National love Landlords and will open the immigration floodgates to foreign millionaires


The scale of adorations the National Party has towards Landlords is only matched by the millions in donations from the Real Estate Pimps.

This bullshit ‘squeezed middle’ tax cut is really a rich Landlord subsidy!

These tax cuts which for most people will be $10 to $25 per week are being funded by slashing spending on early child education, environmental funding and public transport. It’s like a double punch while being told it’s in your interests!

National who receive millions in donations from Real Estate Pimps will do exactly what I argued they would do, remove the foreign buyers ban to generate external demand for the housing market which means the Real Estate Pimps win while first time home buyers here in NZ lose out in a market already fundamentally distorted.

We have the lowest rate of home ownership in 70 years, millions spent each day on kettling beneficiaries into unsafe motels and 100 000 homeless. Renters are being screwed over while the Landlord class grease the political wheels and get their interests sorted above ours.

No wonder Luxon is so keen to borrow Chinese money to build here, he is opening NZ up to economic leverage by a geopolitical threat all so rich landlords can feel rich again?

How the Christ is this a solution to the problems we have?

It’s a fucking blueprint for unrestricted privilege!

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It’s so hideously mercenary and self interested, I honestly wonder if Kiwis will be tricked or repulsed by what is on offer.

This isn’t a Tax Policy, it’s venal selfishness masquerading as the squeezed middle.

They are hoping most of you are tricked by the $250per fortnight headline without reading the fine print.



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  1. So won’t any house over say 1.5 million instantly be valued 2 million plus? Why would I not put my asking price higher to attract more buyers. It’s worth 2 million if someone will pay it. Won’t house prices on offer skyrocket in certain areas?

    • Yeah. Good point Wheel. More $2m will be needed because the foreign buyers will quickly run out of existing stock. Nah, just pulling ya leg. But did hear someone talking about the math. The amount of tax revenue gained from all these $2m offshore sales will quickly dry up it seems.

      • Well there would a lot of houses in Auckland central suburbs for example that would be in the vicinity of 2mil that now will be if you want to reach a wider selling pool. I get that the stock is not inexhaustible but a few years of selling and everyone will forget that National bullshitted about the costing. Meanwhile NZrs will be renting from foreign owners in their own backyard

  2. C’mon Martyn, it’s just the Natz being true to their ‘philosophy!’
    You know: government of the rich, by the rich, for the rich!

  3. The unavoidable conclusion for voters will remain just the same, apart from handouts to Grey Lynn EV loving, bicycle riding twits who certainly didn’t need it, Labour has been a miserable failure on nearly every other level.

    Look at the most recent fruits of Labour Greens stupidity. In essence bus fares for anyone under 25 are heavily discounted. This, I assume, is to encourage using public transport rather than car ownership. But and it’s a big but, Labour Green Law and Order philosophy have made public transport dangerously unsafe. Look at Rotorua as the latest example, beatings at bus stops rather than on buses, (popular in Tauranga too), which is part and parcel of Aucklands set up. I’ve lost count of drivers getting the shit beaten out of them. Who would put their kids on a bus? Like ever?

    You simply cannot make this shit up. Their mutually exclusive policies put into practice have horrendous and at times violent outcomes on our citizens. This government just do not think! They are incapable of thinking smart!

    We’re it not for Luxon, National would be polling late 40’s! Because of this idiot government!

    • National do make shit up that’s the difference, why would you go back to a policy that creates a massive increase in house prices ? You just can’t make this shit up. And people bat shit thick think Labour are bad.

  4. Problem would be solved if NZ removed the artificial restrictions on building many more houses and apartments. No scarcity, no leverage, no landlord power.

    But our political class runs scared of Nimbies and Councillors who restrict home building.

    • Martyn, can you do an opinion piece on Labours immigration settings.
      Sausage is triggered by you not attacking Labour over and over and over again.
      Only sausage can make a National story about Labour such is his delirium for his right wing brainwashed mind.

  5. It’s just smoke and mirrors to capture the swing vote. Much of which went to red at the last election. So cynical. Do the blues really believe democracy can be bought so cheaply?

  6. So Luxon claims NZ has lost its mojo, yet apparently there is a queue of foreigners so desperate to live here that they will pay a 15% tax to buy a house; and evidently, there are so many wanting to do this it will solve our economic woes, an amazing contradiction.

    • What about Nicola Willis. She tried to say the brightline test had affected cancer patients!!!! So that’s how people access medicine here then? Self funding? Yes self funding is sadly true but this is after saying they will fund more cancer meds through an increase to PHARMACs budget so what is she actually talking about?

      • I understand their policy is to reimpose the $5 presciption charge and use this money to fund the cancer drugs – a slight of hand in full view. If they believe the middle and upper income people can afford the $5 why the need for tax cuts?
        That neither Nat or Lab are prepared to act on the facts exposed by the tax reports dooms us to the very economic inequality that is destroying so much in our society.

  7. RNZ interviewed Thompson from Barfoote & Thompson how bias, and he couldn’t tell us about the figures for how many 2-million-dollar properties are currently on the market bullshit he knows this he just doesn’t want to hurt his donors.

  8. Unfortunately most people do only read the headlines our Media print so will not delve into what we are sacrificing for chump change a week..the wealthy and National will win again. Millionaires and Realestate Moguls don’t donate to National and Act for nothing and the public are easily duped.

  9. Pay to Play immigration is the right way to go. Ramp the cost up as a deterrent.

    Maybe a refundable Stamp Duty too on them buying a home when those granted citizenship and behave, only then they’ll get the refund.

    • Who buys a house without permanent residence?
      People who do not need the money! They do not care handing 15% to the government.

      The thing is, many Saffas and others came here in order to get into Aussie. Many come here without permanent residence. They needed to park their money somewhere. That drives up domestic property prices. This was never a China thing!


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