The unwritten law between the State and the Landlord Class


Landlords benefiting from not enough homes in NZ – advocate

New research shows an urgent need for more housing, as landlords take advantage of the low supply, housing and poverty advocates say.

A report by the Treasury, the Reserve Bank and the Ministry of Housing and Urban Development highlighted the link between tenants’ wages and rental costs.

Renters United president Geordie Rogers says low supply and high demand allow landlords to charge as much as their tenants can pay.

“We don’t have enough houses,” Rogers said.

“Every single time we get a pay rise it’s immediately eaten up by the increased cost of rent, going straight to our landlords.”

The report also noted that mortgage rates only had a marginal impact on rents.

There is an unspoken promise between the neoliberal State and the untaxed capital gains private landlord class that the neoliberal State never builds enough State Houses to alleviate housing desperation so that the untaxed capital gains private landlord class can exploit that housing desperation ON TOP OF getting a $1.5Billion annual subsidy in the form of the Accommodation Allowance EVERY SINGLE YEAR!

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So the neoliberal State work hand in glove with the interests of the untaxed capital gains private landlord class to constantly keep desperation in the Housing market by never building enough State Houses WHILE handing taxpayer funded subsidies to the untaxed capital gains private landlord class!

number of people on the state house waiting list

This rigged casino where Landlords can constantly use their own debt to buy more property and out leverage first time home buyers just adds insult to injury.

On top of this, ACT and National want to give that same untaxed capital gains private landlord class the power to evict you at will so they can kick out the smelly domestic renters and exploit the new 100000 migrant workers coming into the country, remove all the healthy home and environmental regulations and put back in place the tax loopholes that benefit the untaxed capital gains private landlord class.

On top of this, the Real Estate pimps are donating hundreds of thousands of dollars to the Right and are dangling the promise of house prices jumping 20% if National and ACT win.

The Housing Crisis is a political decision and you as renters should be incandescent with rage at how this has been allowed to continue!

The Māori Party Ghost House Tax will spike those landlords hard.

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  1. Most people don’t want to live in a State house.
    We just need many more houses built, but no-one on TDB wants to free up the restrictions that stop that from happening.

    • The very first state housing under the Seddon administration was indecipherable from what the private architects were producing (and far better looking than the poor quality tract housing of today’s local volume builders). In that scenario, people will not care who the landlord is — and may actually prefer the income-adjusted state rents.

      In the 1970s, some academics believed homelessness was already permanently abolished in Australasia. But their prediction was based on the bi-partisan policy at the time: slum clearance and constructing entire new suburbs solely for public housing. Private investors are not going to allow their own properties to crash in value by increasing supply on this sort of scale.

      • In a state house it is very hard to move towns or suburbs because you go back onto a waiting list. And wait, and wait,…

        The fact that our political and planning system allows private investors to block rival houses being built is the core of the problem.

        We don’t have a state religion in NZ but most voters worship the Housing Market God

  2. We need to build more state houses that much is very clear.Labour promised to build thousands of houses but once in power turned their backs.

    • As Martyn’s stats showed, Labour’s woeful record is only surpassed by Nationals woeful record during their nine year stint. Now we are all pretty much clear it will be a Nat Act government Bob do you genuinely believe it will improve? We supposedly hope it will improve but I am not sure what the source of optimism would be.

  3. A Ministry of Works Housing project with Carte Blanche powers to build houses anywhere it is safe to build.

    It’s been done before. J. A Lee. Did so when the Labour party was the Labour party. Then his boss took all the credit.

  4. Some landlords are bad (as are some tenants) but the very worst landlord is Housing New Zealand, or whatever bullshit name it goes by these days. So, I’m not sure why anyone would want to give those idiots more assets to mismanage.

    We aren’t just short of rentals, we’re short of houses!

    My wooden shack/heritage villa (LOL) is worth about 200K according to Auckland Council, but it just happens to sit on a 1.6-million-dollar section. That makes absolutely no sense until one factors in the Council’s woke intensification policy that has not only driven up the price of houses but was a major contributor to the damage caused by the flooding earlier this year.

    Whatever incoming government we get next year, their first job should be to erase the Auckland rural/urban boundary and let the developers loose on the rezoned land. The best reference for this policy was the Christchurch earthquake, where the government overruled the pointy-headed people at Environment Canterbury and immediately released land for development. So that despite the massive losses of housing stock in the earthquake, house prices remained static.

  5. Landlords are not a charity they are a business so they set a rental that is based on a business model of willing buyer willing seller. In this mix their will be bad landlords and bad tenants both need to be subject to some type of sensor. The state ,councils ,Maori groups and charitable groups all need to be able to build houses as quickly as possible .This would bring down the rents charged by private landlords due to competition and also force private landlords to improve the homes condition..
    Many ma and pa landlords are not good landlords and competition would drive them out .

  6. The Neoliberal state wants to keep well hidden. In fact thats why those who are doing well from it won’t name it or even admit a system exist. I guess that’s the deep state.

  7. Slum places for rent, exploit dare say,, you off shore owners, bring up your slum sub standerd properteis, or we shall subsesquer them./

  8. Ok, landlords, over out our place,, your exploit ignore of our property care, we shall if not conpliant shall sequer your land and property to our care.

  9. Ok, landlords, over out our place,, your exploit ignore of our property care, we shall if not conpliant shall sequer your land and property to our care.

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