Folks, we are now into our season of live debates around NZ as part of our attempt at providing more democracy this election.
On Tuesday at 7pm we will be coming live from The Puketapu Hotel, 679 Puketapu Road, Napier with:
Katie Nimon – National
Laurie Turnbull – NZ First
Mark Hutchinson – Labour
Rob Douglas (Roger Douglas’ nephew) – ACT
Mark Hutchinson originally turned down our request for him to attend as it was too ‘belt way’, however we have given him assurances that the Taxpayers’ Union have no editorial role in the debates whatsoever and I write the questions ands I set the topics.
On agreeing to attend this morning, he wanted to make a brief statement which I agreed to publish:
“Debate organizers reached out to me and gave assurances that the Taxpayers Union had no role in shaping the format or questions. Since my decision not to attend was largely a rejection of the kind of dishonest, polarising and at times racist tactics employed by that organisation, I was satisfied by those assurances and will go along tonight to make the case for Labour and highlight the contrast between our vision for NZ and that being offered by National, ACT and NZ First.
We will open the debate with unique electorate polling from Curia!
Register your attendance here.
It’s $10 on the door or watch live for free on Facebook, YouTube,, The Daily Blogor Juice TV Channel 200 Freeview and posted up afterwards on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Rova & YouTube
That’s 7 live debates across NZ with unique polling live-streamed and simulcast on prime-time TV.
NO other news network is even close to doing what we are attempting this election, and all done without one red cent from NZ on Air!
It will be politics done differently.
What POLICIES,, shall stop the riots.
What policies, shall stop them. question,, eh! the riots Nat Act create.
Volitare,, death bed, priests, all around, renounce the Devil, reputed is this a good time, to make enemies.
How much of a primadonna snowflake is Mark Hutchinson?
About the same as the other snowflake debaters. He was right though, the Tax payers union is a right wing platform equivalent to a Labour MP going on Hosking Newstalk ZB. There is nothing to gain from a left wing politician going on an arrogant right wing platform. This was why Hosking was dumped from hosting the election debates. He wasn’t impartial and gave his close friend John Key an easy time.
See Hosking topped the list yet again.
Of 3 radio stations and his support dropping. Your endorsement makes it even worse.
Labour….. Mark, stop slagging National who haven’t been in power for 6 years. Pathetic.
great show – democracy at work
Thanks so much to all involved.
Why can you never make sense in your posts ‘Goneby100’, random words strung together that 99% of the time make no sense….why do you do it?
Whenever your post a message on TDB it makes no sense, why the moderators allow them through is a mystery…yes free speech and all that I understand, but what use allowing posts that are meaningless gobeldegook to the readers?
Get a new mic and/or sound guy lol
Exactery!!!! It’s a pain in the credentials
Gone by 100 please keep up your incomprehensible word soup it’s a trait of a Labour supporter.
Who the fuck does the sound on TWG? It’s worse than an RNZ cadet learning the ropes.
I realise you’re not funded by NuZull on Ear but there’s probably some buddy around that might want to assist if you put the feelers out
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