I’m excited to see how the Woke can get ACT to 17% (why the Left ignore how ACT are in double digits?)


Remember when ACT were on 1%?

What happened?

The middle class woke identity politics activists started a culture war the Left could not win and started their attacks on Free Speech.

Remember what I said at the time?

Remember how I called on the middle class woke identity politics activists to not start a free speech war because it would inadvertently awake the dormant political fault line of ACT?

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Remember that?

Remember how I warned that the uber woke cultists would provoke a political backlash with their woke extremism?

And what happened?

Why the middle class woke identity politics activists doubled down and kept providing ACT with political ammunition that now sees them as the 3rd largest political party in one electoral cycle!

The middle class woke identity politics activists refuse point blank to take any responsibility for providing ACT with political ammunition because the middle class woke identity politics activists refuse to acknowledge how alienating their bullshit is.

The Left needs to focus on universal economic justice, not the mine field of easily triggered feelings from the social justice woke.

The NZ Left refuse to ask how and why ACT are polling so high, because it then demands a reflective look at how the Woke and their culture war attempts have back fired horrifically, and that would require a level of self reflection the Woke simply don’t have.

I’m excited to see how the Woke can get ACT to 17% this election.

Meanwhile the rich are laughing all the way to the bank as the Left cancels each other for misusing pronouns.

The Wellington Woke

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  1. This is better than chewing on Viagra !
    Everyone on the left are eating each others lunch, backstabbing and being caught out by either outright lying or lying by omission.
    There will be a bloodbath of the Greens, Maori Party and Labour in October.
    ACT will get over 20% of the vote due to absolute dysfunction on the left and their unabashed racist policies which are tearing our country apart.
    Te Reo Luxon will be under the control of Seymour.

    • “Tearing the country apart”. I don’t think it’s viagra you are chewing. What racist policies? What have they actually introduced that was not already there? Co governance? No, been there for years? Teaching NZ history in schools? If that’s tearing the country apart that just shows what a bunch of triggered snowflakes some people are.

      • Don’t stop believing Wheel.
        As the Emperor is parading around naked, there you are clapping and excitedly admiring the latest imperial clothing.

      • Go to the doctor, tell them you’re 58 and not Maori or PI.
        Ask for the colon cancer checkup
        And the flu vax.

        After they tell you how much it costs,

        Say I thought it was free.

        The doc will say it is if you were Maori or PI.

        $3000 to go privately, and $35.

  2. I would add the leftie woke in the National Party are also drawing people towards Act.

    Many now look at National and see just another version of Labour. Luxon is the wokest National leader they’ve ever had, as he goes around desperately trying to nice to all people without upsetting the elites (the elites in my book are the Wellington bureaucracy class and the media cabal) by not saying anything.

    Ask Luxon ‘what is a women?’ and I’m sure he’ll have the same stunned mullet look that Hipkins had.

    • I think it’s a deliberate and tactical move.
      Neither Labour with the hard left, or National with the far right will win the election.
      It’s won in the middle, the swing voters.
      Many voted Labour last time tactically to keep the Greens from the balance of power.
      The same will and is happening again, but in reverse.

  3. The “middle class woke identity politics activists” are not the Left.
    Why persistently mislabel them Martyn? That is a right wing tactic.

    • because they’re not, nothing on economics or anything else just the promotion of an ‘interest group’ so no not leftists jase

    • ACT is exactly what they won’t do in government. ACT’s big drivers are minimal government except as to expedite business and private property rights. ACT would seek private provision for everything – even thought it clearly is not work in the ‘real’ world. What ACT specialise in is deceit (even if the evidence says otherwise – see e.g. charter schools) and reducing government in people lives – this also includes minimal redistribution of income through taxes and transfers. ACT should be “Private is the only way” (private business and funding should pay for all societies’ needs) – this would give a more accurate indication of the sort of political entity they are … make National look reasonable in contrast!

    • ” What is ACT? ”
      The association of corporates and financial traitors who also want their guns back.

      Anyone under $50,000 a year is a target for them and anyone who suddenly finds themselves out of work or out of their home.

      Only the rich have nothing to fear in a ACT-Nasty Natz government.

      • You just need to boost your income, property investment offers good returns if you’re interested. Safe as houses too.

      • It’s a big issue for me, get Labour to reverse the laws & remove the Police from administering licencing and I’ll vote for them.

        Cost of living, housing, Auckland issues don’t really effect me, so won’t win my vote. However, Labour needs to go for so many other reasons as well, New Zealand can’t handle another three years.

    • My son is too and all his shooting mates. The sooner licensing is taken out of the hands of the cops, the better.

  4. ACT’s rise is not just the emergence of the wokerati. It is also due to National’s wet indecisiveness. ACT are getting votes of National and the overall left/right blocs are as even as they traditionally are.

        • I certainly don’t, they are Neo-liberal to the core, but there are plenty on this blog that seem convinced Labour are still Left Wing, and if Labour would only remember their roots, everything would be OK & Labour would fix everything. Problem is, Labour do remember their roots and that’s why they are always harking back to Savage, Nash & Kirk, whilst neglecting to highlight the “achievements” of the fourth Labour Government that are currently guiding the party.

  5. When Act can win more electoral seats that is when they can lay claim to being a successful party. At the moment they win a predominantly wealthy electorate not very representative of NZ and then the rest of his colleagues get a free ride based on the party vote his party gets. This is one of the downfalls of our current system. As a party can get thousands of party votes more than an electoral win and yet still miss out. Perhaps we could set the number of parties votes a party has to win based on the population numbers. As for sixteen-year-olds voting this could be added at a later date after civics is taught in schools for a few years. The four-year term can be good and bad. We should be working harder to engage more people in voting. Act at the moment is being divisive and its working for them but it’s not good policy for race relations in fact it’s a giant step backwards. When they have the political debates NZers need to be made aware of all the damage Act can and will do.

      • Gender is not the same as gender identity. Hatespeech activists are not limiting free speech. They are taking the truth away. Government is not more expensive than privitization is. And AR-15’s can not stop words.

      • Increase inequalities, increase poverty rates, set back race relations with tangata whenua, increase prison numbers at billions of dollars of economic and social cost to our country. Reintroduce 3 strikes that failed in America. Is that enough for you kraut?

        • To be honest, all Labour had to do was build some fucking houses. Labour is losing because Labour is falling apart.

          • If building houses was that simple why didn’t National during their great immigration ponzi scheme. They did one without the other and now it’s catch up.
            Not sure an embicilic ACT gun policy will help build homes either, just quietly.

            • Guns won’t build more houses, but imagine how many lives could have been changed with the $200+ millions spent on the Buyback (mostly using taxpayers money to buy new guns for people with old guns)? How many homes could be built with the hundreds of millions of dollars that will be wasted on the firearms registry, which will solve no crimes & protect no lives? There’s your new houses in that squandered money. So much waste, so little achieved.

              • I fear that you are right.
                Efficiency was supposed to follow the neoliberal grip on our polity with intelligent decisions that had practical outcomes.

                • Sadly most of what we see is about protecting the profits of corporates and making sure ordinary people are controlled and kept from pushing back, hence the strong desire to remove legally held firearms from citizens.

  6. David Seymour is the smartest, talented most, hard working politician by a long way. They could even go beyond 17%

    • How much is Seymour interested in having a civilised, effective, community where people can find jobs that pay enough to live on with some money left over for small enjoyments? That would be a good outcome but doesn’t enter into the Axe regime at all.

  7. I love the irony of using the “Are we the baddies?” joke against “the woke” when Posie Parker herself was supported by literal neo-nazis…

  8. Rimmer is the only current political leader who isn’t disingenuous or outright corrupt when it comes to policy.

  9. So we have resource consents, building code of compliance, car driver licensing, car vinning and rego, licensing of builders, electricians, lawyers, doctors, liquidators, accountants, chemists, undertakers but guns and gun owners should be exempt from regulation, why? Because guns and gun owners are not a danger to the public like those aforementioned trades, professions and objects! Guns and gun owners require registration. Bro get over it.

    • If the regulations were about public safety that would be fine, but that hasn’t been the goal for a long time now. This about destroying people’s food gathering, sport & recreation by any means. This is only about control.

    • We had good laws & regulations, the Police ignored them & Labour destroyed them. No one is safer since 2019.

  10. Left and Labour people who are not woke and have enough to eat when they are threatened with not being able to say out loud what they think, do they vote for a fairer economy or to keep their freedom of speech?

    If you have lived long enough to have seen Muldoon bully journalists, attack left wing organisations and use the SIS to do his bidding, watched academic economists cowed by Treasury and Roger Douglas during an economic revolution then you understand the speech cancellation laws will cut both ways and those people wanting a fairer society will have their voice repressed in the future.

  11. What’s happened to the Nana Beater and the Tomato Terrorist? Due in court soon?

  12. The fact Labour can’t do the budget forecast properly doesn’t help either. This makes ACT look better.

    Labour haven’t even taken into account the surplus in 2026 won’t have the tobacco tax as it is illegal in 2025.

    Grant is making some very basic errors at the moment.

    To be honest I would vote for ACT if they outlined their position on the Treaty better (keeping it) and also said ‘No’ to state privatization. However, I doubt that will happen.

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