THANK BABY JESUS: Supporting the Greens finally pays off! Why their tax solution is a great start!


Oh sweet Jesus – THANK YOU!

ACT are already screaming ‘politics of envy’ – This isn’t ‘envy’ – it’s taxing rich pricks who have used their wealth to politically insulate their interests!

Finally the Greens deliver beyond their alienating middle class identity politics bullshit and manage to drag the issue from social justice to economic justice.

Sure, it’s taken 2 and a half fucking years, but they are finally here and it’s a great first step!

The true demarcation of power in a liberal progressive democracy is not some tribal affiliation to your genitalia, skin colour or identity, it is between the 1% richest plus their 9% enablers vs the 90% rest of us!

It’s neat that the Green Party have only taken 2 and a half years to finally get to that point as ACT race away on double digits thanks to the ongoing culture war political ammunition Green Party supporters keep giving David Seymour with their woke cancel culture dynamics.

Poor people are not sitting around the kitchen table canceling each other for misusing pronouns, they are trying to pay the fucking bills!

Here’s what they are suggesting:

TDB Recommends
  • The Green Party will campaign on introducing a wealth tax of 2.5 per cent on assets over $2 million owned by individuals or $4m on assets owned by couples.

This is smarter setting the threshold higher for a wealth tax, as you are hitting the .7% richest.

  • The tax plan also included a 1.5 per cent tax on trust assets, and an increase in the top rate of income tax from 39 per cent to 45 per cent paid on income over $180,000.

This needs to be set at $300 000 not $180 000. We bring in top specialists be it surgeons to engineers that start at $250 000, where as a $300 000 threshold will hit the Wellington Bureaucrat Class the hardest and fuck I want to see those pricks sizzle rather than just top smart people.

  • The party hiked other income taxes too, although these are paired with income tax cuts at the lower end of the scale. People earning less than $125,000 would pay less tax, those who earn more than $125,000 would pay more.


  • The 33 per cent tax rate would be hiked to 35 per cent, although the threshold for paying that rate would be $75,000, rather than $70,000 as currently.

Should be $80 000, $75 000 is too low.

  • The party would drop the 39 per cent threshold to income earned above $120,000, meaning far more income earners would begin paying it.

Should be higher at $130 000

  • The tax changes also included tax cuts for people on more modest incomes. Income earned up to $10,000 would not be taxed at all, which would give most income earners a $1500 tax cut.
Good, the first $10000 should be tax free, that should be seen as yours.
  • The party will also hike the corporate tax rate from 28 per cent to 33 per cent, which is where the rate stood under the last Labour Government. New Zealand already has one of the highest taxes on corporate profits in the world – although it is still lower than Australia’s, which is currently 30 per cent.


Ok, great starts.

Here’s where it needs to step up if it is to be meaningful.

Nationals 3 biggest donors (Hart, Mowbray and Bolton) have a combined net worth of 15 billion!

The Bottom 50% of NZ has 23 billion.

The top 5% of NZers own roughly 50% of NZs wealth, while the bottom 50% of NZers own a miserable 5%!

IRD proved NZ Capitalism is rigged for the rich and Bernard Hickey calculates that if we had a basic capital gains tax in place over the last decade, we would have earned $200billion in tax revenue.

$200billion would have ensured our public infrastructure wouldn’t be in such an underfunded ruin right now!

Bread and Butter cost of living pressures are what the electorate want answers to, and that’s where the Left need to step up and push universal policy that lifts that cost from the people.

The Commerce Commission is clear that the Supermarket Duopoly should be broken up and the State should step in and provide that competition.

We need year long maternity leave.

We need a nationalised Early Education Sector that provides free childcare for children under 5.

We need free public transport.

We need free breakfast and lunches in schools.

We need free dental.

We need 50 000 new State Houses.

We need more hospitals, more schools and a Teachers aid in every class room.

We need climate change adaptation and a resilient rebuilt infrastructure.

We need all these things and we need to fund them by taxing the rich who the IRD clearly showed were rigging the system.

That requires political courage and there is none!

No one is willing to fight for tomorrow, they merely want to pacify the present!

We need to remove the tax yoke from workers and put it on the rich pricks who have rigged NZ Capitalism in their favour.

The Financial Transaction Tax is that solution and would raise so much revenue we could lower GST!

There are 14 Billionaires in NZ + 3118 ultra-high net worth individuals with over $50million each, why not start start with them, then move onto the Banks, then the Property Speculators, the Climate Change polluters and big industry to pay their fair share before making workers pay more tax!

The Green Party tax policy makes a slightly bigger pie but a Financial Transaction Tax on the other hand hurts the speculators hardest.

The Maori Party are talking about a Financial Transaction Tax this election, I look forward to their announcement on this.

If we want to rebuild our social infrastructure and physical infrastructure, we need more revenue and that revenue shouldn’t come from workers, it should come from the speculators!

There’s no point making workers pay more to rebuild our resilience, tax the rich!

-Sugar Tax ring fenced for dental and health budgets 

-Inheritance Tax

-Financial Transactions Tax

-Legalize Cannabis to generate $1.1Billion per year in tax revenue and ring fence 150m for drug rehabilitation programmes. 

The Reserve Bank Governor is clearly telling us to raise taxes to pay for the rebuild, if Chippy’s Bread and Butter politics is to mean anything, he has to tax the rich to pay for the rebuild.

What’s the point of Bread and Butter politics of no one can afford to buy Bread or Butter?

Capitalism is rigged, Democracy is supposed to have the moral authority to challenge that.

We need to be kinder to individuals and crueller to corporations.

The tax thresholds Greens want are too low and it doesn’t do enough to raise revenue from new taxes used against speculators to invest in the State upgrade capacity – it’s a first great step but doesn’t go nearly far enough.

I applaud the Greens for finally getting back to issues that matter, but it must go further.

The issue now is do they have the strategists who are smart enough to get this change through.

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  1. Fuck those stupid cunts at the standard beginning with Weka are making fucking it all up stupid greed and envy narratives. Martyn is correct these wealth taxes should be aimed at the productive capacity it should be directed at speculation and asset stripping. But all good. I think if Marama for one can hold back on the all cus men are evil narrative and sit down with some single mums and a nice cuppa for photo ops while talking about how nice her new microwave is going to be those fuckwitts at the standard will to focus on the fundamentals.

    • Sam Marama is out of her depth in everything she does. She may hate white cisgender men, but her appointment as inept Minister for family violence can be seen as part of the war against all women.

    • She can hold her racism back for all you like, but she still is that same person who still believes the same vile shit.

      • Reactionary Bratwurst, playing the race card again!! Now what were the racist acts that Marama Davidsons exhibited? Please leave a detailed explanation thanks?

          • Great bit of personal navel-gazing and insight Peter – thanks for sharing your journey towards personal enligtenment!

        • She has repeatedly said white men are the cause of much of the violence. I have never heard her condemn the violence exibited by gangs of any race just white men and the police .She is a failure as a role model from an environmental angle as she has 6 children and after years of high wages she does not own a home .

        • At the Auckland vigil for the tragic Muslims massacred and injured in Christchurch, Davidson and two or three other brown women, unleashed vitriol against white New Zealanders, blaming them for what had happened. One girl, referring to Pakeha, and identifying with the bereaved Muslim community, said, “ They hate us.” That was when I turned off, and quit the only political party to which I have ever donated.

          I gather that Marama expressed the wish one night that white men would delete themselves, but later said she was pissed, whether literally or figuratively, I don’t know.

          Again she hijacked the “ Let women Speak “ event, 22/3/23 , to announce that white cisgender males are responsible for violence against women, which is a lie. Further, the women who got silenced, bullied, and bashed at Albert Park, were assaulted by transgender extremists, ethnicity irrelevant, gender complex.

          • And Marama when asked failed to condemn the violence at Albert Park.
            Disgraceful from the minister of violence prevention

          • I agree with you Snow White. Uppity woke anarchists like Davidsin need to be sent back where they came from. They are a disgrace to the Aryan Nation. Brown women should neither be seen NOR heard.

            I even saw ‘white wimmin’ wearing veils after the Christchurch white uprising. FFS.

            Go back to voting RIGHT again SW, stop stirring up shit against a party that promotes equality and equity.

            Fe*k off back to your Right wing gobshite wealthy mates on the website ACT.

            Vote Trump in 2024 – Make Trump King Again.

        • She was right about white cis males. Empire. Conquest doesn’t help people. Strange folk going off here. The prob is not woke, it’s politicians not talking about ideas. Ideas are the strength of the people — we often don’t have power or wealth. The failure is not talking about ideas.

          In an upset moment Davidson talked ideas.

    • Follow the Joseph Stiglitz prescription. “The price of inequality.”
      264 pages telling us what we all already know and then the way forward.
      Rather underwhelming. Higher tax, more progressive tax, more progressive estate tax, better targeted benefits, incentivise investment that creates and maintains jobs that benefit your demographic region, tax not productive investments, tax pollution, reduce rent seeking, end corporate welfare, healthcare for all…… Better management of resources!!

      Nothing spectacular but all very doable. How to deliver, that is the question!

      The Greens now see that cutting taxes is an important component so we can expect Labour to come up with their tax cuts soon.

      How the tax cuts will be funded, is where your vote will count. Unfortunately many voters will once again vote for ideologies that will not deliver. Saying, so is different from doing so!

      Remember the Greens and Labour told us tax cuts are evil and that the wealthy are evil. Good to now hear that tax’s cut are no longer evil. Who would have thought. Now we all know!!

      • Uber made 200 million profit and paid something rediculous like 100k tax. That can not hold. New Zealand infrastructure can not support that. They’re not going to pull out because of a 2.5% increase in taxes. Unions should be demanding corporations pay it.

        • If they made 200 million profit in NZ they paid 56 million in tax.

          Are you referring to revenue?

          Or perhaps to transfer pricing, where international corporations ‘pay’ their branches domiciled in favourable tax regimes effectively all profit made from the high tax regime.

          There are ways to deal with this, including looking ‘through’ some of the ‘costs’ incurred by the international corporation to its affiliates. But raising corporate tax rates will exacerbate this issue not solve it, by increasing the rewards from initiating or expanding transfer pricing, and will make other Kiwi businesses less competitive.

          • @Matt, this is the sort of nuance that we seem to have trouble getting in these debates. I’m curious why there is no financial transactions tax on their agenda either.

            It’s almost a case of sabotage to propose a plan without this sort of nuance because it’s a gift to the right wing who will go to middle class say; “they’re coming for your money so they can give it to those bludgers”.

            I can’t think of anyone who would suffer from a financial transaction tax apart from speculators who are making deals all day every day and I can’t think why the Green’s haven’t picked up on this.

            If anyone can explain this I’m all ears!

            • Take it from me that the Greens understand it well enough, James Shaw. What other reason could there be why they did not put that policy up.

              The fact is that this type of tax is not new. Economists are still struggling to understand how to implement the more complex ones that appear so simple.
              We should at least bring in estate tax. I am OK with an estate but my kids and grand children do not like the idea as much.

              Read Joseph Stiglitz, he discusses the 99%ers and provide a prescription in his book “The Price of Inequality” for a more equal society.

          • You have to tax their revenue. The income tax and gst is just defrayed down to almost zero by transfer pricing and so called advertising costs expended in tax havens.

          • It’s a kind of tax deferral. There’s Uber eats. Uber and some shell company I don’t. It’s funny though, Uber posting billion dollar loses.

          • I’m with you Matt.
            I can’t understand the obsession with chasing so called “high income earners” “rich pricks” etc in the circa $180k region.

            The simple reality is the couple of extra % on a small number is worth FA. It’s chicken shit in comparison to the billions lost to corporates shuffling money to make no or low profits here.

            Go after the corps paying FA.
            It wouldn’t be hard to calculate a fair/typical net profit in a given sector. If they don’t make that profit, and there are no extraordinary reasons for it (COVID) hit them with a penalty tax.

        • Time for government action!
          Where the F….. are they?
          Where have they been?
          What the F…. have they been doing, working on……

          • … suppressing “unsafe” views (the “Safer Online Services and Media Platforms” proposal)
            … the gender self-ID law
            … how to rebrand 3/5 Waters so they can slip it under the radar
            … the ethnostate agenda
            … the proposal to lower the voting age

            And you think they’ve been just twiddling their thumbs!

        • Yep Sam they made this “untaxed profit”, thanks to right-wing, Chicago economics.

          Tax Uber and offset Taxi-Shuttle-Bus drivers who have lost revenue & income.

          Tax Amazon & ALiExpress, who have decimated retailers.
          Make the Overseas fuckers conpete on
          an even GST/IRD playing field.

          KIWIS are all about “Fareness”

          Fuckem. Tax Lime scooters. Tax Ubereats. REDISTRIBUTE Corporate Taxfree Prof.

          Make Corporates pay their fair fucken share!

          Its the KIWI WAY.

    • Look guys. When I say a “forcing error” I mean what is the answer to these questions. I may come up with a lot of hypothetical forcing questions and Marama may lash out at hypothetical evil but she can’t live in a system where all white men are evil. Let’s assume that all white men are evil. How will this new income garuantee protect all non-white men. It’s a classic reasoning error. She’s answering non questions by answering completely different questions not being asked. Something the standard Muppets do Infinitely. They’re important questions not being answered right? Lucky we have Bomber.

    • The Standard. Let us address it. Proof of credentials. Lprent, upset about economic confinement in the 70s. Indictment, despite that. Of it and the Labour Party. You need to fight it to prove your credentials, Martyn.

      I’m very sorry about our popular Left blogs. They squeeze off to Right-friendly tosh. So not the recent Greens declaration.

  2. I suspect they are embarrassed by what the Australian Greens are up to — threatening to sink the new A.L.P. housing legislation, and demanding new public housing spending of $2.5 Bn. per annum, 275,000 new public housing dwellings, and a two-year federal rent freeze.

    The tax policy is hardly enough to get anybody excited. Where is the 47% income tax bracket? (Let alone the old 76.5% bracket, or F.D.R’s 79% bracket.) Where is the promise to dump the G.S.T., or at least cut it?

    • Dropping the top tax bracket from 180,000 to 120,000 will raise some tax. Not enough to fund the proposed tax cuts. Therefore a wealth tax!
      Bringing in an estate tax at 10% or some other percentage will bring in a massive actuarial tax dividend that can be borrowed against and then redistributed to help those on low incomes.

      And expensive tax cut compared to other options, but at least there is now universal agreement that tax cuts are urgently required to help working New Zealanders. Progress at last.

    • Yes they can’t even highlight a top tax rate that their voters would see as revenge and that would be a necessary negotiating starting position to actually get a significant change.

    • The “rich” won’t remain as NZ tax residents if the Greens look anything like holding the Govt bridle after the election.

        • True – if Immigration NuZull and all the agencies under the Munstry of Everything doesn’t get them first.
          None of them do resignations even when they royally fuck up with everything they touch.
          It’s quite sad really that Labour STILL hasn’t realised who their worst enemy is.
          There’ll be a lot of cudda hudda wudda’s after the next election – and whatever the outcome, it probably needs to happen (in this space, going forward, rhubarb rhubarb)
          I suspect, so far, there’s probably only one or two in Labour that have their number

        • Correct. The Chinese have made big inroads into New Zealand as those involved with them over recent years well know, so do not worry about “ white” money exiting, other money is there.

        • But will they have any regard for Te Tiriti? Or will they want their culture elevated in recognition of their numbers, since they already make up a significant percentage of New Zealand’s population.

      • So Robbie are they going to run to another country with higher taxes? That’s the same bullshit Nicola Willis used this morning. She used Norway as an example! Relative to other oecd countries where do we sit on tax rates?

        • Correct. They won’t be running to Australia, as their top rate (45 %) is a fair bit higher than ours (39 %).

          • That doesn’t reflect the upcoming income tax changes in Australia resulting from their acknowledgment that their current income tax regime is unfair & a contributor to poor productivity..

            From 1 July 2024, there will only be 3 personal income tax rates – 19%, 30% and 45%. From 1 July 2024, taxpayers earning between $45,000 and $200,000 will face a marginal tax rate of 30%. With these changes, around 94% of Australian taxpayers are projected to face a marginal tax rate of 30% or less.

        • Just because you don’t have a visceral reaction to progressive taxation doesn’t mean that wealthier people won’t. They’ll still have family connections or ties to a particular town. High income earners still want protection. They’re not just moving to places with lower taxation they’ve got something valuable which usually means woman or a particular type of technology. Panama City has some of the lowest tax rates in the world but you don’t see hordes of wealthy people flooding across its border. Look the short of it is I think that if we buy fighter jets and battleships and 3d colour imaging medical censors and probes or whatever based on the recommendations of science and engineering then a lot of people won’t have any reason to leave infact people might start reverse migration but it’s a lot of checks and balances and a lot of truth talk.

        • Norway is very progressive and actually taxes the oil companies and invests the money successfully, unlike NZ politicians and executives who seem to lose on every deal as they are worse than stupid, but think they are incredible deal makers on schemes that seem to make no money for NZ, and leave piles of debt and damage to the public. Pike River comes to mind but there are many more examples of government pushing pet polluting projects that are complete failures for NZ, but they do not learn.

          “Directors of Tamarind Taranaki, the New Zealand business of a Malaysian oil and gas producer say the company “may be insolvent”.

          Tamarind operates three oil fields according to its website, Tui, Amokura, and Pateke in the Tui Area oil field. It is the 100 per cent owner and operator of the fields.

          The company’s business model is to buy oil fields late in their production life.

          When buying fields off other companies, Tamarind assumes responsibility for any remediation costs when the field is closed.”

          Liquidators report shows little return, if any, for Tamarind creditors

          Remember how MOBIL oil cleaned up after tank farm in Auckland, oh, no, they didn’t the public paid for the environmental costs as the executives didn’t put in the paperwork and clauses making sure they cleaned up as found by an expensive legal case that went on and on!

          Protesters are vowing direct action in southern waters after oil giant OMV was yesterday cleared to drill up to 10 exploration wells off the Otago coast beginning this summer.

          EPA grants drilling and discharge consent for Otago coast to oil and gas company OMV

          NZ laws loves to give public assets away while Kiwis who live here pay high costs for them that keep climbing like water costs!

          Appeals against Chinese water bottling plant dismissed

          Waihi runs out of water, council distributing water bottles

          We love helping socially responsible GOLF billionaire owners!

          “A dam illegally constructed in an Auckland Council reserve is set to be lowered before Christmas, but not removed
          The impact of an illegally-constructed dam has been described by the Environment Court as “critical” for New Zealand’s most endangered bird but its removal will be a slow process, with the company which built it unlawfully setting most of the terms.”

          Good to see the taxpayers chipping millions into billionaires wages for their tourism ventures here! Sarcasm. Apparently Gov were going to keep the covid wages subsidy at $150k to help the small businesses but then changed the covid wage subsidy so that the biggest companies got the taxpayer funded multi millions as well.

          I don’t have a problem with wealthy who live in NZ and pay proper taxes, I have a problem with so much wealth being taken out of NZ, that is destroying the place and putting more taxes on those paying is missing the point, it is those not paying and in particular the polluting ones, that need more scrutiny.

      • Where are they gonna go lol

        Aussie where the top tax rate is 49%?

        USA where you’re paying state, federal taxes and there’s cgt and inheritance taxes?

        UK which is still higher than NZ ?

        Those countries still have plenty of rich people and the sky didn’t fall.

        • Bermuda, British Virgin Islands………
          Actually, they will stay right here and visit their money when they go holidaying.

        • Look. I don’t want to get into it. Just can’t be bothered. But only public servants pay the Topntax rate like doctors and shit. Plumbers and everyone else use loopholes. That’s how you get rich you just steal it basically

    • Shock horror. $4mil makes a couple wealthy.
      In theory not many will have to pay for these tax cuts then. The 99% theory.

      This is so easy to achieve that even the blind can see it is another KiwiBuild, but this time on steroids.

      Tax cuts and “wealth” tax is the right direction. So at least now we all know that tax cuts are essential to help the poor.

      For those anti tax cut trolls out there, FO. It is now universal. Labour and the Greens understand that. They have always understood this but they were ideology bound to denying it and spend your money fattening the fat cats in Wellington, funding corporates to develop “CO2 reducing furnaces” and the wealthy into Teslas.

      Subsiding a more efficient furnace creates a gain for the shareholders of the business. And the real subsidy is charged back to domestic users of electricity.
      Teslas help wealthy to better manage their cash flows. Who funded the subsidy?? GFQ. Broad based tax!

        • That will create a significant improvement for those on low incomes. But targeting the GST subsidised food and sanitary products will be a more productive approach considering we already manage a community card system.
          Plus tax cuts and bring in a moderate estate tax.
          Wealth taxes will encourage those on fixed incomes to spend six months a year on the Gold Coast.

  3. Meh, their tax bracket moves are mere shuffling. When you crunch the numbers you’re only saving about $1000 due to the first 10k. Doesn’t even compare to inflation since the last time brackets changed.

  4. Unfortunately it is too late for the Greens.
    Their alienating middle class identity politics bullshit has made them unelectable.

    • Agree.Marama and the Green girls’ vilification of white New Zealanders to the bereaved shell-shocked Muslim community was unjustifiable, and a bad thing to do to folk already feeling under siege.

      • Oh dear another caucasian playing the race card, Racism has to do with power not the color of your skin. Even if you called me the “N”word that not racism unless put into proper context that you’re ethnicity belongs to the dominant race that weld’s enormous power over other ethnicities.

        • “Racism has to do with power not the color of your skin.”

          No. It doesn’t. Racism is racism simple as that. Don’t treat people differently based on the colour of their skin. No exceptions.

          • No. Corporate media is deeply embedded in propoganda most people don’t even know what the media is saying about one group to another and the other way around.

            There is racists then the are the racists corporate media want to hide.

            Look I want to help Marama or atleast I want to help there income gaurentes along.

            Marama says out of it shit like all white cis males are evil but if you actually look at how she wants to deal with it it’s to get the government out of things the government has no business getting into like sex based rights, mental health, welfare, domestic violence and so on. And hand it over to community groups to run. Of she can just focus on the prise a bit more I think she will settle as her policies receive funding from the wealth taxes.

          • racism

            prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism by an individual, community, or institution against a person or people on the basis of their membership of a particular racial or ethnic group, typically one that is a minority or marginalized:
            “a programme to combat racism”

        • Can you stop banging on about race Stephen? You are repeatedly prejudiced but justify yourself as being on the right side of history over and over. You re progressive when it suits you and NIMBY when it doesnt. A true champagne socialist after a long career in govt.

      • At least now labour and greens acknowledge that tax cuts can help the poor.

        It will be interesting to see how those plays out.

        Will the greens also acknowledge the universal truth that wasting taxpayer money is a bad idea. Imagine Labour slogan “stop government excesses and cut taxes”. Hipkins did exactly this in his January campaign….. without the slogan of course.

        • Imagine if you stopped posting incessant unintelligent comments and recognized the trickle down tgeory doesn’t work and most countries with right wing governments create the haves and have nots.
          Luxon has shown that with his Wet and Whiney slogan.⅕

  5. We need a Commissioner for Children.
    We need to be kinder to children and crueller to politicians who will not stand up for them.
    We need to stop exploiting the innocence of children and their sexualisation at an age when most cannot even differentiate between specific body parts, and we need to stop forcing non science- based sex dogma upon them in schools.
    We need to consider what the UNO proposes on this subject, and why.
    We need to feed our children, not brainwash them.
    We need to clothe our children, cuddle them, keep them warm, and do everything we can to keep them safe and healthy.

      • Yep. Little old NZ several years behind the rest.
        At least the pushback and rollback of ridiculous legislation like gender self ID is now not far away.

      • It’s mega bucks for the powerful pharmaceutical companies, and in the USA and Europe, for the plastic surgeons. They can afford to get sued. The politicians pushing through transgender scenarios for underage children in New Zealand will have scarpered, and be living off their ill- gotten gains, when and if heartbreaking outcomes start to emerge; parents who were supplanted by government decree and threats of imprisonment, will be left to pick up the pieces best as they can.

        • Yes it would be interesting to know what pharmecuetical companies lobbied pollies and moneyed activists to help push the puberty blocker agenda. We need a transparent political donation regime specified down to the last $5 listed by voter name and their beneficial company, no trusts.

      • Would you trust this government to appoint a Commissioner for Children? Is the Race Relations Kommissar good for race relations? Is the Human Right Kommissar good for human rights in NZ? Any Kommissar appointed by this government is certain to be a danger to children.

        • Pope P No, I wouldn’t trust them now, and do not trust the government department committee ostensibly replacing the Commissioner for Children. But the value of the Commissioner lay in their being high calibre professional persons, usually or always articulate and well-trained medical or legal practitioners functioning independently of government, and that’s why the commissioner got dumped.

  6. My staff get paid because of my company profit enables them to have wages for the great work they do. If this came in I will assess if the business is worth the effort considering I am the owner and staff member who does the stupid hours.
    I can stay at home and look after my disabled wife instead.

    • This is a response that accurately assesses the downsides of the policy but ignores the upsides.

      Unless your business caters to the rich, this is a policy that will result in more of the thing that your business depends on. Not tax cuts: more customers with money in their pocket. Because a small number of people who are probably not your customers will pay more tax, but a large number of people who probably are your customers will pay less tax. Which means they will have more disposable income. Instead of packing it in, you should be positioning your business to cash in on this. Your staff do not get paid because of your company profit, your staff get paid because you have customers with money in their pocket who allow you to make a profit.
      What would be better for your business, slightly lower tax rates, or significantly richer and more numerous customers?

      • Unfortunately most of my clients ironically are govt departments and we compete for contracts against larger corporates.

        They expect lower govt pricing which already lowers profits.

        You are right in all you say – but for me not much is applicable.

        As a smaller operator of I lower prices again the large corporates just employ us on crap rates to install as they make their money on supply.

        They don’t apply made in NZ or any local content provincially but prefer to ignore the freight cost of shipping all around the country.

        Sorry you got me started.

    • There is that.
      But if you already have $4mil in the bank it will not really matter.
      The real problem is that the effects will be felt by those well below this level of wealth once the legislation is in place.

      KiwiBuild on steroids.

      At least your workers will have $400 per week after tax. I guess that will motivate them vote for this policy. Yeah, right.

      • NO – wages are paid from business profit. You cannot claim anything on them at all. They are not like a wholesale product you offset GST on by claiming. All employment contracts also require Kiwi Saver, Sick Days and Holiday Pay costs also coming from company profit.
        I am not in hospitality for example – I have no idea how they cope as they will be hit harder then me.
        Some people will just take drawings instead of PAYE and label them as labour costs until they get caught my IRD – scary – it’s happening now in the courts.

        • Thanks R+E, very interesting. Seems to me that is a huge problem and one that should become a political debate in election year with the whole tax system up for change. Wages are clearly a required, essential, and legitimate business expense, to treat it as some sort of discretionary ‘add-on’ to come out of profits makes no sense IMO. Good luck in navigating the minefield.

          • So without employees, without wages as profit, there is no profit, there is no business? So any business should be grateful to their employees right?
            Good I’m pleased we cleaned that up.

            • Agreed – they make the work environment a richer place etc. But the fact s they are a cost from business profit. However, their job is due to customers/clients purchasing goods or services. There is no complaint about this – it’s a great standard system for hundreds of years.
              Raising the business tax on profit eats into a business’s ability to maintain the staff requirements or business viability in the current times for many industries. Some will always do well – but w don’t want to lose many NZ industries etc to international corporates. Support local.

          • R + E was guessing; you provide critical evidence from source.

          • Kind of simple – I need to make a profit to pay wages.
            Where the hell else do wage values in a business come from – the tooth fairy.

            • R+E, NO- you need to have ‘income’ to pay wages; you make a ‘profit’, or ‘loss’, when you have paid your ‘expenses’; and it’s that ‘profit’ you pay tax on. ‘Income’ is not ‘profit’, never has been, and never will be.

              • I think you want to stick to a silly fundamental argument of terminology. If I buy 100 items and sell them for more I have a profit. Out of that profit I will pay my wages.

                • You don’t have ‘profit’ until you cover your expenses. I can only suggest you use the correct terminology if you want to be taken seriously.

                  • So at the heart of this wages are an expense before profit. But if I don’t make a profit I have nothing to pay my renumeration. Hence why I need to make a surplus before renumeration is taken. A profit is needed to make money available for wages. However, I take the point that business income tax is less wages. Actually I thank you for continuing this thread to remind me pf this after looking at my EOY accounts. Actually it shows me that have not spent enough time looking at the EOY accounts by just trusting the Accountant instead of understanding what they are doing more.

  7. No mention of how IWI will pay for their wealth taxes. IWI own (through their trusts) $9B + in assets. How will Maori react to these assets being taxed annually at 1.5 per cent tax on trust assets?

    Worth a read;

    And how will the inheritance tax work as the IWI worth slides down through the generations? Different from Non Maori New Zealanders?

    I just cant see Te Pati Maori onside with this.

  8. Great. So Martyn if you can persuade them to drive a repeal of the nefarious “Conversion Practices” ban, commit to protecting free speech for ALL Kiwis, ditch their support for an iwi-led ethnostate, commit to changing the university funding model, and bury forever the idea of gerrymandering the sexual assault laws – then I’ll think about voting for them (as I did in 2008).

    • I will only ever look seriously at their policies if them commit to “that”.
      “That” = Anti woke
      That is my bottom line.

    • Pope Punctilious 11. I detect a lack of confidence on your part about the biological and medical experts in the Beehive. These politicians are apparently comfortable implementing the UNO guidelines for teaching sexuality in schools, which include expecting children to have had a sexual experience by age 9, to understand the difference between vaginal and anal sex by age 5, and discussing children o-2 masturbating, so that babes in arms feeling good, are now identified as wee sexual pleasurers. This may be the experience of the fools on the hill, but they swim in a river of filth projecting extremes onto innocent young children, and I’d happily see them washed out to sea and out of kiddies’ lives.

      This week New Zealand’s Sex self ID legislation becomes law, so thank you Greens, thank you for showing how much you don’t really know what you’re doing, or worse, that you do.

        • Johan Thiart. They voted as wanted by their leaders, presumably, Ardern,Hipkins, Luxon, Shaw and Davidson, but not necessarily as wanted by the electorate, another reason why I am likely to vote Winston Peters and hope that they all get turfed out.

  9. It’s irrelevant.
    Firstly, because if they got elected, Labour wouldn’t implement it.
    Secondly, because such a tax would persuade the wealthy to move their assets elsewhere, leaving us all poorer.

    • and lastly, Most MPs have trusts in some form, including the Greens themselves. This is really just performative art on the part of the Greens.

      So, this is a blip in the 24hr news cycle, at which point that’s the last you’ll hear of it.

      • And National go all rural to gain the farmers vote…

        So, this is a blip in the 24hr news cycle, at which point that’s the last you’ll hear of it.

  10. Of course, anything good the Greens propose will be negotiated away for baubles like taking responsibility for climate change, poverty & homelessness as Ministers, so Labour doesn’t have to bother with that “nonsense” and any lack of success can be pushed back on the Greens.

  11. The Green’s tax policy is based around several, very debatable beliefs such as: we are all in this nation together, ‘I am my brother’s keeper’, what happens to people I don’t know matters greatly to me, and something something social contract…

    Instead of staying in NZ and paying a 2.5% annual tax on wealth, and 45% income tax, why wouldn’t the wealthy, or even the talented, leave for a country they won’t be treated as a wallet for the poor?

      • I mean that’s patently false but I know truth doesn’t fit your narrative

        Who exactly has everyone exploited who has gone to university, studied something useful, and is now earning $120k+?

        It isn’t the poor, because they don’t pay the taxes that fund interest free student loans…

        • You left out I am an imperialist lapdog and a lackey with rightist tendencies.

          I will also be one of the first up against the wall when the revolution comes!!!

        • How many of our 1%’ers have wealth held in NZ at levels north of $4mil?
          $4mil is what will make most of the 99%’ers feel super rich.

          Kiwibuild 2.1.

      • No. That is what governments, capitalist of socialist, do.
        And that is why I am dissatisfied with this government.

      • The “poor” (your words), generally do not have the talent or skills of the rich. You call that the rich employ these folks “exploitation” (again your words). Perhaps you also think anyone should be able to “identify” as the CEO of a major corporation (who “exploits” the poor), or a structural engineer (who “exploits” the poor), or a surgeon (who “exploits” the poor)?
        The facts are, that most on the left fail to appreciate, is that there is such a thing as talent and merit. If you try and milk those people for having that and handing it over to those that don’t, those people might decide join them or fuck off altogether. Good luck funding any of your socialism after that.

        • I’m relatively rich, and with highly employable and well paid skillset.

          I simply do not see things in the way you describe. I don’t take it as an insult or a “milking operation” when I pay tax. I don’t think of it as taking my talent and skill and handing the profit over to losers. I see it in very simple terms: do I want to live in a bargain-basement shit society, or do I want to live in a deluxe society? And am I willing to pay for it?

          Yes I am. I don’t want to live in Brazil where the rich live in their gated communities and fear the poor and the poor live in slums and hate the rich. Who is that good for, exactly?

          Try to understand that not everybody thinks in these transactional terms where everything is a zero-sum transaction and you can only get by taking.

  12. 385 NZD per week coming from the paid from the provisional tax that are to be paid by the ‘wealthy’ mortgage holders (err ‘home owner’) of the country, taxes that are based on government evaluation.
    that sounds about as queer as it can get.

    Yeah, right Tui. and Nope Nope Nope.

    • Jeez wouldn’t it be better to have a high waged, moderately taxed society with low housing costs where everyone who wants a job has a job and we don’t need low income transfer payments. Not possible, I hear you say, except prior to 1984 Egalitarian NZ did just that.

  13. With all these new taxes. The government won’t need the fuel tax.

    But it’s not do much about the tax, it’s about how is it going to be Spent economically prudently. This is where I am afraid to say, the Greens coalition partner Labour has been terribly disappointing and can’t be trusted.

    • They never spent half of the fuel tax anyway and rail and transport is getting worse and worse.

      It’s so bad that bad asphalt is the new road spikes. Pot holes and cones everywhere with records amounts of money spent.

      Likewise NZ spends more on education than Finland but gets worse and worse results.

      The only thing woke know is how to tax and get more money, they can’t spend it on anything real and positive to save themselves!

      Thus talking about tax is pretty much a vaccume of nothingness, they have money already but spend it very poorly – Waka Kotahi don’t even factor in climate change on transport – they are too busy doing te reo signs. Gangs get nearly 3 million from proceeds of crime. Teachers are cancelling science – something that might help kids is anger management but they do gender identities instead. Then they wonder why kids are mentally ill and murdering people now as they have a ‘short fuse’.

      Give Greens more money and we will get more of the same gross examples of poor spending with no controls.

  14. Where in the policy is any call for couples to be financially secure before they have children . Most of the poverty children were born into families that were poor and the added burden of a new child took them further down the poverty path.
    As Luxon stated we do need more children and help should be given so parents can stay in the workforce if they want to and the child needs access to good medical and educational needs .This is what taxes are for not to support those that do not want to work and see children as a pathway to a life of no work.

  15. $385 a week? What the hell is that? Half minimum wage and approximately the jobseeker benefit for a grownup *before* WFF rebates. What on earth is the point of this political suicide note?


  16. The green policy attempt to take from the wealthy and give to low income is simplistic and makes no attempt to grow our faltering economy imo. It’s a kick while you’re down to income earners between 120 to 150 k who are struggling with mortgages and trying to grow a small business, as that’s not a lot these days. There is not enough real wealthy out there to raise the funds and so as we all knew the middle income earners pay the price. Like all minor parties who will never have to actually govern growing and developing the country is immaterial.

    • If you are trying to grow a small business, you need customers with money in their pockets, not tax cuts.
      This is a policy that will make a few rich people (who are probably not your customers) less rich, and a large number of people (who probably are your customers) will have more disposable income.
      Position yourself to do business with those people who suddenly have more disposable income, and you are golden.

    • Income earners who struggle on $120,000 to $150,000 need to do a bit of self reflection.
      Their choices are shit!

      • ” Income earners who struggle on $120,000 to $150,000 need to do a bit of self reflection.
        Their choices are shit! ”

        Yeah absolutely.

        What I wouldn’t give to be paid half of that figure say $60,000 up from my current $48,000.

        I budget to exist and make it to the next fortnight.

        These people on six figures have no real idea of what doing it tough means.

  17. One more question,

    will that ‘wealth’ also include your kiwi saver? Your car? your computer? your jewellery? own a batch?
    All of these items i just listed have been taxed throughout. Just saying.

    • Generally the polite thing to do is to read the policy before asking questions about the policy that are answered in the policy.
      Just saying.

    • Asking that question demonstrates that you are more likely to be a “beneficiary” of this policy than a positive contributor to the new tax.

      If there is panic go and see your financial adviser. There are many ways to manage your wealth and still have access to $4m inside NZ. Most wealthy people are already doing this. I am pretty sure that David Parker’s investigation of the super wealthy 314 revealed that.

      • Nope not gonna be benefitting of anything unless of course i throw my job away, but then i dislike being depended on the good graces of a winz drone, so not gonna benefit from much.

        The questions stand , we are talking about taxing wealth – in this case unrealised capital gains on properties due to government increasing property values every other years, then why don’t we include other forms of wealth, of which the Kiwi saver would be one, gold/silver or other precious metals (shares in mines or rare minerals for example) would be another?

        I would like to point out that any one who owns a house in NZ bought that including the taxes owed. So GST at point of purchase and GST on every services that made a cut during the process of buying that property – agent, notar, lawyers etc, then paid taxes on their income to pay the mortgage, GST on the rates, rates, . So it is not as if people did not pay taxes on their purchase to begin with.

        What else could be thrown under the mantle of ‘wealth’, and how confident are you that that is not gonna attract a wealth tax to pay some people to study something that won’t employ them, or to pay them to not get employment at all.

        btw, i am a net payer of taxes. I honestly can’t think of a worse thing in life then to go to Winz and have to beg for something that I should get because i paid taxes already.

        • I think you miss my point.
          But, I am glad you are well off and that you have a job that you find rewarding.
          And everyone should feel that way and no-one should be discouraged from asking for help when they need help. That is why I pay my taxes with a smile.

          What annoys me is that government and especially this current government does not spend my taxes well.

  18. Biggest problem in NZ is that the government is encouraging people into poverty and to do nothing, while expecting everyone else to ‘work’ for them, – aka morbidly obese person often needs a lot of hospital and medical care, can’t work but needs an army of money and support from others to maintain a low level of well being. Gang member is expected to do what they are told by gang leaders, and live in a culture of fear and violence and it is not a positive lifestyle for the majority.

    People do not like to be like this and as a person’s labour becomes abstracted from reward then more mental health cases and entitlement will rise. The terrorists in NZ, had many opportunities but failed to work or study and instead became entitled and wanted to harm others.

    NZ needs to become a high income country and so incentivising everyone to earn under $125k and not work (in Australia a teacher and lollipop holder can earn more) – we will have a lot of high needs people many of whom are high needs by choice not need (which cuts off services to the people who actually need the services) and NZ will continue to decline in public services like education, health care and justice and crime and mental health issues will go up.

    We already have many people who are tormented by their neighbours, the neighbours with all the time on their hands, don’t seem to have to work, abide by the law or pay taxes in NZ!

    In this case this landowner manages to get legal aid in the high court, because he bought a place with covenants and then refused to sell or pull out of the deal, he just wanted it all changed for his lifestyle. This gang squatter on Maori land, has been going for a decade – again sponsored by legal aid.

    Due to the ease of people accessing free services it seem to be becoming more common where people are just unreasonable and the rest of the taxpayers are paying for this stance and filling up our legal system so more important justices cases are delayed for years and those effected can not go on with their life!

    Legal system is completely broken in NZ, where the victims spend their life in limbo and those who victimise get new trials, don’t have to turn up, and do everything to drag it out, because they know that eventually the victims give up, or run out of money.

  19. The Green Party proposal actually implements a number of the 2019 WEAG (Welfare Experts Advisory Group) Report recommendations that Labour was too timid to action. The raised Abatement rate and individualising (payments are made regardless of your personal relationships or household makeup). Get the state out of your bedroom!

    The GMI is not as wide as a Basic Income but it is a good beginning and targets need. A Labour/Green/TPM Govt. has to happen on Oct.14, many of the greybeard/bal’head pundits are trying to ignore the coming new gen voter tsunami. If the filthy Natzos and Act can be kept from office at this years general elections then it will be the beginning of the end of Rogernomics and the neo liberal state.

    For those whingers above…“oooh it’s not enough from the Greens…” get off your arses and become politically active rather than whimping around on blogs.

    • …………”get off your arses and become politically active rather than whimping around on blogs.”
      I fear you’ll be waiting a while Tigger.
      I suspect we’re just going to have to wait for it all to play out, just like “wokedom” (a now utterly meaningless, overplayed and bullshit mangled label) is going to have to burn itself out.

  20. “The party will also hike the corporate tax rate from 28 per cent to 33 per cent, which is where the rate stood under the last Labour Government. New Zealand already has one of the highest taxes on corporate profits in the world – although it is still lower than Australia’s, which is currently 30 per cent.”

    Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaand no company will be domiciled here anymore. Golly good. Lets further incentivize all multinationals to move their Australasian headquarters to Sydney, and the high paying corporate jobs with it. Excellent idea Greens.

      • You left out worthwhile tax cuts not Nationals piss poor tax policies they been rolling out every election year since Muldoon. You should have lived here then

    • What you find is that more loopholes seem to exist for foreign companies than those that live in the country. A foreign business seems to have more international rights and tax cuts than the locals! And countries that have that, seem to have a lot of current problems that they didn’t use to have, with inflation, retaining workers, cost of living, and poverty. Funny that.

      “Tony and Cherie Blair did not have to pay £312,000 in stamp duty when buying a £6.45m London townhouse, leaked documents show.
      The ex-Labour prime minister and his barrister wife bought the property as an office for her business in 2017 by buying the offshore firm that owned it.”

      • UK keeps putting up taxes, but foreign companies buying up assets there, don’t seem to be paying the same as the locals with all the loopholes!

  21. “We bring in top specialists be it surgeons to engineers that start at $250 000, where as a $300 000 threshold will hit the Wellington Bureaucrat Class the hardest and fuck I want to see those pricks sizzle rather than just top smart people.”

    Agree – its not the contributing technical skilled people we want to hit – -its the overpaid fat bureacrats who make hundreds of thousands spouting mealy mouthed platititudes and contribute SFA to society who we need to tax the fuck out of.

    • State servant do not pay tax except GST. The state servant pay slip shows a tax deduction but in reality the state does not collect any additional tax from the state servant. It simply collects, from the private tax payer, the public servants after tax salary. The state gains no extra taxation by employing more state servants.

      It does not physically “pay” the public servant $250K and then collect tax for 30% of that total. That does not make sense nor does it increase the tax take.

      • Actually that is exactly what Ministries and Departments do. Same with Universities, Polytechs, etc. They pay the after tax amount to the employees and the PAYE to IRD. Obviously it all funded from tax and it comes from each Department’s appropriations. However, if it wasn’t done this way, it would be impossible to have any form of financial accountability over the various Ministries.

      • And you know this how sausage, email, phone
        call. Can you provide evidence?

        • Right.
          It is smart politics
          Not dissimilar to what they were thinking previously. Same old same old, really.

          But is it smart policy? More than 50% of voters voted for Ardern’s ideas in 2020. Yet, here we are!

  22. One (I would like to hope unintended) consequence of this is that it would destroy most small organic and regenerative family farms. Most family farms have the farm in a trust, and very few are clearing 1.5% return on the inflated land values we have in NZ. A one million dollar farm on current land values will be a run down infertile backgully somewhere with low productive value, paying $15,000 per year before you even start trying to pay the mortgage or generate a living means no one will bother trying.

    It’s possible the Green policy is meant to be 1.5% tax on trust profits, but this is not what it says. It says trust assets. This means the end of small scale organic and regenerative farming/horticulture in NZ (already very economically marginal enterprises), unless we can quickly find an alternative business structure. Trust tax rates are already higher than the personal tax rates most of us pay. Go Greens, you heroes of the environment! Wreck all the environment-friendly farmers for no obvious reason except your bloody-minded shit-headedness!

    Is it any wonder that so many of us sustainable farmers see the Greens as our biggest threat, when not too long ago we all voted Green for the environmental policies?

  23. The numbers don’t add up.

    It fails to provide evidence of the dividend-revenue to the Crown and also fails to provide proof of where any gains to the Crowns coffers will be appropriated.

    The question that should be asked, put to the mental minister of Homelessness. What amount of her $25m budget for Homelessness has she spent on the Homeless?

    Some, $900k? Or nothing at all.

    • Like the petrol tax the unspent homelessness money is hoarded by the managerial task forces, and never delivered as the managers are more interested in spending it on themselves and their pet projects (upgraded premises, more committees, friends with benefits) and working on the paperwork to make it look like otherwise.

    • My thoughts exactly – “If wishes were horses beggars would ride” ie: Nice idea, but never going to happen as it wont stack up. Just pre election posturing.

      $120K in individual earnings is deserving of a tax cut? What about hospitals and housing, arent they a wee bit more urgent? Not if you need to win votes from the mobile voting virtue signalling middle!

  24. Nothing about how big global business that are only paying 10% company tax due to ‘IP’ expenses. Woke only care about getting more taxes out of a dwindling stone (locals), not actually looking at ways of widespread avoidance by companies that have plenty of money being earnt in NZ, but just don’t want to pay local tax.

    Governments, greens and so called poverty charities, and media, turn a blind eye.

  25. ” The issue now is do they have the strategists who are smart enough to get this change through. ”

    Its all pie in the sky stuff.

    If LINO make it back they will not introduce any tax that will harm their constituency that everyone above $55.000

    And the Greens don’t know how to stand firm and push their agenda hence every three years they say what they want then get bullied into submission by the other parties without achieving anything.

    They were offered the ministry for homelessness as a token gesture with LINO knowing they would never push an agenda or embarrass them in government.

    The situation has deteriorated and you would be fooled into thinking we had a Labour ( partly Green ) government in power.

    When the Greens talk or promote anything don’t vote for it thinking it will get done !

    It just leads to disappointment and cynicism.

  26. ” The issue now is do they have the strategists who are smart enough to get this change through. ”

    Its all pie in the sky stuff.

    If LINO make it back they will not introduce any tax that will harm their constituency that’s everyone above $55.000

    And the Greens don’t know how to stand firm and push their agenda hence every three years they say what they want then get bullied into submission by the other parties without achieving anything.

    They were offered the ministry for homelessness as a token gesture with LINO knowing they would never push an agenda or embarrass them in government.

    The situation has deteriorated and you would be fooled into thinking we had a Labour ( partly Green ) government in power.

    When the Greens talk or promote anything don’t vote for it thinking it will get done !

    It just leads to disappointment and cynicism.

  27. And National will build roads, give abysmal tax cuts and get down on bended knees to farmers, whilst the other 80% of the country will suffer, dum de do.

  28. Always funny to watch politicians offer to give away other peoples money in an effort to win votes.

    Then of course when they get into power they do nothing anyhow.

  29. Glad you disapprove of how not far enough it’s gone, Martyn. Criticize you only put climate change in one point. I take it their policy is brilliant. But still in the neo-liberal thinking till the steep cliff of climate change our human psychology may make it too far. The all-out war of the original social democrats seems disallowed to us but that is what is needed to sell this. And the Greens don’t have those unbalanced oddbods.

    You’ve always had fury, rightly and doubtfully. But it needs a politician. And in that field it’s been bred out.

  30. If only they had a sitting on your arse committee tax in Wellington – spreading faster than Waka Kotahi communications budget!

  31. Yup, fuck National, ACT, TOP, Freedumb Fuckwitz +++ and Benjamin NyetenBrian Tamaki’s Tithing God Corporation FUCK THEM ALL!!

    Good luck getting into the Kingdom of Heaven ( or Kingdom of Decency) with your FUCK-POOR-PEOPLE policies.

    A close friend of mine on the North Shore told me of the life they left in SA, with 12ft walls topped with RW; teaching their 5&7 yr olds to ‘shoot blacks who came over the wall!’

    We’re gonna need taller than 12 feet walls, and bigger guns for our 5&7 yr olds if we exacerbate the inequality in NZ/AO.

    Today, I witnessed a shoplifter, try to rob a Farmers Store and the tellers told my wife to ‘stay out of it the Mall Security had it sorted’. Bullshit!. The Mall Security were inefectual, even worse than the càrdboard cut-out police the National Party had.

    Fucking country is going to the dogs.

    So, its great I saw Chris Luxon flanked by Judith Collins and Sam Uffindel!

    Let’s Bully Croime, and Poverty into Submussion.

    Let’s make NZGA!!

  32. Making New Zealand great again simply requires getting rid of this incompetent bunch called the Labour Government and the Green Party.

    • Bob the 13 year old political novice. What a wet whinger just like Luxon and the corrupt National party and its low wage economy.

  33. ” Don’t knock it, Mexico has some very high value exports & some real cutthroat business practices.”

    Yeah and emulated right here in Gods own financial paradise.


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