The Red Flags of Baby Ru



So the baby’s name that died was Ruthless-Empire Souljah Reign Rhind Shephard Wall???

Tell me that name isn’t an immediate red flag!

Ruthless-Empire Souljah Reign Rhind Shephard Wall???

That’s a name that demands Oranga Tamariki on the speed dial.

Am I right?

You know I am.

The second red flag is anything that comes out of the family spokespersons mouth that isn’t an immediate, ‘What scumbag has killed our baby’. If the words are about how loved the baby was, it reeks of an attempt to gloss over the level of accepted feral violence festering in that family.

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The toddler’s uncle and family spokesman earlier told the Herald Ruthless-Empire was a “happy and bubbly” baby who would brighten up any room with his smile.

He described his nephew as “our soul” and said the family was absolutely devastated, having learned of his death while they were gathered in church.

“We received this news whilst our church bells were ringing on Sunday that our Baby Ru had grown his wings and headed home to Torona o Iho [Throne of God].”

I will be surprised if there isn’t a lot of previous violence.

The third but biggest red flag however is every prick wanting to use another dead brown baby from the underclass as a point scoring exercise to demand ‘enough is enough’ and that ‘something must be done’ because we refuse point blank to do the things that needs to be done!

Baby Ru death: Child abuse prevention group calls on politicians to take ‘courageous leadership’

A child abuse prevention group has said “enough is enough” in response to Police’s homicide investigation into the death of a toddler in Lower Hutt at the weekend.

Ruthless-Empire Ahipene-Wall died from blunt force trauma on Sunday in his home where he was living with three family members.

It’s been reported one of those relatives was on bail for assault charges.

Police say they’re working with Oranga Tamariki to understand how Baby Ru ended up in that home.

The reality is that the 9 dead children killed by whanau last year is a perfectly acceptable price to pay for most NZers to underfund our social services!

Our underfunded social services that prefer to contract out wrap around services to NGOs are a weeping wound that burns our society but we point blank refuse to fund them properly by taxing the rich!

Oranga Tamariki is a Frankenstein monster, a neoliberal welfare experiment conjured up by Bill English and big data.

The argument is that children from backgrounds with specific features were the worst in terms of cost to the state, so if the State stepped in and removed the children quickly enough, that cost will fall.To do this they passed law reducing the legal rights of parents, streamlined their 0800 numbers and weaponised uplifts.

They also ensured that people with children taken from them are ineligible for legal aid so they couldn’t fight back legally.

Oranga Tamariki has always been about saving the State money and the welfare of the child is secondary to that!

Since the Royal Inquiry into Historic Abuse, the Public Services Commission has done all it can to remove OT oversight and roll it into the ERO so that it saves the State money if children are abused in our care.

That Labour acquiesced to this and removed the Children’s Commissioner from providing OT oversight is disgraceful.

MSD in the 2000s oversaw obscene tactics that included hiring private detectives to dig dirt on victims who were complaining about being abused in state care in a Test case that if MSD had lost would have cost the State untold in damages.

The elite Wellington Bureaucratic class wanted to remove the threat of costs and damages from poorly funded social services and the ‘social investment model’ is a means to spend money on the most costliest of those social problems without actually universally funding services.

For the State, amputating social responsibilities and the legal threat of damages frees them up from having to spend any money in the first place.

Rather than creating more taxes like a Capital Gains Tax or Financial Transaction Tax to properly funded the welfare of children in State care, it’s easier to amputate the responsibility altogether.

Social Investment is a bullshit term for ending universal provision of welfare under the guise of providing more resource for the most at risk target demographic.

Baby Ru died because the adults in her life were broken violent people living at the bottom of a system that only seeks to erase them as a cost, not heal them as human beings.

Is barely enough enough?




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  1. The name was originally reported as Ruthless Empire Reign Shepherd Ahipene, I don’t think I’ve seen the same full name twice since.

    Also originally reported as “unexplained” death, but we all knew.

    We could (and should) throw more money around, but money doesn’t magically solve problems and I don’t think anyone knows what to do, so, no idea what that money would end up actually doing.

    • One has to look at the parents of children, not children themselves. Children are children. Children are like slightly more complex chickens until about 4 years old. They bumble about picking at things while looking gobsmacked. Twenty years later that’ll be called being pissed.
      Parents are where the money’s best spent. Happy parent/s have happy children. It’s that simple, and trust me, I know all about simplicity.
      Parents. One has the sperm, the other has the egg. Parents also have absurdly monstrous mortgages, bizarrely massive electricity bills, unregulated free-for-all house rental industry psychopaths haunting our living rooms and mail boxes, parents have barbaric food bills rammed up them by the unregulated greed of the potato pimps AKA the super market duopoly tag-team, tag teaming to see who can best rort us for the most $. The winner gets an autographed jonky butt plug. He’ll throw in some tugging if you fit his criteria for being tantalising enough.
      We parents have become hypnotised into a psycho Barbi world of make-do so when our abusers shout “JUMP FUCKERS now gimme all your money!” We do. We jump like little fleas on command. We jump while the grocer’s are to be found in bed with banksters. We should probably resist the tyranny of the costs of living and go and find out exactly what the fuck it is that’s going on.
      14 multi-billionaires, 3118 multi-millionaires with wealth in excess of $50 mil each and four foreign owned banks stealing $180.00 a second 24/7/365 in nett profits from a voting age population of about 3 million people on two islands who’s primary industry is food and wool production. Nothing to see there though.

    • Sometimes money actually does magiacally solve problems. As a priviledged middle class family we found raising kids incredibly stressful and I definitely wasn’t as my best through those years – so I hate to think what it’s like when you live below the poverty line. Yes, individual parents are responsible for the job they do but our society is equally responsible for the economic conditions that are known to create an underclass which leads to children suffering. Time to stop finger pointing and do the right thing.

  2. Nope.
    She died because socialism sponsors people like her parents to have children.
    In a morally decent world without socialism, she would never have been born and most likely not would her parents.

    • Presumably your parents were entitled to have children because? They were white? Were born into money? With comments like this you should have been swallowed.

      • Because my parents worked for a living and actually took care of their kids.
        It’s imbeciles like you without the most basic of critical thinking skills that perpetuate this madness.
        It is an utterly indisputable fact that on average, children do far better with a stable home with both a mother and father in it and even more so where the parents are self sufficient financially.
        The socialist paradise foist upon by idiots like you are causing an ever larger cohort of these people to be bred.
        Socialism isn’t the answer to this killing, it’s the direct cause of it.

      • There are many people who are poor and come from abuse themselves that do not beat and kill their children that’s BS, the buck stops with whoever killed that baby and the so called responsible adults who should have been caring for him. Blaming killing a baby on anything else is a cop out

    • I don’t think you can conclude people won’t have sex if they are not receiving a benefit of some description. In a “morally decent” world we wouldn’t be giving tax breaks to people who don’t need them ( I mean CGT not wealth tax).

      • In a morally decent world, we wouldn’t be stripping money from the workers to give to the lazy and useless.
        You are right that they might still have sex, but the result of that sex would be left to die and hence not propagate their worthless DNA into the the next generation.

      • Oh yawn.
        You are responsible for that child’s death by voting for a society that paid it’s parents to have it.
        Well done you fucking imbecile.

        • I’m responsible? Because I voted? And you call me an imbecile? You really are the dumbest incel on the net. Get back to your blow up doll.

        • Redneck throwback troll much?

          Socialism only came into being after Marx – whereas your wonderful fucking world of the market solves fucking everything has been around for thousands of years and has been sooooo successful. Problem is that you ftards who think in this way need an impoversihed underclass for their wonderful facist capitalist world to work – you need us!

          Nuff sed.

    • We have not had socialism in NZ since the 1930s so you are blaming the wrong problem. You could blame the moral values of society but you could go back thousands of years and children out of wedlock even happened then. The dpb in the 1970s was a major factor in keeping single parent families viable which caused more of them but while the female births the child they need a male also so unless you stop male sex outside of a committed relationship you need to do something with the children conceived out of that family support. Some will want to have set rules but that is not the sort of society I want to live in.

      • Those “male sex out a relationship” that you talk about should be made to face up to the RESPONSIBILTIES of fathering a child and should be named and required to contribute to the child’s upkeep and not leave it up to the taxpayer.

    • There is quite a lot of hate comment in this post towards bad parenting. You lot that are so negative and blaming are just useless people who don’t deserve to have a vote, and don’t think for answers beyond the obvious problems for yourself. Just spouting your mean attitudes and sorrow that is just sentimentality, doesn’t help if society and you don’t care enough to ensure that there is help for the parents in helping to raise the children.

      It takes work thinking to understand how people who are brought up without practical values and stable routines and caring in their home lives, are scraping along in life. Even if given more money they might not break out of the bind they have been in since childhood. If they became sick minded children and observed that they counted for nothing, and got beaten or verbally abused, it carries on into their adulthood.

      As for not having children,having sex is as close to love as they will ever get. They tend to barge at everything, not too much finesse; but useful training with rewards that they can work towards, and count on throughout their life; enjoyable workshops on life skills etc would be good and start changing the behaviours that lead to the bad stats.

      And finally they should be able to save for rainy days instead of the government pulling out from assistance as soon as they get somewhere, have some savings, get started towards a goal. Most people don’t understand the malicious way that the welfare system works and how unhelpful and deadening its effect can be on strugglers. People aren’t all the same, though there will be discernible similarities in most. If you don’t like the present situation either get out and find how to really help those in need, or STFU you moaners.

  3. How did the child end up with them? Were the 3 individuals living in the house..parents/extended whanau/foster care.?
    There are no details, and somehow we conclude funding is the problem?

    Non corporation with police means the perpetrators escape the justice system, and some how this is acceptable.

    We blame funding, but why should tax payer keep throwing money where no family member nor extended whanau of the child has any remorse, if they did someone would have spoken up already.

    If that child had lived, would likely have become another statistic. Sounds harsh, but blaming the tax payers is weak!

  4. The court case with the white parents having to give up a perfectly happy maori kid because of ‘cultural needs’ were more important than the actual happiness and safety of the little girl…THAT basically shows what OT is all about.
    Then the subsequent judicial interference of the case by OT was the cherry on top to show all that the kids come 2nd, ‘culture identity’ is #1

    • That is why I left OT – the child’s interests were no longer paramount (no longer child/client centred). OT still endorses this mindset with cultural issues being paramount ahead of those of the child – from a SW perspective this is super frustrating because most SW are trained extensively in cultural competence – especially understanding and supportiveness of Maori perspectives.

  5. Start by offering everyone receiving direct taxpayers charity enabling them to have food and shelter a free IUD / vasectomy +$1000

    • I have suggested this before and was slated and called all sorts of sorts of bad names but it is fact that certain people do not deserve the privilege of being a parent .It is easily achieved but hard to do properly and few including me succeed without regrets but at least 99 percent of the times their needs were paramount.

  6. The Wellington Elite don’t really give two hoots about this baby or the family that it belonged to sadly. Because outside the elites world nothing else seems to matter.

  7. ” The reality is that the 9 dead children killed by whanau last year is a perfectly acceptable price to pay for most NZers to underfund our social services! ”

    It would seem Bomber that these wee children that cannot protect themselves and are murdered not accidently are not ” one of us ” in ANZ but one of them !

  8. What a pity that Carmel Sepuloni and Kelvin Davis abolished the Commissioner for Vulnerable children. This terribly battered little baby needed such a champion, and it looks like Oranga Tamariki needs better than some bunch of do-nothings from the Department of Education seemingly too busy embracing ideological fringe activities than doing the responsible adult thing which it should be. RIP, poor dead child. If the IRD can have a confidential tip line for reporting money fraudsters, why helpless powerless infants don’t have one beggars belief.

  9. All the usual suspects will be on show here- intergenerational welfare dependency, gang affiliations, drug and alcohol dependency, criminal activity, low educational outcomes and a perpetuation of a victim mentality.
    It is obvious that a completely different approach is needed here.

    • Agreed Jack – but first we need families who can take responsibility for their kids and their actions. How we get there is the question. The state will offer no solutions except more of the same. People who do this shit have no hope and no fear.

  10. As Theodore Dalrymple has observed, “The primary cause of crime is the decision to commit that crime”. How have we lost our moral compass to the extent that someone thinks it’s OK to beat a little child like this? Where has our self-control gone? It’s a lot of things but we can’t just blame “the system” – that’s a cop-out.

  11. I have suggested this before and was slated and called all sorts of sorts of bad names but it is fact that certain people do not deserve the privilege of being a parent .It is easily achieved but hard to do properly and few including me succeed without regrets but at least 99 percent of the times their needs were paramount.

  12. The problem IS our government and NGO social services.
    Too captured by the woke political correct cultural neo kindness straight jacket, everything that is needed to done is not done only for this appalling barbarity to be repeated over and over until we are no longer outraged.
    It has become normal, common and expected. It is the Kiwi version of US school shootings.
    We all know what needs to be done but inaction rules.

    • Jack, I may be wrong, but the State Services Commissioner overseeing the kneecapping of the Commission for Vulnerable Children being a single man who I think has not been a parent or caregiver, may not be the wisest choice for such a job. It may be better for Peter Hughes to be replaced. He’ll land another lucrative position, they all look after each other. I think one of the MSD top dogs may be an ex-army chief who featured in the Hager/Stevenson account of what the SAS did in Afghanistan, but I can’t be bothered checking.

      Rather than advising Winston Peters to apologise for allegedly saying mean things about Ardern, Sepuloni could consider heaving herself out to Taita Cemetary and apologising to this dead baby. It’s a bleak and arid burial place where gulls wheel overhead meowing like alley cats before heading back towards turbulent Cook Strait and richer pickings.

      • Peter Hugh’s is alienating to the wider population. He may be the bees knees around the Welly Bureacracy but that’s it. No he should not come anywhere near a role that has anything to do with parenting. Looks rather odd to just saying

  13. ” I have suggested this before and was slated and called all sorts of sorts of bad names but it is fact that certain people do not deserve the privilege of being a parent .It is easily achieved but hard to do properly and few including me succeed without regrets but at least 99 percent of the times their needs were paramount ”

    On this occasion you are completely correct.

  14. Very true Martyn. We need to form a society where abuse like this, which is the primary value of characters like Tim Jago, is unacceptable. Libertarians hate that. But they will all burn in hell.

  15. Vile scum kill kids, not the poor. Most poor people look after their children. These were vile scum that need to be hung out to dry.

  16. I cry almost immediately at a baby’s unjust death.

    By his foul name he came from generations of unfairness.

    That’s on us.

    I’m angry about it. And I know where the blame lays. Roge.

  17. Your commenters here … mostly are of no use. No understanding. No left-wing rationality.

    I tend not to respond to absolute idiots. I don’t have every fact at my fingertips in the minute like the grandees of ‘t’Cause’, as my Lancashire G.grandfather called it. And they certainly don’t.

    My interest in the Left blogs is all about you lot knowing the facts so I can summarise. All three of you however have gone off into weird places, while Corbyn, Sanders and Reich sing the true song to the heavens.

  18. It’s been obvious for years that state agencies are simply not up to the job of solving these sorts of problems. The last thing these agencies need is more money chucked at them. That would wrongly assume that a) They possesses the will to solve said problem and b) That they have the competence to do so.
    Obviously they don’t.
    Time to give the Salvos or someone else who actually cares a go.

  19. Definitely not the 1st heartbreaking passing and won’t be the last in this world we live in. After reading all these argumentative comments on each supposed belief which isn’t “just a few lines of a comment’ or a 5 minute talk on an o going issue that’s been around for years now who is any random to make these bold statements to an ever changing economy.
    Life can be hard enough without anyone thinking they have the right to choose life or death on another’s life fullstop. And yet psychological pain can be more severe as physical pain. Where’s the WORDS HELP AND SUPPORT THESE DAYS!!!! Nah aye either got no time or cant be bothered. Self centred. Not all about money AT ALL.

  20. The thing I’ve noticed is that executives of all kinds never try to actually fix a problem. They always go for constucting the illusion that something is being done. Occasionally they get lucky and the window dressing works in spite of them. For a little while anyway. Most of the time, though, they create a mess that they then wash their hands of and move on to the next “project”.
    I’ve always marveled at this. It seems to go beyond laziness into some sort of weird pathological human behavior that is baked in and unfixable.

  21. Ruthless-Empire Souljah Reign Rhind Shephard Wall???

    That’s a name that demands Oranga Tamariki on the speed dial.

    Am I right?

    That is hilarious! Thanks Martyn you have made my day (which was rapidly sliding into the abyss!) that is funny …

  22. 3,800+ precious children killed in Gaza from Israeli bombs, one every ten minutes, and not one Western politician is condemning it or lifting a finger to stop it. Certainly not our newly elected weaselheads.
    Ruthless empire indeed. Good name for an ethno-fascist militarised colonialist state, but not for a child. How did it get past the name registrar? That’s the first question.


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