The orgy of crony capitalism and privatisation quietly being prepared in the political background


You know the only winners in National’s road, road, roads policy?

The oil companies.

By moving away from petrol charges to miles driven, National hand the petrol companies a huge win and when you consider the early signals of the vast crony capitalism National are about to embark upon…

…we face an orgy of privatisation and crony capitalism!

Dr Bryce Edwards devastating critique into who is donating to National and the disgusting level of self interest is remarkable and shocking!

Alongside this orgy, National are lining up Public Private Partnership scams, removing foreign buyer bans and opening the I’m migration floodgates.

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National’s only economic plan is to open the country to foreign buyers, slash the State and privatise the rest.

The rich, the 1% and the Billionaire class have donated $12million in donations to ACT and National since 2021.

They aren’t doing that for you and me!

The Crony Capitalism National will unleash will make Labour’s sins look childish in comparison.

National will hack at the State to carve out deals for their mates while ACT will hack at the State for ideological purity.

Things are only about to get worse.

All eyes will be on the Government opening the books next month before the election to gain insight into how bad the Chinese slowdown actually is.

Since the terrible way the Chinese Government simply opened the entire country to Covid, the level of death and damage that caused has been hidden from view.

The property market which has been teetering on black hole level implosions plus the down turn in oil use plus the inability for the middle classes to pick up the slack plus the decision to hide youth unemployment plus the enormous damage climate change has caused recently have all combined to generate a Chinese recession.

Our books will be the kiwi in the minefield in terms of understanding what is going on in China and when the extent of our exposure is clear, the tiny crumbs from Labour’s plate in terms of just removing GST from fruit and vegetables will look like mana from heaven as the economy tanks hard.

We are already starting to see this in the collapse of Dairy prices.

Once the books are open, it could take on a life of its own with the stock market taking hits alongside KiwiSaver depletions alongside the interest rates spiking.

Right now in NZ we have 25 000 people on the social housing wait list, we spend $1million per day Kettling beneficiaries into unsafe motels, barely 50% of our students were regularly attending class in term 1, Home ownership is at its lowest rate in 70 years, there are 200 000 children in poverty, 55% of Kiwis are struggling financially, we are facing the worst food inflation for 30 years,  there’s 100 000 homeless and the planet is melting before our eyes!

The problems we face demand answers better than taking GST off a banana!

Over the last week ACT suddenly became a lot weaker than we had seen them. The flakey extremism on display by ACTs candidate selection is also a reminder that ACT is attracting this kind of ugliness.

On top of that NZ First has a candidate who thinks there are nano robots in the vaccine, Chippy ruled Winston out for their culture war pandering and marked a line in the sand to extremism.

The Napier Poll showed 23% are undecided.

I believe New Zealanders are more rational and are better people than ACT and National strategists do.

When the books get opened next month and the exposure to China’s dramatic slow down are made public, the stock market will sink and people’s Kiwi Savers will get hit alongside higher interest rates.

A sense of economic crisis will be upon us and Labour will say, “We guided you through the last crisis and looked after everyone, do you honestly think Luxon and David Seymour will look after you or their rich mates?”

It ain’t over until the fat blogger sings!


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  1. Is this the first step in Labour/Green future claims that “the election was stolen/fraudulent/purchased/MSM’s fault/illegitimate “?

    • Saying the election has been stolen is more right wing approach. Kind of like National when that nut job Winston Peters said no to Bill English.

      I am not sure what in Martyn’s post makes you think that’s an angle the so called left will take. The numbers are what the numbers are in terms of donations ( and who is donating) and Luxon’s not even pretending about foreign sales, further ruining the environment, and house prices on steroids

      • There was nothing in Martyns post to indicate a “stolen election”. It’s Ada’s blind faith to her right wing support that she displays thoughts akin to the movie the Sixth Sense. Ada sees things that aren’t there.

          • the only post election narrative if the Tories win is is going to be – “come on then, lets see it”. I can’t wait to throw the shit I’ve been hearing for the last five years back in the faces of those who said it. Tory’s historically talk a big game but then walk down the street naked.

        • Ah but Ada might be wiser than you assess. Remember this?
          There are known knowns. These are things we know that we know. There are known unknowns. That is to say, there are things that we know we don’t know. But there are also unknown unknowns. There are things we don’t know we don’t know.
          Donald Rumsfeld American – Politician Born: July 9, 1932

          It seems he is not dead yet and possibly gathering more thoughts! Don’t limit yourself, the field is wide, and the mountain high. Once we in NZ/AO start thinking though, it will become a habit and things will change, but whatever, ‘things’ will be uncomfortable.

    • Ada. Probably not. They are all in it together as far as privatisation is concerned, and “ fraudulent election” claims are neither here nor there in the totalitarian scheme of things. Don’t forget that most politicians’ primary concern, is themselves, not the electorate.

      • Yes Hollyhock have you noticed Chippies personality change no more nice guy.
        An example of him changing personality to protect himself,typical career politician.

        • Bob of Dull Witch. I daresay I don’t watch them like you do, it’s camellia time, but most of them are set up for life when they vamoose; get to be on China or Aussie banks, run construction countries into the ground, became estate agents and gigolos – even get on the board of K-Mart – wow – free aeroplanes- wow wow – they thrive like cockroaches.

    • Are you really that lacking in intelligence and imagination to think that this drivel is going to fool anyone? Apart from yourself that is.. But then, you will know that your idiotic statement was total crap, or you wouldn’t have thought it was so “clever”..
      God save us from the pseudo intellectuals that got left behind when those who could, got away from this craphole of a country while they still could… I had gotten away as well, but got dragged back to bury my mother, and got trapped by the lockdown.. I will be on the streets of the city every fine day/evening through the summer to ensure I get away before any new tory government proceeds to sell what little was left after the Key years of wholesale theft and abuse.. I know for a fact that the tories, and what will be their dictators of policy(ACT) have no agenda outside continuing the Key policy of selling NZ off to whoever has the money to buy it.. The people who’ve lived here for generations don’t count for a small tin of goatshit to those criminals, as long as they get their share of the “finders fee” from the new owners… Filth, the lot of you, and you deserve to be subjugated if it’s this easy to get you tugging your forelocks to the invaders…
      Weak minded, childish, self absorbed, and utterly bigoted.. My word, haven’t the Colonial descendants become such a debased demographic…. Nothing but whores, and not even high class ones…

  2. I think you will find that right wing talking heads started that by claiming that Maori get two votes. And that they will claim a “stolen” election if they lose.

  3. Look, The difference is marginal no matter who gets into power.
    They all serve the capitalist neoliberal mantra.
    The rich will still get richer and the poor will get poorer.
    Until the revolution voting for different shades of the same colour will not lead to fundamental change.

    • The capitalist neo-liberal mantra is embodied in the belief the westminster system of liberal democracy is the apotheosis of political and judicial systems of governance.

      The capitalists are merely working within the system that allows for them to dominate.

      We can’t change capitalism but we can change the system that supports it. And I’m not talking about bloatware added to an operating system with patches to fix shitty coding like how we’ve been doing for the last 200 years or so.
      I’m talking a complete teardown, rebuild and reboot.

      What that looks like is the conversation we need to be having. For me it starts with identity and culture. Forcing everyone to adopt the identity, values and culture of a Victorian era white male has brought us to the edge of extinction.

      Continuing down that path is madness. Doing the same things, voting the same people in, endorsing the same system that got us in the shit but expecting that somehow it will miraculously get us out of it…

      If we can’t train ourselves to do it. Then take ourselves out of the equation and let Artificial Intelligence do it.

      Of course that has the pollies, the bureaucrats, the consultants and especially all the ligger capitalists packing their undies in fear.

      AI won’t bring the end of the world as we know it but the end of the world as has been enshrined in Crown law in all its forms here in Aotearoa/NZ and the genesis of new laws, new systems of governance which can be futureproofed for the greater good of the majority of citizens not just the privileged few.

      …and about bloody time too.

      The danger is that already AI is being trained to think like a Victorian era white male with their associated values, ethics, morals and culture.

      • This is so true – we usually don’t see people talking about our established westminster system. It is past its use-by date so long but some have got comfortable on it and don’t want the rules changed so they have to spend a shotload of money on finding new ways of avoidance.

    • “Look, The difference is marginal no matter who gets into power.”

      Who does belief in that falsehood benefit the most?

  4. So really. What is the difference btw Labours kinda cronyism and Nationals cronyism?

    A tube of lube or something else?

    Please let me know in the comment space provided below.


    • Labour bought in student tertiary fees, National bought in student tertiary loans. Labour seems to be a driver of new privatisation in NZ, often bought in under ‘equality’. Now they can’t even get domestic students into universities and polytechs anymore or even get kids to go to school with mass truancy under the new banner of Mātauranga Māori and woke equality – it’s the Maori kids that don’t want to hear the woke tripe, just as much as everyone else – they vote with their feet.

      The more the governments tinker with part privatisation (aka international student fees) and university and polytechs the same and Mātauranga Māori under woke equality, the less equal and stupider NZ becomes and the less skilled Kiwis we have through our education system.

      The rest of the world is either laughing at NZ or preying on us.

  5. ” When Luxon was asked about a report out today that said company profits were a major factor in causing inflation, he laughed ”

    ” Business NZ in May, called Greedflation in New Zealand, found while increasing costs showed the price of goods and services had increased across the board, in New Zealand inflated profits were not the driving force of those cost increases ”

    ” Businesses have been returning record profits while inflation surges during the cost of living crisis, new research shows.

    The study was designed to emulate analysis done overseas by the European Central Bank and a number of other research institutes, and was carried out by FIRST Union, the Council of Trade Unions and the lobby group Action Station.

    It came after a report from Business NZ earlier in the year that said inflated profits were not the driving force behind rising costs in New Zealand.

    I am glad Luxon thought it was funny.

    No one outside the NACT elite supporters and donors thinks its a joke.


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