Racist political attack on Māori Party by National Party supporter (remember all those rednecks claiming the home invasion was false)


Remember when Hana-Rawhiti Maipi-Clarke’s home was invaded and all the right wing scum bag redneck Trolls screamed that it was fake and an attempt to create a false flag event?

Turns out those right wing scum bag redneck Trolls should hang their heads in shame because the home invader is a well known Pakeha who has their house emblazoned with National Party posters…

An elderly Pākeha man has been issued with a trespass notice by the Police after unlawfully entering Hana-Rawhiti Maipi-Clarke’s home this morning.

This incident is another in a string of attacks on the candidate within the past week.

“It is clear the incident today was politically motivated as the perpetrator is a well known advocate and campaigner for the National Party” said Te Pāti Māori President John Tamihere.

“There should be no doubt now in anyone’s mind that National and ACT’s race baiting has empowered and emboldened a dangerous type of human being who is hell bent on silencing Māori by targeting who they think is our most vulnerable”.

“The police have performed poorly by their failure to take these matters seriously and by refusing to investigate all incidents thoroughly. They could have taken criminal proceedings further by laying charges for unlawful entry knowing that Hana and her home has been a target. Instead, they chose not to.”

“We are left with no choice but to elevate this matter to the Commissioner.”

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“If it was an Māori man, unlawfully entering the home of a young Pakeha woman’s home, it would be a different story.”

…and John is 100% correct.

If this was a Māori invading a white right wing home for politically motivated vandalism, the ZB Troll Farm would be screaming for vengeance and demanding the Police State be called in, but because it’s a young Māori woman claiming the attack, she gets racist  hatred spat at her by ACT, National and NZ First rednecks that the entire claim is false and didn’t occur.

UPDATE: Surprise surprise, the Cops find nothing. 

Imagine if it had been a Māori found uninvited on a white property.

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  1. Yes–use your imagination dear readers–what if…someone home invaded even one of Baldrick’s seven Luxury pads, left a nice collection of turds, and a threatening note behind…oh my, the media channels would be fizzing.

    Also it should be admitted that John Tamihere is evidence that people can change their views over a life time.

  2. Vote TPM and stick it to white fragility. What a complete arsehole, to invade a young woman’s home! Not on my watch – this shit is outrageous.

    • The white man is starting to get upset that te tangata whenua are starting to stand up to the blatant racism from the Nats and ACT Parties.

  3. I admire anyone (well, almost anyone) who gets into politics and I hope this young woman becomes an MP at some stage.

    However NM is the most effective and dignified foreign minister we have had in a generation. It would be a real shame if the unintended consequence of all this is that she gets booted out.

  4. ” “The police have performed poorly by their failure to take these matters seriously and by refusing to investigate all incidents thoroughly. They could have taken criminal proceedings further by laying charges for unlawful entry knowing that Hana and her home has been a target. Instead, they chose not to.”

    “We are left with no choice but to elevate this matter to the Commissioner.”

    “If it was an Māori man, unlawfully entering the home of a young Pakeha woman’s home, it would be a different story.”

    Another example on how the New Zealand Police are not impartial and are racist.

    What a waste of time even bothering to report this nasty crime in the first place if they aren’t even going to take action here.

    That Tamihere is having to petition the commissioner of Police for an explanation shows how abysmal the Police actually are but not surprising that so many of their ex members go on to stand for the New Zealand National party.

    Expect more of this type of offending because the message is if you are a National party supporter you can get away with anything.

    • Your’e not wrong mosa. In the Far North in recent years we have had climate denier Matt King and dubious behaviour (can’t say it online due to Court ruling) Mike Sabin, both ex coppers who made it to MP status for a while, and the local Councils and community boards have had their share of them too.

      They are entitled to stand of course, but the Natzos really do like selecting junior authoritarians in the provinces. My partner was on a school board with Sabin and he was a straight out bully.

      Born to rule (over you) is the Natzo message.

  5. This ‘pakeha’ nuisance should really be dealt with through the courts not tried on social media. If his actions were directed by the National Party then an investigation must proceed. Finally get out and early vote for Labour.

  6. A few years ago I was assaulted by two men younger than me. I suffered concussion to the extent that I was off work for 6 months, my clothes, glasses, watch & hearing aids were damaged to the extent of $10k. The guys got diversion, because they would loose their jobs if convicted. I’m a white guy, the guys who assaulted me were maori who made obscene comments about my then 13 yo daughter

    • My daughter had a similar experience walking my two dogs. However she is 2nd dan blackbelt, they picked on the wrong girl . One got a broken leg and the other thing is still taking its food by a straw haha

  7. Agree if this had happened to a National Party MP in the Eastern Suburbs of Aucklaand there would be 100’s of Police swarming the Area..

    • ” Agree if this had happened to a National Party MP in the Eastern Suburbs of Auckland there would be 100’s of Police swarming the Area..”

      The NZ Police are the wealthy’s tax payer funded personal security force to provide peace of mind and surveillance for those who have MONEY , POLITICAL CONNECTIONS AND INFLUENCE and are not yet in a gated secure facility and I don’t mean a twilight home for the bewildered who are left to rot when they are no longer useful except when they are paying exorbitant fees for peace of mind after working all their lives and contributing.

      If you want a crystal ball vision of the next three years in ANZ ( the country not the Australian banking parasite ) It will be Luxon presiding over a segregated right wing utopia that is the replacement of woke dogma as the new political narrative.

      Both versions are hideous and counter productive and only serve to create a diversion while the plutocracy and financial elite continue to enrich themselves while the rest fight over pronouns and the colour of someone’s skin and stake in their own country that has been stolen by the wealthy elite.

  8. On a more positive note a Hauraki-Wakiati poll yesterday had Hana just 4 points below Nanaia Mahuta, let’s sticks it to these rednecks by getting her into parliament and generating an overhang!

    • Raijin, f*n aye! Hana is a rising star! Nanaia is a staunch gem! We are all (all=NZ=everyone) blessed/lucky to have such gems amongst us. I am truly thankful. There is hope! 🙂

  9. Told yah it was bullshit!

    Police doubt racial motivation of threat to Te Pāti Māori candidate, National says trespassed supporter was well-wishing.
    We’ve heard from police and the National Party this afternoon, after Te Pāti Māori reported another incident at the home of its candidate, Hana-Rāwhiti Maipi-Clarke.

    A trespass notice was issued Thursday, after an elderly Pākehā man, who supports the National Party, went to see Maipi-Clarke on Wednesday morning.

    Te Pāti Māori said he had “unlawfully” intruded onto her property, but the National Party issued a statement saying he was just visiting to congratulate Maipi-Clarke after a poll was released this week showing she could win the Hauraki Waikato seat.

    “The individual was invited inside but she was not available so they returned home,” a National spokesperson said.

    Another mowree giving us mowrees a bad name. FFS!


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