Tonight with the leader of ACT, NZ Herald Columnist Simon Wilson and Stuff columnist Damien Grant.
Issue 1 – ACT conference + latest Polls
Issue 2 – Is Wayne Brown the worst Mayor Auckland has ever had?
Issue 3 – Why won’t Labour regulate capitalism with the same passion they want to regulate Free Speech?
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and Issue 4 – 4 year terms, 3.5% MMP threshold, prisoners voting and lowering voting age to 16
The podcast broadcasts live 7.30pm Tuesdays from our purpose built studio bunker ADJACENT to Mediaworks studios on Facebook, YouTube &, The Daily Blog and replayed on Channel 200 Freeview and posted up afterwards on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Rova & YouTube
Why not ask Seymour what all this red tape is?
It’s like hate speech, you know it when you’re entangled in it.
A must watch with such a good cast.
If we reduce the MMP threshold to 3.5%, it means good people like Brian and Hannah Tamaki can get into parliament!
Hopefully the guests are in the studio tonight and not using dial up broadband!
Yay more middle aged plus men. Can’t you throw in a token female or young person every week? (Jenny Shipley doesn’t qualify as either). Working Group bro show.
There are many all women podcasts funded by NZ on Air that you can go and listen to.
The Working Group is not funded by NZ on Air, is the number 1 political podcast not funded by NZ on Air – and 80% of our audience is male.
Pale, stale & male.
Oh totes, and yet it rates so well
Because women don’t vote or care about politics?
That’s a strange thing to think. but you can chose to listen to the all women NZ on Air political panel shows
That was exploring your thinking, not mine. I wouldn’t be here if I didn’t care about politics and I’ll definitely be voting. We need out of this, before the country sinks further into this mire of despair.
TDB check your ego.
No it’s because woman are fisically inferior they overwhelmingly take the easy paths. Your sitting up here bitching because you can’t throw hands and it’s like fuck off you crazy woman. Stop trying to start shit you can’t back up. It’s Martyn’s platform. He’s found a massive gap in the market and you want him to give you his platform because you don’t know how to popularise your own message you have to shame Martyn, insult him, guilt trip with rightous neediness. I actually would mind a panel with radical feminists on one side and actual victims of domestic violence just to see how each view lines up in reality because I think it’s radically feminists that have been bullshiting to Young woman.
Misogyny much!
You could get Nicole McKee on for a chat, now that would be interesting.
Maybe she could autograph some Charlton Heston posters
Have you got some?
TDB is this a function of who responds to your panel invites? There have been quite a few women on the show over the years, though notably more leaning right than left. It is notable to me that there seems to be a bit of a vacuum of left-wing politicians… (filled by left-wing union types and journalists so it’s still fairly balanced). Presumably this is because they don’t want to come on the show? You’re gaga for Chloe… does Green party have a blanket ‘no appearances on the working group’ policy?
I don’t know the motivations of Chloe or the rest of the green woman but the panel really isn’t gendered. Not because they hate woman but because on the whole The Working Group trys to come at issues from both sides. It could be that trans going into woman toilets are good for this reason but trans woman going into female toilets is bad for that reason. The Working Group really isn’t gendered. Sure if it was about period pain or whatever they’ve deferred to the proper expertise.
Is TDB telling women that TWG is not meant for them? That they’re not wanted and therefore discounted because they have been made “popular” by 80% men? LOL.
you are free to watch the NZ on Air funded all female podcasts on The Spinoff – or you can start your own., That is the joy of a liberal progressive democracy.
Surely it would be easy for ALL the members on the panel to identify as woman to satisfy the Michele’s of this world? (Just remember to re identify as men afterwards).
I would think that woman have a far bigger confrontation to combat than throwing bric bats at an all male panel podcast.
How is loss of identity and privileged to men who identify as woman? Having to share woman only spaces and activities with bearded hulks. How is that OK?
Mind you it would solve the gender pay gap issue if ALL men identified as woman. Problem solved.
Simon Wilson tries to demonstrate reason by whispering.
It would be useful for Wilson to listen to his own calculations. Even his best case scenario tells us that selling the shares is the right thing to do.
It would be useful if Seymour or Grant had any intellect around calculations. Even Bernard Hickey thinks this non sensical to sell the shares given the only abnormality in dividend was because of Covid. But Seymour is a covid denier, land owner denier and well a poor politician all round. He is a Rogernomic follower and that is economically dangerous. Search Rogernomics as we know you weren’t in the country at the time.
I do like you hard right wing attempt to dismiss Wilson’s balance, it hasn’t gone unnoticed( like the rest of your posts)
Over the last 10 years the council has received 400mil in dividends from AIA.
Paying down debt by 2 billion means a interest payment saving, over that same period, of 870 million.
The forward projections of dividend payouts are only 2.3% at best. The Council is paying 4.35% in interest.
The math is pretty simple.
FFS. They’ve used borrowed money to buy them.
So take the interest from the money used to buy them, subtract that from your, dividend and what’s left?
Every single stockbroker and accountant will tell you the shares are vastly overvalued, so flog the bloody things off. Take the win.
Pay down debt, invest in infrastructure such as storm water, dams, stable electrical supply roads, you know core council roles.
If and when you ever get in the position you have an ongoing budget surplus, or minimal debt, then either lower our rates. Or invest in good blue chip shares. But it’s very clear we have some way to go before we worry about that.
Also, btw the golf courses are worth way more than $2.9 billion. The value is a function of the zoning. You live zone apartments and that land is worth at least 10x.
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