Boomer Culture Warriors – Dame Devoy is right – we will need to wait for them to die off

Culture War Boomer is coming for you.

Watching the Cooker King and Boomer Edge Lord Winston Peters play to Boomer Culture War Warriors by peddling conspiracy swamp nuttiness is a reminder that the last gasp from this generation will be the only thing that finally kicks out basic bitch racism.


But a fair fucking huge chunk of them are

Former Race Relations Commissioner Dame Susan Devoy is right, we will just have to wait for this Boomer generation to die off before we can successfully start dismantling 19th century white settler privilege…

‘Eventually they will pass away’: Dame Susan Devoy thinks some Kiwis will never stop being racist

Dame Susan Devoy says there are some New Zealanders who will never be educated out of their racism.

“We will never be a fully multicultural society until we’ve fully adopted our bi-cultural foundations, and that’s the struggle,” Devoy said in an interview with Grey Areas host Petra Bagust, released on Thursday morning.

“It’s an intractable problem – it’s always going to be there, it’s never going to be eradicated.”

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Devoy served as Race Relations Commissioner for five years between 2013 and 2018, and told Bagust that 75% of the complaints she received during that time “were all from the same demographic”.

…so the good news is that they will all die off eventually, the bad news is that thanks to their cradle to the grave subsidisation of their life and untaxed housing wealth, they will probably stay on living and demanding more until their last breath.

The cruelest irony is that Jacinda’s covid courage saved 20 000 lives, the majority of whom were Boomers, the majority of whom then voted for Winston Peters.

As we watch the Cooker King and Boomer Edge Lord continue down this path of Boomer Culture War bullshit, we just have to remind ourselves that there will be time when their influence is snuffed out.

So say all of us!

The Cooker King and Boomer Edge Lord Winston Peters


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  1. “The cruelest irony is that Jacinda’s covid courage saved 20 000 lives, the majority of whom were Boomers, the majority of whom then voted for Winston Peters”

    Should read “the majority of whom were Polynesian who couldn’t be bothered to vote.”

      • Get people to vote for you then. It is the people in the system who make it corrupt so if enough good people get elected the system will be better.
        There was a good choice of parties apart from the 3 stooges so if everyone who didn’t vote had chosen to support one of them we would not have this bunch of clowns running rampant.

        • Provide a better option people can vote for instead of this 19th century Frankencorpse of a system we keep kicking every 3 years, pretending it still has some life left for Aotearoa/NZ citizens.

        • @ Bonnie.
          You write “Get people to vote for you then. It is the people in the system who make it corrupt so if enough good people get elected the system will be better.”
          You’re absolutely correct of course. That’s why our well oiled, over lobbied corrupt politic is ok with mandatory enrolment but couldn’t give a fuck whether we vote or not. When the disillusioned become crushed under the tyranny of corrupt politics as the rich and their bank accounts become the dominant force and good people fail to act then evil prevails where good people fail to act.
          We all should demand that we all must vote for the welfare of we all. In short, BY LAW, WE MUST VOTE. If you don’t believe that voting should be mandatory then go and live in North Korea.
          ” North Korea is a totalitarian dictatorship with a comprehensive cult of personality around the Kim family. The country is widely considered to have the worst human rights record in the world.”
          We AO/NZ’ers think we’re free and easy and we can do this and that but the truth of that matter is we’re governed by a thick, controlling matting of thieving rich who’ve surreptitiously bought the politicians we think are in there doing it for us. ” Lets do this” and ” In it for you” No you’re not. Stop pretending. You’re the ones on dollar promises to lie down and take it like little quislings. Labour’s all bought and paid for and so is National. Do you really think National and Labour are ‘in it for you’ when clearly, they’re only ‘in it’ for themselves.
          Our AO/NZ is an enormously wealthy country when measured against per head of population. We’re also vitally important to a soon to be starving world and yet we’re a tanked, sabotaged fucking nightmare to live within while multi-billionaires float in on huge ships like turds on an incoming tide as their victims of their crimes of sedition whimper and beg or ravage each other like starving dogs.
          Our AO/NZ didn’t transition from a paradise to a nightmare by itself you know. We were led astray by our own largesse so wake the fuck up!
          Mandate voting for Christs sake! Also, ask for a Royal Commission of Inquiry into our current voting system and our broader economy, specifically who’s got it, how they got and where it is. Graeme Hart’s stupid boat should be a clue. Also, where they are and why we’re about to shovel shambling tourists into a food producing country to hide the fact that our food production has been exploited to literal death by 14 multi-billionaires, 3118 multi-millionaires with post tax wealth in excess of $50 million EACH and four trading banksters stealing $180.00 a second in nett profits 24/7/365 and all at the greedy behest of lobbied politicians, the National Party being the worst and most enduring of them and all because they piss in your ears while they go through your pockets. Jesus! Wake the fuck UP! Especially you farmers. I mean, really? You still haven’t figured it out have you. You voted national didn’t you. See, that’s deeply concerning.Your ignorance should worry every AO/NZ’er.

    • ds it is not as simple as that, some people feel disenfranchised and disillusioned by our political system and who to believe. The current parties in power have no Pacific representation so PI may feel undervalued when they don’t see themselves represented. I notice people seem to think it is easy to give up smoking when it is not it’s an addiction and nicotine is a highly addictive substance.

    • Indeed. But is that NZ or is Bob the First brazenly strolling the streets of Compton at noon asking people if they are “feeling lucky today”

  2. New gens will outnumber boomers in 2026 for the General Election–but NZ by then will be in some areas a wasteland of car sleepers, rough sleepers, untreated sick, low wage precarious workers, migrant workers in houses local renters have been kicked out of, begging, increased petty crime, shop lifting, mortgagee sales etc.

    In other words it will be even more of a shit show of a country for the bottom 50%, and…the selfish middle may not be doing too well either in some respects. As purchasing power drops with union busting and downward pressure on wages small business will not have enough customers, for larger companies, not enough consumers. Climate Disaster storms will keep up the property and infrastructure devastation.

    There will need to be a new political movement for 2026 supporting clear objectives. Māori will play a key role here because the 3 vandals have clearly targeted all things Māori for a full on attack.

  3. ds it is not as simple as that, some people feel disenfranchised and disillusioned by our political system and who to believe. The current parties in power have no Pacific representation so PI may feel undervalued when they don’t see themselves represented. I notice people seem to think it is easy to give up smoking when it is not it’s an addiction and nicotine is a highly addictive substance.

  4. The idea that younger generations of New Zealanders will march over the graves of the Boomers (20 years from now) all chanting the same political slogans; all of one ideological persuasion; is as daffy as Dame Susan.

    When they reach their 40s, 50s and 60s the New Zealanders now in their 20s and 30s will be as diverse in their opinions and aspirations as the despised Baby Boomers.

    For a generation to be of one mind would require them to have identical life stories – which is, obviously, impossible. The private school educated, tertiary qualified, Pakeha business executive is going to vote one way; the raised-in-a-state-house, no qualifications, Maori beneficiary, if he votes at all, will support a very different crew.

    You young folk are going to be so very disappointed. And then – guess what? – after all that disappointment, you grow even older and die!

  5. Why are people who have babies called ‘boomers’ as if to infer a type of stereo person?
    Older and what we arrogant younger might assume are somehow ignorant are to blame for what exactly?
    I’ve lived in large cities and I’ve been to the bars where the yuppies get rowdy and as the credit cards take wings I see animals come out of the hides of human shapes.
    There are only two kinds of people. Dumb, greedy scum and artists.
    RIP Shane MacGowan.

  6. Peters isn’t a baby boomer. Pretty sure he was born just before the end of World War II. And pretty much a fair fucking chunk of just about any generation are racist arseholes. None more so than the now-defunct “greatest” generation.

  7. I am in my early 50s, and work mainly with young families. My impression is that my generation and older are more racist, but that those younger than me are a whole lot more conspiracy theory/ anti-vax minded. So we will get rid of the majority of the moaning racists, but perhaps we will be left with a society that is a lot more unstable.

  8. I’m Gen X. We never get mentioned. We just get on an do stuff while every other generation bitches about each other.

  9. Why are a Boomers (thanks to Chloe they are now divided from the rest of the community) thought to be overly racist they grew up on the 50s and 60s and were told NZ had the best race relations in the world. That was said in comparison to Apartheid South Africa, Jim Crowe USA, Stolen Generation Australia and Enoch Powell England. The country was split 50 50 by the Springbok tour and it was the Baby Boomers who changed this countries race relations after that. All racial groups are at least casually racist.


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