This Government is a Buffet of Right Wing Dead Rats


There are great animosities over time.

Lions vs Hyenas.

Marvel vs DC.

TERFS vs Trans.

Winston vs Seymour.

David and Winston hate each other so much that direct eye contact can start an immediate homicidal rage in both of them.

Watching David Seymour, Winston and Luxon tear each others throats out over 3 years will be glorious and we are already getting glimpses of how much a battle of the fuckwits this will be over the weekend where Winston admitted he got a text message from David but believed it was a fake so didn’t message him back???

Winston Peters thought text from David Seymour was ‘fake’

TDB Recommends

NZ First leader Winston Peters says he will only hold coalition discussions with ACT Party leader David Seymour in person, and that he thought a text from Seymour after the general election was “fake” so he didn’t respond.

I’ve got bloody David Seymour’s phone number! He’s had the same phone number forever, and if NZ First couldn’t work out David Seymour’s own phone number, it shows you how much of a ship of fools this is!

The feast of dead rats they are all about to embark upon has so many dishes, it’s difficult to know where to begin.

Both will demand to be in Cabinet because allowing the other to sit on the Cross Benches gives them more power than if they are in the Cabinet!

Winston won’t lift the Foreign Buyers Ban and National have built their entire economic package on their Foreign Buyers Tax.

David wants his race baiting referendum and Luxon doesn’t.

Winston wants a provincial slush fund, David despises it.

David wants tax cuts, Winston has ruled them out.

National wants tax cuts, Winston has ruled them out too.

The only things they all agree on is bashing beneficiaries, paramilitary police force against gangs and a massive increase in prisons.

How inspirational.

At what point will David Seymour vomit and refuse one more dead rat from Winston?

This Government is a Buffet of Right Wing Dead Rats which won’t solve any of the problems society is wrestling with.

If this Buffet of Dead Rats is ‘winning’, I’d hate to see the definition of losing.


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    • short memory tard – remember 2020 – the first and probably only time a single party had the mandate to govern … your right wing heros will never reach those heights … which makes the fall from grace so much more galling – fucking useless and gutless incrementalists – Jacinda and then Chippy snubbing the op for CGT was the most fucking annoying ever – just fucking gutless and pathetic … maybe your definition is on the money?!

  1. The irony is that thousands of the fifth columnist bureaucrats, administrators, crawlers and megalomaniacs in the Public Service are up for the high jump if Incel David gets his way.

    So, some of this lot who despise welfare and public infrastructure–yet are most happy to accept large salaries from us long suffering tax payers, are about to get a taste of their own “tough love” prescription! Good fucking job I say. Now, normally a number would get a redundancy payout on Friday, thanks SSC and PSA, and turn up on Monday as a gouging contractor…but…this time maybe not if Baldrick is in a corner over Off Shore Property Buyers courtesy of Winston.

  2. I was watching the debate between Chloe Strawbridge and David Seymour on 3 breakfast with Ryan about his propose TOW referendum and Chloe ripped him apart with common sense and facts. Seymour seem to come to life as if well rehearsed in front of a mirror when discussing his TOW referendum laying out all his points listened patiently was Strawbridge. She is quite an intelligent person which I haven’t noticed until recently. She at one point had to explain to him what a ‘reductive binary’ meant. She also easily sweep aside his remarks about democracy and people need to be able to choose, which Ryan & Chloe smirked in bewilderment at each other pointing out that they just have through the current election.

    It seem that Seymour elite donors want this referendum to go ahead however he will be facing not only the indigenous people of this country but the many pakeha that aren’t maori haters and the institutions of parliament that have a vested interest in keeping our country in a peaceful state.

  3. Well, we now have a Mr do it and fix it up as a PM many fools voted for this chum. I look forward to all the new slagging once the new government is finally formed. In the meantime, it seems many of you are bored and continue to put the boot into Labour like kicking a dog when it is down. Be patient you will have lots of ammunition soon as these clowns can decide who gets what.

  4. Well, we now have a Mr do it and fix it up as a PM many fools voted for this chum. I look forward to all the new slagging once the new government is finally formed. In the meantime, it seems many of you are bored and continue to put the boot into Labour like kicking a dog when it is down. Be patient you will have lots of ammunition soon as these clowns can decide who gets what.

  5. Well, we now have a Mr do it and fix it up as a PM many fools voted for this chum. I look forward to all the new slagging once the new government is finally formed. In the meantime, it seems many of you are bored and continue to put the boot into Labour like kicking a dog when it is down. Be patient you will have lots of ammunition soon as these clowns can decide who gets what.

  6. I can’t wait for labour to be the 4th or 5th phone call to form a government in 2030 and beyond. Greens too.
    It’s all over for the centre left.Thank fuck for that.

  7. A good clean out of the entitled job for life public servants and crony consultants and ineffective departments is well overdue.

    • Public servants are the only people in this country who give a shit about society. The private sector only care about profit.

      • A public servant cares about his/her self .I have not seen many oexamples of them doing any good for the public The quicker Act push to get the bloated public servants to a workable level the better .They need to fear for their jobs to make them earn their pay

        • well trev if they were cutting middle and top managers I’d agree but I’ll bet you the axe falls on frontline/low level staff….which will make public services soooo much more effective NOT

    • BwaV Get with it. That old idea about slow elderly retainers shuffling along in service to the government is dead meat. Partly right maybe – I spoke to some older person recently who said that no-one over 50 should be a politician which is a good idea I think. But short term contracts by sharp-edged ambitious business-university-trained people who enter public service with private motives is more of the problem. They virtually play their role like a game with people as pawns on a shuffleboard or bereft of shelter in a game of draughts!

      It is a travesty of higher learning to see the politicians who are mostly self-serving when they leave becoming crony consultants with comfy chairs or even hard ones where they never have time to sit for the number of tricks they are juggling requires constant movement and vigilance. We need to do something to change things, in an intelligent way, before we lose heart, not just moan and complain like wimps – but intelligence and some subtlety must rule. You may want to take uncivil servants to task but first have a laugh at Monty Python’s Inquisition sketch

  8. National only pretend to depend on the foreign buyer tax. It’s a double whammy – creating an excuse to sell out NZ yet again, and then, by failing to produce enough to pay for the undeserved tax cuts, it licenses another round of cheese paring cuts to already struggling public services – chiefly health & education.

    It would be cunning, if no-one cared about the continued long-term damage these frankly corrupt and stupid policies have done to NZ and will continue to do if these wretchedly sub-par specimens have their way.

  9. Would it be much different if Labour had been forced to deal with Greens and TPM. Their ideas of tax ,health ,law and order especially in the drugs area would be as diverse as the current Nat /Act/NZF situation.
    Is not this the reason we have a MMP parliament to draw in diverse ideas otherwise we may as well go back to FPP. A 1 party government did not do the country much good .

  10. Right-wing dead rats says it all about the Right’s campaign. A good talker in an open debate could have said that.

    Look forward to your evisceration of a Hipkins Labour Party. Just nothing there anymore.

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