The gleeful irony of Queenstown’s water poisoning – where’s your hate of 3 Waters now clowns?


Queenstown residents felt sick weeks before boil water notice announced

Queenstown locals reported feeling sick weeks before the council issued a boil water notice.

Residents were warned yesterday to boil their water or risk serious illness after National Public Health Service Southern confirmed cryptosporidium had caused a number of local illnesses.

The parasite has affected 15 people so far, the council said, and although there is still no confirmed link to the town’s water the notice is a proactive measure.

The Queenstown Lakes District Council said residents in the suburb of Fernhill had reported on social media feeling unwell.

The glorious irony of Queenstown, the wealthy playground of NZ who are such arseholes they can never manage to find accomodation for the plebs they use as cheap labour, is choking on poisoned water from the agricultural industry!

Oh the lols.

Where’s your hatred for 3 Waters now clowns?

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Lack of water treatment highlights urgency of Three Waters reforms – mayor

Queenstown council failed to install protozoa barrier that would have averted crypto outbreak because of ‘tens of millions’ cost

Analysis: Queenstown Lakes council has less than 24 hours to issue a plan to deal with its cryptosporidiosis outbreak – New Zealand’s worst waterborne illness crisis since the fatal Havelock North contamination.

At 5.30pm last night, new Three Waters regulator Taumata Arowai slapped the council with the agency’s first compliance order. The stinging indictment was made public soon after 8pm.

The council is already directing Queenstown and Frankton residents to boil water for at least a minute. It must move quickly with a plan to engage the public, and to deal with the lack of a protozoa barrier at the Two Mile water treatment plant.

According to Johns Hopkins Medicine, cryptosporidiosis is not normally a serious disease in healthy people. But it can lead to a life-threatening illness for people with a weak immune system.

The lack of a protozoa barrier creates “a serious risk to public health”, says Taumata Arowai regulatory head Steve Taylor.

Residents such as small business operator Mallory Perigo are already taking their own steps by buying bottled water.

I was in Queenstown last week, for the finance leaders’ debate. Post-Covid, it’s full of tourists and humming. The cryptosporidiosis outbreak has put a dampener on that. This week, the council’s environmental health team has contacted about 170 food operators, mostly in person. 

Mayor Glyn Lewers is to front a press conference later today, but he spoke with me this morning. He acknowledges the contamination probably began early this month, and the 17 cases confirmed thus far will be just the tip of the iceberg.

A compliance order is one of the strongest ‘remedial’ tools under the Water Services Act. Taumata Arowai can use them to address serious risks to public health, or contraventions of legislative requirements or drinking water safety plans.

The person who receives a compliance order must comply with it and meet the costs of doing so. Failure to comply with the order is an offence, with a maximum fine of $300,000 for a corporate body.

Queenstown’s compliance order will give council engineers legal reinforcement to act quickly and decisively. But this goes to the guts of why the Three Waters reforms are important, Lewers admits.

Choke on your water poisoned by the agricultural sector.

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    • Delusion + ignorance = failure

      A vote for National or Act is a vote for a catastrophic trainwreck….

      You can’t say the warning bells haven’t been ringing loud and clear!

      Some people never ever learn!!

      • David Seymour recommends that water infrastructure should stay with councils ( who unanimously agree something has to change) but when it comes to building consents he says ditch them because councils are useless. Gee what could go wrong. I am sure it’s just the consents, every thing else is sweet

      • So after selling all the Train Tracks & Trains to Fay Richwaite via a Corporate socialism Privatisation Firesale, then after they asset stripped it, they then offloaded the husk back to the Labour Govt for more millions! The NACTZI’s are going to get NZ back on Track, the same Tracks that they flogged off on the cheap, effectively derailing the Nation, kiwis need to wise up & not let these Blue Morons get anywhere near the seat of power, they are a Trainwreck! No thanks!

        • That was “save the rail “Prebble . Unfortunately if there is a change of government on the 14 October we will wake up on the 15 October to be told that NZ has already been sold to the highest bidder, via the many estate agents who have donated to the NACT parties

    • That’s why the government wanted decent infrastructure for water supplies so it could survive the mindless actions of the generally well-off who pollute with impunity as they don’t care about anyone else.
      While it might not be cows there are other mammals & birds that can infect water supplies & the generally right-leaning councils along with the anti any government ideas mob who did not want to be told to improve water safety have received their reward.

    • Trevor, you can’t possibly know that it won’t work if it’s not tried. You sound like a conspiracy theorist or at least are determined for it to fail

      • I get your point MHK but I look at other government agencies and see how badly they are .OT, Polytechnic amalgamation, Health shake up, so why would 3 waters be better. All councils agree water needs more money but why do all areas both good and bad have to give up their asset so Labour can earn brownie points with Maori by giving them more control.

        • Trevor change doesn’t happen overnight. Your right wing governments will keep all of the above if they get elected. Has anyone actually asked them how much it will cost the taxpayer to cancel. these projects, I thought you lot called this wasteful spending

        • I could debate your points Trevor, however, when those cognitively challenged like the clown below( Bob the first) makes it very difficult to take right wing supporters seriously.

      • It’s not every day the Labour Party presents a social conscience. If we had a National Government in charge they’d privatise the whole thing claiming poverty while hording all the good shit for there little friends and clicks.

        It’s not that a tiny section of New Zealand’s clapped out water works broke the whole thing is trash don’t get hung up on the needy narraasitic ramblings of scum lord wankers.

  1. Fantastic article Martyn, I haven’t laughed so much since I read the National Party’s ENRON, mark to mark accounting 2023 Tax cut Policy garbage, & the reason why they won’t reveal their figures is because I’m guessing that Enron’s former CEO, the Financial fraudster, Mark Skilling, must have written their Tax policies for them? Queenstown sums up what these Rich arseholes deserve, poisoned water from their filthy cows, how delicious, drink up your rich pricks, 3 Waters would have prevented this crisis but now you rich bastards can enjoy your 3rd World water drinking, how wonderful! Queenstown is what Life under the National Party will be like for NZ if they win this Election, Rich arseholes taking advantage bia the Nats TRICKLE TORRENT UP economics that take money from the bottom 99% & transfer to the top 1%,, screwing the Country over with short term schemes to enrich the Landlord class while decimating infrastructure & services via privatisation! This Queenstown Water debacle is symptomatic of the Neoliberal model of profits & price gouging at the expense of the public good, Water, Power & everything else not nailed down has been sold off & the lack of private reinvestment back into the asset which used to happen with the profits but now goes to Investors is the result & what happens when the cow shit hits the fan they turn to Govt, i.e the Taxpayers to fix it, fuck em let the Private Sector pay for Queenstown’s water woes!

    • I thought it was from sheep poo not cows who cares they deserve everything they get and the other red neck councils throughout NZ that are anti 3 waters. Council don’t have the money, and someone has to pay for this.

    • Does it really matter if it’s a cow or a sheep? Can be a llama if you like. Another example of infrastructure that should have been in place but got kicked down the road

  2. “Say No to 3 Waters”?????
    Yeah right. Leave it to the local councils – they’re doing such a good job. Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha………..

  3. Delusion + ignorance = failure

    A vote for National or Act is a vote for a catastrophic trainwreck….

    You can’t say the warning bells haven’t been ringing loud and clear!

    Some people never ever learn!!

  4. My sentiments exactly. The millionaire business owner complaining on radio this morning who can’t afford bottled water for her upmarket cappuccino. The same business owners who moan and groan about 3 waters and the government. The same business owner whose business was probably saved by this useless government. They deserve all they get and absolutely no one should feel sorry for them apart from the sick people of course.

  5. Yes, agree with Grant and would like to add how come people including our bias media haven’t asked how National is going to pay for the water infrastructure as most council don’t have the money and rates are already at an all-time high.

  6. One in four houses in the Queenstown/Wanaka area are uninhabited. Ghost houses and boltholes for the Hoi oligoi.

    Selling them to fatcat foreigners ain’t gonna solve their water problems either.

    Make foreign investors future proof infrastructure as a qualifier to owning land.

    Otherwise just sell them the houses, rent them the land and up the rates of speculators who own more than 2 houses.

  7. Labour has had six years to sort this out with very little to show for it… I very much doubt another three years would make any difference.

    • You don’t turn a supertanker full of garbage, (left by National). around in just 6 years …..

      Bovis, heavily polluted lakes and rivers, contaminated water supplies,
      deregulated tourism industry…the list of clusterfucks is endless..

      And yet they have propaganda machine, paid for by billionaires, telling everyone that they are the masters of the economy and how to run things when all the stats show that nothing could be further from the truth.

      Only the irresponsible and the ignorant would want National/ Act in again..

    • Neil – what do you mean? Councils manage their own water supply systems. Many councils have vociferously opposed Labour’s Three Waters reform programme to upgrade and standardise water services. Some councils resorted to legal action to try to prevent change, dragging out any progress.

      Labour tried to achieve cooperation and collaboration with councils, to benefit all communities, yet Labour MPs received vitriolic and racist attacks from people opposed to Three Waters.

      It seems Queenstown Lakes District Council has cut corners regarding water supply infrastructure and maintenance to cut costs, with unfortunate consequences.

  8. If Labour was so proud and positive about 3 Waters why is it not promoted as a plus to vote for them .Surprised how quite Mahuta has been so the memories of her involvement is forgotten.

    • They completely stuffed up the comms on it but it doesn’t make it a bad idea. Now they are too gutless to tell the ZB crowd that leaving it with councils will continue to see us go down the drain (a completely inadequate one of course). Your mates at National Trevor will end up going down the three waters path eventually. I guarantee it.

    • Trevor i don’t think it needs promoting, its doing a very good job of promoting itself as it was bound to happen Havelock North comes to mind

  9. Last time I visited Queenstown I didn’t notice any dairy farms or any other intensive agricultural enterprises around the lake, just the usual scattering of merinos and the odd beef cow grazing amongst the tussock and matagouri. Did notice a wide variety of water foul in and around the township and lake.

  10. Blackball has been on a boil water notice for most of the year,,,,every night in the Grey Star expensive $300 ads proclaiming this.


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