2023 was the year of ‘Feelings’: The new politics of the neoliberal subjective!

Fuck! Your! Feelings!


Feelings, nothing more than feelings.

Morris Albert’s 1974 classic ‘Feelings‘ kinda manages to sum up the current political culture.

Right now in New Zealand, you can win an argument with nothing more than ‘feelings’.

If you ‘feel’ the argument more than the other, then you win.

Crazy no?

Because objective truth, logic and rational debate are all heteronormative white cis male privileges, ‘FEELINGS’ are all that matter now and once the middle class woke activists triggered that new threshold for truth, the feral anti vaxxers and Incels and redneck racists and Groundswell astroturf protests have done exactly the same!

This is the new politics of the neoliberal subjective!

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We have too many fucking feelings and we have allowed a culture where feelings trump rational objective logic because the ‘lived experience’ of victims, racists, rednecks, Incels, feral antivaxers and woke middle class activists all replace reality, objective truth and class solidarity.

The only people who should give a fuck about your ‘feelings’ are you, your family and close friends.

Outside of that, fuck your feelings.

Your feelings ain’t my problem.

If your self-esteem is hurt by my thoughts, the clue is in the ‘self’ part of word, ‘self-esteem’.

You decide how you feel about shit, it ain’t no one else’s problem OR responsibility!

We have replaced feelings for rational debates.

We have replaced feelings for objective truth.

We have replaced feelings for wider context.

The Woke started this in 2016 with their social media Lynch mobs, the feral Right have now perfected it.

Everything we are seeing right now from this far right racist Government is ‘feelings’ based, not evidence based!

This Government is passing conspiracy theories into social policy because deranged antivaxxers ‘feel’ angry about a vaccination.

This Government will cut public funding to Community Sports if they have a Trans player because their angry anti-Trans voters ‘feel’ angry!

This Government is bashing beneficiaries, prisoners, renters, Māori, the environment and workers because the right wing voters ‘feel’ angry no matter how counterproductive those culture war revenge fantasies are!

FFS – we are seriously going to go against all the science and just raise the speed limits on roads because people feel angry at not being able to rush home!

Fuck! Your! Feelings!

The Right have perfected the Woke’s outrage olympics and all politics is now your ‘feelings’!

This is the new politics of the neoliberal subjective.

The woke Left are absolutely blind to how their feelings on very fringe issues alienated voters and no one summed that up better than Michelle Duff…

How Dame Jacinda Ardern’s profile went from saint to witch

Opinion: When journalist Michelle Duff wrote a biography of Jacinda Ardern in 2019, the term ‘Jacindamania’ had been coined but Covid 19 was unheard of. Over the next two years the world – and New Zealand – would change drastically and the young prime minister would be deified, then demonised. Duff, who last week released an updated version of her book, writes on how she believes imported culture wars helped to distort our political landscape – at the expense of women.

…Michelle’s inability to understand how we got to where we are would be funny if it weren’t such an example of the woke Left being woefully blind to their own alienating agenda.

For the last 6 years I have screamed at the middle class woke in New Zealand that their activism was creating culture war political ammunition for the Right.

When I started warning this, ACT were on .7%

ACT are now 8.6%.

The manner in which middle class woke cancel culture activism has driven voters into the arms of the Right is an enormous issue the Left are going to have to confront at some stage.

Imagine if MeToo hadn’t mutated into a Salem witch trial where the new evidential threshold becomes ‘whatever a person says on Twitter’.

Imagine if BLM acknowledged that far more white people were shot by Police than black people and instead of rioting had progressed their argument with solidarity?

Imagine if the Trans community had not been so radioactively militant?

Imagine if the woke hadn’t started cancel culture deplatforming?

Imagine if the entire Identity Politics movement had sought to build class solidarity thought rather than alienating bullshit feelings?

Since 2016s #MeToo moment, a coalition of 5th wave feminists, non gender binary activists, Critical Race Theorists and Critical Gender Theorists have manufactured a faith based woke dogma, the holy trinity of which is:

1 – All white people are irredeemable cross burning racists.

2 – B-E-L-I-E-V-E ALL WOMEN that men are rapists.

3 – Everyone defending free speech is a uniform wearing Nazi who hates the Trans Community.

Woven into this woke Identity Politics Holy Trinity, is the ‘BELIEVE ALL WOMEN’ mantra, because intersectionism decrees all men are part of a power dynamic which means they can never be victims and because women are morally superior to toxic masculinity males, they would NEVER lie about that abuse.

I have many self declaring feminist women who privately tell me they have real misgivings with some of the Trans woke dogma but are terrified of saying anything because the Fourth Wave Feminists, non-binary activists and trans ally vegan mommy bloggers rip them to pieces on social media. Part of the problem is that the Trans activists themselves have helped make this debate so radioactively toxic with their cancel culture dynamics.

This entire issue of Identity over Class has caused immense damage on the Left and rather than debating the material well being of citizens, we are lost in middle class identity politics virtue signalling that censors rather than answers and in that cultural space, anger grifters like Posie Parker flourish.

Meanwhile the planet is melting!

We get it wokies, your self constructed identity is more important than our shared humanity!

This entire Woke pretence has been built on feelings, not rational or logical argument and the feral antivaxxers, Incels and rednecks have played the same game!

The greatest danger posed by Idenity Politics is if white males start seeing themselves as a victim as well, which is exactly what the woke managed to achieve.

If we on the Left will be dictated to by our feelings, then the fucking Right will gleefully play that game too!

Can the Left move from Pure Temple politics towards Broadchurch Class Solidarity, because if we can’t, the most hard right racist Government ever elected will remain in power.

The new politics of the neoliberal subjective have robbed us of a unity based on rational logic and argument and replaced it with the sandcastles of feelings.

I’m not interested in your feelings, I am interested in your thinkings!

New Zealand Aotearoa deserves a State that helps the people and builds the nation, not one that tears everything down and punishes those their voters despise!

We should base policy on evidence, not fucking feelings!

We allow this hard right racist Government to hurt gangs, then the prisoners, then the trans, then Maori, then beneficiaries, then renters, then workers, then the environment and then you!

There is a whiff of casual fascism here Comrades – 2024 is the time to pick sides – there can be no more fence sitting, but we have to reach that place with thinkings, not feelings!

2023 was the Year of Feelings and they were all awful!


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  1. Whenever you hear the word ‘believe’ something blah blah blah. Don’t!

    The of the Jacinda Mania Reign of Terror is over! All we have now is Neoliberlism’s continued devastation of NZs standard of living and more and more user pay targeted taxation.
    Oh, and death to the wokeratti and virtue signallers, and all of the social justice BS that got out of hand in the last few years. The kids need to go to school and hopefully can learn how to read, and write and not get indoctrinated.
    As for the rest of us. Good luck for 2024. It’s gunna be a doozy!

  2. This, is the age of the Idiocrat. We live within an Idiocracy where terminal fools only rule by sheer numbers and it should be obvious by now that fools are most easily manipulated for their vulnerabilities to being exploited to generate wealth for the beige and soulless. It’s becoming that thing where the parasites overwhelm the host thus the host dies taking the parasites with it. My advice. Go rural and dig in because there’s a rough ride a coming.
    Watch this dumbasses. ‘Idiocracy’ https://youtu.be/sP2tUW0HDHA?si=hsBnGlt5d1nvrCJm

  3. Hindu Nationalism has similarities with white supremacist. The Indian population one of the largest globally have been imported under the neoliberal-economic guise. This isn’t just a concern for Maori but also threaten Pakeha culture who are blindly leading the charge to have as much Indians migrate to NZ believing that its good for their profit margin but more cynically to keep those Maaorees down.

    Free Aotearoa

    • Certainly people from low-trust cultures (India, China, & Russia for starters) will readily outrage the expectations of high trust culture citizens.

      “You brought in 100 poor people of your own nationality and paid them $4 an hour? Deportation is too good for you – you should be going to feed the tigers at Orana Park.”

      • I Agree 100%.
        Indians are all me me me because of their caste system.
        They dont have a community minded mindset.
        I have a big debate with one at work last week.
        He thinks his 33% tax on 900 a week is too much working two jobs.
        I earn a couple of hundred more and am happy to pay 33% tax .

        • Ahhh racist Geoff, you would prefer to be the one to stamp approved/declined on the applications?
          Geoff will only allow certain ‘types’ into NZ, how very colonial of you!

          • Projection much?

            NZ has “enjoyed” an outrageous level of immigration, five times as high as that which triggered Brexit in the UK. It is a testament to the tolerance of NZers, that we haven’t had race riots and lynchings.

            It says a lot about the irresponsibility of our MPs and civil servants too. NZ was better at three million. Try meeting our carbon responsibilities at six for starters – can’t be done.

        • NZ doesn’t have a community minded mindset either.

          Also what’s the hourly difference here? Two jobs & 60 hours vs one job 35~40 hours.. I can see the resentment.

          Or was satire the point?

        • I’m one of only two white players in an Indian-dominated cricket team. I haven’t noticed this selfish mentality you speak of. My teammates seem to enjoy sharing.

  4. I’m not very hopeful of the woke left coming to their senses. Whiich means at least six more years of this, and the government changing again only after life in New Zealand has gotten that much worse for most people. This is partly why I personally don’t feel like putting a lot of energy in fighting this government. We’ve been here before under Key, and any effort is going to be undermined by the more extreme elements of identity politics. Just have to grin and bear it, and weep for those most directly affected by the onslaught.


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