Pure Trans Joy and woke dogma: The political price of the Culture War

There must be some kind of way outta here Said the joker to the thief

When we failed to de-escalate the Dumb Lives Matter Parliament Lawn Protest, I said at the time that the vast majority of protestors were Labour/Green voters and that we had lost them forever.

They left bitter and hateful towards the Left and their dark treasonous treacle oozed into the dark spaces with demented energy.

After handing so much culture war ammunition to the Right, our woke middle class identity activists literally drove male voters into the arms of the political right.

In woke Wellington world, ALL white men are irredeemable cross burning racists, B-E-L-I-E-V-E ALL women that ALL men are rapists and anyone defending free speech is a uniform wearing Nazi who hates the trans community.

Turns out that identity politics mentality alienates rather than brings together.

‘Pure Trans Joy’ probably helped cost us the election.

Pure Trans Joy

We have not calculated the full political price yet of this culture war. We see it in the lifted National and ACT vote obviously, and we see it in NZ First over the threshold, but also look at that dark energy below the threshold…

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…a bitter mix of Christian extremism, Qanon nonsense, antivax madness and reactionary anger.

That’s 2.63 of the vote lost to spite.

NZ First is a vehicle for anti-Māori identity activism, the gambling industry, the fishing industry and antivaxx acolytes.

Winston has to flirt with that Conspiracy Theory electorate to remain politically relevant and his despicable tweet insinuating Jacinda knew about the white supremacist before the shooting is evidence of that new conspiracy theory extremism.

Look who Winston is flirting with…

…on the radically toxic Voices for Freedom Radio which has become an important media vehicle for hate politics hosted by the most radioactive Hate Blogger in the game.

This electorate of spite is the price of political exclusion from a movement like the Left that prides itself on inclusion, but because the woke abused the power they had gained from Twitter, the movement quickly moved from Broadchurch class solidarity to the pure temple of alienating middle class identity politics.

The resentment this new battle front in modern elections has generated is all personal feelings, either feral nuttiness of Qanon lunatics and the Outrage Olympics of the Woke.

Everyone sprints to be offended first for virtue signalling social media lynchings.

The problem with Cancel Culture for the Left is that after the woke have cancelled everyone, who votes for us?

Look at it this way.

In 2020, Labour got 51.01% of the vote and Greens got 7.86.

In 2023, Labour (provisionally) got 26.85 while Greens lifted to 10.78.

Think of it this way, Labour shed  24.16% yet barely 3% of that went to the Greens!

As a movement we alienated voters by refusing to implement populist economic policy that would have challenged the neoliberal straightjacket of the economy!

Fundamentally Labour needed to tax the rich to pay for the social infrastructure we require but because Labour at heart are intellectual cowards, they refused to engage in that, which left voters asking, ‘why bother voting for Labour’.

Why indeed.

All the Left had in the end was the fear of what National and ACT and NZ First would do, but if you were one of the 600000 using food banks monthly, how could it get worse when your hopes were shattered by Labour?

Labour face oblivion, will probably gain 2 MPs from the Specials so will limp home with 28% and taking back some electorates.

The Greens and Māori Party have only done well BECAUSE Labour were so weak, so we all end up losing because the Right are now in power!

There needs to be a fuck of a lot less cancelling and a fuck lot more open debate because the Left have lost the ability to argue and persuade rather than cancel and censor.

Those 600 000 needing food banks monthly looked at what we were championing and could not connect our virtue signals to their pain.

Poor people weren’t sitting around the kitchen table cancelling people for misusing pronouns, they were trying to work out how they were paying the bills!

This political marriage of convenience between ACT, National and NZ First is a union of grievance and malice aided by culture war ammunition the Left couldn’t win.

This isn’t a Government elected for hard right spite, it’s a grudge fuck against the Left by a furious electorate that ran out of patience.

I think many people will begin to regret the ramifications of their vote and non-vote.

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  1. Roger Douglas’s careful indoctrination of us pre neo-liberalism by using propaganda, logical fallacies and perverted and converted truths put me on a kind of political high alert and I’ve been so since the late 1980s. The wonderful, beautiful, fabulous Americans call that process psy-ops, usually leading up to and during assaults on foreign soils for land grabs and political advantages to be cashed in later during times of what we might refer to as ‘peace’. I.E. https://responsiblestatecraft.org/2023/08/07/americas-top-5-weapons-contractors-made-196b-in-2022/
    To most people who’ve had first hand experience with that particular ‘Free World For King and Country’ or for ‘God and Freedum’ political peculiarities is referred to as ‘pieces’. ” There’s pieces of mum and dad over there beside pieces of the neighbours.”
    In short, and I’m not that short, is that whatever I see via their tee vee, their mind-parasite aka the internet or the general MSM I don’t believe.
    I watched fabulous old Vivienne Westwood speaking from NYC like the day after 9/11 which she witnessed first hand and she said and I paraphrase a little ” I only believe what my eyes tell me and my eyes told me I just watched a demolition job. ”
    When I think back to the occupation of that lawn in silly little Wellington I saw a con-job run by… well, who? I can only assume it was the SIS supported by SAS guys. I saw cops, smoke, a kerfuffle, scuffles, and other actions that were less spontaneous and more what appeared to me anyway as well organised shit fightery.
    The shambles that labour found itself arse deep in prior to the election was preceded by popular Adern who had the eyes, ears and votes ( Not yet mandated. Funny that.) of the people and she ran for it leaving Mr Gobsmacked to clean the kitchen floor after the piss up and brawl party.
    Our last election saw adern run up to luxon and hand him the baton and now he’s off. You can hear his flat feet slapping along the halls of our parliament. Meanwhile, most of us have no fucking idea what it is that’s actually going on. What do your eyes and ears tell you? What does your common sense tell you? Write a list if you must. Do you see a beautiful agricultural exporting country functioning as you might expect because we all insist we get a fair share after a fair go or do we see our AO/NZ being parasitised by a tiny minority of people with all the money they could never have earned at an hourly rate. To me, to my eyes and ears, I see a demolition job.
    This is what must happen. Mandate voting and a royal commission of inquiry up our politics and our economy from at least 1936.

  2. Bomber, don’t include the Women’s Rights Party among this feral byproduct of capitalism’s decadence.

    Obviously the penny hasn’t dropped for you yet. The rising anger of women around the world against trans ideology, which is a male war against women to obliterate their history of struggle and their existence as a sex, is NOT REACTIONARY.

    It’s the only sane position to take when capitalism is on its last legs and offers no alternative but extinction or socialism.

    Do you think that the terminal crisis of the last decades of capitalism driven to destroy nature, including the erasure of women who are humanity’s only biological bond to the defence nature, is NOT EXISTENTIAL?

    The fate of mere political parties, the creatures of the bourgeoisie to keep us running around in circles while they wreck the planet, are a distraction from what we urgently need – a socialist revolution based on the historic struggle of women to defend humanity.

    The creation of the Women’s Rights Party is the necessary expression of women who are fighting for their lives and in the process defending nature against human extinction.

    We are facing a crisis of existence as a species, unlike any other before, and it is women who are showing us the way out of the abyss.

    Far from being reactionary it is positively REVOLUTIONARY.

    • I agree. The concerns of the WRP are legitimate and progressive concerns. They are also concerns relevant to most people, because most people on the planet are women.

      If Pakeha tried to Pahekasplain to Maori what the word “Maori” means, we all know what would happen. Yet every day we see men mansplaining to women what the word “woman” means.

      • Wait. Women act on there emotions. Explaining logic is a masculine trait. Guys have to be extremely logical if for instance you’re designing a bridge that doesn’t kill no one. Us guys we have to he able to make sense of what’s going on. Designing a diagram is a huge responsibility especially when you’re trying to make the place better. The vast majority of kiwi men are really good workers none of them want to be apart of a failed kiwi build project or design Orange tamariki buildings that’s what emotional fem bots do. They just complain .

        • Sam Very good. Really ironic. Excellent stuff. We all have these myths floating in our heads prompted by half-truths. But women need men like fish need bicycles!

          And women aren’t all the same, and go in and out of stereotypes just as men do. So it’s hard to say with certainty just what one sex or gender is or isn’t. That is why we find it so fascinating exploring the others’ personalities for hidden depths of fineness or instead, pits of dross or shabbiness.

        • Bullshit
          Over half of doctors are now women
          and they are very logical
          Increasing numbers of women are going into the trade professions and leaving the arts behind. Logical decision making is a prerequisite to succeed

    • Yeah I don’t think it’s fair to include them in that list either. Watching how that have been hounded, how councils have tried to prevent them from speaking, how their concerns have been misrepresented. It really showed what complete scumbags some of our local politicians are when they decided to cancel groups like SUFW because it was the politically hip thing to do

    • Broadly agree though I think you’ll find that what you characterise “as a male war against women to obliterate their history of struggle and their existence as a sex” is largely supported by 4th wave feminists and the rising tide of intersectionality. Your average joe tends to see this stuff for exactly what it is. They are not your enemy.

      • I think I was wrong. Guys should stay hard and stay focused. This woman’s empowerment or transrights or whatever ain’t our fight. Happy hunting girls.

    • Agree, Dave.

      Plus, those that support ‘trans joy’ certainly don’t subscribe to “believe all women” because they want to silence any woman who is critical of gender ID ideology – doesn’t align with their current believes. They’d rather believe males who claim to be women.

      In fact, I think the Green Party have dropped all references to natal women when it comes to sexual violence. They used to understand that violence against women was largely perpetrated by males.

        • Evidence?

          Plus, males are stronger than women so a male, can cause way more damage to a female, is way more intimidating to women, and commit way more sexual and violent offenses than women.

          • NZ Statistics. Lesbians abuse each other 60% in relationships. Straight only about 20%. Anyway why would you hit a man? All the violent men are in jail. Woman don’t go to jail for the same things as men. All the guys walking around the streets are pretty good guys. But the woman walking around reckon they’re special normal discourse and cutesy seem not apply to there insane theories.

    • If the aim of your new revolution is to unpick the results of the last revolution, Reactionary (or Neo-reactionary) is EXACTLY what it is.
      And I’m Ok with that.
      Anyone, even a liberal progressive feminist, who wants to restore sanity to society in general and gender relations in particular will find a lot of support from the old school conservatives. They would get even more support if those liberal feminists started to show a bit of self-awareness about how this mess got started. Gender critical feminists blaming men and the patriarchy for the transcult is like a bunch of drunken friends who have crashed their car into a ditch. They want to get it fixed and back on the road again but first they have to get their stories straight before the cops show up,
      “It wasn’t ME officer! Some big boys did it and then ran away!”.
      There isn’t a single concept that the trans are using now that wasn’t cooked up by a progressive/liberal/feminist 20-30 years ago (or less). Feminist fingerprints are all over this crime scene. But we will be waiting a looooong time before any feminist takes responsibility for any of the negative consequences of their actions. They have ONE story and they are sticking to it “It was the Patriarchy! (+ Men Bad!) ”
      BTW if you want to know what the REAL Patriarchs thought of trans we don’t have to guess, they wrote it down;
      “A woman must not wear men’s clothing, nor a man wear women’s clothing, for the LORD your God detests anyone who does this.’
      Deuteronomy 22:5.
      Put that statement against the latest gender affirming statements from our political class and you will see who the patriarchs are and who are the progressives.
      Also, this “the erasure of women who are humanity’s only biological bond to the defence nature” is pure Mystic Woo, real “Men are from Mars but Women are from Venus” stuff.
      But I’m OK with that too.
      Mars, Great God of warfare and violence and Venus, Great Goddess of love and sex are a matched pair, each alike in dignity and power. The radical feminist critique that in every binary pair one is subordinate is just false. To take just one classical example, Julius Caesar proudly claimed ancestry from Venus, and there was no shame in his game.
      So, in summary, any leftist (liberal/feminist/progressive) attempt to stop trans is doomed. There are no brakes on the progressivist trans train, you can’t just pick it up and move it a few stations backwards on the track and then just leave it there with a full head of steam.

      • Kiwi woman are a wast of time the amount of men who think that putting babies in them are a terrible idea are getting younger and younger. There’s a new generation of 25 year olds every year just wait out this weird theories try again next year.

  3. “This isn’t a Government elected for hard right spite, it’s a grudge fuck against the Left by a furious electorate that ran out of patience.”

    I think the electorate running out of patience is the key there. It was just one thing after another and people really had enough and lost any faith or confidence that they had. I don’t know whether the new government will be better or worse, or as I suspect pretty much just the same because they’ll be terrified of negative opinion polls.

    Still it could be worse. It could be the Wellington City Council.

    • I saw three Voices for Freedom billboards on a corner property yesterday. Each had been graffiti “liars” sprayed on them, oh the irony.

    • Really or is it just people who want to listen to other voices for a different perpective like the good old days before MSM became the government propaganda tool. There’s a reason MSM are loosing losing money worldwide because they are no longer readable or watchable, just crap. Peter Williams is one of the hosts on RCR. A normal person sick of the woke/cancel culture BS, and the lack of dialogue from both sides of the argument thanks to our “Only source of truth” PM

      Just like the left politicains worldwide echoing the “Build Back Better” matra. Remake society in a better image. Hows that working out for them as worldwide countries that have been left for years head centre right due to the left having moved so left they’re off the planet. The canelation of women and the indoctrination and sex ed in schools, the normalisation of paedophilia just to name a few. Read the UN report on sex with minors and how it should be ok if the 11yr old minor consents and ask why people are moving right. Nothing motivates people more than an attack on their children.

      When children come out of school not even being profficient in reading, writing or maths but can use the correct pronouns, one has to ask oneself are we living in an alternate reality.

      • “Normalisation of paedophilia”? Sounds more like the Vatican than “the left”. Stop peddling bullshit. Take a look at all those god fearing republicans and “it’s my niece” Tories and come back and tell me that under age sex is all about the left. The “right” have more than their fare share of scandal in that area.

  4. The Labour Government over 6 years were dishonest running secret agenda,but more than that they did not keep their election promises,later described by Jacinda Ardern as aspirations.
    Keeping the electorate in the dark because you think you know what’s best for them is the epitome of arrogance.
    They lost the election because they were both incompetent and dishonest.

  5. Yeah – I don’t agree with your take on the Parliamentary occupation.

    I see it as a police failure – they had no interdiction and hadn’t rostered the staff on to handle the numbers.
    Protestors had threatened the PM – which exceeds the bounds of ‘loyal opposition’ type protest – though of course they wouldn’t understand that. So they were not a land march – they should have been cleared away quickly without apology.

    Not doing so opened the door to a world of whataboutism.

    • FFS Labour protestors had mock guillotines of National party members, they didn’t turn the sprinklers on them.

      This was all on Ardern. She couldn’t control her attack dog Mallard so he went feral. And what did she do? Rewarded him with one of the cushiest overseas jobs going.

      • Mock is the difference – the Sov Cits really were as serious as their eccentric orbit gets.
        & the Gnats really are shite – “Jacinda the Monster” is just a Trumpian Big Lie.

  6. Time for Government by Public Referendum. MMP doesn’t work and nor does FPtP.

    We should start planning for that now for the next election which could be within 12 to 18 months.

    • Tell me how Government by Public Referendum would work. All issues or certain ones go to referendum? Or the Government of the day chooses which ones would so their ‘pet’ ones make the floor? Like they think capital gains tax is not a flier so it doesn’t make the cut

    • Agree. There’s too much focus on ‘the party’ under MMP. So they all fall in line with whatever policies and statements their party are running. There’s little place for the lone voice to question party lines.

      Supposedly, the electorate vote should cater to that, but for those of us lefties living in Epsom, our electorate vote is a wasted one.

      STV might be the answer.

  7. Referring to these people with words like xtremisst, nonsense, and madness, and generally treating them as unwanted members of society is just going to feed into their outsider state of mind, which I would have thought was unhelpful. They’re all human beings, many are from the left (that I know) and we should be trying to make them feel at home in our circle – which let’s face it isn’t that far remomed from theirs. We’re prertty frustrated with Labour and the Greens and we would probably all vote for a left-wing party that wasn’t so frustratingly middle class

    • People who can’t restrain themselves and go off at sharp tangents Aaron are not compatible with a group that is trying to follow a rational, reasoned process and make such changes to bring about better. An open door with a soft heart and forgiveness for every rant and kick and insult, because the poor things are upset and hurting means certain end to progressive steps that are sustainable in a cohesive manner. Believe it or not.

  8. there are other voices and other voices when it’s funded by foregners you have to question it’s devotion to nz or other interests

  9. Bullshit
    Over half of doctors are now women
    and they are very logical
    Increasing numbers of women are going into the trade professions and leaving the arts behind. Logical decision making is a prerequisite to succeed

  10. ” As a movement we alienated voters by refusing to implement populist economic policy that would have challenged the neoliberal straightjacket of the economy! ”

    Bomber that movement is in no way reflected in what the current NZLP stands for , if it did they would have not fallen on October 14 and had a chance at a third term and changing the current economic narrative.

    Hipkins and the others spoken to from LINO have not grasped or want to admit why they lost. Any progressive direction will be left the the Greens and TMP to articulate in the next three years.

    I doubt the NZLP will learn anything from their defeat because fundamentally they are social democrat’s that support unregulated capitalism and market policies as the answer to all our crises and appalling statistics that continue to worsen year by year for the people LINO says it supports.

    Its that lie that many people could no longer ignore and allowed the entitled , wealthy donors and conservatives the numbers to drive them out of government perhaps for the next decade and resume where they left off in 2017 with the additional firepower of Seymour and Van Velden.

    LINO never had the movement as you call it to even provide a conscience to their ineptitude and now have walked away to leave many of us to face NACT who are coming for the many in the movement with their knives out !

  11. Trevor Mallard was the major cause of the disaster at parliament and is a significant part of the reason that their popularity dropped. The police took instructions from Mallard which is all you need to know to understand why their response was inadequate.

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