Political Caption Competition

She gets that they are cardboard cut outs right?


She gets that they are cardboard cut outs right?


  1. Interviewer Meets Her Intellectual Match.
    “They managed to avoid answering my most penetrating questions. I’d call it a draw”, said Hawkesby after her patient hour long journalistic interrogation. “I honestly thought they’d have more to say but they they didn’t even flicker an eyelid!” she added.
    She was later seen polishing her husband’s Ferrari, still in a state of disbelief.

  2. Cardboard, hardboard – it makes no difference to the dedicated, populist, sly journalist. After the interview they may choose to be artistic with the discourse, embroider facts, then opinionate, or create colourful fantasies to appeal to the undiscerning hoi polloi.

  3. ” Will she take your name in marriage like I have…oops”

    “Oh it must be a blonde thing” says prince Harry


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