National and Māori Party release Party lists, Labour Māori Caucus go to war and TOP launches teal visas


Interesting weekend of election politics with the National Party and Māori Party releasing their candidate lists, the Labour Māori Caucus declares war and TOP release an interesting means to fund our environment with Teal Visas.

National Party List:

The National Party list is so white and male it may as well be called a loaf. It has all the diversity of your average South Island electorate during quiz night, in fact National have so many white men running thy couldn’t fit them all in and Michael Woodhouse, on seeing his ranking spat the dummy and effectively quit.

When will rich white men get a break in the National Party?


Māori Party List:

They have the youngest candidate at 20 years of age on their list with Hana-Rawhiti Maipi-Clarke  ranked at number 4 which is an incredibly smart play by the Māori Party. One of the reasons they are polling so well is because there is a fundamental demographics change issuing in NZ and it is younger and browner, by placing her at number 4, the Māori Party are pushing that younger demographic to get out and vote to ensure she enters Parliament. It’s a clever tactic that shows how well they know their voting demographics.


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Labour Māori Caucus declare war:

The Labour Māori Caucus came out all guns blazing with now new Māori specific policy but a declaration of war that National/ACT will strip all the gains Māori have made in the last 6 years. Seeing as the Māori Labour Caucus has brought over $3 Billion in extra funding for Māori specific policy in their 6 years, they have done more to fund Māori than any other Government inn NZ history. They have an amazing record to run on and are warning Māori voters it’s all at risk if National and ACT win.

Staunch play that they will carry throughout the country while David Seymour jokes about blowing up Brown Ministries. The problem for the Right is that the more dog whittling they go, the harder the push back from Māori voters.


TOP Teal Visa:

TOP released a very smart immigration policy over the weekend, their Teal Visa that will set up a fund that directly helps combat climate change.

It’s smart, targeted and certainly worth considering. TOP continue to impress by being that APP you use that keeps updating and giving better features.


The Working Group will go on the road this week with our first live-streamed simulcast TV Debate in Napier Tuesday night 7pm:


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  1. Top – LOL. The Neo-liberal wet party. Klaus and Jacinda would love it if they were in parliament.

  2. Hmmm, and I guess if National or even Labour put up a 20yr old high on the list it would be seen as cynical and desperate?
    But as it’s the maori party it’s seen as visionary!

  3. Luxon thinks he’s smart and prudent, like a nose tapping Tesla guy whose smarter than the rest of the room. But he’s taking National down the same failed Labour route of identity box ticking over substance.

    Luxon has quite clearly been living under a rock failing to see Labours gender balanced, ethnically diverse perfection delivering the most hopeless caucus ever, because they weren’t there for their abilities but what they were born with. No wonder the Nats can’t break through the mid 30’s, even with the chumps they have as competition.

    We don’t need a version 2.0 of this mess from the next government but it looks like that’s what we’re going to get!

    • Tonights poll may shine a light on the direction of the voters in 7 weeks time . I am picking National will get to the magic 40 percent

  4. Striving to have the best most able people to govern the country should be paramount,should be the aim,that is definitely not the Labour Government or the Greens or TPM.

  5. It’s very important to have gender quotas, not sure gender quotas, race quotas, when picking candidates for parliament….and there is something else but I can’t remember ….oh , that’s right, ability, competence or something….

  6. So a bunch of white women is an issue? I don’t think it’s really that diverse is it? You’ve got that Māori fella Paul Goldsmith and Dr Reti of course but it is that radical? I guess Judith Collins being Klingon does tick an ethnic diversity box. Maureen “f’ing useless” Pugh made the top 30!

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