MEDIAWATCH: Damien Grant is Heisenberg – LET’S COOK!

Damien Grant

What a load of bullshit…

Ban on buying Pseudoephedrine over-the-counter should be reversed

…the only winner here by allowing precursor Meth ingredients into NZ is the domestic meth  cooks!

ACT want to bring back over the counter Pseudoephedrine and Damien Grant is predictably claiming its the greatest social policy of the 21st Century because a s libertarian, Damien wants meth and heroin sold at to the vape shop next to your local school because all that matters as a libertarian is market access with no Government regulations.

It’s the fucking dumbest policy to date from ACT (wait, ACT just announced they wanted to remove January 2nd a s public holiday).

This is the second dumbest policy.

It’s $5 for a point of meth in America, $100 in NZ.

That’s an enormous amount of money to make in the NZ meth trade.

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The 501 syndicates are winning the meth war with the domestic gangs because they have access to purer meth from their South American cartel contacts, (domestic gangs have Meth made by Tirades and shipped to NZ, but the mass produced Tirade Meth is less pure and more expensive).

What will happen if Pseudoephedrine is allowed back on the shelves will be the home grown bake industry will spring back into life because currently they can’t access Pseudoephedrine and the existing gang networks are importing finished product.

The small time Breaking Bad industry will leap because it will produce a dirt cheap product for those meth heads who can’t afford the current prices.

The only winners here are Meth cooks, the burns wards from the many new explosions victims from bad meth cooks and libertarians.

When meth cooks, burn victims and Libertarians are the only winners, you want to avoid that Monsters Ball!


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  1. Alternatively:
    Laws in Singapore permit the death penalty for people convicted of trafficking more than 15 grams of heroin, 30 grams of cocaine, 250 grams of meth, or 500 grams of cannabis.

  2. Seymour knows exactly how people will react to his policies.
    That’s why he wants us all snuggled up with meths so we don’t see what he’s up to…

  3. You can still get it in Aussie, they actually care about sick people there.

    Was so shit when they banned it here, it’s a great cold medication that works, and the replacement has been shown to not work. Basically fraud.

    Imagine living in a country where you can’t have treatment for illness because the gangs are too powerful.
    Shows who they have been running the country for.

  4. Decriminalise all recreational drugs and tax the foreign banks into leaving our AO/NZ then the multi-billionaires and multi-millionaires down to a scant few thousand each. Lets see how the like it.

  5. Won’t make a blind bit of difference to the meth trade , as per kilo it’s still cheaper to buy the finished product from Myanmar than the cold a flu tablets .

    The game has moved on, Bomber cold pills aren’t the issue , the lack of detox and rehabilitation centres is .

    • “…………the lack of detox and rehabilitation centres is ”
      Indeed. But if you think any gNActoid is going to provide detox and rehab – other than expensive privately owned boutique institutions designed for the kids of Remuera, you’re seriously deluded. Easier to shove the plebs in a privately owned jail

        • Yep. We could get Damien Grant (sponsored by Andrew Kingston) to run them.
          I was just talking to him the other day. The plans are in train

        • And put them to work constructing the gaol they’re going to be put in – says Winston who has discovered the trick of making time run backwards

      • So you’ve tacitly admitted that reintroducing pseudoephedrine tablets will not make the drug addiction problem worse, but are blaming ACT for the lack of rehab centres despite Labour being in power for the last 6 years.
        If you can unravel that little bit of cognitive dissonance for me, that would be great.

  6. I suffer from allergies, why shouldn’t I be allowed to buy pseudoephedrine. Once again the left like to make law abiding citizens into criminals.
    Always more laws that achieve nothing but let the bureaucrats have far more power like dog microchipping and the gun registry.

  7. Seems like Damien doesn’t know any meth heads or meth whores.

    I guess hes also wants to restart the resulting meth house clean up business.

    Is too much hassle to have a telemedicine consultation and get a prescription.

  8. Nonsense, Ephedrine has been pouring in through our leaky borders by the container load for years. No self respecting drug cook would stand in line for a box of sudafed.

  9. prescribe meth at the chemist and move on. I’m definitely a libtard on adult vices that don’t include minors.


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