Waatea News Column: Crown admits Māori health vandalism was purely political to win 2023 election


The Crown’s admission that scrapping the Māori Health Authority, minus any consultation with Māori, was nothing more than a political campaign to win the General Election in October is astounding and shocking.

This remarkable admission of the true motivations for dismantling the Māori Health Authority has come to light from the Crown’s own legal position on the issue after Lady Tureiti Moxon and Janice Kuka filed in the Waitangi Tribunal seeking an urgent inquiry into the disestablishment of Te Aka Whai Ora.

The Crown’s response to this legal challenge is to admit Māori weren’t consulted, acknowledge they have no actual plan to deal with low Māori health outcomes and concede the entire decision was politically motivated to win an election.

Don’t believe me? The Crown in its’ memorandum to Lady Tureiti Moxon and Janice Kuka’s Waitangi Tribunal filing conceded “the decision has been made by the Government at the political level following political parties campaigning on this issue”.

So vandalizing public Māori Health was just a tactic to win an election?

The mainstream media should be leading with what Lady Tureiti Moxon and Janice Kuka have revealed here, their silence highlights just how much has changed since this hard right anti-Māori Government took power.


First published on Waatea News.

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  1. Of course it was, just like the coalitions bullshit approach to the use of Māori names. Forget that Nat Act were once championing the use of Māori, introduced co governance models etc. They are just full of it. They are not conservative or centre right, they are just arseholes pure and simple.

  2. Wait, what… you’re trying to tell us that a bunch of politicians did something politial to win an election. Hold the presses… this should be front page news.

    • You call it political, I call it vindictive. Scrapping something that is there to solve a problem with Maori health without providing an alternative is callous & shows that this government only cares about those wealthy enough to support it.

      • Forget your politically preconceived thinking and look at the actual results of the previous Govt and the one before that. If you can you will see Maori have feared worse over the last 5 years then the 5 before that.

        Bugger me whats wrong with using actual real life stuff rather than made up political bullshit that’s so prominent these days.

    • Bullshit. It was a practical solution to addressing the poorest of health outcomes. There were plenty in healthcare delivery that supported it.

        • What the hell does that mean? Nat Act don’t see it as impractical, they just see getting rid of it as a way to win votes from the likes of yourself. You get all wound up at the idea of something with a focus on improving our overall health statistics by focusing on those with the poorest outcomes.

        • The same way National has given 50 million for Maori Immunizations Pope.
          Or are you OK with that because your beloved racist Rats are government now?

  3. Creating division by any means possible to dominate us is a bit Sun Tzu isn’t it? Old as the hills and yet, because of our pathetic education systems which has left us able to count money while leaving us with no knowledge of anything else that’s far more important.
    A rich white gubbimint bashing the beastly Mareee is a way of dividing us into a race war while the Chrome Head and his fawning cadre of narcissistic and sociopathic arse kissers are planning to divide us AO/NZ’ers into opposing racial sides then while we’re bashing it out at ground level Chrome Head and the Kissers will sell us without opposition to anything with enough folding. Given the reports coming in about how only the regions above and below the 30th longitudes are going to be habitable that leaves us with the bit below Dunedin to fit in 8 Billion people.

  4. Any number of media channel presenters and pundits–need they be named really? from Mi Cockskin to the guy previously known as ‘man bun’, are all breezy and relaxed at the moment, because they have their tory heroes in office, and people to suck up to and brown nose rather than openly attack.

    Māori health statistics in this post colonial era are obviously still the reason the new Health Authority was and is needed. Academia has scores of studies describing lower prescription rates for Māori (according to poncy Pākehā docs because they “won‘t take the medicines anyway”…could poverty be a factor…), low intake of Māori for doctor and nursing training…it just goes on.

    The new Govt. is into guns, ciggies, paid prescriptions, and some very bad outcomes for the bottom 50%–so there will be blowback for Baldrick, Incel Dave and Winfield.


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