Bhahahahah- National will keep 3 waters you silly Hobbits


This is hilarious.

Chris Bishop is now signalling that National will still go ahead with the 3 Water reforms just sans the co-government elements with Māori…

S&P’s warning to National on Three Waters

Ratings agency Standard and Poor’s has warned National and councils thinking of going it alone it may downgrade the credit ratings of councils that choose not to carve off their water assets into the the new Three Waters entities. NZ Herald-$$$ Jenee Tibshraeny

However, National’s Infrastructure Spokesman Chris Bishop has appeared to leave open the door to leaving the new Three Waters entities in place, albeit without co-governance and without the current compulsion for councils to join. The Post-$$$Nicholas Boyack

…which will immediately trigger a complaint to the Waitangi Tribunal after their initial ruling Māori do have interests in water and that it’s the Crown’s obligation to define them…

Govt warned over Tribunal response

The Government has been warned it may face legal action if it ignores the Waitangi Tribunal recommendation over water ownership.

TDB Recommends

But the Prime Minister today would not rule out action on asset sales before the tribunal’s final findings.

The Waitangi Tribunal issued the direction yesterday for the Government to halt its asset sales programme at least until the tribunal delivers its full findings on a water rights claim in September.

The tribunal said selling shares in state assets before it delivered its full findings could “cause a significant disadvantage to [Maori] claimants” if their claims were subsequently found to be well-founded.


…that was 2012, few remember this Tribunal ruling, it was a response to Key privatising 49% of the hydro assets and it made clear Māori do have an interest in water and that it was the Crown’s obligation to ensure it!

3 Waters was Labour attempt at fulfilling that obligation, the moment National cut Māori out of 3 Waters, they will immediately lodge another complaint to the Tribunal.

To allow white fragility to halt the necessary water infrastructure upgrades while starting Tribunal wars with Māoridom is just a perfect start to National managing ruin.

Add ACT’s race baiting referendum AND taking water rights away from Māori, and we are half way to hell.




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  1. Nobody listens to the Waitangi Tribunal. Not even Naniaia did in her time. Or Anaru little. Or the courts. Or maori!

    It’s turned into another ‘House of Brown’ people clubhouse.

    It was created to get the Maoris off the street (protests) and corral them into the back room.

    Then be judged by elites (most of the time). And then their advise is ignored because all decision are not legally binding.

  2. Martyn, it WAS the ‘co governance with maori’ that was the problem!
    Giving maori veto on all council waters was what irked the public and caused the backlash.
    Like it or not, I suspect you don’t, but I don’t think the NZ public would have been in such an uproar apart from the IWI/maori being so heavily involved in the running/operating of it all.

    • There were plenty of people that talked about it being unjust to take council assets, without mentioning co governance. By the way I didn’t hear many people complaining about Auckland seeking relevant iwi approval to take water out of the Waikato River. That’s a consequence of a law passed under the last National government.

      This will make Luxon an even bigger joke. He stated that he had no issue with co governance at a council level. Probably because he knew they wouldn’t repeal three waters.

    • +1 and the fact that Labour had zero honesty or transparency about their co gov policies prior to election & therefore no democratic mandate for the changes.

      • Genuine question, did National under Key campaign on signing up to the UN Charter or the Waikato River Settlement Act etc? If they did fair enough but I doubt it.

        • No, they didn’t. However UNDRIP is non binding & National specifically stated that Maori would not have a veto. AFAIR Waikato is a local Treaty settlement issue not national co governance. Fair question.

  3. The dumb, ugly, greedy fucking natzo’s aye? How the fuck did chris bishop get elected??? Velcro was invented for that muppet because he could’nt work out shoe laces. As for that other dribbling blank-stare O’conner! That guy was the minister of agriculture amongst other fucking things. The most important portfolio in gubbimint! He always looks as if he’s just woken up from a wee nap to realise he’s pissed his pants. What the fuck’s that moron doing on six figures and representing our PRIMARY INDUSTRY!
    Just a word on that cow. I hope it doesn’t catch anything off any humans who will be shitting in the water just up stream.
    It’d get a double dose of dumbass and a cocktail of chemicals like antibiotics, anti-inflammatories including cortisone’s, steroids, viagara, HRT’s, codeine, oxycodone, tramadol, sun blockers, beta blockers, hair and skin meds, ‘beauty products’, jizz, piss and shit and chemical narcotics like Meth, E ( lucky fucking cow!) Ketamine and all the horrible chemicals in fucking dumb-as vapes and those drugs themselves are polluted with their own cocktails of ethanol, methanol, alcohol and sundry other narcotics, herbicides and lab built anti-depressive medications. But wait? There’s more. That Hereford is a meat cow so you’ll get back what you put in the next time you chow down on a double beef burger and fries or those preservative laden barbi snarlers you drunkenly nosh back as you talk and laugh while you spit toxic gristle into your mates faces.
    The dairy cow is another matter altogether. Dairy cows are fed speed-grown junk-grass and antibiotics which produces highly toxic nitrite laden piss and watery shit that funnels directly back into the water table. Normally, cow shit is a little more solid so it slowly composts into the upper 200 mm or so of soil and when that happens the broader soil biome acts and reacts accordingly in a balanced and sustainable manner.
    Watch this: “Kiss the Ground”
    I’d like to see The Daily Blog grow a pair and go and investigate the real climate criminals. The dirty Banks specifically. And the fucking Dairy Board, also Fonterra and Chinese owned Silverdale Farms. They’re the ones who have directors on multi-million dollar salaries brokering deals to supply cheap milk powder at the bargain basement prices our farmers must take or be sold up at mortagee auctions, to the Chinese markets. Our farmers are rorted because the milk powder’s sold to bring in $billions for urban shareholders who then spin that money off into off-shore shell companies owned by dodgy kiwi-as crooks who bring back it out to buy into the, for example, domestic property markets once it’s laundered. Aye boys?
    Farmers and Maori must *co-join to strike and demand a PUBLIC royal commission of inquiry now!
    * Imagine that? Go on! You can do it. Think about it? Thank about the power you’d have that you currently don’t hence this [cow] shit.

    • Still rattling on about the fucking banks Countryboy , get over it…living with hatred only gets you into your grave quicker.
      And you are full of hate…to basically everyone/anyone who has something because you have nothing!
      Get over it and enjoy life.

    • You’d “like to see The Daily Blog grow a pair and go and investigate the real climate criminals”??

      Why don’t you give the keyboard a rest and do it yourself, CB?

    • Sounds pretty right CB. And thank goodness for your perspiration and perspicacity in keeping track of it all – so uncool according to some – aye Imright!

  4. If there is eventually a civil war I as a skinny nerd looking pakeha declare my allegiance to whoever opposes the Neoliberal LABNACTGREEN lying landlord loving elites.

  5. People did not vote for National because of their policies, they voted National to get rid of Labour.
    You might want to think about that.

      • Labour good, National bad is your mantra Wheel…did you truly expect and want Labour for another 3 years? they were fucking useless and the voters, quite rightly, said NO
        But guess you rusted on lefties will accept any govt fuck up as long as it’s a left govt!
        Now THAT’S STUPID!

        • No it’s not Labour good, National bad it’s Labour bad but National worse and f’ing full of it. Half of their campaign about kiwis doing it tough was vomit inducing. Unless “kiwis” is landlords.

          Having common sense doesn’t make me left or right. Your name says it all. Tribal and devoid of analysis

      • Not necessarily stupid, just wanting revenge for the mandate that was given them that they squandered.
        And a big part of that was because of the PMC senior public servants, which as David Cunliffe put it “Labour failed to take the PS with them”. (Code for not being strong enough to kick few jacksies when required)
        Even Chris Hipkins’ PS “reforms” amounted to little more than a couple of name changes and preservation of the status quo.

        • Trouble is by trying to punish Labour we have voted in a Party that will end up punishing a whole lot more people than Labour MPs. Numerically it doesn’t come close. That’s especially if it’s NatAct alone.

          • Problem is if Labour is rewarded with government they will assume we all endorse their cowardly, incremental, woke tinkering.
            They must be punished, the country must suffer and they must learn their lesson by being banished to opposition.

      • For grown-ups, elections are about choosing the least of the evils on offer. Of course political tribalists have trouble getting their heads around that idea.

      • The bell curve tells us that intelligence is distributed over the population unlike wealth which tends to be more concentrated, this gives those with wealth a greater ability to influence elections and since selfishness is almost universal that explains the election result. If Labour had concentrated on economic results instead of social engineering they might have had a chance although the last few years demonstrated that they could not even do the basic task of selecting candidates able to perform the job

  6. Brisbane is projected to grow from about 3 million to almost 6 million in the next 10 years that’s a new auckland been built currently. Victoria has a 125 billion rail project projected to be completed 2080s. NSWs has hundreds of billions worth of projects same as WA all funded by GST and federal money. Where’s New Zealand’s major projects, where?

      • Me and all the boys will be building the equivalent of auckland fucking city here in Brisbane in the next ten years taking Brisbane’s population from 2.5 million to 5.8 million. When it comes to words like poverty, solve, peace and prosperity what can people like you say to a person like me. Like what advice would you give me as I try and make the world a better place, raise living standards and try and make the world a better and peace. Seriously wake up to yourselves.

        • Sam, I agree with what you are saying, but if Nationals idea of improving our infrastructure is limited to just building roads then we are fucked.

          As a side note, I lived in Brisbane, I worked building high rises in the central city. Make sure you do your research as to who you work for. Some of the building developers are very fucking dodgy, and have made careers out of ripping off the trades. Good luck over there.

          • Nah skilled tradesman are in high demand. You can go on Facebook and demand $50p/h just for tying steel or formwork anywhere in Australia there’s that much action happening in Australia. Like we want fit, sober, big engines, will train. That costs money. Every employer hears cost of living cost of living every day petrol this. Food that, rent! Maybe like 10 years ago but things are different now. We’re just focused on other priorities.

    • Er … because Australia mines everything it can get it’s hands on. For NZ that sounds like hard work, much rather tax everyone that’s not me so I can feel great about myself.

    • Unfortunately Sam they only do Thatcherite ‘managed decline’ and ‘strategic withdrawal’ in the corrupt beltway these days

    • Sam go back to sleep dear. While the PTB are planning new projects on borrowed money that will be demanded back from our penniless future, we will be hit by two tornadoes, a rise of 2.5 cm in water level plus storm surge that washes away important port infrastructure and sea farming facilities, and cancels out whatever job you managed to wedge yourself into. Put your back into the corner, and wave a sharp knife, taser and mace spray in front of you to try and protect yourself from people, though it won’t help when it is climate excesses coming for your area. But hermit crabs use it and they have been evolved for probably as long as you.

      • What borrowed money? Australian superannuation is worth AUD$3.5 trillion with a capital T. You need to lay off the electric puha. Wouldn’t you rather ride out climate change with 3.5 trillion worth of options? You’ve really given up haven’t you. You Muppets just have no drive.

  7. The two principle objections to Labour’s three waters reforms were removal of infrastructure ownership (in every real sense) from local authorities and appointment unelected governance. If National drops these two elements I don’t think many of their supporters will be unhappy about improving water infrastructure.

    • Agree Alex but the primary concern is actually the financial structuring of the money and how within 10 to 20 years it could end up with some or all of our infrastructure assets being owned by overseas companies. So any return to that structure will eff NZ right up the ****. Look up Thames Water and see what they are facing. Far better to risk Standard and Poor’s opprobrium than to lose control of relatively cheap and relatively free water for all NZers.

      • The simple solution would have been for the central government to simply give one-time grants to the local councils, covering 100% of the cost of required network upgrades. No ownership change required.

        It was never about actually solving the problem. It was always about the corporate political donors demanding the entire network be privatised, and clamouring to profit from excessive charges to every premises.

  8. Prior to the election weeks afore, farmer South Island, debt, intrest rates, mental health upsetting me. WHY, the banks their interest is hammer, nailing us, what can i do. What farm, you got, what live stock, some sheep in the high country now, most now milking beasts. So why, milking beasts, banks lown, and progress, so why, are you unhappy, well, the debt on my milking farms, farms how many two, outside my one handed down, so three farms, yes, is that debt, not foolish, no, our dried milk had more profit than the other stocks production.

  9. I could be wrong but I suspect that any return to 3 waters by the Nats could denote a mere 3 years in govt. Co Governance isnt the only thing undesirable about it. The Nats will be only too happy to invite Blackrock or similar to the table if we let them and if they do, NZ will go the way of Sth America in due course.

  10. ” And you are full of hate…”

    Yeah and these kind of comments from you shows you have some anger issues and obviously have no problem when it comes to the banks in this case given carte blanche to financially raping the good people of New Zealand and making billions off the suffering of so many !

    ” I am all for enjoying life ”

    Yeah I bet you’re nice and comfortable and just don’t want to read or hear from the many who aren’t in this country and are struggling to survive thanks to the greed and plutocracy of this unregulated economy.

    Unfortunately even having a little something is under threat from people like you that have most of it and you have the gall to complain about contributors on this blog feeling like they and their families are getting done over by the same financial criminals every year with no one standing or taking action against vested interests.

    Most of us on here have nothing except TDB to support and highlight the injustices of our economic and social rights and the tyranny of the entitled over so many of us in this country.

    • Mosa….Kiwibank?
      Non Aussie, kiwi run kiwis and none of the profits going overseas but back to the government.
      Hope you have all your banking with them and there is no fees charged and the rates are the lowest in the country…ohh wait

  11. My homestead, kiwi, my home farm, was sheep, now broken, sheep top paddock, bottom three, milking beasts.Why two others, just across the road, flat and paddocks, that the milk would produce, why crib, the banks their profit excess, he you how your greed, why complain.


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