, are not enough on top of being charged.

  12. 5 police officers. That was insane.

    I didn’t think that Pablo Escobar would warrant that in New Zealand.

  13. When a person who is identified with a cause behaves in anti-social ways the cause itself suffers reputational damage. It is the same whether we are talking about pedophile priests, corrupt National Party members of parliament, or shop-lifting Greens. I am not saying that it is the way things should be, but it is the way that things are. When someone on the right behaves badly columnists on TDB will take it as evidence that the right is wholly bad and dangerous. When someone on the left has committed a misdemeanor the right-wing media will use it to subtly besmirch the entire left. To her credit Ms Ghahraman espoused Palestinian rights, but by behaving as she has she leaves the Palestinian cause open to reputational damage by proxy. That is not the way it should be, but it is the way of the world and it is a game played by both the left and the right. Let’s face it, these incidents have been bad for the Greens and bad for the Palestinian solidarity movement in New Zealand. Consequently the Greens and the left in general need to dissociate themselves from Ghahraman’s behavior in all sorts of ways, such as claiming that it was a consequence of her poor mental health. But in the big scheme of things the damage will be minor, and in time it will be forgotten as Ms Ghahraman herself will be soon forgotten.

    • How nice if every serial shoplifter was put in the media, videod and shown to all of NZ like Ghahramans.

  14. If you are brown ,female ,or gay look out the right wing media are coming for you the arseholes .Take a look at the way they attack the Wellington mayor yet never a word about white males having a few beers .The media in nz is a bunch of under achievers who just look for cheap shots and do little research into any subject .The best reports are on news room by a mile because they do research the subject they are commenting on .The herald is a bunch of right wing fuck heads who suck Hosking dry

  15. Why did NZ get involved in attacking the Houthis when it’s against our economic interests? As soon as ‘the coalition’ started attacking Yemen essentially declaring the maritime area a war zone shipping insurance rates went through the roof and now any trade we do with European countries incurrs the non-suez go around Africa shipping rate. It’s inflationary within NZ and makes our exports more expensive. What business is it of NZs to protect Israeli supply lines at our own expense? It’s not like Israel is an ally of this country.

  16. I support Golriz as a Green voter. The right wing media has misbehaved in an appalling way.
    I don’t agree with you regarding the Houthis though. They have been attacking ships that have nothing to do with Israel.

    • As I understand it, Yemen is stopping the passage of ships bound to or from Israeli ports, and ships owned or managed by Israeli entities. Since the nation came under attack from the US and UK it has extended the embargo to apply to ships and cargo belonging to those nations. New Zealand has joined the US ostensibly because it believes in “freedom of navigation” yet in the past it has supported maritime embargoes on Cuba, Korea, Venezuela, Iran, Lebanon, Palestine and Yemen. So it has nothing to do with freedom of navigation. It is about New Zealand helping to make the world safe for the US and Israel to commit genocide in Gaza.

  17. Court proceedings will tell us the final tally, but the media puts it at $25,000 of goods. That’s not petty larceny anymore, it is multiple accounts of ‘Theft by taking’.

    • How much did Bill English steal again $32,000( $50,000 in today’s money)?. Oh he paid it back? So if she returns it all is forgiven?
      Where were you then handy Andy designing something?

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