Public Feedback Wanted On Improvements Of Building Consent System – NZ government


The next step in improvements to the building consent system gets underway with the sector and public encouraged to have their say on how it could be improved, Minister for Building and Construction Dr Megan Woods says.

“Following last year’s consultation, we have developed options to get a more efficient building consent system, that should minimise unnecessary delays in the building process,” Megan Woods said.

“There are opportunities to improve the system, such as through better delivery of building consent services, removing barriers to alternative products being used.

“Any improvements to the building consent system that increase efficiency and provide greater certainty as to what can be built will help housing affordability, so it’s really important that those in the sector and the wider public feedback on what’s proposed.”

“Consultation on the paper is a key milestone in the Government’s response to the Commerce Commission’s Market Study Into Residential Building Supplies. Potential reform options in the paper address several recommendations made by the Commission in its final report.

“Ensuring we enable timely processing of consents will help speed up the delivery of housing and other buildings. It is a critical part of the work we are doing to improve the efficiency of the sector,” Megan Woods said.

The public consultation will be open from 8 June for eight weeks. Submissions close at 5pm on 3 August 2023.