TVNZ Poll – Alliance of Arseholes set to win 2023 Election



Chippy caught Covid.

Luxon chickened out of another debate.

Goldman Sachs warned NZ that National’s Tax plans will cause more inflation.

Mayor Wayne Brown warns Aucklanders that a national Government will cost them.

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Labour Party MP Angela Roberts was attacked at a political event.

Hana Maipi-Clarke’ had her home targeted in a politically motivated attack while the right claimed it was a lie.

ACT are promising to bring back submachine guns.

Winston is threatening Jack Tame for asking him hard questions.

National will stop building State Houses.

ACT want to rob you of January 2nd stat holiday.

National can not fund their foreign buyers tax but will allow foreign speculators to price the next generation out of home ownership.

NZ First just dumped a candidate who compared Covid vaccinations to Nuremberg trials.

National will give Landlords the power to throw tenants out without notice.

NZ First will misuse the Terrorism Suppression Act to designate domestic groups for paramilitary policing.

National will start riots and bloodshed at Funerals attempting to take Gang Patches from funerals.

National will rob 2 year olds, mutilate public transport and literally steal from climate change funds to give Landlord’s a $250 per fortnight tax cut!

ACT will start a race war with their racist referendum.

National and ACT will steal 2 years of our pension from Gen X.

Winston claims Māori aren’t indigenous.

ACT want to spark domestic meth cooking so they can pimp for big Pharma.

National will give bosses the right to sack after 90 days.

National, ACT and NZ First will all punish beneficiaries.

National, ACT and NZ First have used Māori as a punching bag.

National, ACT and NZ First will slash the public services while claiming they aren’t slashing public services.

National, ACT and NZ First will abandon all climate change legislation and allow the planet to burn.

National, ACT and NZ First are taking millions in donations from the mega rich.

National’s ‘plan’ isn’t trickle down economics, it defies political gravity and demands trickle up! They are taking $2b from the poor and giving it to the rich! This isn’t a plan, it’s Egalitarian vandalism!

In the first 100 days, redneck knee jerk left tough on crime rhetoric will be imposed that will cause an explosion in violence by the State which will shame kiwis!

National, ACT and NZFirst will throw thousands out of state homes with no where for them to go, while cutting 14 000 public service jobs while cutting 140 000 off welfare with sanctions!

If this is honestly your political preference because you are embittered Jacinda protected NZ from a mass death event and saved 6000 lives; have had your co-governance ignorance manipulated; and fear of crime exploited – then you are the problem!


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  1. Sadly one could say that the CoA have a plan which is what the Labour Party did not have for two successive elections. Their failure to plan is going to hit them and the country hard.

  2. Looks like NZF will hold the Balance of Power again this Election, Seymour Butt will lose traction over the coming 10 days and will likely lose his rag, and Winston will gain some momentum so long as he retains his Mojo. NZF always poll 2-3% higher on Election Day so could be 8-9% come Election Day, friends of mine who have previously been Winston haters have changed their tune recently.

    • If your friends are not Winstone haters now does that mean they a Maori haters. It seems a lot of people have changed their tune including Winstone who has a bunch of nutters in his party.

  3. I reckon if NatCCP and the coalition of fellow nasties create a whole new tear of homeless, they should all band together and go and set up a tent city in a public place like they do in other poor backward countries. Somewhere like, ummm… well, how about Remuera Golf Course. Plenty of room there.

  4. ” If this is honestly your political preference because you are embittered Jacinda protected NZ from a mass death event and saved 6000 lives; have had your co-governance ignorance manipulated; and fear of crime exploited – then you are the problem! ”

    Bomber I have talked to a lot of my friends , work colleagues and clients all are voting Labour but none of them expect them to form the next government.

    Most of them are just can’t bring themselves to not vote or vote for the alternative because how bad they expect it is going to be and despite most being supportive of the government taking action at the time to save lives and no one disputes that its the lack of using their majority and authority to take their country back from the wealthy and put them the Labour voters first with housing , economic advantage and labour law protection , climate change legislation , pulling the banks and duopoly of supermarkets into line after making record profits and the protection and continued investment of public services.

    LINO have not delivered , been transformational or inspire confidence that they will act to look after so many doing it seriously tough in our communities and now are about to be thrown to the wolves thanks to LINO driving them away and losing hope because Hipkins is seen to support the high end of town by not implementing tax reform after promising to focus on bread and butter then …….nothing. Too little to late.
    Even the GST of fruit and vegies is seen as an insult and nowhere near enough to control the greedy supermarkets and Food stuffs owner operators who make a killing by rorting struggling New Zealanders despite their motto ” New Zealand owned an operated ” just reinforces the anger and bitterness.

    Bomber the problem lies with Hipkins and the current LINO government not the voters. There is a real hatred already for the next government and it has not been elected yet but many are now sitting silently waiting for the next National led government to begin its austerity program that only ever hurts the people LINO have said they care about but actually they really don’t and its voters understand this clearly.

    That is the final nail in the coffin – people say they will hold their nose and vote LINO but don’t expect them to win.

    • Very well put. Our disappointment in Labour is palpable.
      I hope the actual election might throw up some surprises but don’t know if it will be enough.
      In discussions with my ‘friends and colleagues’ I find those who lean right cannot listen. We are expected to sit quietly and listen to THEIR opinions but they cannot give us the same courtesy. I have been talked over and shouted down by people I have known for over 50 years.
      They still harp on about Jacinda and the ute tax. They live in the past yet won’t acknowledge the likes of Sir Michael Cullen.
      They mistakenly think they belong to the elite class which will get the privilege they keep hearing about. They cannot accept that they are mostly somewhere in the middle.
      They think Cluxon will govern for them, when his constituents, many of whom are foreigners, number less than 1,000 and everyone else is a bottom feeder.
      As and aside, Cluxon still hasn’t looked up the meaning of ‘bottom feeder’ in a dictionary.
      Ex-PM Key can barely string together a coherent sentence and slurs his words. His speech is full of nonsense filler phrases which cannot be written as they are no proper words.
      These are the people they admire.
      How can one have a sensible discussion with people who understand so little.
      We are probably in for a trying 3 years.

      By the way, judging by the covid deaths of Sweden which didn’t lockdown or take many restrictive measures, our death toll could possibly have been around the 15-16K mark. Sweden has twice our population and has had 24,500 odd deaths. I think we could conclude we’d have more than half their deaths, given the popularity of sports clubs, churches, raucous celebrations of various kinds.
      The very people who like to shout over others and talk them down, in fact.

    • I’ve always found that quite nonsensical, NZ First are more of a potato in the exhaust, or water in the engine oil. They always pursue trivial or downright undemocratic crap, such as the Waka jumping legislation, inefficient ‘picking winners’ funds (a continuance of the silly self aggrandizing roles Jim Anderton had during Helengrad days), and generally just want to hark back to Muldoonist strongman posturing.

        • Im sure Winston and David will find common ground. Seeing as their first objective is screwing the workers of this country, it will not be hard.

  5. As long as our primary industry remain steadfastly ignorant, short sighted and terminally stupid it won’t matter who’s [in] because it’ll all be the same fuckin’ day man. ( Cheers Janice Joplin.)
    I’ve just read this quasi-logical fallacy gibberish
    “…Hugh Campbell writes in a fascinating analysis of rural politics…”
    Fascinating is it. Can’t wait.
    “The Conversation
    Nau mai, haere mai.
    New Zealand is about to hold its tenth MMP election on October 14. It’s becoming easier to forget – and impossible to remember for younger voters – just what a different political world we lived in under the first-past-the-post system.
    Today’s diverse and wholly more representative parliament would have been virtually impossible without electoral reform. Central to the relatively monochrome and male nature of that bygone era was the disproportionate influence farmers wielded through a handful of marginal rural electorates.
    That power structure began breaking down before MMP arrived, of course. As Hugh Campbell writes in a fascinating analysis of rural politics, Britain joining the EU in the 1970s and the impact of Rogernomics in the 1980s both weakened the old farmer alliance. But the coming election may well prove its epitaph.
    The rise of the Groundswell lobby, and the ACT Party’s inroads into National’s traditional rural heartland, are clear signs of a genuine realignment of farmer ideologies. But as Campbell argues, it also means the farming sector – and the country – may find it harder to negotiate and manage inevitable change.
    There’s more election analysis here and on our homepage, and we’ll be publishing up to and on election night itself. Until next week, mā te wā.
    Finlay Macdonald
    New Zealand Editor”
    If The Three Dodgy Morons get voted in by the even more moronic morons we’ll loose sovereignty of our AO/NZ.

  6. And everyone assumes NZF will go with National. Don’t be fooled again. He’ll do whatever he wants depending on the baubles offered.

    But, but… No, Winston always says words matter and he’s only ruled out the current Labour Government – after the election it’ll be new Labour MPs so all bets off. And Chippie has said Labour has ruled out Winston, but again, after the election it’ll be a Lab/Gr/TPM coalition and they’ll entertain talking to NZF.

    Of course Winston doesn’t mind as long as he gets 5% and Labour aren’t going to suggest anything else as it’s their only chance of staying in power. National seem to be incapable of campaigning properly which is leaving the door open.

  7. A vote for NACT is a vote for pay freezes, sweatshop working conditions, elimation of breaks, US style health care, dirtier air and water, suspension of due process and civil liberties, cops being allowed to carry out summary executions, mass evictions from state houses, higher rents, less generous ACC, pensioners getting less, the outlawing of trade unions, schools being allowed to teach creationism and kick out LGBT students.

  8. Labour have wasted 6 years of having an opportunity to show how a social leaning party can be successful. While coping with adversity .Few can say they are better off or safer than they were 6 years ago.
    National policies you quote about work, tenants ,and gangs make them a good choice in my book.Having to cope with Winston will muddy the waters but it is what it is and shows MMP working to give the largest group of people a say

    • So you think tenants should be kicked out at a moments notice for anything?” And that gang members should be ecxecuted without trial?

  9. Goldman Sachs warns Luxons tax cuts will squeeze the middle with high inflation and high interest rates for longer.

    Adrian Orr recommended increased taxation on the wealthy to curb inflation, mop up the covid liquidity and lower interest rates and now Goldman Sachs agrees.

    Why dont the Chris’s understand?

  10. Labour have wasted 6 years of having an opportunity to show how a social leaning party can be successful. While coping with adversity .Few can say they are better off or safer than they were 6 years ago.
    National policies you quote about work, tenants ,and gangs make them a good choice in my book.Having to cope with Winston will muddy the waters but it is what it is and shows MMP working to give the largest group of people a say

  11. Under Labour, workers have had the biggest pay rises everythere. They have had the best protections on the western world, more leave, more breaks, everything. Everyone who has wanted a job, has got one. Employers have been FORCED to hire more New Zealanders and FORCED them to pay them a decent wage. Unlike National, who would have bosses to coin it up while their workers got nothing. Workers never got a share of the ‘rock star economy’, despite record economic growth, no one got a payrise, infact, companies lile AFFCO tried to CUT wages.


    • And that post is why the next Government desperately needs to up the game in the mental health area. After Labours totally failure in that area lets all hope whomever is the next Government are equally as hopeless as the last 6 years.

      • Speaking the trusth is not ‘mental health’.

        I bet you are ready to cut your workers wages and tell them to unpaid overtime once National get in. You resent every single cent you pay your workers, and wish upon a star that you could pay then 50c an hour and have them work 12 hour days.

  12. I’m voting for whichever party that implements this in it’s first 100 days. Make it Legislation!

    “The annual income you need to be happy in New Zealand, world salary study claims to be well and truly content in Aotearoa, you need an annual income of $193,727!”

    So there you go. The next NZ government needs to implement this as the minimum wage!

    Whichever party campaigns on this has got my vote!

  13. Of course that poll is not what the Labour and National internal polling is telling them.

    TV3 6pm News tonight reports that National is falling in the polls and they are starting to freak out and hit the panic button.

    Hence the completely unhinged press conference held by National Party bovver boy Chris Bishop yesterday.

    His teeth gritting spitting white lipped shouty lunatic ranting was a joy to watch….clearly the pressure has got to him…all that money down the tubes …how sad …how appropriate!

  14. The buck stops here.

    From Wikipedia
    “The buck stops here” is a phrase that was popularized by U.S. President Harry S. Truman, who kept a sign with that phrase on his desk in the Oval Office.

    I will truly be gob smacked If Chris Hipkins doesn’t resign on election night.

  15. Max Rushbrooke ends his article (in the Spinoff today) titled ‘Feeling confused by this election?’ with this last para summation which pretty much answers his question:

    So we’re back at nothing making sense right now. Maybe it will in future, though.

    Maybe. Except that if – as seems likely – National does win, Luxon will probably benefit from an upturn in sentiment based on things he did nothing to deserve. The construction pipeline for state houses is already in the thousands, carbon emissions will likely continue their slight falls of recent years, and the economy is – barring a major world meltdown – set to recover in coming months. All of which are achievements Luxon would happily claim. Fair? Not really. But that’s politics. Don’t you love it?

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