Record Net Migration Loss Of New Zealand Citizens – Statistics New Zealand


There was a record net migration loss of 44,700 New Zealand citizens in the September 2023 year, according to provisional estimates released by Stats NZ today.

This net migration loss was made up of 26,400 migrant arrivals and 71,200 migrant departures.

“Migrant departures of New Zealand citizens are just under record levels,” population indicators manager Tehseen Islam said. “Based on the latest estimates available, just over half of these departures went to Australia.”

The previous record net migration loss of New Zealand citizens was 44,400 in the February 2012 year.


  1. This is simply what was always going to happen… How many times has a flood of outward migrants coincided with a tory/colonial govt being elected? Since the 60’s, every single time they have been…..
    Add “National Standards” to the mix, and the long held policy of colonial authoritarian governments to keep it’s “electorate” ignorant has developed into a highly successful move in that direction..
    The “Brain Drain” as such, may well have reached critical mass, in that any society depends for it’s evolutionary development upon it’s “best and brightest” to open our minds to the future…
    Now that the proletariat has been largely shackled to their jobs, and their options reduced to survival, what chance of any real progress without revolution? Bugger all once one factors in the fact that any effective resistance requires intelligent people, with life skills and experience, to spearhead any fightback…
    So where are they now? Not in this country, that’s for sure..

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