NZ First feeds anti-trans sentiment the woke have fuelled while Luxon and Hipkins stamp it out

NZ First Toilet Cops - 'SHOW ME YOUR GENDER"

While Winston was losing himself up his own arsehole over his latest enemies list, what was most pleasing about the political response to his call to police toilets to ensure no one is using a toilet that doesn’t match their gender was that Labour and National point blank refused to play along…

Luxon says NZ First transgender bathrooms policy ‘on another planet’

National leader Christopher Luxon has rejected a New Zealand First policy on transgender people, bathrooms and sport, saying it’s “on another planet”.

Yesterday, New Zealand First leader Winston Peters announced his party would, if part of the next government, pass law requiring new public organisations with public toilets to provide “clearly demarcated” unisex and single-sex bathrooms.

The party also wanted a law change to require current public toilets to not allow anyone access “which are designed for the opposite sex use”.

But today, Luxon said there was no need for laws specifying which toilets people could use.

“Bathrooms is not a big topic for this election. What this country is focused on is who are the best economic managers, who’s going to reduce the cost of living. When I’m out and about across New Zealand, bathrooms is not going to be a big election issue.”

He said it “may well be” a big issue for Peters.

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“You are on another planet if you want to have a conversation about bathrooms and make that an election issue.

“What New Zealanders are really talking about is actually – after yesterday – with a third of New Zealanders about to re-fix their mortgages between now and Christmas, is how they find an extra $700 a fortnight. What they’re talking about is why crime is out of control, what they’re talking about is how we deliver better health and education.

“They’re not talking about bathrooms.”

Asked what his personal view on the issue was, Luxon said there were “a lot of unisex bathrooms around”.

“This is not an issue.”

…good on Luxon and Chippy for refusing to give this transphobic nonsense any bait.

Look, allowing the Toilet Police to start policing our toilets because the Trans community have been militant over the top arseholes in their never ending drama queen push for whatever Shaneel Lal thinks will give him anymore attention is an insane solution.

Yes the Trans Community + the woke middle class activists + the non-binary activists + the fourth wave feminists have all combined to produce an alienating cultural toxicity that manages to drive voters from the Left with their woke dogma, but Toilet Police as a response to their nonsense?

Come on!

Fuck. Right. Off!

I’m not tolerating Toilet Police, and as a citizen of a liberal progressive democracy, neither should you!

Are there legitimate issues raised by Gender Critical Feminists? There sure are!

Have the Trans community provided ammunition to the Right with their cancel culture nonsense? They sure have!

Can biological sex simply be replaced with how you feel? Not really.

Are the woke generating lots of this backlash? Sure are!

But we have to work together to find solutions that allow all citizens, be they trans or gender critical feminists, to share the same agency promised to every citizen in a liberal democracy.

We need far more empathy and compassion in this debate than the current radioactive vileness.

Winston’s desperation to play to Transphobia, petty racist bigotry and feral anti vaxxers to get over 5% is the big storey of this election.

The cavalcade of political circus freaks Winnie will trick and manipulate into voting for him is as gasp invoking as it is vomit inducing.

This election is going to be a bitter harvest of spite spat out at everyone the voter hates rather than everything the voter hopes for.

This whole issue is ripe for explosion if Posie Parker holds another unmanageable open air shit fight in Albert Park 3 weeks from the 2023 election.

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    • Arseholes that go around accusing transgender people of being paedophile’s seemingly for existing do not support your notion. That’s not to say women’s groups that are concerned about public spaces are doing that but there is certainly an element that are. The whole thing is f’ing ridiculous.

      • As ridiculous as reducing all the many and varied concerns to:
        “accusing transgender people of being paedophile’s seemingly for existing”?

        • Are you suggesting there aren’t people out there saying exactly that Molly? Pointing out those elements is not reducing anything. Perhaps you should have read what I said

    • Sinic. Well said. The Greens and Labour promulgated and nurtured ‘ anti-trans ‘ as a societal phenomenon better than anything else they’ve done, and another reason why they should go. The HR Commissioner and incompetent MSM, seem just as bad IMO, and Mr Peters has been given some handy publicity. Jolly good.

  1. The trans issue is an election issue despite cowards like Luxon, Chippie and Seymore desperately not wanting it to be. Albert Park saw to that. Thousands of New Zealanders who were shocked and appalled at what they saw will be translating that into votes like it or not.

    • While I agree the genocide thing is ridiculous an element that have an issue with transgender folks have to invent mass grooming networks of paedophiles. That’s up there with Beelzebub making the cast list.

  2. Portraying this issue as a toilet problem is an attempt to trivialize, politicize and neutralize a much bigger issue that is already on its way to being an election issue.
    Womens rights to same sex spaces, privacy, sports justice, language, education, health, political bias, the woke agenda, free speech, workplace politicization, authoritarianism, vested interests, lobbyists ect ect ect.
    Toilet humour not.

  3. Ugh, the words ‘sex’ and ‘gender’ are no longer interchangeable, that’s kinda one of the tenets with the trans ideology.

    So, please don’t use them wrong. “to ensure no one is using a toilet that doesn’t match their gender” should read SEX instead,,, trans _want_ to use the toilet that matches their gender (and _not_ their sex).

    • Good point and spot on.
      Sex and biological gender are two different things that people in general fail to get their head around.

      • Sex based rights for women are based on biology, anatomy, and chromosomes.
        If you want trans rights then advocate for a third category instead of appropriating a category that is already occupied by women.

  4. David Seymour is trending at no 1 on Twitter after a podcast saying women have the right to their own toilets, changes rooms sporting competitions and they may need to look at changing the BDMRR Act. He also mentions the shut down of debate

  5. As a female, I want to change in spaces away from males. I don’t want women and young girls to have to share public toilets, female sports and female prisons, with males. I want women’s language to be valued, not erased. I want women’s issues to be able to be discussed again. I want women to be able to speak about these issues in public without being physically assaulted, abused and threatened.

    None of these things are anti-trans. Pretending that they are is a propaganda ploy of activists.

    Women deserve better.

    • Amanda. 100%. Persons who are not women have neither the knowledge nor right to dictate about what constitutes a woman, and then level infantile accusations if women don’t conform to their ideology or self-serving blatherings. Like Jack says, this is not just a toilet problem. Shame on the hopeless mainstream political parties.

  6. You might be surprised how many voters would list this as their most important issue in this election. The number is not insignificant , and it is not transitory either.
    D J S


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