The West makes its first step in war with Iran


They hit 20 000 dead in the Gaza conflict.

Over 10 000 are children.

Israel has dropped more bombs on Gaza in a week than America did in their first year of war with Afghanistan.

1.8million out of 1.9million are displaced.

There are thousands more trapped under rubble and tens of thousands more hideously wounded and hundreds of thousands if not over a million deeply traumatised.

There is a price to pay for Israel’s disproportionate response and it’s a trap Hamas has laid out for them.

Hamas want wider conflict and so does Putin.

We argued in the West that the great Chess master had blundered when he invaded the Ukraine.

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I wasn’t so sure.

I felt Putin had stared at the pantheon of Great Russian Leaders and asked if he had left Mother Russia, the defender of the true Christian faith, in a stronger or weaker position, and after the failed coup in Kazakstan decided to push back and force an ill prepared army and country into a war to destabilise the Rules Based Order because that would always lead to American dominance.

There’s only one way Russia regains power, and that is on a planet of chaos.

The sophistication of the Hamas attacks reeks of Russian Intelligence and via Iran could have easily become transferrable. It is in Putin’s absolute interests to expand conflict to deter further advances in the Ukraine which it absolutely has.

America is very close to cutting off aid to the Ukraine after the latest delivery of next generation weaponry. The Ukrainians are almost bled dry against an endless cannon fodder Putin has put up, but the introduction of Fighter Jets and Tanks now Ukrainians have trained in them due on the battlefront early next year will be make or break for Zalenski, especially if Trump is re-elected.

The potential for escalation is being given more momentum by Trump.

This new naval alliance America has put together to start conflict with the Houthi

While Russia is winning in the Ukraine, Iran wants to flex its muscles through their Houthi proxies and suck the West into a new vortex of conflict.

Attacking shipping lanes in the Red Sea has already seen commercial shipping suspend their services.

America has taken the bait and expanded the conflict…

US announces naval coalition to defend Red Sea shipping from Houthi attacks

The US has announced the creation of an enhanced naval protection force operating in the southern Red Sea in an attempt to ward off mounting attacks from Yemen’s rebel Houthis on merchant shipping.

Britain said it would be among the countries participating but notable absentees were Arab nations Egypt and Saudi Arabia, while analysts speculated that shipping would continue to be disrupted and attacks continue.

Lloyd Austin, the US defence secretary, said the new effort would be called Operation Prosperity Guardian and was necessary to tackle the “recent escalation in reckless Houthi attacks originating from Yemen”.

Other participants in the effort, Austin said, included Bahrain, Canada, France, Italy, the Netherlands, Norway, Seychelles and Spain.

…this is what Hamas wanted.

Watch how this starts to escalate as more Palestinians die.

If Putin really wanted to escalate, just as China is ratcheting up tensions with the Phillipines…

China warns Philippines against South China Sea ‘miscalculation’

BEIJING/MANILA, Dec 21 (Reuters) – Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi has told the Philippines to address through dialogue serious difficulties in their relations over the South China Sea, warning that any miscalculation would prompt Beijing to defend itself and “respond resolutely”.

Beijing and Manila have traded sharp accusations in recent months over a succession of run-ins in the South China Sea.

The Philippines has accused China’s coastguard of intentionally colliding with its vessels and using water cannon and a military-grade laser against them, while China has accused the Philippines of trespassing in its territory.

…if Putin really wanted to escalate, especially if the new Western equipment gives him real grief before Trump gets re-elected, he would give the Iranians the technology to test an atomic bomb.

It is conflict like that which will impact a trading nation like NZ which is why our economic forecasting is very optimistic as it doesn’t seem to be taking into account looming geopolitical shockwaves.

2024 is ripe for war.


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  1. The chances of the Russiansgivingthe Iranians “the bomb” are zilch, but yes, the dictatorships can survive through conflict only.

  2. I warned you about Biden; that he would start a war. So far, he’s started two and he has a year to go in office.
    With the ongoing shenanigans in the Colorado supreme court, the next war he starts might be a civil one. The last time a candidate was removed from a state ballot it was 1860 when Abraham Lincoln was removed from the ballots of ten southern states. Already the Texas AG has, in response, suggested Biden be removed from theirs.

  3. War will mean sites like this one will be taken down. Censorship will become endemic. Freedoms will be suspended for the sake of your “security”. War is the ultimate way to control society, and the far right idiots in power must be loving the possibility.

  4. If Afghanistan & Ukraine has proved anything, the US can’t win one War, let alone War on three fronts, especially against peer competitors like Russia or China! If the US were to go after Iran, every US Military Base in the Middle East & every US Aircraft Carrier would be at the bottom of the Ocean & the Iranians would bomb the shit outta them & the Yanks know it, they would also shut down the Hormuz Strait creating a Economic collapse that would affect all Nations & Russia is also Iran’s Ally so your looking at a WW3 situation here, the Russians won’t let Iran fall, they will step in just as they did in Syria & after the Americans disaster in Ukraine, Russia would kick their ass with their advanced weaponry! Iran has the missile technology to devastate the Americans, the US knows it & I’m sure they won’t risk attacking Iran! Biden has proved to be the most dangerous & inept POTUS America has ever had & they said that Trump was the insane one that would start WW3? Trump never got the US into any Wars while he was President but Biden has in Ukraine, Israel, going after Yemen now & Iran, then Taiwan next, what a fucking lunatic old codger, but if he does, that’s the end of his Presidency & America!

  5. Typical. Its not until our consummerism and our oil in the West is hurt then they jump up and down about it. In the meantime how many Palestinian mothers and father and families and children have been wiped out! Disgusting. Absolutely disgusting to see in plain sight what our (the coveted Western governments) priorities are.

  6. It will be clear to all of us that if the military personnel from the Realm of New Zealand join with the US led naval forces against the Yemeni allies of the Palestinian resistance, then the Realm will become a party to the Gaza war on the side of the State of Israel. That is a red line which the colonial regime should not be able to cross with impunity and it would raise the question of whether we as tangata motu can any longer avoid the call for decisive action against the regime.
    That can start with a people’s declaration of independence stating that we do not recognise King Charles as sovereign or the authority of any who act in his name, and asserting our God-given immutable right of mana motuhake.


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