BREAKING: Chris Luxon targets the masochist fetish community in huge political gamble

Death warmed up

Wait, What???

Luxon calls NZ a ‘negative, wet, whiny’ country

Christopher Luxon says New Zealand is a “very negative, wet, whiny, inward-looking country”.

He called NZ a ‘negative, wet, whiny’ country – ummmmmm. He does understand that there is an election in 4 months right?

Shitting on voters and calling NZ a ‘negative, wet, whiny’ country is a unique way to win votes from the masochist community who have a sexual fetish for being talked down to, but I’m not sure if the masochist community is large enough to win National the election.

Huge political gamble here from the National Party strategists, especially when you consider most of their policy is aimed at sadists.

I suppose they think getting the masochists alongside the sadists will be a vote winner.

It’s a different tactic from blowing Cows and Farmers I suppose.

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I think Luxon is cracking now and if he keeps saying stupid shit like this Chippy will win.

Look at Chippy’s ‘wtf’ face when Luxon’s quote was read to him.


Now we know what Chris Luxon really thinks about NZ.



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  1. Was he in Hawaii or Whakatane when he uttered this bollocks one might ask?

    He was right in some respects though–yes it has been rather wet lately–Climate Disaster and tipping points being reached will do that–plus if you are a poor cow in a cruel mud slurry known as “winter grazing” then it would be rather wet too. Whiny & negative–that would be Groundswell, Fed Farmers and every sheep shagger in creation. For farmers it is always too wet or too dry and please hurry up with the taxpayer subsidies for the fall out from the latest weather event.

    Meantime these moaners get more time out from fronting up on the environmental damage they do…

    I only have one wish for Santa this year–please, please, Natzos keep Baldrick Mark Luxon on as your leader until October 14.

    • Farmers don’t get subsidies for anything and a farmer would winter graze bulls on crop not cows. If you are going to slag off at farmers get your facts right.

    • Of course Luxon is entirely correct. (How else can one explain the disastrous collapse since the 1980s, with no sign of public revolt in 30 years?)

      The problem is that Luxon isn’t any better. Trump is promising to build brand new cities and vast chains of factories, Mag-Lev rail, and to eradicate homelessness. Is Luxon even capable of such an optimistic vision?

      • Ah… To be clear, it was, in fact, a national party tactic to tank AO/NZ those 39 years ago when roger douglas, two term Labour minister of Finance and the architect of ACT rolled Labour over for his National Party colleagues and it was only to hand our country’s wealth and public assets into the hands of National’s privateer mates. That’s why, and how, graeme hart is the biggest donor to National and also the richest panel beater in AO/NZ and one of the 200 richest things in the world. I use Don Brash as an example of that. Don was also ACT. Don was RBNZ chief. Don was a National party MP.
        If you really want to get gobsmacked and outraged by Don, read this:
        Luxon might call us negative, wet and whiny but we can call him a fucking liar and a crook.
        Farmers. Stay away from the prick. He’s no friend of yours. Take comfort from standing with your down-stream service industry ( City people.) then ask the Crown for a Royal Commission of Inquiry into where YOUR money’s been siphoned off to for the last, oh, say, 140 years. But the last 40 would do for a start. ( Aye boys? )
        Once you’ve come to understand how much you’ve been shafted, you can then extend the dates of the inquiry back to, say, pre WW2. Just make sure the cat’s outside and out of kicking range and you’re sitting down with a double whiskey because you’re going to fucking need it.

  2. Luxon only needs to look in the mirror to see where the negativity and whining are coming from. If he ain’t happy here he could go and work overseas again, I’m sure any of the nodding heads around him would willing fill his shoes.

  3. No.

    The majority of New Zealand is angry. They are angry about crime, the health system, education etc. If Luxon taps into this he rides to victory. Sure, the bureaucrats and the remaining covid cultists still believe this is the best little country in the world. Moreover this is a diminishing puddle of water. This couldn’t be more evident in Auckland. You are only patriotic when there is something to be patriotic about – there isn’t much at present in NZ to be proud of.

    And remember the first crack in CovidCult was the “smug hermit kingdom” comment from Key. Used well Luxon could ride this into electoral victory. This is of course, A BIG IF.

  4. It is in his nature to be honest. We dislike honesty?
    “A gamble or stupidity?”

    100,000 houses. Yeah, right!
    We will change the climate for you. Yeah, right!

              • Have you considered investing in property or maybe working in the Australian mining industry? It might turn your fortunes around.

                • No I’m happy here, great country, brilliant Government, and I’m fortunate to have a loving family, great paying job and surrounded by wonderful people. Fishing’s great too. It’s sad you haven’t got that and you measure fortune by your investments. What a sad life.
                  Nice Bob has a pair of Aces albeit a very shallow comment from a shallow person.

                  • Rest assured I have a very nice lifestyle, good job, friends, family and enjoy many of the cultural and outdoors recreation opportunities New Zealand offers. I enjoyed living & working in Australia, it’s an amazing country (with crap gun laws). Can many of those reading the articles say the same? Do they have much hope of change in the future?

                    The bit that gets me is watching successive NZ governments preside over New Zealand’s progressive slide into the third world. National did little, but Labour has really pushed the decline into overdrive. Things have to change and Labour has to go. New Zealand deserves better.

    • “Narrowing the wage gap with Australia” John Key…
      Yeah right…

      “We need a low wage economy” Bill English..yep got that right.

    • Oh of course Johan…not. It’s his nature to clarify comments shortly afterwards rather than be honest. And apparently he can do something about climate it just takes him five years more. You give him way too much credit.

      That photo is priceless. Dr Evil, the She Devil and Sam I am ( ‘I would not, could not, with a vote, I hold fellow students by the throat)

        • Dem’s not fighting words Johan. Pissy little giving up ones. Honesty tells us that not one of our political parties is well-built in the expected tradition of quality work withstanding disasters. So we have to go with what we have – leaky edifices – choosing the best from the selection (of inferior, perhaps poisoned, chocolates)? TINA.

        • Actually if you are on minimum wage or in some professions you have done better under Labour (that’s not to say they are a pass). Where do you think half the whinging comes from. Business owners actually having to pay people. Then there’s more whinging from dairy farmers who, while making water undrinkable, haven’t paid a cent. That’s while tax payers fork out how many 100’s of millions ( more than two I think) to eradicate a disease that was caused by wanker farmers not doing as they should.

          • If you are on minimum wage, you need to upskill, change jobs or consider working as a traffic controller in Australia, things can be better. Unless that is all you are worth.

            • Right. Just up skill when you are struggling. Good to know. You are assuming none of those people are attempting to do that? I guess when your focus is on the need to own a Gatling Gun, supposedly to control vermin, you might not reflect.

            • Right, so every wage earner upskills and are all on top salaries.
              Now back in the world of the sane…
              Australia returned you as a 501, too many guns?

              • Most don’t up skill, many don’t even bother to work, so instead of training or upskilling New Zealanders, we bring in skilled & qualified workers, who move ahead, while Kiwis sink further in to the mire of their making. Value yourself, or no one else will.

  5. Well we are a very negative, wet, whiny, inward-looking society. Partly our geographical location stuck in the cold antipodes, a boring homogeneous population base, none of the daily interaction of other cultures constantly in and out of our borders as on the Continent, peddling backwards into parochialism, a deliberately dumbed-down education system, a national library burning books, crappy television, crappy politicians and hopeless media; one PM boasting of baking scones for a pop star, another celebrating with the most inauthentic pizza in the world, one taking sausage rolls to the King of England- wow – a government trying to muzzle freedom of speech, and the SIS issuing guidelines about how to spy on the neighbours. Cheaper to fly from London to Paris for the weekend than from Wellington to Auckland, but that’s no great loss either.

    • Snow White
      Love it. Keep it up – a hall of mirrors look at ourselves, curving, grotesque, gurning, etc. Face up to the awful face, and then afterwards look for what is the NZ hidden quality, the unrealised spark, the endearing side of our quixotic refreshing, adventurous spirit; find that and bottle it for goodness sake so we can be as cool as Lipizzaner-trained horses when we need, with our bottled genie ready at hand, not a degenerating, disconcerting rabble.

  6. Mr. Luxon feels contempt for most NZders. It shows on his face every time we see him and he says it with every comment. He has no respect for the electorate, yet he thinks those same people should vote for him.

    That is the way the right feels about most people who aren’t in their little club. Contempt and derision.
    If he can’t find anything positive to say he should leave us to it.
    If farmers think he likes them and is like them, they are dreaming.

    Why do we need someone with that bad attitude running our country?
    He goes over seas and runs us down. With prime ministers like that, who needs enemies.
    It needs a lot more clever decision making to be run well, than a very small airline.
    We need someone who actually likes us, being our PM.
    Not a snob who ought to just emigrate and forget all about this ‘awful’ country.

  7. Martyn – That photo of Luxon, with his goon at the back…not good….then with Judith Collins…painful to look at

  8. Wait for it !! all the masochists ( you know who you are ) commenting in support of a wannabe PM who really hates NZ. will be here soon . Trouble with Luxon he’s thick , I know he’s rich bla. bla. bla. and lets not forget he ran an airline but it doesn’t get away with the fact he’s “thick”. Is this another one of his many jokes. Nicola Willis ( pick me !pick me !) must be seething into her GE cornflakes as we speak. How can NZ expect this man to represent us on the world stage ( I know Trump got there and look where that ended up ). Lets add bottom feeders to the mix and probably what he really wanted to say was “ New Zealand is a country full of wet and winy bottom feeders, who should have more babies and our businesses are soft and useless “.

  9. Luxon obviously thought it was a cake walk to the election like he was led to believe by the shyster and his many corporate backers and rich listers.

    The reality is very different for many people outside of his cosy comfortable privileged lifestyle and that not everyone in this country shares in the gains of unregulated capitalism.

    The current class war being waged under the radar means that Luxon not only has his work cut out for him up to October but the crises are likely to worsen if he forms the next government.

    The problems out here in the real life reality of this country are not going to be solved by the same policy approach and political narrative they insist on following when the neoliberal approach has led us to where we are now.

    If Luxon , Robertson and Chipkins for that matter actually got out into the real world they might have some insight as to why many people are not jumping for joy in the battle to exist while the theft by larger corporations and the wealthy continues unabated.

    • Mosa Cakewalk ? Driving in a big black Mercedes a few metres up Bowen Street ? A bit of a disconnect there, but very funny. And Nicola following in a separate shiny limousine was even funnier. Norman Kirk, biking home to Kaiapoi to build his own house with bricks he’d himself was a real man, no poseur popping along to Bunnings for a photo op or assembling Warehouse barbies before a coincidental camera. He insults us time and time again with his puerile stunts.

  10. Johan and no comment stop making lame excuses for Luxon who is showing his true colors obviously not PM material. Many NZers are suffering homelessness we just had a major cyclone and weather issues in Auckland impacting on many people’s states of mind, so what do you expect. The last thing we need is for the leader of one of our largest political parties to put the boot in. Luxon words are not only mean spirited, but they show poor judgment and bad timing.

    • Gagarin. The culture war has been well and truly waged by Labour and their secret agendas and equally so by the identity politics Greens who whine whine whine, all the time, even about the nomenclature of the female anatomy, the colour of males, and each other.

  11. To be honest sounds pretty accurate to me – NZ has been turning into turning into a woke shitfest for a while now and no wonder so many people are leaving for Aussie (and particularly the ones that the economy relies on to keep the leaking boat afloat).

    • Really? Some of that “brain drain” has returned with a piece of paper with 501 written on it. Sure they moved ages ago but I doubt every person heading to Aus is the next captain of whatever industry. And if you think they are leaving because of “wokeness” I very much doubt that. It’s the pay packet which the likes of NatACT are more than keen to suppress.

    • You forgot the record returnees that when once covid struck realised there’s no place like home. They have all stayed.

    • Provisional estimates for the year ended February 2023 compared with the year ended February 2022 were: migrant arrivals: 152,900 (± 1,700), up 195 percent. migrant departures: 100,900 (± 1,300), up 41 percent. annual net migration: gain of 52,000 (± 2,000),

      So inaccurate James. Many people are arriving to NZ. We have a brain gain.
      At least we have retained our resident sheep Baa Baa Bob.

  12. uh Martin Masochist means wanting to be harmed, ridiculed etc. I don’t think NZders can. be described like this, other than those in the Queer community who like kink

    • Oh right. So most of the Tory government are trans? They after all have been flogged harder than most. I guess Peter Plumley Walker was a striking blonde with an Adams apple the size of a cricket ball.

    • Anker I reckon politicians who use the services of Green Party pole dancers would have to be masochists, especially knowing the girls could write them into their memoirs like Harry the Spare, or threaten them with tell-alls to barrel-scraping scribes, or incorporate them into school curricula. Half the Beehive have to be masochists to agree to share spaces with the sadists in the other half, and they’re nearly all sociopaths anyway. Time to dump the lot and bring back Peters.

  13. Beware of gazing too long into your negative view of the depths of NZ/AO failures Luxon as it will reflect back onto your face and mind; the source from where such ignominy has risen.
    You will know yourself as part of that dark company. And it is not hyperbole to say it is dark, under its sheeny wrapping; but it isn’t chocolate under there.
    Thoughtful saying:
    “Battle not with monsters, lest ye become a monster, and if you gaze into the abyss, the abyss gazes also into you.” Nietzsche’s quote above has become very much a part of who I am. When you gaze into that abyss, it gazes back, and it tells you what you are made of. 10/06/2015
    When You Gaze Into the Abyss | Navigate Life Texas › blog › article › when…

    (And that is deeply felt, coming from Texas where there many abyssesssess – like snakes.)

  14. Martinet teacher gives NZ/AO a a fail.
    I hope if the teachers get a wage rise they can take a long view about what and how they teach and how and what results arise in the students passing out. Are they capable to understand and continue learning and understanding, about life, the universe and everything and everyone. Because that’s what we need but probably the flunkeys of the middle class in the Education Deportment are too busy renovating their offices etc to actually embrace the real needs for new curricula for the organic, llving people who are fed the latest spiel Which turns out to be along the lines that we are wet and whiny, both factual. Discuss..

  15. Did a bald pale stale male insult my country? The seventh day adventurer calling we, the people, inward looking? Where else can we look, perhaps to more modern, vibrant figures. Not some washed up not that great ex boss of a government backed airline!

    • Of course luxon is washed up – he used to be a leader in Unilever the company that cleans up around the world and has in interest in everything. Shaping up NZ to fly right after having been CEO Air NZ as well – piece of cake.

      Career before politics
      Luxon worked for Unilever from 1993 to 2011, being based in Wellington (1993–1995), Sydney (1995–2000), London (2000–2003), Chicago (2003–2008) and Toronto (2008–2011). He rose to be the President and chief executive officer of its Canadian operations.
      Christopher Luxon – Wikipedia › wiki › Christop,,,

      …Unilever is the largest producer of soap in the world,[3] and its products are available in around 190 countries.
      Unilever’s largest brands include Lifebuoy, Dove, Sunsilk, Knorr, Lux, Sunlight, Rexona/Degree, Axe/Lynx, Ben & Jerry’s, Omo/Persil, Heartbrand (Wall’s) ice creams, Hellmann’s and Magnum.
      Unilever is organised into three main divisions: Foods & Refreshments, Home Care, and Beauty & Personal Care. It has research and development facilities in China, India, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom and the United States.
      Unilever was founded on 2 September 1929 by the merger of the British soapmaker Lever Brothers and the Dutch margarine producer Margarine Unie…

  16. Luxon acting like a typical entitled elite. “Why are the peasants so despondent. Why can’t they be happy with their low wages, unaffordable housing and underfunded health system”.

    The fool has revealed his true hidden feelings towards his fellow Kiwis.
    Now the mad scramble to repair the damage & subsequent Streisand effect.

    Good grief, where do the Natz dredge up this conveyer belt of crap leaders? Key’s handpicked annointed one for heavens sake!
    A pushover for Rimmer and his fAsCisT party if they can worm their way into power.

  17. Jase a couple of things;
    National are squeaky clean.
    Labour 6 years of failure.
    Brighter future vote NationalAct.

  18. Mum and Dad oblivious to the kid standing behind them when they’re claiming not to have any children.

  19. I like his truthfulness and can’t disagree. Or we would have Singapore’s wealth now. Lee Kuan Yew was a socialist and delivered on the economic and social front. Just Luxon can’t deliver anything at this end of time in our political/economic system.

  20. Having heard that particular comment, I don’t think that New Zealand is quite ready for a change of government, and if you look at some of the National MP’s you can see that they’ve been in politics for quite some time whereas their leader and his Deputy have not. So I’m picking that labour will win a fourth term in power, only the second time in history to do so, I believe, and Chris Hipkins will serve as an elected Prime Minister for one term before a renewed National Party are elected to power in the 2026 general election.

  21. NZ is a negative, whinging country though, as youve said before, our negativity ran one of the most optimistic, positive leaders we’ve ever had out of the country.

    NZers love to bitch and moan and whinge about everything. Literally everything.

    there’s absolutely nothing Nzers love to do more than whinge and bitch.

    Especially about anyone who tries to do something, be they athletes, singers, artists, scientists or leaders (of all political persuasions) this country loves tearing people down.

    NZ is an amazing country, the people of this country, from the big cities to the smallest towns, are all some of the coolest, most innovative, tolerant and kind people in the world , but boy can they be unbearably negative, passive aggressive.

  22. obiligatory post to the topic – old whiney is having a whine whine about everyone is so whiney – pathetic. only effing muppets blame blame on the game game.

  23. Not one mention of a party of meritocratic democrats. Ditch Westminster – time to grow up.

    Yes – chat GPT to run the world then we can all be a Member of Merit.

    Designing a meritocratic democracy involves creating a political system that combines elements of meritocracy and democracy, where decision-making power is based on merit and the will of the people. Here’s a conceptual outline of how such a system could be designed:

    Equal suffrage: Ensure that all citizens have the right to vote and participate in the democratic process. Universal suffrage should be upheld to maintain the democratic aspect of the system.

    Merit-based qualifications: Establish specific qualifications or criteria for individuals seeking to hold public office or leadership positions. These qualifications should be based on relevant skills, expertise, education, experience, and demonstrated merit in their respective fields. A transparent and objective evaluation process should be in place to assess candidates’ merits.

    Competitive selection process: Implement a competitive selection process to identify the most qualified candidates for public office. This process may involve examinations, interviews, or performance evaluations that assess the candidates’ abilities, knowledge, and leadership qualities.

    Citizen engagement and consultation: Promote citizen engagement by providing opportunities for public input, deliberation, and consultation. This can be achieved through mechanisms such as town hall meetings, public forums, citizen assemblies, and online platforms that allow citizens to express their opinions and contribute to decision-making processes.

    Merit-based decision-making: Incorporate meritocratic principles into the decision-making process. This could involve assigning greater weight to the opinions and expertise of qualified individuals in relevant fields. Expert advisory committees or panels could be established to provide recommendations on complex policy issues, with their members chosen based on their merit and expertise.

    Transparency and accountability: Ensure transparency and accountability in the functioning of the meritocratic democracy. Public access to information, disclosure of decision-making processes, and accountability mechanisms should be in place to prevent abuse of power and maintain public trust.

    Continuous evaluation and merit reassessment: Periodically evaluate the performance and merit of elected or appointed officials to ensure that they continue to meet the required standards. This evaluation can be conducted through performance reviews, public feedback mechanisms, and regular assessments of their contributions to society.

    Education and awareness: Promote education and awareness about the importance of meritocracy and democratic values. Emphasize the need for an informed and active citizenry that understands the merits of various candidates and actively participates in the democratic process.

    It’s important to note that designing and implementing a meritocratic democracy can be complex, and finding the right balance between meritocracy and democracy requires careful consideration. Various models and systems can be explored based on the specific cultural, social, and political context of a country or region.

  24. Perhaps more will see the lack of character, of integrity, of cogence, in this man now? Of course, many National voters are not known for their vast intelligence, for sure, but it may be a wake up call for some. The idiocy of one who actively seeks to lead a country drives him to insult it. Luxon only wants the PM role to earn himself a knighthood – just like his friend Key – then return to the USA where something like him belongs.

  25. To all those so mortally offended by Mr Luxon, let the opposite be the truth: NZ is a “positive, dry, rejoicing, outward looking country”. There there, all better now.

  26. I wonder if any of the people slagging off farmers here would be hypothetical enough to tuck in to a big juicy steak?

  27. I don’t mind the comment – I find under these harsh living standards we are more “negative, wet, whiny, inward-looking”, you only have to look at a town area shutting due to gangs. Maybe they see it as positive – does the rest of NZ? Surely the NI is more wet?
    UN Money to Fiji Dairy Farming etc, our health system, parents and teachers strikes, possible blackouts, inflation, crime, census failure . . . . . . . – give me a positive politically?
    However, I am enjoying the little things in life more with people – that’s where reality makes smiles.


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