Dear NZ – DON’T VOTE EARLY – The foundations of our Nation are in ruin and there is no political courage for tomorrow

Don’t. You. Dare. Vote. Early. In. 2023!


Nationals 3 biggest donors (Hart, Mowbray and Bolton) have a combined net worth of 15 billion!

The Bottom 50% of NZ has 23 billion.

The top 5% of NZers own roughly 50% of NZs wealth, while the bottom 50% of NZers own a miserable 5%!

IRD proved NZ Capitalism is rigged for the rich and Bernard Hickey calculates that if we had a basic capital gains tax in place over the last decade, we would have earned $200billion in tax revenue.

$200billion would have ensured our public infrastructure wouldn’t be in such an underfunded ruin right now!

There are 14 Billionaires in NZ + 3118 ultra-high net worth individuals with over $50million each, why not start start with them, then move onto the Banks, then the Property Speculators, the Climate Change polluters and big industry to pay their fair share before making workers pay more tax!

Culture War fights make all the noise, but poor people aren’t sitting around the kitchen table cancelling people for misusing pronouns, they are trying to work out how to pay the bills!

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Bread and Butter cost of living pressures are what the electorate want answers to, and that’s where the Left need to step up and push universal policy that lifts that cost from the people.

The Commerce Commission is clear that the Supermarket Duopoly should be broken up and the State should step in and provide that competition.

We need year long maternity leave.

We need a nationalised Early Education Sector that provides free childcare for children under 5.

We need free public transport.

We need free breakfast and lunches in schools.

We need free dental.

We need 50 000 new State Houses.

We need more hospitals, more schools and a Teachers aid in every class room.

We need climate change adaptation and a resilient rebuilt infrastructure.

We need all these things and we need to fund them by taxing the rich who the IRD clearly showed were rigging the system.

That requires political courage and there is none!

No one is willing to fight for tomorrow, they merely want to pacify the present!

Just promise me one thing.

Don’t. You. Dare. Vote. Early. In. 2023!

I can not urge this enough from you all comrades.

Don’t vote early in the 2023 election.

I’m not going to tell you who to vote for because this is a liberal progressive democracy and your right to chose who you want in the secrecy of that ballot box is a sacred privilege and is your god damned right as a citizen.

But what I will beg of you, is to not vote early in 2023.

Comrades, on our horizon is inflation in double figures, geopolitical shockwave after geopolitical shockwave and a global economic depression exacerbated by catastrophic climate change.

As a nation we will face some of the toughest choices and decision making  outside of war time and that means you must press those bloody MPs to respond to real policy solutions and make those buggers promise to change things and you can’t do that if you hand your vote over before the bloody election!

Keep demanding concessions and promises for your vote right up until midnight before election day AND THEN cast your vote!

We only get 1 chance every 3 years to hold these politicians feet to the fire and they only care before the election, so force real concessions out of them before you elect them.

This election is going to be too important to just let politicians waltz into Parliament without being blistered by our scrutiny.

Demand real concessions from them and THEN vote on Election Day.

If the Left votes – the Left wins!

Increasingly having independent opinion in a mainstream media environment which mostly echo one another has become more important than ever, so if you value having an independent voice – please donate here.

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      • @ rat? But I thought you were a natzo supporter?
        “The important issues facing [ Aotearoa] New Zealand. ”
        No. No no no no no… When the belly’s full all else is art, remember?
        Free our farmers. Enlighten them, repair them, unburdeon them, educate them, inoculate them against the hairy-arsed yea-nah’s and the up-turned collar narrative the natzo’s have them psychologically imprisoned within. If we don’t? We’re all fucked. Well, not me. I have some land and an ability to grow, hunt and fish but you, dear Martyn Bradbury, could you skin and gut an edible animal? Do you know where eggs come from? No, not aisle 3.

    • Labour has been in power for six years, the first three with the Greens and NZ First, the last three all by itself: the only single-party government under MMP.
      That Martyn’s list is still so long is entirely the fault of Labour.
      Chris Hipkins, like Jacinda Ardern before him, has repudiated capital gains taxes, wealth taxes, property taxes.
      Whether you vote early or late, DO NOT VOTE LABOUR!

    • Exactly the point I was going to make.
      LINO can’t be trusted (judging from the last 6 years) to do what needs to be done, and what they should be doing.
      I get that NACT option is a truly awful alternative. But in out faux-democracy, who elese can we realistically vote for?
      I’ll be voting Maori as a protest vote, which I feel is the only way to show my feelings about a fair tax system.
      But using Ocrams razor, I conclude that the NZ politicians DON’T want to fix NZ’s problems. They just want to be seen as though they’re trying, whilst rearranging the deck chirs on the sinking Titanic.

  1. I thought this election campaign won’t be too bad, there is the Rugby World Cup to distract me. The tournament is so bad, so drawn out its just a bunch of random games all in France. The best thing on TV at the moment is the daily summary of the ChrisChris show where 2 men travel around NZ pretending to like ordinary people.

  2. Nothing will convince me as a life long working class Labour voter to endorse the last 6 years by voting for them and by default the Greens. Nothing.

  3. The quality of the Candidates and the Poor Choices available at this 2023 General Election actually makes me cringe and worry about the future of this country which was been Rat F**ked over the past 30-40 years, by the likes of Roger Douglas, Richard Prebble etc. Even the haggard old Winston Peters of NZF is looking plausable these days compared to the other riff raff on offer from the other Parties.

  4. This election seems a bit of a lottery anyway at the moment, so it makes little odds when you vote given that NZ Labour has refused to move on a wealth tax. Green or TPM is the choice for old school leftists, and for entertainment we can watch Act and NZ First bricking themselves as some voters at least have realised how nutty and divisive their candidates and policies are.

  5. Labour had 2 x3year terms and have achieved a divided country racked by crime and inflation huge rent increases and housing shortage and priced out of the reach of most and you want them back .No way they don’t deseve

    • So who should we have Trevor – the ship is due to sail – do we go on the Titanic that looks good from the outside and promises much, or the little tramp steamer that is dirty and rusty and promises to get us to the fabled shore to which we travel, which we eye doubtfully. You are full of it Trevor – but keep calm and carry on with your painful assertions of what we expect and should have.

  6. Our politics is a myth. A literal myth. Since 1936 AO/NZ’s not really had a democracy because while we voted, we had no alternative to the natzo narrative so really, voting was a stage production. A mythological thing of lore and rumour. Sure, we had alternatives to right wing politics but you did see what happened to them, correct? They got buried alive, then back to business as usual. You seen a film called ” Lord of The Flies” from the book by William Golding. The 1963 film’s the better version.
    We’re all merely stranded children on a desert island.

    • Gosh too much countryboy. Down doggie. Go for a walk on the farm. Then come back with nicer tasting medicine – we now need an elixir.

    • Plus, I’ll add (for free!), Lord of the Flies characters, as I recall (from movie, haven’t read the book unfortunately) – well, they too forgot who they really were. You know, deep down in their souls (where empathy lives). They got disconnected from their personal power (the good empathic stuff). They forgot their true worth (and everyone elses). Just my opinion 🙂

  7. The new message the Daleks trumpet as they whirl around in stress and turbulence is NOT now Exterminate! – but CONSIDER, CONSIDER, CONSIDER!!

    Better – make like one of our lovely Jersey or Holstein Friesian Cows instead of Daleks; chew your cud and RUMINATE, Ruminate, Ruminate!

  8. Hey Pete if you watch Nationals flash ads on TV they don’t feature ordinary people they are very glossy expensive marketing spin. And the message conveyed does not match the spin, for example a dog being fed by a young girl who lives in a flash house and has a fridge full of expensive food with a fruit bowl full to the top. When some dummies are moaning about GST of fruit at a time when many New Zealand families can’t afford to buy fruit.

  9. A vote for anyone or any party is a vote of endorsement for a political and judicial system that has failed to regulate capitalism.

    Tick your box and maintain the status quo because it makes you feel good to think you have a voice and that it is heard…Truth is you don’t, and it is not.

    Don’t vote and send a message that you don’t believe in the system anymore and that whoever cuts a deal to get into power does so without a true mandate from the electorate.


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