Remember when Luxon called Labour, Greens and Māori Party ‘Coalition of Chaos’ – so how are the Alliance of Arseholes doing?

NZ First is like retirement village political chlamydia, but more delusional. ACT have values that would embarrass your average Drug Cartel and shame flesh hungry piranha while Luxon looks like a frightened virgin at an orgy.

This is the worst threesome in NZ History – they all cry out their own names when they orgasm

Remember when Luxon called Labour, Greens and Māori Party ‘Coalition of Chaos’ – so how are the Alliance of Arseholes doing…

Winston Peters touches down in Wellington, refuses to speak to media again

New Zealand First leader Winston Peters has returned to Wellington to meet with members of his caucus, but he has refused to speak to media.

He touched down at Wellington Airport at around 12:15pm on Monday and despite being peppered with questions from journalists, said very little. He waved out to a few members of the public.

Peters took a cab to the Treasury offices, near where New Zealand First is currently based. He was greeted by media, but still refused to say anything.

…well that looks dignified and calm doesn’t it?

The feast of dead rats they are all about to embark upon has so many dishes, it’s difficult to know where to begin.

Both will demand to be in Cabinet because allowing the other to sit on the Cross Benches gives them more power than if they are in the Cabinet!

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Winston won’t lift the Foreign Buyers Ban and National have built their entire economic package on their Foreign Buyers Tax.

David wants his race baiting referendum and Luxon doesn’t.

Winston wants a provincial slush fund, David despises it.

David wants tax cuts, Winston has ruled them out.

National wants tax cuts, Winston has ruled them out too.

The only things they all agree on is bashing beneficiaries, paramilitary police force against gangs and a massive increase in prisons.

How inspirational.

At what point will David Seymour vomit and refuse one more dead rat from Winston?

I love the mixed messages all of them are sending.

Winston is yelling a deal could be done immediately while in the next breath he threatens walking to the cross benches.

David says the negotiations can be calm and professional while also reiterating that he would leave if he didn’t get what he wants.

Luxon is demanding everything be silent with no Fourth Estate scrutiny whatsoever while weakly asserting National doesn’t support the crazy stuff David and Winston wants.

David, Winston and Luxon are treating the voters like Pavlov’s Dog being told ‘Immediate formation of new Government’ one moment then, ‘We are walking away” the next!

Weakly asserting but not ruling out.

NZ First is like retirement village political chlamydia, but more delusional. ACT have values that would embarrass your average Drug Cartel and shame flesh hungry piranha while Luxon looks like a frightened virgin at an orgy.

This Government is a Buffet of Right Wing Dead Rats which won’t solve any of the problems society is wrestling with.

If this Buffet of Dead Rats is ‘winning’, losing don’t feel so bad.

The Alliance of Arseholes is managing to make the Coalition of Chaos look preferable before they’ve even formed!

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    • And your proof of that claim? Heaven forbid you are just saying such stupid things so you can see yourself in print…. If that’s the case, then you’ve succeeded in letting everyone know how little you have to say..

  1. Freezing out the media seems to be a great idea to me. I think it was agreed that way, because from past experience scum media will try to insert themselves into the negotiation process and fine wedge issues to stir up trouble.

    • Sure. Publicly elected officials refusing to let anyone hear about anything is a great state of affairs. You probably thought Winston Peters threatening media for asking if he had policies was completely unreasonable.

      • You would really hate Wellington City Council. They hate us knowing what they’re talking about.

        I too would like to see some transparency.

  2. There’s no way this cobbled together Frankenstein of right wing nut jobs, liars and thieves will ever be kept in order by as pathetic a leader as Cluxon. He is so far out of depth it’s now cringe inducing every time he speaks publicly. He and Nick-all-ya’ Wallets form the most insipid leadership duo ever offered up by National. Collins, Kuriger and other scandal magnets in their ranks will be licking their lips at what they can get away with.
    If some people voted to “burn down the village” then by gosh, they’re gonna’ get their wishes fulfilled by these clowns.

    • That’s the issue Jase, these scandal magnets have stood the test of time and the right, blinded by their own arrogance, believe rewarding such behavior is paramount to their success.

  3. Have to give them a chance Jase, like the electroate gave the Jacinda/ Winston coalition a chance in 2017.

    They proved quite good, only ironically, falling apart once NZ First was voted out.

  4. Rimmer is not happy being the third wheel. Boo fuckn hoo!

    Luxo needs to watch his back cause Bishop and Willis are lining him up for the chop and Winston will stand by and watch it all play out.

  5. The 3 wise men will sort things out which will see many reporters and media outlets proven wrong,again.
    Winston is not going to miss an opportunity to embarrass the media.

    • What does that even mean Bob? Sort out what? Public toilet police? Sartorial excellence for gang members? Or perhaps removing a gun register because that is somehow related to the cost of a potato?

    • You think it will be any different than Labour/Greens /NZF in 2017 and that lasted 3 years. Luxon may not be the expert politician but he is is not as weak as Jacinda was in confrontation.

    • You just yearn for the neoliberal dream:
      – a free market where it is third world wages for those struggling to avoid the carefully maintained reservoir of unemployment, along with first world salaries for the financial and management classes.

  6. The trade deals done by Labour during their reign were capitulation not deals. The New Zealand delegations/Ministers an embarrassment.

  7. Farmers earn our primary industry because it’s the only industry-prime we have, and here’s where it gets complicated. Once farmers do what they do by way of farming-up what they grow, shear, harvest etc, so there it is, truck-ready in the sheds, tanks and silos and it’s at that precise point of sale that, that farmed-up product becomes the buyers property which one might think is fair and proper, except that it isn’t.
    Wool is stock piled in huge sheds while the new owners of the wool manipulate the buyer markets to force up wool prices. That tactic comes with a raft of complications and difficulties for farmers and massive, risk free profits for the manipulative opportunist liars and swindlers lazily lying in wait.
    The exact same thing goes on within dairying, apple and pear production and literally every single other aspect of farming and that’s the dire problem with farming and agriculture. Farmers are, so they believe, powerless to resist such relentlessly mafia-like interventions in getting their product to their consumers. There’s an army of manipulative middle-persons between Brian and his sheep and dogs and the people who buy his wool fiber, the best wool fiber in the world, it should be written. Which brings me to my point. The pathetic rabble of politicians mentioned here are below us to debate. They mean less than nothing. They’re an expensive diversion from crimes being committed at best. Labour. National. ACT. NZ First. The Green Party. The Maori Party have I missed anyone? They’re a logical fallacy distraction. They’re the cape the Matador waves in front of the bull as a distraction just before the sword’s driven through its heart. Our politics is a pathetic distraction sent up from an underworld of greed and cunning leveraged against the terminal ignorance our primary industry is very aggressively kept well within.
    I see there’s a 20% drop in lamb prices. Wool will soon follow then there will be a fall in milk fat prices and all that will be driven by the scumbag natzo’s who’ve simply picked up the baton passed to them by equally crooked labour.
    Once seymour convinces our farmers that it is Maori who are to blame for our struggling economy so lets bury the Treaty, then we’re fucked. Given what I know about farming, politics and economics I can safely say without fear of contradiction that a way to stall what’s about to hit farmers, farming and all who need to eat and live would be to believe the exact and precise opposite of what politicians are saying. And then farmers and @ Maori should join together and strike until a royal commission of inquiry in lockstep with a forensic accountant investigation into AO/NZs financials is undertaken.

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