Boomers don’t believe in Climate Change


A 77-year-old man shot dead two environmental protesters on Wednesday in an apparent outburst of rage over a roadblock in Panama.

The gunman was named in local media as Kenneth Franklin Darlington Salas. If he is convicted, Mr Salas could be sentenced to house arrest rather than being sent to jail because of his age.

The protesters, who were opposed to a controversial mining contract, had blocked the Pan-American Highway in Chame, 51 miles from the capital Panama City.

Footage posted on social media showed the motorist walking from his car, demanding the protesters get out of the road.

Initially, Mr Salas removed tyres which were obstructing the road. The protesters, according to witnesses, shouted at the man: “Are you going to kill someone?”

The gunman replied: “You want to be the first?”

He opened fire, first shooting a protester holding a flag and then a second man who went to confront him, before walking off and removing tree trunks that had been blocking the road. He was then arrested.

Local media identified the victims as Abdiel Diaz, a teacher and union activist, and Ivan Mendoza.

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The deaths are the first fatalities in protests that broke out on October 20 against a contract that allows Canada-based First Quantum Minerals to operate Central America’s biggest open pit copper mine for at least another 20 years.

Angry Boomer is sick of all this climate change bullshit and decided to just murder protestors.

This Boomer just became the poster boy meme for all grumpy white male Boomers sick of this climate change shit.

Extreme rapid catastrophic climate change will generate more and more militant protests and more and more grumpy white male Boomers who think opening fire on unarmed environmental protestors is a perfectly normal response to their activism.


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  1. Oh, I wouldn’t be in too much of a hurry to hang it on climate change – psycho nutcases with guns are pretty undiscriminating.

    • ” hang it on climate change”… Hang what? Are you really trying to suggest that this article is an attempt to portray this as a purely “environmental” issue? You can’t possibly be that limited surely…
      What makes your attempts at an “intelligent gotcha” so tiresome is not that there are those who haven’t the brains to know how lacking they are in cognitive development, but the fact that there are so many who possess even less, who proudly hoot and grunt their assent by using utterly “quaint” affectations to give their puffball mouthings weight…
      It’s like we can catch stupid like a virus now….

  2. I’ve been teaching kids about climate change for nearly 20 years. Maybe it’s just the boomers in your bubble who don’t believe in climate change?

    • What have your students done about it then? Such as spread the word and helped stop it??!!
      Maybe you didn’t get them to take it seriously enough so you failed as an inspirational teacher perhaps. Don’t be complacent and offer yourself as the norm, you tried – that’s good – but so many didn’t even do that. Haven’t you noticed the connection we have with the world outside our ‘bubble’. What about yours?

    • You do know Tony , there is a difference between passing on information to be used in adulthood, propaganda, and brainwashing. Your own beliefs and values are fine, but they belong to you , and should stay with you….Using your position as a teacher to indoctrinate young minds with personal values is not teaching …you have overstepped the mark…

  3. NZ/AO Teenager stabbed to death – for grafitti, 2008. * Bruce William Emery, 50, has been charged with murder…
    Her son, Pihema Cameron, [15] was fatally stabbed after tagging a fence in Manurewa last month. Feb.5/2008
    Ms Cameron, who moved to Australia last year, with her children joining her later, said her son had been living with his father Pihama Edmonds, who is a tetraplegic.
    “He was his dad’s hands and legs. He helped his father heaps. That’s the hardest part now – who’s going to be there for his dad?”
    The teen had gone to Papakura High School until last year, but hadn’t re-enrolled, despite his parents’ best efforts. The plan was for him to join Ms Cameron in Australia this year, to work part-time while doing a course…

    “No one should take the law into their own hands, no matter what. It’s not their place. That’s why there is an 0800 graffiti number.”
    Ms Cameron said her son had come from a loving, caring family but had stopped attending high school late last year – against his separated parents’ wishes – because he “hated it”…
    About a year ago he was caught – by his parents – tagging a table.
    “It was just a peer thing. Every teenager does it.
    “We were totally against it … I gave him a bucket of water and a cloth – no Jif – and made him scrub it off.”
    Ms Cameron said she had signed a petition about two years ago that supported more parental responsibility through a scheme in which parents would also have to remove graffiti with their children if the teens were caught tagging…

    Ms Cameron broke her silence following public debate and hurtful comments from Christchurch City councillor Barry Corbett,* who implied that the man charged with Pihema’s murder should be set free. He said: “If I was on the jury, I’d let him get away with it, but that’s just me.”
    Ms Cameron is calling for Mr Corbett’s resignation. “There was no excuse for it [the comment]. You are in a high-up place, in the public view. You shouldn’t be saying that.”
    Mr Corbett told the Herald last night that he made the “off the cuff” comment at a meeting. While he “certainly regretted” saying it, he did not want to comment further.

    This is an example of ‘wide thinking’ by unthinking mostly white older males, as self-important and shriekingly loud about their prejudices as a male peacock. And their voice isn’t pretty! Barry Corbett was 61 in 2014 according to this news story.

    CHRISTCHURCH CITY COUNCILElection of TWO (2) Councillors for theSpreydon/Heathcote Ward Barry CORBETT Independent
    Proud father of Paul (Broadcaster in Whakatane) and Kelly(Cashmere High), [now in the law business I think] I’m completing my third term as your City Councillor. A former radio and TV host, and communications officer for the Christchurch City Mission, I’m chairman of Eureka Trust ,and a director of Christchurch City Holdings Limited, the Theatre Royal and the Canterbury Sports Foundation. These positions have educated me into a greater understanding of, social and community commitment, business, the arts and sport. As an independent, I’m not answerable to any political party. I listen to all arguments and I make my decisions on what I believe to be the best for Christchurch. My mission has always been to make ‘the best possible decision for the lowest possible price’. I’m a ‘listener’ and love dealing with residents regarding their concerns, because fixing the little things as well as dealing with the big issues will keep Christchurch great.

    Finally this from ABC News. Feb2009
    A New Zealand man who killed a teenage graffiti artist he caught spray-painting his home has been sentenced to more than four years in jail in a case that has gripped the country.
    Fifty-year-old Bruce Emery grabbed a knife and chased Pihema Cameron after he caught the 15-year-old spray-painting graffiti on the garage of his South Auckland home just over a year ago.

    The teenager died from a stab-wound to the chest. The businessman told police he was defending himself.

    I think that is a perfect snapshot at the older white male who has achieved some status in the community and knows he is right!

    • That is one side of the story, the other is years of intimidation by youths and endless graffiti attacks on his home business. There came a breaking point and ended up with two broken families. No the young Cameron was not a saint, he was a habitual tagger. Yes we should turn the other cheek, but how long will people have to turn the other cheek before youths are held to account?

      • Good to see you support lynching then. Why dont we just go around gunning down brown people willy nilly then? You can fuck right off. Fucking racist KKK sympthasiser.

        • Holly cow, what a tirade.

          I live not three streets from the the location on Mahia Road and know a bit more then a blow arse like you. Nearly 10 years of intimidation, bullying, and harassment from youth that found an easy target because he was different, till one day he broke, picked up a fillet knife out of his fishing boat, chased a young 15 year old up the road and let his frustrations get the better of him.

          As one of the few Pakeha in deepest darkest South Auckland I can tell you that it is not the white KKK that is leading the charge against youth offending in South Auckland but a wholly different KKK made up of brown people.

          Time you grew up and recognised that it is not brown on white anymore, it is brown on brown. Those browns come from the Pacific Island, India, South East Asia and other locations where immigrants are from. Immigrant that want a better life for their children and are fed up with out of control youths from one racial brown group.

          Expect more brown KKK action. Be warned.

    • What does race have to do with anything? Unless the white male fits your victim narrative. The tagger was a vandal, plain and simple. All the rest is woke BS

  4. At least we’re starting to get some honesty about the type of activism really being looked for instead of the lawyerly justifications after the fact.

  5. Of course Boomers dont believe in climate change.
    We have lived through 60 to 70 years of the “end is nigh” predictions
    Atomic armagedon in the 50’s
    The yellow peril in the 60’s
    An impending ice age in the 70’s yes for rea l an ice age was on its way!8
    End of oil in the 80’s
    Predicted in the 90’s that the sea would be meters higher by now, it aint!
    Then followed the health plagues aids, ebola, bird flue, swine flue, and most recently covid all were going to terminate life as we know it.
    None absolutley none have come to pass.
    That why boomers dont believe in climate change, and still boy continues to cry wolf.

  6. Peehaps if the protestors went and blocked private airports rather stopping people in financially precarious positions getting to work theyd have more support.

  7. This is quite a disingenuous post. Whether you believe in climate change or in an imminent alien invasion or there is actually someone called ‘Trotter’ or not is irrelevant when you have been sitting in an overheated car at a roadblock for hours with no respite in view. The guy looks like he’s at his wit’s end after being told to buy an electric vehicle to save the planet but the battery’s about to die and replacing it is going to cost more than several guns plus ammo so wtf? Boomers blamed and bankrupted simultaneously but when the chips are down this demographic most likely to volunteer and drive the ambulance/fire engine/tow truck.

  8. Ok, boomer. Ok, millenial. Ok, slacker. Some consumer research company names a group of people born between certain years and suggests they all think the same way. It’s ludicrous as if people of a certain age don’t hold a wide range of views. Same with the idea that maori don’t vote National.

    Cliffordj you missed the media beat up that the end of the world would be caused by the Y2K scam from the computer industry.

    Now when there is a storm on the East Coast it’s apparently caused by global warming, like cyclone Bola never happened and the 1936 flood that left more silt on the river flats than this year’s flood is conveniently forgotten.

    The Clash told us the ice age is coming.

    Now we have Youtube to confirm the ice age is really coming

  9. I bet Anker supports this guy shooting the protestors. She is getting more and more right wing by the day. She loves the idea of bringing back the good old days were blacks were strung up from lampposts.

    She wishes she could gun down climate protestors like dogs, Especially if they were back. She is a nasty racist hag, who is also homophobic.

  10. The climate lunatics such as yourself have been saying the sky is falling for decades. New York was supposed to be under water in the 90s.
    The only people who take fools like you seriously are the same imbeciles without critical thinking skills that think EVs, solar panels and wind farms are good for the planet.


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