Millionaire property developer Tim Gurner’s comments on unemployment and the truth of Covid


Millionaire property developer says unemployment must jump by 50 per cent to boost productivity

A millionaire property developer says unemployment must increase by up to 50 per cent to jolt tradies back to “productivity”, if the housing crisis is to be solved.
Tim Gurner, the founder of Gurner Group, told the Australian Financial Review Property Summit there needed to be drastic changes.
“Unemployment has to jump 40 to 50 per cent in my view. We need to see pain in the economy,” he said, according to the AFR.


Covid was a unique universal shared experience where the sacrifice was shared unequally in unequal Societies.

It forced workers who were told they were essential but paid like peasants to think about what was actually important in life.

When the boot of Capitalism is removed from the throat of workers, when they get a moment to pause and ask if their slave wagers was worth it and many decided it was not.

The anger that Millionaire Tim Gurner is venting is a fury by the 1% that their wealth can’t buy the power it once did. Workers care about their interests post Covid, not the bosses.

The 1% want crippling unemployment to force workers to fear their bosses again so that they are subservient.

It’s a reminder that we have a class war without the vocabulary to articulate it because the woke middle class identity politics activists have promoted Woke as the new lens and it always eclipses class.

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  1. I’d settle for the lazy, useless and violent to fear being unable to feed the litter they’ve farted out.
    The ultra rich are undoubtedly problematic but nowhere near as much as those too lazy and entitled to work who also tend to be the ones committing crime.

    • This “lazy, useless, violent” rhetoric is bullshit, mate. With unemployment being at an all time low, where is the problem? There are always going to be those to sick, useless or unable to work. But look at the actual numbers: they’re so low you don’t need to get ya knickers in such a twist over it. Some people are better paid to stay out of the workforce, that’s a universal fact.
      However, a broader look at the economic structure of the economy lets you see that the financial system (many economists talk about it if you’re looking) REQUIRES a level of unemployment a little over 4% to keep inflation low. So, those you’re abusing, they’re actually doing economic work FOR YOU – and the 1% overlords.
      Also, a large portion of crimes committed are a result of systemic poverty perpetuated by the economic system and the 1% overlords.

  2. It’s hard to understand why some experts promote higher unemployment because it appears counterintuitive.
    But it seems every time Emporer Luxon is interviewed on his tax package, that more and more of us are realising the Emporer is wearing no clothes. Better ring around some property tycoons to pour more money into Luxons campaign, because we know he’s in it for us. If he starts floundering now, we’re cooked. I’ll be surviving on bread and water, until easier removal of tennants and reducing the brightline test and reinstating tax deductibility on rental property, comes back in. Not that the brightline test is a bad idea, because it was National’s idea in the first place. Higher unemployment, higher property prices, higher rents, higher immigration, no capital gains, no wealth tax, no free presciptions – its a good time to be rich!

    • The basic (and pathetic) argument around it is that the economy requires a level of unemployment to be sustainable, somewhere in the 3-4.5% unemployment range. The “theory” is that too little unemployment means that employees gain the upper hand in pay negotiations as business compete for staff and that pushes wages up, introducing capital into the economy increasing inflation. There could be SOME truth to this, however NZ is slightly different case. NZers wages have been hugely suppressed for decades due to mass immigration, this is a the govt intervening (on behalf of business) into the cycle of unemployment. This cycle was interrupted during Covid and gave employees (finally!) an opportunity to argue their true value and up went wages. However, the legacy parties of both red and blue were upset about this and have once again flooded the NZ market with cheap labour. If immigration was capped at a low level, this employee vs employer cycle of staff would be much more steady and wage increases smaller, but steady, ensuring a steady economy but allowing workers to push for decent wages.

  3. When we have a GDP per capita lower than Thailand, Philippines and Indonesia in 20 years people should read some of the comments on this thread.

    There is a culture of laziness that has developed in this country since CovidCult.

  4. Right wingers have no problem with people being unemployed. They just dont want them on benefits. Then when they cannot afford a place to live, and have to live on the streets, they can be smeared as drug addicts and put in prison.

    • I’ll point two things out for you Millsy. First you aren’t necessarily a lefty to be unemployed. Secondly businesses lay off staff when they go broke or when they don’t sell enough stuff. That happens when money is tight for the largest part of our communities in a recession. The people who buy most of the everyday stuff. That’s why Luxon understands that the squeezed middle need a bit of help to keep buying stuff so businesses don’t lay off staff. Unfortunately tax cuts will get spent on mortgages and food so people will still lose jobs. Lefties can’t see that.

  5. This economy and plutocracy is controlled and run for the Tim Gurners and only they matter.

    We need to listen to him and apologise for causing him so much distress.

    He is a man to look up to.


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