Let’s remind everyone what is actually driving the Gangs again


My fear is that ACT and National can’t actually tell the difference between the Mongrel Mob, Headhunters, Hells Angels, Black Power or Comancheros.

And that’s an enormous problem because the gangs who flooded Opotiki to mourn the murder of their President and who freaked middle NZ out so much last week, are not the same as the sophisticated Cartel linked gangs who are making enormous profit from NZs meth trade.

As TDB has been relentlessly pointing out for 3 years now, the invasion of 501 organised criminals from Australia generated a unique event in NZ gang culture by injecting into the domestic crime scene, an Australian criminal class far more violent and sophisticated than the domestic gang environment.

The 501 syndicates have used stand over tactics and mob hits to impose new taxes and distribution networks, that’s what you are seeing in those headlines. They have access to South American Cartel Meth which is purer and cheaper than the mass produced Triad sourced meth the alpha Gangs import into NZ.

A point of meth sells for $5 in America and $100 here. The price mark up is so enormous that the South American Cartels are actively investing, and that’s an enormous fucking problem because if you think a Patched Gang Member riding on top of a van at a Tangi is Mogadishu, what until you see the counter-intelligence tactics of Cartels!

The only reason we are making big busts now is because previously the GCSB were intercepting international communications between 501 syndicates and South American Cartels and instead of passing that intelligence to local Detectives to work, passed the intel up the chain of command because the NSA wants Cartel intel.

That was stopped and the intel shared with local Police to start hitting their drug storage infrastructures inside NZ.

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That’s why Nationals Gang Patch idea, Seymour’s ‘subhuman comment’ and Winston’s mad desire to declare martial law over mourning gang members is so basic bitch stupid!

NOTHING they are suggesting will solve a fucking thing when it comes to dealing with these new highly sophisticated, ultra violent, cartel backed syndicates.

We are adults. Surely we have an obligation to push for social policy that at least attempts to solve the problem!

Banning Gang Patches from public isn’t a solution!

If we want to lower Organised Crimes influence over civil society we need to have fully funded meth rehab programmes that can lower demand which will lower the price which will deter Organised Crime and the only way you can fund 6 month meth rehab programmes is by legalising Cannabis and ring fencing profits for those rehabilitation programmes!

If cannabis were legalised, the New Zealand industry could employ about 5000 people and reap almost $1.1 billion in taxes a year, two in-depth reports by Business and Economic Research Ltd have shown.

We currently spend $15million per year on drug rehabilitation programmes.

Imagine if we ring fenced $150million from cannabis taxation to spend on drug rehabilitation!

There are solutions to our Meth drug problems and the danger Organised Crime like Cartels pose to the fabric of society, and heavy handed police responses are only part of that solution.

Legalising cannabis would provide the taxation to fund $150m worth of drug rehabilitation and break the meth addiction that is driving Cartel economic interest.

We need to be smarter with drug policy, not dumber!


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  1. “Imagine if we ring fenced $150million”

    Yes, nothing would change. Just like every other time we inject cash into healthcare without a plan. How are those few extra billions for a couple of extra mental health beds working out?

  2. During the past year, El Salvador has provided a pretty good example of how to smash the drug cartels.

    But even if you get rid of the narcotics, it doesn’t rid you of the globalist billionaires’ utopia that is the Rustbelt. Those once prosperous slum dwellers of the former industrial powerhouse towns will simply get addicted to prescription opioids instead. Now the jobs are all taken away, the kids will still turn to petty crime, or some other street gang activity.

    • El Salvador became a police state and curbed civil liberites.

      I do not support curbing civil liberties to fight crime. I dont want racist cops gunning down Maori in the street like dogs.

  3. I know people who occasionally smoke meth who are really active, functional members of society. Everyone I know who smokes weed is pretty lazy. What should we really be looking to legalize?

  4. Noticeably the majority subhuman gang members attending the funeral in Mogadishu (Opotiki) of the murdered victimless President were dare I say “Maori”

    The uncomfortable truth that Maori are joining gangs in significant numbers can be attributed to decades of being made to feel like subhumans by the tyranny of the majority in their own country. Funny enough the gang in question the Mongrel Mob was founded by a couple of pakeha mechanics from Hastings.

    Prisons is a fertile environment for recruitment and the Sensible sentencing trust with the NATZO made this a reality with there ‘tough on crime’ rhetoric that saw our prison population metastasize along with gang member recruitment.

    The gangs rarely fight each other even in prison. They mostly have issues with their own and create victims amongst themselves. There is this symbiosis relationship that make these individuals the perpetrators but also become victims of crime. Most of these individuals have had tough upbringings rarely would you meet a member that hasn’t experienced this lifestyle. Bring on the tough on crime rhetoric but be prepared for more gang recruitment and subhuman Mogadishu events taking place in little ole NZ/AO.

  5. Martyn – What is driving gangs is not despair/poverty …it is greed, stupidity, and a “screw you” mindset

  6. You are of course right Bomber! I live in Northland where the meth madness is tragically robbing young people of anything to live for. Our idiot governments do not listen and do not seem to CARE. There is no rehab here for meth addicts. Lots of fucked up school age children cos their parents are zombies . why is this ok?why do our useless governments listen to the wrong people when it comes to the drug problem? Why can’t we as a society see it for what it is? Seymour hasn’t got a clue around the desperate need for rehab. Because he and all the overpaid drongos in Wellington cannot see what the fuck is going on.

  7. The Otara Stormtroopers, Mangu Kaha–Black Power Aotearoa, Mighty Mongrel Mob and Tribesmen did not start out as blinged up business people with gyms–far from it. And in many ways they are still street level gangs. There are multi generational gang families in the provinces and they are integrated into communities whatever the Pākehā petit bourgeoisie who have never been onto a Marae might think.

  8. Putting aside Seymour and Peters, the GCSB intercepting evidence of criminal gang activities, and withholding that information from the New Zealand Police, the body entrusted with upholding the law and addressing infringements of the law, would surely have made the GCSB accessories after the fact, and liable to prosecution themselves.

    This still doesn’t mean that local gangs aren’t a problem for the people whose lives they impact on.

  9. So naïve the “Mob are not a Cartel” – lol. You think they live solely on their benefits to get the wheels etc they have.

  10. Folks , see if you can tell the difference?
    Mongrel Mob – gang with nice Harleys.
    Headhunters – gang with nice Harleys.
    Hells Angels – gang with nice Harleys.
    Black Power – gang with nice Harleys.
    Comancheros – gang with nice Harleys.

    • Good to see you not putting your thinking cap on Kraute Haus, or what ever name you are using this week.

      How about you man up and go to a event hosted by these different gangs – I’m pretty sure you will tell the difference rather quickly. But then again, that would mean you’d actually have to have more than a spine than a keyboard warrior…

      • Ignatius. Mallory Manning, young Christchurch Manchester Street prostitute, gang raped by Mongrel Mob, who then watched, barking like dogs, as she tried to crawl from the room on her hands and knees before being thrown into the Avon River. To hell with them.

  11. and who fucked that up Martyn – a certain Jacinda Ardern – who failed to lead on the referendum which would have tipped it over the edge.

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